HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-04-AC-MIN.pdf 54 APPRGP�TATI011 COT�II�iITT�E DATI�,s February 4, 197� TIIV'iEs '�: 30 P.itT. PLACEs Town Gffice Buildin� - Room G-15 PRES�NT: �dward �;. Furash, Chairman, Jack Z. T��litchelly Vice Chairman - Gen. Gov't. � Donald B. White � Vice Chairman - Schools, Elizabeth Pfi. Flynn, Secretary� J. H. Blaisdell, Levi G. Burnell� Patricia K. Hagedorn, Howard L. Zevingston, Richard T4�. Perry, Comptroller CBSERVER: Nrs . Maxjorie Daggett - League of Women Voters I . D.P.W. Present: 1�7essrs. Coschia & Empey Requested - a) $400, 000 new machinery b) 5 new trucks -- trucks now in use are in bad condition; body rot and parts not easily purchased. Estimated cost for complete new unit is $17,0�0. This group acts for 1/3 of the fleet. __ c ) 2 snow-fighters. As of nowy parts unaccessable . Would like to replace with 2 dump trucks and do away with specialized units that car. only be used during .a fev� months a year. :�17,000 each one . d) Landfill truck - present condition is bad and not H►orth takin�; out. Re�air: ��6, 200. e ) Nelson Loader purchased. in 1964. IVot roadworthyo Used only in yard for loadin� sand. Parts impossible to �et. f) 2 graters - $3�`_500 to replace . Cost of a �ood used machine is �1$�000 - �20,000. �) Blower - both engines just about burned aut. Cannot handle wet snow �42,000 cost. h) 2 new Gangmower-Chairman askPd for a special analysis on this item from iY�r. T�!caweeney. i) Rotarf tVTowers j ) 2-way radios requested for all new trucks . The Chairman ask.ed what the prioritie� would be if we could only spend $100,000-$1�0�00(3? I�'r. Empey pointed out that present rental costs are terribly hi�h, i .e. , $40.00 per hour for Nelson Loader. The Chairman requested a picture from r�r. PrlcSweeney , on the replacement costs vs rental. At the conclusion of the meetin�, the Chairman asked D7r. Burnell to fallow-u� the foll�wing points with Mr. tv:cSweeneya 1) Justification on the lawn mowers, — clamshell, basin cleaner 2) Truck t�entals 3} How far behind on purchasedequipment? �) What are real priarities? a�"a�_ ST . H�CR�ATIGt�t Present: R. Wortheim C. Gallagher D. Busa H� �isenber� R. �ertini Friori_tv List: 1. �31,000 - Tennis Courts 2. �30,000 - soft ba11 li�hts - center �;;` 3. 20,000 - new pool stud�r 4. 10�000 filter replacement - Center Pool ���� �� 2,500 - bike paths r;t 6� $44,000 - new tennis courts 7. � 6,500 - water fountain - Lincoln Street 8• 1f000 - piano - Senic�r Citizens Water Fountain - Lincoln Street � This is now being used for Little Lea�ue Games and Soccer with no water fountain available . It was felt by the Chairman tha.t this belongs in the DPW budget and will so be checked with the Selectmen. P�ol Filter and Studv � There is a constant loss of water at the present t�_?TIP r t!ls� both bath houses are against Health �epartment standards. Mr. Bertini stated that the cost of a new pool. wou].d be approximately $130,000 - bath house would be `�175,000. The study would be ju�t at the Center and would look into existing pool renov�.tion and possible �choal expansion of the swimmin� pool. Tennis Courts Temporary re�airs were done and are not at all satisfaetory. Gras� is �;rowing through and the general condition is bad. P1.an would include : l. reconstruct 3,4,5 & 6 at Center; resurfacin�� etc � 2. r.esurface two courts at Valley, 3. resurface two courts at Adams Res.- �40,i0�0 Ran into Hatch Act grobleMs thus the delay. �rust as soon as weather permits, work will be�in and continue until the money runs out. New pipeline wi11 run '�7, OOa-w10, 000. It is a sure thing that more money will be r_eeded . Soft Ball Zi�hts at the Center Tt is felt by the Recreation Committee that these should definitely be made available for those wishin� to play soft ball. � � Bike raths These have not been done to dateo It was put into the hands of the DPW to complete stated i�r. Gallagher and I do not feel � this was the nraper way to handle the situation. III . BICENTEtdNIAL Present: K. Howard T. l�iancini R. P�ichelson R. Tarlin R. Greeley P.7rs . Nusdorfer Bud�;ets $150�000 �ross budget � 10,000 additional costs $100,000 LBC � �0,004 Reserve Fund � $ 10,00Q Trust Funds Reserve Fund Chairma.n Furash feels very strongly a�ainst this idea as these funds are to be used only for L'nforseen and Extraordinary Expenses . This point is to be further discussed with the �3oard oi aelectmen. The followin� points to be explored were brought up by Chairman Furashs 1. how to best minimize traffic? � 2. how to make people welcome ` 3. how to make people behave and reassure our citizens regarding behavorial roroblems, �. ask the Town to appropriate �I10, 000. IV . GEN�RAL BUSINESa l. Y�r. Blaisdell requested the Chairman to write a letter to the School Committee askin� that they remove $500,000 from the budget. Chairman Furash and members of the Committee a�;reed and so the letter will be drafted. 2. Finance Committee :�inner - Messrs. Perry and Blaisdell will attend. 3. The Committee agreed to meet on �aturday, February 16, 1974� for a morning work session. V . SEI,ECTi�jEN'S I4��TITdG The Committee meet at .q:50 P.ivi. with Selectmen Baiiey, Busa, Brown and Riffin. Also attendin� was Town 1�7anager 0'Connell. Chairman Furash very briefly outlined the various outeomes from ----• meetings held on this night. The budgets were reviewed in a short manner by Town T�7anager C'Connell. At the summation, Chairman Furash asked the Selectmen just where some people couid .� 1 be removed from the payroll. We are a�ain to meet with the Selectmen to go into more detail on this matter. iv?eetin� adjourned at 10: 35 P•�1• Next meeting is scheduled for hRonday� February 11, 1q74 at 7: 3o P.M. �.� �.._. �.4 Respectfully Submitted, � �.E:�� /1� V �'�����, �j , �� Elizabeth if. Flynn/mo•b �ecretary