HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-11-23-STM-WARRANT 511 T 0V N WARRANT . Commonwealth of MasscchuLotts Middlesex , ss . to either of the Constables of the Town of L exington in said U ouur ty , Greeting ; In the name of 'Liu L; ommonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the innabitants of the Town of L exington , quali- fied to vote in elections and in town affairs , to meet in the Cary '• ' omoria.l Luilding , in said Lexington , , rt Londay , the twenty-third day of November , at 8 ; 00 o ' clock P41;10 then and there to act on the following articles ; Art . l . To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to appoint other Committees . Art . 2 . To seo if the Town will vote to transfer the following sums to the rcess and Deficiency Account ; From Mass . Avenue & Pottier Avenue ( Installation of trains ) 467 . 92 From Public Works Building ( Equipment and repairs ) 7 . 8 :) From Highway uonstruvtion ( Lincoln street ) WasE. . Avenue to LIarrett Road 4289 . Y7 from Highway O onstruct ion ( Mass , Avenue ) Lake Street to 7inco In Street 15'7U . 9b From Highway Const ruction ( Dexter Road ) Fuller Road to Williams Road 1 . 9C) :; 45738 . 52 Art . 3 . To see if the 1iovn will vote to transfer tne sum of 41090 . 82 to the credit of the Westview 'oemetery Land Account to the :� ev1er Construction Account . Art . 4 . 1' o see if the Town will vote to transfer tne sum of 4170U from the Sewer Assessment fund to Inc Sewer Construction Account . Art . h . To soe it the '1' o m will vote to aj.propriate money by -transfer from the =. cess and yeficioncy =- ccount or from otner accounts to the following accounts ; "" atbr Maintenance ; Highway , Shade Trees , and Parks . Art . 6 . To sue it the Town will vote to install water mains in the following streets subject to tne usual guaranty ; spring - treet from the present end in a westerly direction a distance o= al;proximately 5UU feet ; Lowell Street , from the present dead end to the Burlington- Lexington Toni Line , a distance of a _ proximately 400U feet ; Plymouth Road from Richard toad to Robbins Road , a distance of a. proximately 600 feet ; and also to see it the 'sown will vote to replace the , our inch water mains in tris following streets by the installation of water mains of a larger size ; Bloomfield Street , from Li assachubetts Avenue to Eustis Street a distance of ai. proximately 7 `U feet ; Eustis Street to Percy Road , a distance of approximately bvs feet ; and to provide funds for said construction lily trarsfer from otnor accounts or uy issue of bonds or notes . Art . 7 . To see if the Town will vote to reimburse the State Holding Corporation of Cambridge , Mass . tne respective sum of v1218 . 3b for water pipe laid in Summit Road in the years 1916 , 1922 and 1926 , and to provide funds for same by transfer from otner accounts , or by issue of bonds or notes . Art . 8 . 'Ao see it the 'Town will vote to install a sewer in Plymouth Road from Richard Road to -tobbins toad , a distance of approximately boo feet . Art . 9 . 'xo see if the Town will vote to install street lights in tris following streets ; Ivan Street and Calvin Street . Art . 10 . To see if the Town will vote to establish the exterior lines of Jean load , or accept the lay out or the exterior lines , from Cat 71, Massc chug et L s rivenue to i : organ Street , a distance of approximately Rs 556 feet , as laid out b - the Selectmen ,.� and shown upon a certain = Plan on file in the oil'ice of the 'Town Clerk dated August 4 , 1931 . Art . 11 . To sou it the 'Tov,n will vote to establish the exterior lines of ,_ organ Ltrcet , or accept the lay outox-tyerior lines from Jean Road in a southwesterly direction 'ko0appr . ximateiy 'D46 feet , ass laid out bs the selectmen , ana shown upon a certain piail on rile In the office of the Town clerk dated August 4 , 1931 . Art . l2 . To see if tne 'T' own will vote to establish as a town way , or accept the layout or as a town way , Smith Avenue from lndepundence Avenue to Pollen - oad a distance of ai, j, roximately 7bu feet as laid out by the selectmen , and snotsn upon a plan on file in the o _. tice of the Tovm Clerk dated October 19 , 1931 , appropriate money for tne con- ttr ction of said L . roet bey transrer from otner accounts , or by issue or bonds or notes , or act in an�,ti manner relating thereto . Art . 13 . To sue if the 'lo al wi11 vote to establish as a Town way , or accept the layout or as a town way , Independence Avenue from Locust Avenue to smith Avenue a distance of approximately 2Uu feet , as laid out by the uelecumen , and shown upon a plan on file in the oifice of the Town clert dated October 19 . 1931 , appropriate money for tne cony struction of said street by transfer from other accounts , or by issue of bonds or notes , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 14. To see it tne Town win vote to esLaelish as a Toni say , or accept the layout of as a town way , crescent Hill Avenue from Haskell street to the Arlington Town line , a distance of approximately bbu feet , as laid out by toe selectmen , and shown upon a certain plan on file in the oitice of the Town clerk dated October 19 . 1931 , appru- priate money for the construction of said street byftransier from other accounts , or by issue of bonds or notes , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 15 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a Town way , or accept the layout of as a town way , Tucker Avenue from baker Avenue northwesterly a distance or approximately 315 feet , as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town clerk dated October 7 , 1931 , appropriate money for the . construction of said street 1) :,. transfer from other accounts , or by issue of bonds or notes , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . lo . To see if the Town will vote to sell and convey to Lavid Hennessey all right , title and interest of the 'Town in and to a right -of-way from Lincoln Street to property formerly of the Lexington ►pater Company originally granted by a, deed from Moses G . Cobb to George Robinson dater October 31 18bu and recorded with ,. iddlesex South -.District Leeds Book 609 page 31b . Art . 17 . to see if the 'Lown ,gill appropriate money to pay the neces - sary expenses or the Chief of tne _dire Department incurred outside tn© Commonwealth in securing information upon matters in which the Town is interesred or which may tend to improve the service in the Fire Department ana for tine purpose or meeting the ak ropriation to transfer from acne account of r' ire Tiepartment file sum of w2 UO to Travelling expense Account . Art . 18 . To see if the Town viii authorize a conveyance to -Allen A . Stone , Trustee under the will o :t' .ellen A . Stone , late of Lexington , of the following parcel of land , no to ger required for public pur - poses ; A parcel of land in said Town of Lexington beginning at a stone bound marking acne junction of the property lines of land of Charles i . Joy and Ellen A . Stone , Trustee , and the Town of Lexington , said stone bound being northeasterly and distant 10b . 01 feet iron the intersection of the property line between the land of Charles R . Joy and land of Ellen A . Stone , Trustee , with '8ne northeaLterly lino of 'Jascacnusetts Avenue ; thenco northerly 41 1& ' ©aLt a ais - tance of 66 . 68 feet to a point on the property line between the land of the Town of Lexington and the land of said Ellen A . Stone , Trustoe ; tnence south 40 lb ' 30" west , distant 41 . 82 Leet to a point ; thence south 300 17 ' west , distant 19 . 40 feet to the point of be - ginning , containing 112 square loot more or less , as shown on plan of land in Lexington , iiaseachu :efts , dated Uovembor 6 , 1931 , J . T . Coegrove , Town Engineer . and will specify the minimum amount to be paid for such conveyance . 513 Art . 19 . To see if the town wil : install ap1: ro2imat ely lou feet of of 24 inch drain pipe in drain in the n " rthorly side of li ,hland Avenue , being part of the project recommended by H . K. Earrows , Consulting Engineer , Late Leptember 22 , 1921 , as shown on plan of even date , and provide money i'or said const ruction by transfer from other accounts . Art . 20 . to se ,,: if the 'sown will voteupon petition of Catherine F . Herbert to amend the Lexington zoning By tLaw and map oy changing from am LC Li trict to a CI District , trio i'o ± lo ; ink; described parcel of land ; - Beginning at county pound on :.:a.s :: achusetts ! venue and running Ldoutherly on a curve to a county bound on :,:arrest _load about 50 meet ; thence along said ::arra ct -load south- e asterly l0c feet ; thence turning and ru ning northeaster- ly 1UU feet to a point ; thence turning and running orth- e asterly about 80 i' c; et to Eaid :.:assachuLetts Avenue ; tnence t urning and running about 7b teat along said Eaysachusetts Avenue to point begun at . And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By- laws of the Town . Hereof , fail not , and make due return of this Warrant , with yours doings thereon , to the Town clerk , on or before the time of said meeting . Given under our hands , at Lexington , this tenth day of November , A . D . , 1931 . Robert P Trask . Theodore A 0ustance . Clarence Shannon . Selectmen Hallie U Blake . of John E Uilcreast . Lexington November 16 , 1931 . To the Town clerk ; I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office , in the Vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public places in the Town , and b, mailing P. printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town seven days before the time of said meeting . Attest ; Patrick J Maguire . Constable of Lexington . 1