Present: P Lapointe, J Pagett, C Coughlin, M Miley, R Leone, R Borghesani,
L Peck, J Ryan
Absent: M Mairson, R Neumeier
Also Present: R White, Town Manager
* P Lapointe opened meeting and recognized R White in order to discuss the areas as
outlined on the suggested meeting agenda
* R White discussed the preliminary revenue projections for fiscal 1996. It is estimated the
Lottery revenue will increase by $ 100,000,Education Reform revenue will increase by
$ 50,000. There is little room for increases in local revenue. The BOS is reviewing all fees
and will recommend adjustments by October 17th in order to be factored into the FY 96
projections. "Free Cash" availability is estimated to be in the area of $ 500,000. It is
anticipated the tax levy will increase by approximately $ 1,500,000(allowable 2.5% increase
plus projected growth). The net result will yield $ 1,150,000 of net new revenue
($ 1,500,000+100,000+ 50,000-500,000). This increase in revenue will be offset with debt
service payments for the bond authorizations passed at the 1994 annual town meeting of
approximately $ 800,000.Thereby leaving approximately $ 350,000 to support all increased
requests. Preliminary estimated from J Young are in the area of$ 1,700,000 and the Town
approximately $ 1,200,000. The BOS at their goal setting session discussed the possibility
of an override or trash enterprise fund. BOS will perhaps have public hearings to solicit
citizen feedback on the trash issue.
* September 26th the BOS will meet jointly with the AC, SC, and CEC
* October 3rd Senator Havern will meet with BOS
* October 31st BOS to discuss estimated revenue and expense projections for FY 96.
* General discussion of the Privatization Committee (PC) and its focus. Stay clear of
political issues. Focus seems to be on facilities management.
* R White discussed in general terms labor negotiations. He serves as a School Committee
member in the area of collective bargaining. The tutors have organized and there are
approximately 66 who appear to be eligible for health insurance (minimum of 20 hours per
week, state statute). Concern that the cost will completely eliminate the savings recently
attained through coalition bargaining. Cost estimated to be in the area of $ 350,000.
Similar problem managed in other communities by hiring tutors with a work schedule of less
than 20 hours per week.
* Town employees to receive a distribution of the 1% appropriated. Distribution has not
yet been made. Lower employees will receive something greater than 1% with employees
having a higher compensation level receiving no pay increase. Bargaining units will
negotiate the 1% allotted. The 1% is considered by some employees as no pay raise and will
probably cause long term problems.
* R White expects that his budget will go to the printer by December 19th with BOS
budget session to take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings commencing on January
4, 1995.
* General discussion on privatization by R White.
* R Leone discussed privatization, re-engineering, greater service at less cost.
Met with J Moynihan who was willing to discuss the issue but discussion was disappointing
in that the savings the first year would be lost to unemployment costs. He did however put
forth a new plan as to how the work is to be done. R Leone likened the situation to
"dysfunctional micro-management". R Leone suggested that a Saturday session be held at
which two (2) possible vendors be asked to make a presentation regarding the philosophy
in the delivery of their service.
* P Lapointe attended a meeting of the PC and suggested that the PC look at the
privatization issue more broadly. PC and AC should coordinate their efforts and the AC
should remain on the sidelines in a supporting role of the PC.
* J Pagett stressed the need to control payroll and benefits costs. School department
should control the costs for health insurance for the tutors. Expressed concern the PC will
only look at the custodial privatization issue.
* C Coughlin concerned that the time constraints will be too much if a recommendation
is expected within the next two months( to meet Article 31 intent).
* M Miley suggested that community comparisons be made if not already done so.
Arlington and Danvers have already privatized the custodial services and would be
communities to discuss the issue with.
* P Lapointe suggested that the AC state as an agenda item for the September 26th
meeting the discussion of alternative service delivery.
* R Borghesani discussed regionalization and the fact that we should not drop the concept
while discussing privatization.
* MOTION to accept minutes of June 13, 1994, UNANIMOUS
* MOTION to accept minutes as amended for July 11, 1994, UNANIMOUS
* Next meetings scheduled for September 21st, joint meeting with BOS, SC, CEC on
September 26th, and October 13th.
* P Lapointe briefly discussed the meetings and discussions he has had with both J Young
and L Coit (see suggested agenda).
* J Pagett discussed the Goal Setting Meeting of the BOS. Discussion was on trash fee,
override or the cutting of services.
* MOTION to adjourn