* Present: P Lapointe, M Miley, R Colwell, R Borghesani, L Peck, J Pagett,
M Mairson, R Leone, J Ryan
Absent: M Hastings
* MOTION: Accept minutes of October 10, 1995 meeting as amended. UNANIMOUS
* M Miley distributed information she had received from the DOR and DOE;
the Fiscal 1996 School Foundation Program, the Fiscal 1996 Foundation Budget,
Lexington "At a Glance", Trends in Cherry Sheet Aid, Estimated Receipts, General Fund
Expenditures by Function, Property Tax Trends, and MRGF (Municipal Revenue Growth
Factor Calculation). A general discussion of the data followed.
* P Lapointe distributed " Quarterly Report" prepared by J Ryan. General discussion
followed. J Ryan identified possible appropriation problems; Fire Expenses due to
equipment repairs, Lexpress Expenses due to additional hours of operation in order to
provide a service which coincides with the school bus schedule, a Retirement Expense
for a military service credit due an a former employee and the possibility of a shortfall
this year due to an increase in coverage for all governmental employees which will require
that all employees participate in the Medicare program. The Senate Finance Committee
has approved the change but Congress is yet to act on the change.
* Discussion regarding potential Fiscal 1996 budgetary problems centered around the
budgeting practices. It seems that every year the same departments experience problems.
It was discussed that perhaps departments might be forced to use Article 5 for
supplemental appropriations and do away with the Reserve Fund appropriation.
* AC would like to see rather than the detail as presented a summary of those
departments experiencing trouble, an explanation as to why and most important what is
the department doing to alleviate the problem short of requesting additional funding.
* P Lapointe will request a quarterly report from J Young
* P Lapointe distributed his analysis of a scenario of possible events and a detailed
discussion followed with some suggested revisions being made. P Lapointe will take
recommendations into account and prepare another scenario for the next meeting.
* Next meetings scheduled as follows:
Monday, November 27th @ 7:30 pm
Tuesday, December 12th @ 7:30 pm
Thursday, January 11th @ 7:30 pm