MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1994, 5:00 PM
Present: G Burnell, C Coughlin, S Nablo, J Pagett, R Souza, C Abbott,
M Mairson, P Lapointe, R Borghesani, M O'Sullivan, J Ryan
J Young, S Guryan, P Lombard
* J Young gave an overview of the major issues facing the school department,
specifically the $ 2.6 million shortfall and the current year problem in special
* Special education problems are not unique to Lexington
* Fiscal 1995 gap of $ 3.3 million due to re-opening of Hastings and contractual
obligations reduced to $ 2.6 million with $ 700,000 of new revenue from the town
* The School Committee will hold a formal public hearing on February 15th
* March 1st the School Committee will vote on a budget request to be sent to
Town Meeting
* J Moynihan will be available to address any brick and mortar questions
* General discussion on allocation of space for the LABB program
• P Lombard discussed the LABB program, estimates that the cost is half of what it
would be if students were placed in private setting. Program assesses a 20%
surcharge on students enrolled from outside the district.
* S Nablo felt that Lexington has a facilities burden in comparison to other
member communities. P Lombard indicated that Burlington HS has a tremendous
amount of available space. Bedford currently provides no space.
* P Lombard stated that his fiscal 1995 request is in excess of $ 5 million.
Approximately 17% of the student population is served by the special ed
* School department currently seeking Medicare reimbursement for some of the special
ed costs, estimated to be approximately $ 130,000.
* P Lombard indicted that our special ed enrollment is in line with other
communities although S Nablo questioned if those communities were committing
15% of the school budget for those programs.
* Current year estimated school deficit will be between $ 400-450,000,all
related to special ed.
* S Guryan indicated that the school department has curtailed all purchases
unless they are absolutely necessary. This policy may be able to recoup
approximately 1/3 of the shortfall. School is striving to balance this years
budget and would like to be able to use the Medicare reimbursements if allowable.
* J Young stated that on January 25th the School Committee will discuss possible
cuts and or revenue adjustments in an attempt to minimize the $ 2.6 million
* G Burnell indicated that he would like the AC to participate and recommend to
the BOS and SC where to make cuts.
* J Pagett asked what a comprehensive high school was and J Young explained
that it was one that provided academic, occupational and a general course
of studies.
* C Coughlin asked about any overlap of programs between LPS and MMRVHS.
J Young responded that with the current schedule at MMRVHS it is impossible for
LPS to transport students back and forth for certain programs.
* C Abbott asked about the "flip/flop" kindergarten concept. It has been rejected
due to early childhood intervention program and the fact that the possible
savings are insignificant.
* Discussed the January 4th memo of proposed cuts.
* AC should only look at big items, ie payroll and Hastings re-opening
* J Young stated that the big items are clearly Hastings, special ed and
existing contractual agreements(teachers 3.1% for fy 95)
* General discussion of janitorial services. Discussed possible savings,
reporting issues( to whom), possible problem of getting the job done.
Lynnfields experience was explained by S Guryan. Discussed past school
custodian problem in area of workman compensation
* General discussion of possible cuts that would be in excess of $ 100,000,
specialized classes, guidance counsellors( we have high ratio of students
to counsellor)
* G Burnell requests that all try to attend the meeting on 1/25/94
* AC will meet with Capital Expenditures Committee on 1/31/94
* General discussion on proposed motion by S Nablo re custodial services for all town
departments. S Nablo will discuss issue with R White and J Young.
* Motion to accept Facilities Manager motion as presented. Further discussion
followed. Motion amended to remove the last sentence and substitute it with
" We recommend privatizing janitorial services for all town buildings,
including the schools, in fiscal 1995". Motion passed unanimously.
* J Pagett discussed public safety department requests. Public safety departments
total $ 6.3 million or 8.8% of total request. Discussed possibility of going
from 4 sector to 3 sector patrol($ 128,000), combining dispatch, closing
East Lexington fire station, privatizing ambulance service.
* Vote taken on close East Lexington over ambulance privatization, 2Y,5N,1A
Vote taken on ambulance privatization over closing East Lexington,5Y,2N,1A
* General discussion of Concord school report of re-opening or expanding
existing schools
* R Borghesani discussed costs of both options and thinks that the numbers
need to be a little further defined but that the costs are comparable.
* Motion to adjourn
* Next meeting January 31, 1994