HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-06-20-STM-WARRANT 543 T OMN WARRANT . C01,7ONWEALTf OF MASSACHU ETTS MIT DLESEX , s s . To either of the Constables of the To.;n of Lexi ncton , in said , County , " reeting ; In the name of the Co-n:<<onwealth of Yassachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town or Lexi. nnton , quali - fied to vote in elections and in town a 'Tairs , to mrnt in their re - spective voting Maces is said town , Cary :. emorial Huild_ ing , in sclid Lexington , on T: onday , the tventieth day of June , 1932 at 8 ; 00 o ' clock P . M . then a ' d there to act on the following articles ; Art . l . To receive the repo 'nt of any Board of Town Officers or of any Conunittee of the Town and to aHpoint other Coiuiiittees . Art . 2 . To see if the ' own will vote to reimburse the State i1 - lding Corporation of Cambrid : e , Mass . , the respective sum of 1 , 213 . 35 for water pipe laid in :iui;imit Road in the years 1916 , 1922 and 1926 , andtc provic_+ e funds for same by direct anpropriation , by transfer from other accounts , or by issue of bonds or notes . Art . 3 . To see if the Town will vote to reimburse Sam Linpa the respective sum of . x-420 . for water pipe laid in Fottler Avenue in . 19 : 1 , and provide funds for same by d.±rect appropriation , by trans - fer from other a counts , or by issue of bonds or notes . Art . 4 . '1'o see if the Town will authorize the , electmen to in- stall street lights in Tower Street and Diehard Road . Art . 5 . 1'o see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way , or accept the layout of as a town way , Outlook 'rive from .: achusett give southwesterly' to its present terminus a proximately 1110 feet , as laid out by the Selectmen, gnt9 shown upon a certain plan on file in the o f ice of he room Clerk , dated ay 11 , 1932 , appropriate moneyfor the construction of ' airy street , or act in any mfler relating thereto . Art . 6 . lo see if the Town will vote to establish a :; a town way ,' or accept the layout of as a torn \Y' y , gowning Road from Earrett Road to Outlook sirive a di ; tnnce of apFro_ imat ely 1u50 feet , as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown won aricertain plan on file in the office of the Toni. 01ork , dated May 11 , 1932 , appropriate money for the con- struction of said Arcot , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 7 . 1' o see if the '1 ov;n will volts to accept a deed rad convey- ance for highway purpo2es from Neil :IcIntosh of a strip of land approx- imately ten feet wide bounded as follows ; Northentterly by Downing Road ; N ortht e st er ly by lot 192 ; Southwesterly by land of Payson ; Southerstorly by part of curved interbcction of Downing Road ^nd Jarrett Road , formerly calla d Middle Street. All aE shorn on plan entitled " : evised Ilan Pair Oaks , Lexington , t:Lnss . owned by Neil ..mintosh. Old “- outh Bldg. , Boston , Scale 1 in . - 100 -- July 1924 , 0 . H . Gannett O . xd . 53 State St . , Boston " , recorded in book 349 , plan 49 . Art . 8 . so see if the Town will vote upon petition of Frank W Perkins to amend tho Zoning Law and map of the Town by changing fron an R 1 Listrict to a 0 . 1 DiLtrict the lot of land at the v. esterly cor- ner of 2assachusetts Avenue and Oak street , or take any action relating thereto . Art . 9 . To see if the 'loom will rescind its vote of Mrrch 21 , 1932 amending Article viii of the Code of Ly- laws of 1922 . Art . 10 . lo see if the low n will amend Article Y111 of the Code of Byflawe of 1922 by e din at the end thereof the following; " :, ect ion 2 . They ' oesoctmen , when duly authorized by the town , 54 1: 1) fl mn.y adopt orders for the extension of water mains under General s Laws Ch . 80 , with respect to the asseE . mont of bettormonts , without requiring the agreement described in section 1 , " Art . 11 . '1' o see if the Town will vote to appropriate oney for the following accounts ; Soldiers '` elief State Aid P ublic '►+ elfare Forest Fires Sidewalks Town Treasurer Public " orks Dept . ,laltham stroLt and Allen Street Drainage P ark Department P ark Dept . , Equipment and Material 1=rooks , ,sloaning Colonial Cemetery tinter Dept , Const auction . Art . 12 . r.2o see if the to. n -. ill vote to amend thu Zoning taw of the Town as follows ; Under Area =regulations , Section 7 , ( a ) by cancelling the word "and " appearing nfter the phrase " junction of . altham Street and Concord Avenue " , nnd before the phrase " of "" oburn and Lo', . ell Streets 7 , and inserting a Bondi - colon ( ; ) and cancelling the comma appearing after the phrase oburn and Lotell Ltrcets " , and ineerting 4n place thereof the fo _lov;ing : " and the junction of Lowell and North Streets , " so that said paragraph shall read as follows : - L; ection 7 : - ( a ) In residence diEtricts designated as R . 1 . and iA . 2 , and in 0 . 1 DiLtricts designated at the following points , namelt , j uunct ion of 'ialtham street and ::arrett Road , known as Grape Vine orner ; junction of Tia : rett Rond and bpring street ; junc - tion of Lincoln and School Streets and Ma :: reit Road , commonly known as " she Five Forks " ; junction of Wnitham street and Concord Avenue ; of ' oburn and Loi ell Streets and the junction of Lowell and i; orth Streets , and in C . 1 districts hereafter created , a yard of at least teenty feet in depth between the exterior line of the street , vrhether accepted or not , and the adjacent line of any porch or building , shall be provided for every lot of land , and no nev. building or structure Ehall be cov i st ruct ed and no building or structure shall be moved , altered , roconstructed , enlnrged or rebuilt in euch districts so that ayard less in depth shall result ; except that this section shall not apply to buildings frontint; on streets on which building lines shall have been specially established nccording to law during or sub : ec,uent to thy. year 1924 . 'l Art . 13 . To s _:. e if the Town will vote to reimburse the Lexington Community :-loc' ention Associntion the sum of w300 . expend- ed for the condruction of bleachers on the Lexir. ;ton Ldentre rlay- ground . Art . 14 . see if the Toch will vote to authorize the �. electmen to u:: e the a±4l ropriat on made under article 5 pt the Annual Town Meeting , March 21 , 1932 , for the construction of flood Street , Ma ,. sn chuff etts Avenue to the edford line , for said const ruction provided aid is not received under Chapter 90 of the General Laws . Art . l {, . 'To see if the own will vote to authorize the Select - men to petition the Legislnture for legislation extending the Metropolitan sewerage District to include the entire Town of Lexington or any portion of that part of the 1 o\ . n not now included in the District . Art . lu . : o see if the Town will authorize the selectmen to install a sever in Bowker Street fro: the present enol a distance of al.proxinnt el 125 feet . Art . 17 . so see if tho T o\ , n will vote to confirm the action of the Board of Selectmen , act ing as a Board of Health , in construct - ing p sewer in Vine . troet , from \voburn Street a dittance of apiroxe imatel7 3u0 feet northeasterly . Art . 18 . `l o Eee if the Town wi _ l vote to install water maims in the following streets ; Kimball Rond , fronlk)ed Street a diLtance of approximately 30 foot , subject to the usual guarantee ; Grant Street , from and of .pre .gent mrin to .Liast . treat , n distance of approximrtely 1350 feet ; East Street , from Grant Etroot to the L. roc,ley property , a diLtance of aj ,proximat ely 2120 feet ; and tQ provide funds for said construction by direct rppropriction or by issue of bonds or notes . And you pre directed to serve this Warrant coven days at least be- fore the time of said mooting as provided in the By-L avis of the lown . Hereof , fail not , and make due return on thi: , arrant , with your do- ings thereon , t o the ovrn Clerk, on or before the time of said meet4ng . Given under our hands , at Lexington , this seventh day of June , A . D . , 1932 . Robert P Trask . Charles E Ferguson L elo ctmcn Drniel J 0 ' Connell Of John L Gilcroast .l. exingt on . Theodore A Custance June 13 . 1932 . L o the Town Clerk ; I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing . . arrant in the Poet Office , in the Vestibule of the sown 0: fice Building and six other public places in the Town , and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registe :, ed voter in the Town 7 days before the time of said meeting . ATTEST ; Patrick J Maguire . Constable of Lexington . bpocial Mooting of l or:n Meeting %. embers of Precinct Thres June 20 1932 , sberson Hall , Lexingt on , IM s :. . Meeting vrr s called to order By James J Carroll , Town Clerk , at 7 ; 45 P .M . rlith f . enty- seven members pre : ant . `iotn Lilerk explained the purpo : e sof the mueting was to fill the unex} ired term of the late membor George A ;. arner , torm of two yerrs . :.IL et ing wa : opened , with the nomination and election of Roy A `e rgus _,n at Chairman Pro-Tern. Nominations were heard from the floor nu follows ; P ierre A Northrup , 4 ::3 ITo . Hancock illiam Rosenberger , 25 ITo . Hancock Jdward W Ormond , 10 IIo . Hancock allots were pat_ sed , the following results recorded , N orthrup 10 , =losenberRer 10 , Ormond 5 , blanks 1 . A tie being declared between Northrup and os. enb erger , ballots were again passed , with the following results , Rosenberger 15 , N orthrup 10 , Orm 'aid 1 . , H Rosenberger being declared a Town Moeting Member of Precinct three , le a 1934 . Motion mt.de and seconded moot in : d solve at 8 . 12 r . M . /r ATTSt • C E air - - - - '1 ov:% Clerk . Lexin ton , Ma s 'June 21 , 1932 . To the Town Clerk ; r . 1s per the meeting of June 20 , 1932 , for the election i of a Town rleeting Member , to fill the unexpired Term of two years , of the late Ueort7;e A , :arner , 1 hereby accept said election . Si fined ; William isosenberger . ti 551 AM 1DMANT TO ZONING fl-#AAW OF THE TOWN OF L;. INGT OIT . Warrant for Town Ueet ing , June 20 , 1932 . Art . 12 . To see if tho Town will vote to amend the Zoning Law of the Town ns follows : Under Area •Regulntions , Section 7 , ( a ) by cancelling the word "and" appearing after the phrase " junction of 'Ialth^.m Street and Concord kvenue , " and before the phrase " of Woburn and Lowell Streets " , and inserting a semi - colon ( ; ) and cancelling the comma appearing after the phrase " Woburn and Lowell Streets , " and inserting in place thereof the following : " and the junction of Lowell and North Streets , " so that said paragraph shall read aE follows : - Section 7 ; ( a ) In residence districts designated as R . 1 and R . 2 , and in C . 1 Districts designated rt the following points , namely , junction of Waltham Ltreet and Uarrott Road , known as Grape Vine corner ; junction of Marrett Road , and Spring Street ; junction of Lincoln and school streets and Marrett Road , commonly known as "The Five Forks " , junction of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue ; of Woburn and Lowell streets and the junction of Lowell and North streets , and in C .1 Districts hereafter created , a ynrd of at least twenty feet in depth between the exterior line of the street , and not less than forty feet from the center line of such street , whether accepted or not , and the adjacent lino of any porch or building , shall be provided for every lot of land , and no new building or structure shall be constructed and no building or structure shall be moved , altered , reconstructed , enlarged or rebuilt in such districts so that a yard less in depth shall result ; except that this section shall not apply to buildings fronting on streets on which building lines shall have boon specially established according to law during or subsequent to the year 1924 . Art . 12 . Pursuantto the provisions of Section 17 of the Zoning By-Laws , the Planning Board after due notice as required , held a hearing on Juno 20 , 1932 and voted to recommend to the Town that the Zoning Law be amended to read ns follows ; - " Section 7 : - ( a ) In residence districts designated as 7 .1 and R . 2 , and in C .1 districts designated at the following points , nnrnely , junction of Waltham Street and Marrett Road , known as Grape Vine Corner ; junction of Marrett Road and Spring Street ; junction of Lincoln and School Streets and Marrett Road , Commonly known as "The Five Forks " ; junction of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue ; junction of 'Woburn and Lowell streets and the junction of Lowell and North Streets , and in 0 .1 Districts hereafter created , a yard of at least twenty feet in depth between the exterior line of the street , and not less than forty feet from the center rr9 0-1 line of such street , whether vcceptod or not , rnd the adjrcent line of any porch or building , shall be provided for every lot of land , and no new building or structure shell be constructed and no building or structure shall be moved , altered , reconstructed , enlarged or rebuilt in such districts so that a yard less in depth shrill result ; except that this section shall not apply to buildings fronting on streets on which building lines shall terve been specirlly established according to law during or subsequent to the year 1924 . " Edgar F . Scheibe , J . Henry fluffy C . Edward Glynn Clarence H . Cutler ;'li ll ian D . : line Frederick L . Emery , Chairman . It was voted unanimously to pass the foregoing amendment at 10 : 35 p . LI. Lexington , Mass . , July 15 , 1932 . I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Article 12 of the Warrant for a Town Meeting held June 20 , 1932 and of the vote passed under sc id. Article as the same appears of record . Attest : d!::;/ 4/ • Tyr C ems' Boston , Moss . ,s . , August 11 , 1932 . The foregoing r'mendments to zoning by-law are hereby €approved . Joseph E Warner . • Attorney General .