Present: P Lapointe, P Hamburger, R Borghesani, R Pawliczek, R Colwell, A Levine, J Ryan
Absent: M Miley, I Mroczkowski, S Coit
* General discussion of P Lapointe"Discussion Draft" dated August 1, 1997. Draft was
distributed at the August 7th meeting (gang of 8)but was not discussed,
* P Lapointe discussed joint meeting of the BOS and SC with the PBC. Tour of Estabrook
School with J Moynihan and PBC highlighted work to be done in that particular school.
Similar work will be done in all buildings.
* PBC expects to receive cost estimates from HMHF on August 15th and anticipates being
prepared to discuss cost issues in early September. R White made a brief presentation of
possible Town projects at the joint meting.
* Discussed having CEC do the capital analysis with the AC making financial projections. Need
to do less but in a much better fashion.
* CEC should prepare needs based projections.
* AC will look at tax impact as well as other financial matters.
* AC must attempt to determine what costs will be associated with increased enrollment and
what effect that will have on salary increases over the years.
* How have home values increased and is it due to a commitment to education?
* Joint Meeting with CEC (K Dooks, C Hornig, S Stoltz, C Touart
* Need to narrow focus on and do it well
* Need to develop five (5)year projection of revenue and expenses along with enrollment
* What will effect be on tax levy for personal services vs debt
* AC should provide the Town Meeting as well as the general public with estimated tax rates
and levy for the next five (5) years.
* CEC should prepare five (5) year projections on capital scenarios
* Compute overall impact of school project on Town finances
* Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th
* Motion to adjourn.