Present: P Lapointe, M Miley, M Mairson, R Colwell, J Pagett, L Peck,
R Leone, R Borghesani, J Ryan
Absent: M Hastings
* R Leone discussed the meeting he attended on Friday, March 8th with P Lapointe, R
White and G Woodbury regarding utilities( Art 37). G Woodbury has done this in the
past and seems very knowledgeable on the subject. A vote against the article will hurt
the Town's ability to structure an agreement with Boston Edison. Town Meeting should
support the article. Discussed the possibility of creating an enterprise zone consisting of
the Town, Hanscom and the businesses on Hartwell Avenue. This process require two
separate Town Meeting votes, the current vote only authorizing a discussion with Boston
Edison. The first to negotiate a contract with a utility may get locked into a long term
deal which may or may not prove advantageous but it also may be beneficial to be the
first to do so.
* R Leone discussed the article dealing with NESWC( Art 38). Contractual agreement to
pay for the scrubbers, $ 66 million over 10 years will greatly increase the tipping fee.
Question is do we extend the contract or walk away from the project? Need to insure
that this article is not discussed in conjunction or near the utility article.
* P Lapointe discussed his meeting with FinCom members from Arlington and Belmont on
the MMRVHS issue. They intend to request that the Fiscal 1997 appropriation request
be reduced by approximately $ 500,000 to the state calculated minimum. This would
mean a reduction in Lexington's assessment of approximately $ 67,000. MMRVHS has
reserved $ 2.3 million of their fund balance of $ 2.8 million as of June 30, 1995.
P Lapointe along with Arlington and Belmont will meet with N Barnett and R Fitzgerald
on Monday, March 11, 1996 with their proposal.
* P Lapointe indicated that a discussion he had with R White indicated that there is a real
role for the AC to play in identifying and understanding the capital needs of the
community and what impact they will have on the long term operating budget. AC must
clearly articulate what needs to be said. The School Department currently relies on 58%
of the operating revenues of the Town. If current projections hold true, in 7 years the
School Department will require 100% of the operating revenues.
* Lexington's school enrollment is increasing the second fastest in the state.
* There are "chestnuts" on the Town side of the equation but there don't seem to be any
on the School side.
* P Lapointe expressed disappointment that there appears to be no flexibility with the
School Department in attempting to minimize the financial impact due to increases
enrollments. J Young does not suggest any financial response to the trend.
* R Leone discussed the teacher/student ratio. There are approximately 12 students per
teacher( approx 5500 students with 444 teachers).
* M Miley and others discussed the need to review our experience at the Hastings School
before going forward with the technology appropriation request. The experience at the
Hastings has been mixed.
* R Colwell has had some discussions with the Concord superintendent and they have put
the brakes on the technology program for pretty much the same reasons being discussed
in Lexington.
* AC report to Town Meeting should give a five year projection and how do we address
our capital needs going forward as well as catch up on some of the projects deferred.
* R Leone suggested that the Town do the following:
a) finance capital to the extent that debt reduces from year to year, maintaining our
current spending level for debt
b) use free cash only to play catch up on capital needs
c) review our debt policy and perhaps extend our amortization schedules
* MOTION: The AC will review all financial articles with a five year revenue and expense
projection in place in order to more properly inform Town Meeting of the consequences
of their vote. UNANIMOUS
* P Lapointe will attempt to complete a scenario for Thursday's meeting
* MOTION to adjourn