Present: P Hamburger, R Eurich,A Levine, C Welch, A Nedzel, D Brown, S Spector,
E Michelson, J Ryan
Absent: R Pawliczek
Also Present: C Hornig, S Stolz, G Burnell, T Griffiths, and N Bhatia
• Joint meeting of the AC and CEC
• C Hornig briefed those in attendance as to what transpired at the "gang of 8"meeting
which took place this morning. Summit VI has been rescheduled for Tuesday,
February 29, 2000 at 4:30 p.m. in the Diamond Middle School. The primary reason
for the re-scheduling is that the SC will be formally receiving the report of the task
force, assigned to look at the elementary school reconstruction needs, on Tuesday
evening, February 15, 2000. Discussion should take place after SC has received the
• C Hornig discussed the draft of their report"Recommended Big-Ticket Capital
Appropriations". The report identified potential needs for the elementary schools,
street maintenance, senior center, DPW facility, Fire Headquarters, east Lexington
Library and the landfill closure.
• The school department identified additional capital needs, which may require funding
in FY 01. The town and school staffs will attempt to re-do the Cash Capital Plan over
the next week or two. This will more than likely require the CEC to amend their draft
• The CEC briefly discussed some modifications to the FY 01 Cash Capital Plan. Put
off purchasing an ambulance for a year and apply that funding to making renovations
to Fire Headquarters.
• S Spector discussed the progress being made by the Site Utilization Committee. Their
report should be completed shortly.
• E Michelson discussed the MMRVHS issue. The budget was adopted by the
MMRVHS Committee this week at$13.6 million(1.87%increase). The school is no
longer accepting new choice students; the current students are grandfathered. The
assessments to the member communities have not yet been finalized. Arlington
appears to want to pay their assessment based on the Ed-Reform formula, which will
reduce their assessment,by $66,000. How that difference will be made up has not yet
been determined. The amount being requested in the warrant appears to be
approximately$10,000 greater than the preliminary assessment estimate from
• A Levine presented information on PILOT's. Discussion will continue at future
• P Hamburger stressed the need for members to complete their assignments.