HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-13-AC-MIN.pdf APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1993 COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, 7:30 PM Present: G.Burnell, S. Nablo, R. Souza, R. Borghesani, M. O'Sullivan, M. Mairson, J. Pagett, P. Lapointe, C. Abbott, C. Coughlin, J. Ryan Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm Minutes of last meeting not available G. Burnell wished to discuss three topics: a) Hastings School reopening, b) the Town Managers proposed cuts to the FY 95 budget, c) privatization General discussion of the document produced by the Town Manager dated December 6, 1993 (enclosed). AC must be prepared to recommend increases as well as decreases to proposed budget. Discussed the School/Town gaps (pg 5) with allocation of no increase in health insurance and the increase in revenues as projected. Question as to why the benefits reduction is greater on the Town than the School, appears incorrect. Discussed some of the items listed as Supplemental Budget Requests not appearing in any budget scenarios submitted. AC members will pursue a further explanation of some of the requests. Discussed reduction priorities as suggested by senior staff. Group One: will require additional research in the area of hazardous waste, opening library at 10:00 am, and the closing of the library one day a week. Group Two: Discussed conversion of the street lights. Voted six in favor of the conversion and three undecided. Some sense expressed that the BOS should make the conversion now and not wait until Town Meeting gets to discuss it once again. Further information required on Saturday service provided by Lexpress. Group Three: Voted eight in favor of closing East Lexington Fire Station, one against. Peer counseling and East Lexington Library will require further research. Research turf management with the possibility of privatizing. Group Four: Voted seven in favor , two against police training, with other items needing more information. Discussed Added Town Manager, Program Reductions. Will request that R. Spiers attend meeting to discuss refuse options, plowing of sidewalks. Need an accounting of the public celebration expenses, senior health monitor. AC stated that the issue of wages and health insurance benefits must be taken in the context of overall benefits. Feeling expressed that employees should be granted some salary adjustment, it is a cost of doing business. R. Borghesani discussed options available to the schools re: Hastings opening. Addition to Fiske and Harrington would cost approximately $2.9 million. In is research he felt that if class size exceed 22/23 students in the elementary schools, with a total population in the school exceeding 500/550 it became very difficult to deliver all the services required ( library, cafeteria etc.). There are three major items driving the school problem, a) enrollment estimated to grow from 4800 to 5600 students in next five years, b) Capital planning study identifies approximately $ 45 million in capital costs for the elementary schools including program and curriculum changes, c) no funding identified for the middle schools or the high school. Redistricting will likely occur again in five years. There are approximately 8500 " empty nesters" which will only exacerbate the enrollment projections. Opening the Hastings seems appropriate at this moment but further review will continue. Schedule of Selectmen meetings on the FY 95 budget distributed Next meeting scheduled for Monday, January 10, 1994. acl3dec93