HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-14-AC-MIN.pdf APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 14, 1994 COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, 7:30 PM Present: G Burnell, C Coughlin, S Nablo, M Mairson, P Lapointe, R Souza, R Borghesani, C Abbott, M O'Sullivan, J Pagett, J Ryan * AC attended BOS meeting in order to become apprised of the BOS recommended cuts in order to balance the FY 95 budget request to be put before Town Meeting * BOS recommendations included the following: Accept Early Retirement Incentive for the teachers with an estimated savings of$ 150,000 Privatizing school custodial services, $ 100,000 Miscellaneous Town cuts of $ 30,000 Increase in Lottery distribution $ 150,000 Deferred compensation vs FICA, School $ 140,000,Town $ 24,000 Parking lot operations $ 43,000 Recreation Fund to offset DPW costs by $ 150,000 Tipping fee reduction $ 70,000 Vocational Ed assessment $ 68,000 "Free Cash" application $ 724,000 Wage freeze for Town employees $ 250,000 School general cuts $ 500,000 Wage freeze in schools for non teaching staff $ 200,000 * Chair Dailey stated that if the $ 150,00 in early retirement incentive is not realized the Town will be responsible for making up 1/2 the shortfall with the schools making up the difference. If the savings is greater the schools keep all the savings. * AC meeting moved to the Comptroller's Office to discuss BOS budget * Minutes of February 22nd and 28th accepted as revised. * G Burnell stated that the BOS cuts will equal a balanced budget and he expects the SC to agree. The AC has made other recommendations prior to having a BOS adopted budget. Does the AC wish to proceed with AC recommendations or go with the BOS recommendations? Motion from committee sought to support BOS recommended budget, no motion put forth, therefore discussion of AC previously recommended cuts ensued. * C Coughlin felt that the BOS budget put the Schools at too much of a risk therefore privatization of the ambulance service should go forward ($ 400,000) * S Nablo questioned the deferred compensation program being put forth. Question as to whether there may be some future liability. * P Lapointe suggested that the AC be prepared to make a general presentation on the benefits to be derived from privatization. * C Coughlin feels that the AC is simply an advisory committee and needs to be careful of making specific recommendations. C Coughlin has spoken to R Frasier, labor counsel for the SC about making specific recommendations in a public forum and the possible impact on collective bargaining. The custodians have apparently requested that the SC re-open talks due to what has already been said publicly. * P Lapointe wished to go on record thanking C Coughlin for all her efforts in pulling together the AC report this year with some pretty lean material. The entire committee echoed P Lapoint's comments and thanked Chris for her efforts. * MOTION by P Lapointe to speak to the matter of privatization, specifically the ambulance and custodial services, including the Town buildings, and their long term impact. PASSED: UNANIMOUS * Request for a motion to accept 13OS recommendations. None put forth. * MOTION to reduce Vocational School request by $ 68,000 PASSED: UNANIMOUS * MOTION to reduce Community Services Expenses by $ 84,000 ( Street lights and Cemetery compressor). PASSED: UNANIMOUS * MOTION to reduce Law Enforcement by $ 128,000 (sector patrol) and reaffirm vote taken for AC report. PASSED: MAJORITY (8/1) * MOTION to reduce Fire Personal Services by $ 400,000 (privatize ambulance) and reaffirm vote for AC report. PASSED: MAJORITY (8/1) * C Abbott reported on the other votes taken this evening by the BOS. * Article 9 (3/1) to bond $ 781,000 for DPW equipment * Articles 11, 12, 13, support * Article 14, Indefinitely postponed * Article 15, wait for bids to be submitted * Article 16, support * Article 19, leave open, BOS surprised that the request has gone from $ 960,000 to $ 2,100,000 * Articles 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 support * Article 29-34 leave open * MOTION by P Lapointe to reaffirm vote on DPW equipment at $ 331,000 from the tax levy ( no bonding) PASSED: UNANIMOUS * MOTION to reaffirm vote taken on privatizing the ambulance service ( $ 400,000) PASSED: UNANIMOUS * MOTION to reaffirm vote taken on Stabilization Fund PASSED: MAJORITY (8/1) * MOTION to reaffirm vote taken on the School Department request ( $ 600,000) PASSED: MAJORITY (8/1) * MOTION to accept cuts proposed by BOS as follows: Increase in Lottery Funds $ 150,000 Deferred Compensation vs FICA $ 164,000 NESWC tipping fees $ 70,000 Parking lot maintenance $ 43,000 Recreation fund subsidy to DPW $ 150,000 Vocational Ed assessment $ 68,000 Miscellaneous Town cots $ 30,000 * MOTION to apply cuts made thus far( $ 282,000) back into free cash FAILED (3/6) * MOTION to request that Article 4 be postponed until March 28th due to the fact that it is now 11:00pm, the BOS voted their budget this evening and the SC will vote theirs tomorrow evening. There simply is not sufficient time available for the AC to complete its charge. PASSED: MAJORITY (8/1) * G Burnell when asked stated that the reason for his not voting with the majority on some issues this evening is because he feels that the BOS and SC have worked very hard to bring the budget into balance and he is uncomfortabl;e moving forward on some issues. * MOTION to adjourn PASSED: UNANIMOUS acmtmal4