FEBRUARY 7, 1994, 7:30 PM
Present: G Burnell, C Coughlin, R Souza, C Abbott, J Pagett, R Borghesani,
M O'Sullivan, P Lapointe, J Ryan
Absent: S Nablo, M Mairson
* Minutes of January 31st and February 1st, accepted as amended (unanimous)
* Capital Expenditures Committee attended for comments of capital articles
* CEC members attending were N Cannalonga, P Hamburger, G Holland, K Dooks
* N Cannalonga discussed the Recreation requests: Article 13 apparently is
seeking $ 160,000.Improvements at Pine Meadows will account for $ 125,000
of the request in order to make necessary improvements in accordance with
the golf course master plan. CEC supports this request. The remaining $ 50,000
Article 14, is for a tot lot and storage shed at Lincoln Field, the final phase of the
Lincoln Field development. CEC does not support this request and feels that there
are more pressing needs that the Recreation Committee should be addressing with
limited resources.
* CEC then discussed the Central Dispatch request. Originally thought to be in
the area of $ 1,375,000,the request increased to $ 1,800,000 on January 31st.
The CEC believes that the request also includes ADA work, both internal and
external, replacement of the cells, radio equipment for the cruisers and the
dismantling and relocation of the wiring of the fire alarm boxes except for those in public
buildings and commercial and industrial buildings where the landowner pays for the boxes.
CEC feels that the $ 1,800,000 is excessive and will support the original
request, less 10%, or approximately $ 1,200,000.
* General discussion as to how we will pay for this improvement and is it all
necessary. CEC feels that some of the costs can be deferred or eliminated in the
area of ADA and accreditation. Strong sentiment that the "fat"must be squeezed
from the request, do we need the "Cadillac"??.
* CEC indicated that the Town Manager's budget shows no funding for neither the
ambulance replacement nor the boiler replacement at the East lexington
Fire Station and yet the ambulance is contained in Article 16. Seems to be
a significant amount of confusion as to how the dollar requests were arrived
at in a number of the capital articles.
* CEC discussed the DPW equipment request, Article 9. There has been no funding
in this area for three years and this is a way of " catching up". DPW list
calls for the replacement of 22 pieces of equipment. CEC can support approximately
$ 650,000,with no request for the next three years. There should be an offsetting
decline in maintenance. CEC stated that $ 426,000 of the request is critical and the
remainder should also be replaced.
* CEC requested that the AC communicate to them the effect that the bonding will
have on the FY 96 budget.
* CEC has not arrived at a decision in relation to Article 17, Brook Cleaning.
* G Burnell spoke to the issue and stated that something needs to be done in order
to minimize potential legal suits
* P Lapointe brought up issue of "Facilities Manager" and it was felt that
S Nablo should make a presentation to CEC .
* CEC left and the AC resumed its meeting
* C Coughlin stated that she felt that the AC need to discuss some issues
Major concern over the fact that the AC made an error in having a meeting
prior to the joint meeting with the School Committee on February 1st. There is
a need to better coordinate the efforts of the AC and try to improve its
functionality. Communication broke down and needs to be worked on. The meeting
prior to the SC meeting was an apparent violation of the opening meeting law
since it was not posted. This is a serious issue which needs to be discussed.
All committees have tried to work together and C Coughlin feels that serious
damage to that process took place on Tuesday.
* C Coughlin stated that she and G Burnell met with J Young and J Moynihan on
Wednesday, February 2nd, at which time J Young expressed his dismay over what had
taken place on the previous evening. J Young stated that the SC had a difficult
time in responding due to the fact that they were not aware of the issues to be discussed
prior to the meeting. Concern expressed over a pending article to appear in the
Minuteman on February 9th. Both C Coughlin and G Burnell have spoken to the reporter
in an attempt to clarify the issue.
* R Borghesani stated that he felt he was in the middle on this issue.
He has been and continues to be supportive of the school department. He stated
that J Young is very sensitive to any suggestions or recommendations from
outside the school department. He stated that he understands to a degree the
concern expressed by J Young but also feels that the issue has been discussed
previously and it should not have been totally unexpected. It was stated that
on numerous occasions in his presentation he couched his comments by stating
that he needed to further analyze his computations. There were numerous meetings
that had to be canceled by the school department over the past few months which
were scheduled to discuss this very issue. School department does not appear to
be open for input and still has not prepared any financial options and only appears
to look the educational part of the problem. R Borgesani still supports the
opening of the Hastings but would like the school department to look at the
financial as well as the educational issues. The "ten year" forecast is
admittedly a late entry but should be considered a viable option.
* P Lapointe commented on how we need to better organize our time and efforts
as a committee and how we work together. There must be a more efficient use
of our time together.
* G Burnell discussed the opening meeting law issue. The meeting with the SC was
posted. When the AC gathered prior to the meeting with the SC all that was discussed
was a "batting order" for presentation purposes. There were no votes taken.
* J Pagett discussed the fact that she has been a damage control mode since
last Tuesday. If there is an exchange of information in public the meeting must
be posted. If AC not fully prepared for the meeting then we should have
re-scheduled rather than meeting before the SC meeting. AC is not used to making
public presentations and we need to work on that in the future. AC has not felt
comfortable at Town Meeting and if we are going to expand our public presence
we need to do a better job. If presentation is going to be made there should
be a majority and minority report on the issue.
* R Souza stated that it is difficult for aa appointed committee (AC) to have
an open and free discussion with an elected board (SC). Appointed board can
pretty much have a free reign where the elected board has a constituency to
answer to.
* C Abbott agrees with R Souza on the problem of the elected and appointed
boards and committees interaction but felt that the SC should have made itself
available to discuss the issue prior to the scheduled meeting. We should also
make sure that if we are going to discuss an issue in a public forum with another
board or committee that board or committee should be given notification as to
what will be discussed.
* G burnell felt that the AC didn't prepare very well for the meeting with the SC
and we need to do a better job in the future. C Coughlin and G Burnell
met with J Young and J Moynihan and apologized for any misunderstandings.
Nothing that was presented was really new and should not have taken the SC
by surprise. School department has had information at its disposal but has been
reluctant to share it with S Nablo. G Burnell feels that J Young is very
hesitant and doesn't readily share information with the AC or S Nablo.
* C Coughlin senses that the AC needs to do something in order to ease the
situation as we see it with the SC. G Burnell has called J Oberteuffer and is
awaiting a call back.
* G Burnell started discussion of the Hastings in order to clarify the position
of the AC for the SC meeting on February 15th. AC will discuss further at our
next meeting when all members are expected to be in attendance. Further discussion
regarding privatization will also take place at that meeting.
* G Burnell discussed the need to move forward with the AC report to Town Meeting.
Members are expected to have an outline or draft by next week. The following is a list
of assignments for the report: Introduction (GB), Strategic Planning Process (JP)
Education(CC,CA,RB), Conservation(PL), DPW(PL), Recreation(PL,SN), Public
Safety(JP),Culture & recreation(MM), Capital(RS), Summary of Budget(AC),
Art 7,8,9,10,25(PL,RS),Article 13,14,17(SN),Article 11 (RS),Article 15,16(JP),
Article 19(CC,RS,RB)
* Next Meetings, Monday February 14, February 22, February 28
* Motion to Adjourn