Present: P Lapointe, C Coughlin, M Miley, J Pagett, R Borghesani, R Leone,
J Ryan
Absent: M Mairson, L Peck, R Neumeier
* P Lapointe opened the public hearing and welcomed those attending
* P Lapointe briefly discussed the AC Principles and stated that the AC was here
primarily to seek input from the public
* Joint public hearing of the AC and CEC will be held in Estabrook Hall on March 1st at
7:30 pm
* Budget discussion and planning must be for a period longer than one year at a time.
There is a real need for some long term planning
* N Cannanlonga asked if the AC was looking at any specific areas fore possible savings
next year. P Lapointe responded by stating that the AC was continuing to review the
possible changes in the way the municipal buildings are maintained as well as other areas
of reorganization with selective contracts being awarded in an attempt to save funds.
There needs to be a review of how we do things with a look at possible areas in which
we might support regional services.
* C Coughlin indicated that J Young had presented to the SC a list of possible cuts. The
SC did not however take a vote on any of his recommendations.
* J Pagett indicated that the class size issue appears to be up for discussion with the
possibility of there being some adjustment to the current policy and the result being larger
class size
* P Lapointe stated that he felt the town has good managers and that the town really
needs to decide on which services it really wishes to retain
* R Borgheasni that we can no longer review line item data and that in order to balance
the needs of the budget programs need to be reviewed and a decision made as to whether
they are to be retained or dropped
* N Cannanlonga addressed the road program and suggested that it perhaps be altered in
order that our expectations and ability to fund are more realistic. Many surrounding
communities do not have a road program
* B Collier stated that he felt neither the Town Manager's nor the Superintendent's budget
were put forth with must vision or options. Disappointed that no member of the BOS was
in attendance, a feeling echoed by a number of those attending. SC is putting forth
suggested cuts but there is nothing being suggested by the BOS
* Nancy Cannalonga reviewed the results of the Privatization Committee and suggested
that the town look at "team cleaning" with the anticipated retirements in the school
custodial staff. Nancy discussed low morale at the fire department, questioned the need
for a full time clerk, and the need for a Deputy Fire Chief. Fire fighters suggesting that
the Asst Fire Chief not be replaced when the incumbent retires. Part time employment
should be pursued vs full time with benefits. Town should charge for "white goods" pickup
* A Lazarus spoke highly of J Bergeron through his association with him on committees
* R Grammont expressed concern that part time employee feel entitled to benefits
normally associated with full time employment
* K Dooks stated that she felt that the $ 5.6 million in programs identified by the Town
Manager as programs already discussed should be looked at again
* C Coughlin discussed the BOS meeting on Monday and there discussions to how to
package the override question(s)
* P Lapointe indicated that the AC had not yet voted a position on the override
* R Borghesani feels that the AC should be a participant in the BOS and SC negotiations.
The AC has not been invited as of today nor has the CEC
* M Battin suggested that the AC either be a participant or prepare its own budget
recommendations for the town meeting
* S Elberger indicated that part time positions are appropriate in some areas but not in
others. Supervision requires management. Comparison of tax burden should be made with
other parts of the country as well as surrounding communities. The town needs to express
its concerns with the state legislature over funding
* David Kauffmam stated that property taxes in New jersey are substantially higher than
here. Is there still room for an increase in taxes?? Need to have issues put into a priority
listing in order for the citizens of the community to make good decisions.
* A Lazarus feels that the town needs a funding level greater than the 2.5% currently
authorized without having an override
* R Leone stated that service priorities are not articulated very well by managers
Innovations have not been discussed
There is no long range planning, only in the negative
Uncontrollable costs do not exist
AC function is not to second guess the managers or elected officials
* R borghesani solicited specific areas that the public feels the AC should look at
* General discussion continued
* P Lapointe closed the public hearing and reminded all parties that the AC and CEC will
conduct another public hearing on March 1st at 7:30 pm in Estabrook Hall