* Present: P Lapointe, R Leone, M Miley, M Mairson, J Pagett, R Borghesani, R Colwell,
J Ryan
* Absent: L Peck, M Hastings
* P Lapointe sent out letters to other members of the MMRVHS District recommending
that they reject the MMRVHS budget for fy 97
* Will pursue fund balance issue and if not successful will attempt to get support from the
* P Lapointe discussed his presentation to the BOS last evening, reviewing free cash and
the budget gap. School revenue down to $ 111k from $ 148 K . If funding for the snow
deficit and the $ 886k allocated by the Town Manager are approved free cash will be
approximately $ 700k
* Need to focus on a five year horizon( see capital five year projection for fire and dpw
requests). Also review school enrollment and capital requests for the same time period.
* R Borghesani indicated that he did not feel that the discussion surrounding the 3 for 1
salary payment and the fire pumper purchase registered with the BOS.
* Fire dept has become an ambulance service
* M Miley raised questions as to why we have a deputy chief
* R Borghesani feels that the BOS and SC will have discussions on Town Meeting floor
with nothing being resolved before hand.
* P Lapointe posed the question as to whether the AC should make its own series of
* R Leone expressed reluctance to balance departments budgets
* P Lapointe handed out General Fund projections followed by a general discussion
* R Borghesani feels that wages and benefits need to be reviewed closely
* P Lapointe will request more data on the 3 for 1 payroll issue
* R Leone feels that we will come out of Town Meeting with $ 432k in free cash. A 6.9%
increase in taxes is acceptable but not to remain stagnant.
* M Miley will review Reserve Fund transfer history.
* Is there a need to establish additional enterprise funds such as "Lexport" for all
transportation needs, a parking lot enterprise and an yard waste enterprise fund
* R Leone discussed the following issues which need to be addressed:
1) override
2) town wide policy on wages
3) equal % cuts
4) service cuts
5) new fees
* R Borghesani discussed the technology issue, see handout
Need for a five year educational plan as well as a technology plan. There are
questionable benefits to the students
* P Lapointe handed out the CEC preliminary report
* MOTION: To approve the Library request at $ 7.7mm UNANIMOUS
* Next meeting April 1, 1996