HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-07-22-STM-WARRANT 16f.
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said
County, Greeting:
- In the name of the Commonwealth' of Massachusetts, you
are directed to notify' the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington,
qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet in the
Cary Memorial Building, in said Lexington, on Monday, the twenty-
second day of July, 1935, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. , then and there to
act on the following articles:
Article 1. To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers
or of any committee of the Town, and to appoint other
Article 2. TO see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to
install a sewer in Blake Avenue and Wadman Circle
subject to the assessment of betterments, and to
take by Eminent Domain the necessary easements
therefor and provide funds for said installation by
direct appropriation, or by transfer from other funds.
Article 3. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to
install a street light on Freemont Street.
Article 4. To see if the Town will transfer money to pay the
necessary expenses of the Supt. of the Water Dept.
incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing in-
formation upon matters in which the Town is interested
,or which may tend to improve the service in the Water
Department and for the purpose of meeting the appro-
priation and to establish the new account to be opened
for that purpose, the sum of $25. be transferred.
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept Sec. 67, Chap.
205, of the Acts of 1935 amending Chap. 33 of the Gen-
eral Laws, and Act relative to Military Service of
County Employees, which reads as follows: "Any
person in the service of the Commonwealth, or of a
county, city or town thereof which, by vote of its
county commissioners or city, council or of its inhab-
lttown meeting, accepts this section, shall
be tile ,
during the, time of his service in the
organized militia,
five, twenty-six, one hundred and tWenty-three and
one hundred and eighty-one, or during his annual tour
of duty, not exceeding fifteen days, as a member of
the organized reserve of the army of the United States
or of, the United States naval reserve forces, to
receive pay therefor, without loss of his ordinary re-
muneration as an employee or official of the common-
wealth or such county, city or town, and shall also
be entitled to the same leaves or absence or vacation
with pay given to other like employees or officials. "
Article' 6. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate, funds for
labor and materials on public works and for other
expenses in connection therewith, to be expended by
the Selectmen for aid to persons employed on various
Article 7. To see, if the Town will vote to amend the vote adopted
at the- Annual Town Meeting, March 4, 1935 and adjourned
to March 18, 1935, which reads as follows: "Voted
that the Selectmen be authorized to complete the con-
struction of Pleasant and Wfttertown Streets to the
new Concord Turnpike, a distance of approximately
2600 feet, under Chapter '90 of the ,General Laws, and
amendments, providing the State and County contribute
a like amount, and for the purpose of said construction
the sum of $9,000. be appropriated and assessed, " so
as to provide for an appropriation of $9,000. for the
construction of a portion of Pleasant and Watertown
Streets, to be expended in conjunction with money to
be contributed by the Commonwealth and the County.
164 0-1
,:\rtiele B. Tc see if tte moots Til' yote t emend the
vote adopted at the ...nrimal Town Meeting)
lIerst 4) 193C ,na adjsurned to Lerch 1B)
1935, which reado as fellows: 'Voted
that the Selectmen he authorized to cons
truct Lincoln Straatt froe Martett Road in
a natter ; airection a distance o BBC°
feet) under Ctauter 90 of the Cenecal Las)
and anerameates prordaine tte State Pend
County contribute a amount) and for
thecurpose of said oenstruction the sum
of ,..,22)00C. 'es appropriated and assessed)''
so as to provide for ar atpropriatiez of
C,121C00. for the constrartior ef a cortIon
of Lincoln Stseet ffOZ2 7f* 172-ott, -Beed ir o
- --eheade.e-e e,asee ' -, ea he aceve-ea
corinnotfop te be cs17e-iIetc,T
a se 0 . To see if tta Tewn i2 . ets t maks prove
Isiene for tte iscoed') sf surface ayssielses
feu "dancot 'Stret dna private lende by thr
esuetPnotios of araire or coPapies or the
1.1versIse or relseatior of brae-dos, and fet
that " :127Th leads or easements ly
suirert ds,uair) sed ipe vide for the earmsrao
ttspafat he diteci errtocrintica or ber tte
asarza ss.
tradofer froa dete Lseartsent ensailsble
Stren7us thr ozs ":,*".015.9s5 - 3 an 71 riD
act is ary aehmes reletlaa thereto.
article 'I. T3 see if the oill note to authorize
the Select-tee Po otmetrust eereps" I' ttic side
thea; the abstti wrier
7 f the soot) era unset; ds frrans for sail
comsteesetien by tmerefor ftoa othao funds.
72,. Ts soe If the To ra rill vote to trenofer
raertended ealaroce in = 0OO dosocato to the
:bssos shie icefIe, eney .arcoszt .
:ceelz _ , To sec if ate 7ec sail ycie to eatahlich
ao o tsar 7:-O' O:O ' 'r-t tiflP ,aa.'rOt Of O.'o
town Mesas' : Read frse 30er tett Road.
ea Yil - tse
ths Tetterrep, car- ) and stearTrse , a uottaim
en or able Is ths sfaiso of tts 7-2-7 adePh)
dated Soot. da ) 1070) end tn sziacai
ib7meir the naccoosev otezenis therefor, and
tet ) et est in any marnor fedi-tid thspto.
article 14. To see if the Tart oill vets to eatablish
se a town et eiseut ",.':.,:,:�®y Ilayeut of as a
tooP way) Tenderest Istance fren ha' reet)
a Tiotanos of desl: feet) as laid out by tho
9Trectea, -radar tbs 7-Betterment lcS) sal shown
case . ee-ae. a e- a
ti' 4," '7' ct,-z I
ezeozepta therefst) and appr'- - ' ata a: ea. fsr
Ihe uenottustIen sf 'oafs') atret) or act in
ann 7S1OVO,r.O' 4*.00'St ,
hatitTs la. Te ces if the 4-y4-4lT7' l: 7:17. to treasfor
3f :7 17 OtT,
te:, the Enosse sai 'ton-'- '- aceount .
a.ztiole 7de, To zee if ths Town will alolor,Dpriato
ddltIonel sot°, of same:: for .1Iefb,: io
authorize the eame to ba -5S5-5Seferrarl
slrplur rver.r.e.
,:vt.' e76 ' T. To ee'e 4f ti- Torn will artro.oriste az
ani to a: :: €. the to he tranoferzod
free Slar P ales 7 2
- otiole 1E. To aee ef the Town eL;trorriate
zaditional eon of for 3flaiere ' "ZesIief
.,nod te authoriee the sarea to be traneferred
from seernlwo .7,7'?7S1170
S 7. o sae af the: 72-77 7i55 rote arnre:riato
enfl transfer freer ethei acaente feeraa der
nnedaoe fzaanaos Trrs71 Street eri
abaatmdneter :tanotas hy' the construc:tion of
lraans or e-onluitE.
=retiee ct,In. To ecr df the 'eTn rocil rate ts anprorzfoate
and tnarzfar fron other aeoermte tte ern of
rc7e,y,ire oo 7F7 hddl of arttory 1: ea
done fen the Perls 2arertnent end
idiah -a7t Deerttent ard 7 ?Z: , or est
in any nanner relatno the:rats.
rtlele El. 7o lee if the Toon rote to aorreetlat and
trensfer the ease of ifz.Z.n.,,bd fer at ,orreld hall
of the rodoa fe,trnerda, for the reer or
--5' --5 fn eny nanner redatz .o, thereto.
To sae if the TO71:, the sdraatlen
of a neT azd ridl arathctl'o
tte Toleetzran te eoeuire 7.e:7 T,uzobase cm taba
Eosieent :-Jonadn :lard fer ths rorteoe of 555-5
o'- '
hatildinF:'' and other e.z,rreriee rehool trreases,
or for -f-'5-
reereation center . fr-,7
the oan by dIreet aprorriation, hy transfer
fron otar aa'eownte, or the iaono of bonie
or' notes of the Toon in aeconfanes rath lano
airtfele 77. To E-::=7 *:rf the :oat oi. 1 alopolnt a he,i7ediz2-
to rroeure :lama etl earInatee fer
the eanetsoutetiez of a 7-;;;,- !af,r2.1 oehee' erad
nroride zntcy far nsossoary aehits?.':taral and
ezerireerin,7 ser7ieea by diree3t eotoro7r-laYoll
r y tansft frnohr : a
2Ze To eee T7= rill 7DtA ererorriate and
transfe7 the sont of 4Si . frost the Inerrenea
2.zeonet to pay for an irpraia,ad of Torn 121oesrty.
.Ao2tielo Z3. To sae if the Torn -will vote to
77 55-
: t`e 7cakeeT eon:7 wal t
nreddrec of eny sod, ea ) card orarell , alay
-7 -refried or stens:, sae- e- t- 7hen
inc:Ideztal to and in conneotion rfthec-eatr-
noon of a "re-11dine.: for thach a
been i3F -fd it acoarIerre rith the F.niIdint-- 727-
1,..,a7rZs on", er:ort then Iteidestal to and :he
Df the TA'(7,-7E::t:
2tIti, 7c eoe af the Torn fhl wets te e22ropriata and
-e'rfar the T: ' fro, 2 Cnn the Lzese
DedioIeney aroole,Int to be added to the alr:ofoeri•aion
for -tiie :ace etrezeticr 17,-7 a -cart' or of 71e,: ssolt
seaf. 1btertern t'treat55 . to he es-reefed oon-
netion rith money to be eontributea ty tha
166 cn
_article 7:7. T3 see if the ToTm 7111 vote to anand
th5 LeY77.1n177.p- ZOainE Ey-Lers as follo7z :
B7 irSertfDE after Sectior 3 C.7 Di -stricter
1:araGrael CC , a neK learaf2rarh efnIch
the easterly ;ids, of Pleazast Strset
sz6.anzas, a
frem the ntersectior of the Concord
Turnleihe exteadine 1Z0 feet a7 :re 71easass1
Street ara or a dezeth of 200 feet
..1Axtdole Ti see if the o - rTill to ancropriate
ard trarfor funds for the Cary He-aerial
2 Tesa 4 .f th '*"C--171- 77; 11 7.atR t7 attrotrieto
and transfer additiona funds for street
tea are directed to serve this Tarrant
seeen deeco ot least bef7re he time of- said msetitze az
the 3y-Lates of the Tetn,
- iesof, fail not„ and neres drze return rf
,e"- ee the me
cijecer- -e nr
, , ^.' t "." :: :oo hi
4 V
elth "cr 77
777e:d0 dc017 ....ea.:,
, 4.44 4i3
*T--T7 ; — 77.47r1M
Cs the, 17en Clar7,c„
7 hare notfled tho lnt- itants .1f 37rintoz
by sostInc tr.lttd couf,ez cf tteo f7tecodra 'earrot
the 'oet Cfrdee, *:r. the restftals t the 77c4. hddies
Etailerre, ,1`7-7
Irg 77n ster date. be0otz the Itfne 7f ead,d
t ab 1 x ef IsninJtt7n,