Present: P Lapointe, M Miley, R Borghesani, S Coit, I Mroczkowski, R Pawliczek, J Ryan
Absent: R Colwell, R Leone, L Peck
* Distributed and discussed the following:
January 14, 1997 letter from P Lapointe to Jane Pagett re: MMRVHS contract. Contract was
adopted by the MMRVHS with two communities opposed: Lexington and Belmont
Draft of the 1997 Warrant was distributed
Town Manager's budget minus his message was distributed. Town Manager to present his
budget with message on Monday, January 27, 1997
Superintendent's budget to the SC was distributed
Debt schedule models distributed
* Models for possible debt service for school capital were explained and discussed. S Coit
discussed meeting that took place on Friday, January 17, 1997 with staff and financial advisor
along with L McSweeney and J Dini
* P Lapointe has discussed SBAB backlog with staff at MMA. There currently is a significant
number of projects in the" pipe line" awaiting approval and many more are anticipated. What
does the future hold for the program? Will funding remain at 59%?
* AC needs to attempt to determine the impact the capital program will have on the school
operating budget
* Meeting schedule: Thursday, January 30th @ 6:30pm in Room 105
Thursday, February 6th @ 7:30 pm in Room 105
Thursday, February 13th @ 6:00 pm in Teacher's Cafeteria @ Clarke Sch
Thursday, February 27th @ 7:30 pm in Room 105
* Motion to adjourn
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