Present: P Hamburger, R Pawliczek, P Lapointe, E Michelson, C Welch, A Levine, J
Absent: S Coit, D Kessler
Also Present: C Hornig, G Woodbury
• G Woodbury discussed the NESWC contract and the funding request for FY 00
• Discussion of the community stabilization and tip fee stabilization funds
• Discussed the need to install air pollution scrubbers, approximate cost $1,000,000
• General discussion of the fy00 DPW operating budget as it now stands. G Woodbury
discussed cuts that were made prior to the 1/15/99 budget submission and the
additional cuts now being considered.
• AC will need to produce a short report for the beginning of Town Meeting making a
recommendation on Article 1, Portable Classrooms ($500,000)
• Discussed possible need to submit a report to Town Meeting on Articles 18, 19 and
21 assuming that they will be discussed prior to the discussion of Article
22(Operating Budget)
• Conservation Commission member David Williams discussed Article 34, Land
Acquisition Bond ($3,000,000). He stated that if this article were to pass, the
Conservation Commission would then come back to Town Meeting seeking their
approval for each proposed land purchase to be made against from this funding.
Concern voiced that the bond authorization is exactly that and there is no mention in
the article requiring the Con. Comm. to return to Town Meeting for each purchase.
David indicated that there is state funding which would reimburse the Town for 50%
of the cost of the land acquisitions. The master plan is not quite completed. Decisions
will have to be made as to how the town intends to fund these costs in the future.
• AC will take position on financial articles on March
• E Michelin discussed potential cuts being proposed in DPW
• A Levine discussed possibility of redirecting potential cuts. He fees that some cuts
other than those being proposed would be more appropriate
• P Lapointe expressed concern over the aggressive revenue estimates being used in FY
00, the SpEd budget, trash stabilization being used and the bond issue authorizations
being considered. Where will the funding come from?
• Discussed the financial articles with a sense that there is no problem with some but
others need further clarification