ROOM 105, TOWN HALL, 7:30 PM
Present: P Lapointe, J Pagett, L Peck, M Mairson, M Miley, R Borghesani,
R Leone, R Colwell, J Ryan
Absent: M Hastings
Also Present: J Dini, J Young, S Guryan, J Moynihan
* P Lapointe opened the meeting suggesting that the issues referred to in his memo of
February 5, 1996 be addressed.
* J Young discussed the post industrial school system. Schools cannot solve all problems
and therefore must become focused on those issues they can impact. The SC and
community must decide what are the most important issues facing the community and
what the school system will focus on. The school system today must access outside
agencies in order to learn. The role of the teacher will change with technology. The
teacher will become a guide or facilitator.
The educational focus as stated on page 9 & 10 of the superintendents budget book deals
with technology and core academics. The $ 45,000 requested is a small start.
* J Dini stated that he and J Young have met with other school committees and all seem
to have the same issues( Belmont, Lincoln, Weston, Carlisle). The schools have become
social welfare providers. Any changes which will result in long term savings are an
unknown at this time. The Education Reform Act requires that all teachers and
administrators be recertified at least once every five years (120ppds) the cost for which
the Town is responsible.
* Enrollment projections in the out years are probably understated. Any increase in class
size in an attempt top control costs will only be done when instructed to do so by the SC.
There are many needy families in town and there are citizens within the community who
are in denial of the issues facing some of the children. Lexington is not any different than
any other community in facing all the social problems of today's society.
* The issue of space was addressed by J Young and J Moynihan. An additional 23
classrooms will be needed over the next 4 years. This need will require some building.
All schools are currently full. $ 808,000 of the capital request in fiscal 1997 is space
related. Approximately $ 300,000 will be expended this summer with the remaining
$ 500,000 equaling 10% of a $ 5,000,000 program as identified by the Building Finance
Committee for the purpose of engaging an architect and space planner. The schools plan
is to use the industrial arts building for a technology lab. General discussion of the
LABBB program and the costs associated with the reallocation of space and the costs
associated with providing those services in another setting.
* Enrollments were discussed. The fiscal 97 estimate is too low. Add 100 to the out years.
The high and middle school numbers are fairly accurate but the elementary and
kindergarten are more difficult to project.
* S Guryan discussed some of the points raised in the P Lapointe memo as they relate to
insurance for both active and retired school personnel as well as special education related
issues. S Guryan estimates that there will be an increase in special education costs of
around $ 618,000. There is a cost associated with the agreement between the LEA and
SC for the 1 for 3 which will cost approximately $ 136,000.
* The school discussion ended with a thanks to all who participated.
* The CEC began a general discussion of the issues facing its committee.
* K Dooks indicated that she had met with the Town Manager. Information or lack
thereof seems to be slow in coming. A general discussion followed around the use of free
cash to balance the budget, the possibility of a debt exclusion for both existing and future
debt. No decisions have been finalized by the CEC as of this date. There was some
discussion of the possibility of selling assets. A general discussion of the proposed library
renovation and expansion was discussed as well as the COA air conditioning system and
the sewer infiltration program.
* Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 1996
* MOTION to adjourn