THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 1, 2001, 7:45 P.M., ROOM 105
Present: P Hamburger, R Pawliczek, D Brown, S Spector, E Michelson, R Eurich, K
Dooks, A Levine, A Nedzel, J Ryan
Also Present: J Andrews
4 MOTION: Approve minutes of January 8, 2001. Unanimous
MOTION: Approve minutes of January 25, 2001 as amended. Unanimous
4 A Levine introduced J Andrews to make a presentation on the proposed PAYT
Program (see handout). Presentation made for the program with questions made
during the discussion. Reasons for the proposal are both economic and
environmental. Our success will assist in future negotiations with NESWC.
4 General discussion on the Capital Summit Meeting which took place on January 30,
2001. D Kaufman sent around e-mail to all that was a summary of what took place.
There will probably be a Special Town Meeting in the fall of 2001 to be followed by
a debt exclusion vote. Consensus at this time is that there will be a request for $6
million for roads and possibly$55 million to build 2 new elementary schools and
renovate two others. The final two elementary will be done at a later date.
4 A Levine reported on the meeting that took place on Monday, January 29, 2001
regarding the latest cost estimates for the Cary Library renovation project. The
estimated cost is now at$12.4 million. The Cary Library Foundation and Trustees
will report to the BOS on Monday, February 5, 2001.
General discussion of the BRC. AC members should forward comments to P
Hamburger and A Levine.
4 E Michelson stated that Belmont voted against the proposed FY 02-assessment
arrangement. Therefore our FY 02 assessment should be approximately $786,000