Present: P Lapointe, M Miley, M Mairson, J Pagett, L Peck, R Leone,
R Borghesani, M Hastings, R Colwell, J Ryan
MOTION: Approve minutes of September 11, 1995 as amended.
* P Lapointe will attend the BOS breakfast meeting to be held on Friday, September 29th
* P Lapointe discussed the budget schedules of the Town Manager and Superintendent of
Schools. P Lapointe will attempt to talk to both parties prior to the meeting on Friday
in order to suggest that they have schedules which coincide. General discussion followed
as to whether the different schedule will have any effect on the final outcome of the
process. Does the AC wish to have "agreement" earlier or later?
* P Lapointe will suggest that all parties work within a common set of budgetary guidelines.
* ATFC Annual Meeting will be held on October 28th. Those wishing to attend must
confirm with J Ryan no later than October 10th.
* P Lapointe has been solicited by M O'Sullivan to serve on the ATFC Executive Board
and will attend a meeting on October 4th in an effort to determine if he is willing to
commit to the ATFC.
* P Lapointe discussed minutes of a recent Long Range Planning Committee.
* P Lapointe and R Leone started a discussion of the Long Term Financial Planning
Scenarios as well as the Suggested Criteria for Testing the Scenarios. A lengthily
discussion amongst all the members of the AC followed.
* P Lapointe would like the AC members to their five to ten year projections for all six
scenarios to the next meeting. This is quite a different tact than has been taken in the
past and will require the AC to look at budget requests from an entirely different
Smaller study groups might put together a broad level of what may happen in five to ten
years if we were to play the scenarios out. There will be a need to add specific data in
order to help with the understanding of the issue.
* P Lapointe will talk to R White and J Young re budget calendar coordination,
establishing of guidelines for all parties and encourage early disclosure.
* R Leone would like to gather information as to school enrollment, number of teachers,
number of special education students and teachers, staffing levels for all departments for
the past five to ten years in an attempt to compare staffing levels with work load and
* Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 1995 @ 7:30 pm in the Comptroller's