HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-03-AC-MIN.pdf APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2000. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE Present: P Hamburger, R Pawliczek, D Brown, A Nedzel, E Michelson, R Eurich, S Spector, A Levine, J Ryan Absent: C Welch • MOTION: Approve minutes of January 27,2000 as amended. Unanimous • Present minutes of January 19, 2000 for approval at next meeting • Review of TM presentations. (a) Article write-ups due 2/17/00 except capital 2/24/00. (b) Other write-ups due 2/24/00. (c)VOTES ON ARTICLES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2/17/00 • Other meetings: S Spector discussed his attendance at Site Utilization meetings. General sense is that the police and fire will stay where they are. DPW will probably stay also with no move to Hartwell Ave. (too removed?). Rehab existing building at 201 Bedford St with perhaps some town hall departments moving to 201 Bedford St (i.e.: planning, engineering). General consensus appears to be that there is not enough vault area or storage area. Some discussions of possibly placing the school print shop in the basement of town hall. Committee will meet Saturday in an attempt to make some decisions. • R Pawliczek discussed and handed out a copy of the school budget, increase of$3.8 million. School capital budget not yet completed. May only need 2 portables, technology and Bowman School repairs. Diamond schedule will probably not be modified. E Michelson and others pointed out increases, which require additional explanation. Identify all increases in excess of 50% or$100,000 and get an explanation. • P Hamburger discussed ceiling problems at the Harrington School. • D Brown distributed and there was a discussion around the"town comparison data". Difficult to compare communities. Reporting is not necessarily consistent. Are water, sewer and recreation reported in the general fund or as enterprise funds? Is school debt service a part of the school expenditures? Discussed average single family tax bill vs. other communities, tax bill as a percentage of household income (1989 income from federal census is problematic), school population as a percent of total population, percent of general fund expended on schools, per student cost. AC agreed to study data and try to determine what can be used. • R Eurich discussed possible alternative to the process. Simply vote a dollar amount for the override and then let the BOS decide what will be at risk if the override fails. Need to determine statutory requirements for the votes by Town meeting. • General discussion of the"at risk items"which will constitute the override. Some concern expressed over the fact that the question is bundled. If AC members not in agreement with the list,prepare options for discussion. • AC will meet on February 24th in addition to previously scheduled meeting(each Thursday in February) Ac2.3.00