FEBRUARY 28, 1994
Present: C Coughlin, S Nablo, J Pagett, P Lapointe, R Souza, C Abbott,
R Borghesani, M Mairson, M O'Sullivan, J Ryan
Absent: G Burnell
* J Kaufman was an invited guest asked to explain the purpose of Article 31
He feels disempowered due to the timing of the finalization of the budget
requests from both the BOS and SC. There is not enough time allotted for
Town Meting to make good decisions when the information is finalized at such
a late date. We need to circumvent the "warfare" between the BOS and SC.
Article 31 is similar to language in the Town Manager Act. J Young and R White
feel that the deadlines in the article are doable at their respective levels.
The schedule is intended to force the BOS and SC to make a decision and also
would strengthen the role of the AC.
* S Nablo questioned the schedule and whether it would in fact provide any change
in the existing schedule.
* C Coughlin commented that at this point the AC is making recommendations based
on the Town Manager and Superintendents budget requests. We still do not have
a request from either the BOS or SC.
* R Borghesani stated that we already have preliminary data in November and that if
part (d) were passed it would simply add more time to the process and not necessarily
speed it up.
* J Kaufman agreed after some discussion that the word "preliminary" should
perhaps be changed to "proposed".
* R Borghesani expressed concern over the possible impact that (d) and (e) might
have. Public hearings do not necessarily lend themselves for a full discussion
of the issue and can be a forum for showmanship.
* S Nablo concerned that if the BOS and SC do not come together and meet their
respective deadlines then the AC will probably fall flat on its face.
* MOTION to support ARTICLE 31:
In Favor: MM,PL,JP,CC
Opposed: RB,CA,SN,RS,GB,
* ARTICLE 9: Public Works Equipment
General discussion. P Lapointe stated that the Town Manager has suggested that we
study the privatization issue after Town Meeting. If it becomes the intent of the Town
to privatize certain public works activities then it seems appropriate that we do not
purchase the equipment for those departments. P Lapointe also feels that we should
pay for the equipment and not bond the cost and that we should be replacing and
maintaining the fleet on an annual basis.
* R Souza discussed the items from a DPW list which are felt to be critical in nature.
* MOTION to support $ 331,000 from the General Fund and an additional $ 41,000
from the Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds with efforts being made to privatize the
Cemetery, Park, Tree, and Water (readings):
* ARTICLE 7: Supplemental Capital Appropriation for Pool Complex $ 40,000
ARTICLE 13: Pine Meadows Golf Club Improvement, $ 160,000
ARTICLE 14: Lincoln Park Development, $ 50,000
General discussion followed with a concern expressed by P Lapointe that we not spend
down our reserves. J Ryan will supply P Lapointe with requested information.
MOTION to support all three Recreation Department requests provided that there is a
reserve maintained within the Recreation Fund (approx. $ 55,000).
* ARTICLE 15: Dispatch Center/Public Safety Renovations and Equipment Purchases
General discussion. CEC will probably recommend that the request be reduced to
$ 1,200,000.J Pagett met with J Novak to discuss the content of the request.
The request has been increased due to the fact that the consultant has more
definitive estimates based an actual bids. RAM Communications was hired for
the communication equipment. Some of the renovation costs are due to sub standard
conditions at the Police Station. Currently one third of the cells are in violation
of existing health codes. There could be potential litigation problems. The
locker room facilities for the women on the force are not adequate. There is
$ 149,000 included in the request for a handicapped ramp and making the rest rooms
handicapped accessible. There is also $ 32,000 for the boiler replacement at the
East Lexington Fire Station.
MOTION to support the request of $ 1,850,000:
In Favor, MM,RS,JP,SN,CA,PL,
Opposed:CC; Abstaining: RB
* ARTICLE 4: Operating Budget
General discussion. R Borghesani addressed issue of staffing at the Hastings School
and throughout the system. School department should attempt to limit the increase
in FTE's to approximately 30 FTE's, down from the request of 38.5 FTE's. School
department should e able to cut between $ 500 and 600,000 including the custodial
J Pagett could support a reduction of $ 200-250,000
C Abbott could support a reduction in the area of $ 600,000
MOTION to reduce the School Department request as it appears in the Town Warrant
by $ 200,000:
In Favor; JP, MM
Opposed; SN,PL,CA,RB,RS,CC
Further discussion on school budget.
MOTION to reduce the School Department request by $ 500,000(excluding custodial
Opposed: JP,MM
* MOTION to reduce the School Department request by an additional $ 100,000
as the anticipated first year saving for privatizing the custodial services.
Opposed: JP,MM
TOTAL recommended cut is $ 600,000.
* Regional School general discussion.
MOTION to reduce request by $ 61,658 (revised assessment)
* Community Services (Public Works)
General discussion.
MOTION to reduce request by $ 84,786 ( $ 74,786 Street Lighting, $ 10,000
Cemetery Equipment)
In Favor:
* Public Safety: Law Enforcement
General discussion of the sector patrol.
MOTION to reduce Law Enforcement Personal Services by $ 128,000
In Favor:
* Public Safety: Fire Services
General discussion on the ambulance service.
MOTION to reduce Fire Services Personal Services by $ 400,000
In Favor:
* C Coughlin will attempt to have a final draft of the report by Friday,
March 4th. Any changes must be communicated to her immediately. Final
must go to the printer on Monday March 7th.
* MOTION to cancel meetings scheduled for March 1st and March 7th. UNANIMOUS
* Motion to adjourn