HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-22-AC-MIN.pdf MINUTES APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE MARCH 22, 1995 Attendance: P. Lapointe, M. Mairson, R. Neumeier, R. Leone, J. Pagett, L. Peck, R. Borghesani, Tvi. Miley, C. Coughlin Absent: J. Ryan P. Lapointe reviewed the current budget status. At Monday's Selectmen's meeting, R. White announced that the Municipal Salary Adjustment could be reduced by $28,116 - approximately $24,000 from the General Fund and the remainder from Water/Sewer Enterprise. There was a lengthy discussion of the School Budget. It was expressed that the A.C. would encourage the School Committee to look at the transportation costs for an additional budget adjustment (fee for service). Motion: To approve a FY96 appropriation to the Lexington Public Schools of $37,409,921 (an increase of$2,276044). The Committee would encourage the School Committee to look at the compensation increases and transportation fees for the necessary reductions. The Committee would include the $10,900 Internet subscription in the School Budget. Moved by Borghesani, seconded by Coughlin Discussion on motion: Leone indicated that he was unable to support any of the current scenarios - he did not see that they were sustainable over time, there were no productivity improvements. He urged the Committee to look at the fiscal burden on the town. Pagett indicated her belief that we need to work with the budget we have before us and the people currently in place. A lot of good issues have been raised and the Committee should make those suggestions for the FY97 budget process. Mairson said that she would support the motion. Peck indicated her frustration with the school budget. The town needs to look long-term. Perhaps we should look at a percentage increase as a way to coalesce around a number- perhaps 6.5%. The issue of the impact of the special ed increase on available funding for other programs was raised. Miley described how the state of Washington handles special ed planning. Motion was defeated 1-8. Motion: Increase the FY96 Lexington Public School budget by 6.5% over the FY95 amount of$35,133,877 (total budget of$37,417,009). Moved by Borghesani; seconded by Neumeier Motion passed 6-3 (minority votes: Lapointe, Miley, Leone). The School Committee and Superintendent should be told about the frustration on the part of some Committee members about the budget process and the fact that the base budget needs to be examined. Meeting adjourned 8:25 pm.