HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-26-AC-MIN.pdf 40 APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 26, 1973 TIME: 7:30 P.R . PLACE: Town Office Building PRESENT: Edward E. Furash, Chairman, Jack L. Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Donald B. White, Vice Chairman, Arthur T. Bernier, J. H. Blaisdell, Howard L. Levingston OBSERVER: Mrs. Daggett - League of Women Voters I . GENERAL DISCUSSION a. Regional Vocational Hiah School Chairman Furash and Vice Chairman Mitchell attended a meeting re- garding the above subject and reported the following: $3,800 per pupil; budget is 30% above projections of a year ago; group in- centive plan, $1250 per teacher (if Collective Bargaining enters here the Chairman feels we should get out) ; plans and concepts for the school are very presumptous and quoting the Chairman "it is like a glorified country club" . Don White reported that he feels there is a good chance of getting the budget down. The Chairman stated that in his opinion the "whole idea was far away from the way Vernon Page wanted it to be when he sold the Town on the idea of a Vocational School." There are many different avenues which should be explored and many concepts which have never as yet been looked into. The following are some projected costs: 35,000 - Superintendent 25,000 - Principal 15,000 - Teachers 30,000 - learning center $20,000 - Audio Visual $90,000 - Transportation Don White will attend a meeting on November 27, 1973 and report findings to the Committee . Chairman Furash asked for a VOTE concerning the attendence of Appropriation Committee members at the meetings of the Regional Vocational High School Upon Motions duly made and Seconded it was VOTED to have Appropriation Committee members attend Vocational High School Meetings. b. Association of Town Finance Committees Meeting is to be held on Tuesday, December 4, 1973. J. H. Blaisdell and R. Perry will attend. • 41 c. Receipt was made of a note received from H. Bigelow Moore announcing his resignation from the Appropriation Committee. This is being sent to Mary McDonough and then on to the Moderator. Upon Motions duly made and Seconded, it was VOTED to send a letter to Big Moore expressing thanks to him for serving on the Committee . d. Personnel Board Chairman Furash stated how very surprised the Selectmen were relative to the determined position held by the Appropriation Committee here. However, Chairman Furash e: assured the Selectmen that the Committee would thoroughly review their proposals in a very fair manner. The Committee made the following suggestions: Recommendation for a five person Board comprised of citizens of sound business judgment and preferably having personnel experience ; Town Manager made a member Ex-Officio. It was generally agreed that Messrs. Bernier, Blaisdell, Burnell and Mitchell would work on this subject. Mr. Bernier is to get in touch with the head of the Concord Personnel Board and see if he would be able to come and meet with the Appropriation Committee on Monday, December 3, 1973. e . Personal Services Memorandum This was reviewed very briefly and the Chairman's first view would be to have a moratorium for any new people. This will be discussed in more detail at a leter meeting. Upon motions duly made and seconded EXECUTIVE SESSION was VOTED at 8:55 P.M. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 3, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, zi-470-Le-ti--, ..77.9.4,--x-:Aow. Elizabeth M. F1 nn mo' y / b Secretary Xovember 27 , 1173 Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. , mo4lerator Town of Loxinaton 1.6 Hill Ctreet Lonington, MA 02173 57wr Mr. Cole; • As of this late I have received the resignation, ;latoyl November 19, 1973, of n. nianlow mnore as a member • of the Appronriation Committw3. The. resignation was af7dressedto lilward 1 . Furash, Chairmanof the !Qnropriation Comittee. Very truly yours, *41 '2U4n444.4 Mary. a. r-:cDonnuch '.11:olan Cleric 4RMInj cc: Allan r. renney, Chmn. , ))d. of Selectmen Walter C. O'Connell, Town Manager yretward E. Puras!), Chmn„ Aypropriation Com. nictard Perry, Comptroller