TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1992
Members Present:
G. Burnell, S. Nablo, J. Pagett, R. Souza, J. Curry, C. Abbott, C. Coughlin,
R. Borghasani, M. O'Sullivan, J. Ryan
Members Absent: M. Mairson
Annual Organizational Meeting:
Nomination for Chairman made and seconded : George Burnell, unanimous
Nomination for Vice-Chairman made and seconded : Sam Nablo, unanimous
Nomination for Secretary made and seconded: John Ryan, unanimous
* G. Burnell extended deepest thanks to J. Pagett for her efforts over the past
two years
* General discussion of how the committee has operated over the past few years
with efforts of the committee split between the Town and School issues with a
sense that the committee needs to get into the process early
* Discussed frustrations experienced last year; ie: Budget Committee created by
the School Committee to identify long term objectives which never got off the
ground. Committee made recommendation to the School Committee regarding possible
savings in the area of health insurance which were appeared to be ignored by the
School Committee in their settling a long term contract with the teachers.
* Discussed sense of accomplishment in the area of the Superintendent selection
process in that the Town Manager was a part of the selection committee. The A.C.
was also able to relate to the user departments the concept that some of their
actions or inactions result in legal expenses which ultimately result in a
reserve fund transfer.
* Suggested that G. Burnell contact Jeff Young in order to have some input if
possible in the replacement of Frank DiGiamarrino
* M. O'Sullivan discussed some of the State issues; educational reform and the
"maintenance of effort" which will be required, the foundation budget and the
ramifications over which town meeting will have little control if they wish to
continue receiving school aid. Other areas discussed were additional funding from
lottery revenues, local aid being level funded, Chapter 90 funding, earmarking
* G. Burnell sought a sense of direction from the committee as to how to proceed
with the results of the symposium held last fall. Committee felt that there
should be some priority seting of results with further pursuit of those
* Discussion of the success of the Selectmen and School Committee "getting
together" and agreeing on issues needing attention and solving problems. General
sense that a lot can be accomplished with the Town Manager and Superintendent.
Schools: J. Pagett, R. Borghasani, C. Abbott
Town: J. Curry, C. Coughlin
Enterprise: J. Curry
Capital: R. Souza
* Next Meeting: Monday, September 14, 1992 at 7:30 P.M. in Comptroller's Office
* J. Ryan distributed and discussed recent bond issue, official statement, and
* J. Ryan distributed and discussed recent bond issue, official statement, and
the results of the 1991 Retirement Board's investments