HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-04-27-STM-WARRANT 480 /-) Cin TOWN TA TtA.ITT :;,-) COMMONWEALTH OF MA: SACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX . s . s . To either of the constables of the Town of Lexington , in said lounty , Greeting ; In the names of the Uonmonwealth of iaassachusc tts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington , qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs , to meet ill ulna Lar Memorial Building . in said Lexington , on the twenty- seventh day-of April , 1931 , at 8 ; 0 .4 o ' clock p.m. . then and therL. to act on the foll awing articles ; Art . l . To receive the report of any .isoard of Town Officers or of any Co ..mittee of the Town , and to aj:point otner Committees . Art . 2 . To see if the Town will amend Article Three , section live by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place there- of the word " eight " so that Section dive will read as follows ; "►= e cti on 5 . The annual meeting o f the Town shall be call- e°_ for eight o ' clock in the morning and thereafter the polls shall be open continuously for voting until eight o ' clock in the evening , Immediately Upon the announcement of t e result of the voting the meeting shall stand adjourned until such time and at such place as shall be set forth by the Selectmen in the warrant for the meeting. " Art . 3 . 1` o see if the '.cown will transfer the receipts from the insurance companies for the fire loss in the dioh school to the account of Vire L ss , Hich School . Art , 4. To see if the Town will vote transfer the following balances to the Axcess and Deficiency Account ;.. ; Highway Construction ( various streets ' . 4315 . 31 Hijhway Uo straction ( altham Street , Masi, . avenue to narrett -toad . . . . 96 . 32 ►swimming Pool ( Uosstructioi 1 . 7e Permanent Memorial 414or len who lost Their Lives in the florid Viar . . . . • • 2 ., u . uu Hishway 0o ._._struct '_ on ( Ulurke St . Latensiori 15 . 31 4628 . 70 Art . 5 . Tlo 'see if the Town will appropriate money to pay the neceL nary expenses of the Superintendant of Schools incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing information upon matters in which the Town is interested or which may tend to improve the service in the school .Leepartment and for the purpose of meeting the appropriation to transfer from am* the account of the school Department the sum of Qrluu . oQ to a new account to be opened for that purpose . Art . 6 . To see if the Town will appropriate money to pay the necesbary expenses of the Chief of Police incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing information upon matters in which the Town is interested or vhich may tend to improve the ser- vice in the Police Department and fot the purpose of meeting the apL• ropriation to transfer from the account of the Police Department the sum of 4125 . Uci to a new account to be opened for that purpose . Art . ? . To see if the Town will appropriate money to pay tine necessary expenses of the Superintendant of the water & Sewer Departments incurred outside the uommonwealth in secur- ing information upon matters in which the . own is interested or which may tend to improve the service of the eater & Sewer yepartments and for the 1-url, ose of moeti .g the' appropriation to transfer from the account of the eater & Senor Departments the sum Q8U. bu to a new account to be opened for tnat purpose . Art . 8 . lo sue if the down will vote to a1, + ropriate money for uld Age Assisetance in accordance with , ene ral Laws , Chapter 118A insertoc by Acts of 19 $@ Chapter 402 or act Li any ma ner -r' elat in thereto . Art . 9 . to see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum -1 , 372 . 00 received in the sale of land to the i ovni Debt ac. count . Art . 10 . To see if the Town will purchase or take by eminant domai for school , ;-: layground or park purposes land ad ' oini t School lot belonging � � h - Adams n g ng in part to the estate of the late Ellen A Stone and in part to Miss . Alen A Stone , comprising ab : ut 212 , uuu s - uare feet , or any part or _. arts thereof and as for such taxing � mart of the consideration or purchase to erect a suitable fence oil tne boundary line between the Adams School lot and the property of Miss . Stone as now existing and as extended by said Purchase or tir� and tp provide for said urchase and construction of fence bya.adirect appropriation and transfer from other accounts , . Art . l1 . '1' o see what action the Town will take , it any , to refund to Francis R Henderson of camorid e , Mas :. . 434 . O1 taxes ast; essed illegally i;:i the years 1925 , 1926 and 1927 , and appropriate money tnerefor to act ix' any manner relating thereto . Art . 12 . To se © if the Town will accept a deed and conveyance of approximately 749 square feet of land 1 :; cated as jacent to the L exin ;ton Center Playground , near Clarke street extension for park purposes , from Stephenx . & Nellie J Hamblin . Art . 13. To see if the 'Town vote to establish as a Town v:ay , o r accept the layout of as a -sown .. ay , Dexter Road from Fuller S oad to WilliamL Road ;.s laid out by the Selectmen , and shown up- on a certain plan or, file te office of the Town Clerk , Appropriate money for t _ _e constructio_: of said street by direct a:propriation or by the isEue of bonds , notes or of n rwise , or act in any ma- iner relating thereto . Art . 14 . To see if the Town will vote to refund to Axel and Henning X71 Swenson the sum of *58 . 60 , the same being the Town ' s share of the taxes asessed upon their property purchased by the Wown for School house purposes for 193u , tnd I;aid by tnet , provide money therefor , or act i any manner relating thereto . Art . lb . To see if the Town will vote to rescind it action taken under Article 19 of the " arrant of the Annual :a. own Meeting -,authorizing among other tnins an addition to the Adams School and a_upropriating money therefor . Art . lb . To see if the Town will vote to raise and aiipropriate money by isLuance of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation , or by transfer fror: other accounts or by any one or more or such methods , for tae Eur;iose of building , originally equipping and furnishing an addition to the Adams School , and make the necessary alterations caused by this addition substantially according to the plans and recommendations of the Building committee . Art . 17 . 10 sue if the sown will vote to accept a deed and conveyance of a,pprox mately 11 , 207 more or leu s square feet of land located at the junction of rrospect Hill road and aachusett Drive for highway p t?r:co 'es , from Neil & Leila McIntosh. Art . 18'i o see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the • Co struction of all or any part of " ood btreet , from Massachsetts avenue to the -Buford line , said construction ':. ork to be done in conjunction with the State and County . Art . 19 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for tie relocation and construction of Bow street froffl Massachsetts avenue to uisfe avenue and tor tine payment of damages incurred by said relocation . Art . 2u . To see if the 'Town will vote to appropriate adait . onal money for the Law Department . Art . 21 . '1' o see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to pay a judgement in favor of Laniel J u ' 0onnell in a suit b ro =nt by - him against tine Town , on account of the establishing of a building line o_ Ma. sachusett s avenue in Lexington , by the issue of bonds or notes , by direct appropriat : on or act in any manner relating thereto . 482 CL Art . 22 . to see if the Tonn will vote to accept the __ rovisions of soot ion 6B of cchapt erg 351 of the acts of 1930 , the same being " An �C Act authorizing cities ai; d Towns to a. proprlate money for n the purchase of uniforms for members of their y olice and F ,. re Departments , " or act in any mea. - nor relating thereto Art . 23 . To see if tie Town will vote to acquire From Lary J & Helen A McCaffrey an , : asemer. t across the property owned by them for the purpose of laying a twelve men water main conecting Ma sachusetts avenue with the standpipe , and to ap1: ropriate money znerefor or act • in any manner tuereto . Art . 24 . 'so see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to install water mains in the following streets and in private ways ; Twelve ( 12 ) inch main from MaEsachusetts avenue to tne stand- pipe a distance of a._ proximately 920 feet ; '1' :. elve ( 12 ) inch main in Massachusetts avenue from Lake street to iarker Street , a distance of approx : mately 2 , 3QU feet ; Twelve ( 12 ) inch main in cedar street , from Columbus street to Hill street , a distance of approximately 4 .. 0 feet ; 'newly() ( 12 ) inch main in Hill street from cedar street to tne end of the six inch =ripe , a distance of aLproximately l , 'lbu feet ; Six ( 6 ) . inch mai@ i : i .Tarfield street , 320 feet southerly from ar d street ; Ten ( lu ) inch main in Ledgelawn avenue from Bedford street to Hillside Terrace , a distance of a_ ioroximately 780 feet ; bix 1.6 ) inch main in ►Matson avenue , from Robbins road to Lexington avenue , a distance of aldprowimately 2z5 feet ; Eight ( 8 ; inch main z bobbins road , from Locust avenue norther- ly , a distance of a^:proxi mate ly 2 .. U feet ; bix ( 6 ) inch main in AValleyfield street , from Bridectrcet a distance or ajj roximately 1 , 3v0 foot ; Slick) ) inch main in Vine street , 4uU hundred feet to connect dead end ; and to a_sproxariat e money for said water construction by issuance of bonds , notes or by direct appropriation , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 2b . To see if the To-:. n will instruct tine selectmen to have tn.e Engineering . apartment prepare working plans , specifications and to sevure estimates and contractors ' bids on tine cost of constructing Lections One and Two , so - called of the Vine gook Drainaje project , as recommended in the report of the Vine -. rook Lrainage Comma.ttee , and appropriate money for said construction by the issuance of bonds , . or notes or by direct appropriation. Art . 26 . To i_ et) if the Town will vote to authorize the k: ele ctmev) to install sewers in tate following streets ; Roboins road , from Locust avenue northerly , a distance of . approximately 2uu feet ; Hayes avenue fro: its present end , a distance of aprroximately u8o feet . Berv;ick road from H: yes avenue , a distance of a.2proximately kis feet . Uedar street , a distance of b60 feet , a,. :"d a ,:: : • optiate money for said i.: onbtruction by direct apifropriation , issuance of bonds ; r notes therefore or act : az:y manner relating thereto . Art . 27 . To see if the Town will . oto to a i:iropriate money oy issue of b ) rxds or notes or by direct apropriation for the construction of the following drains ; carville avenue from near Oak street to the brook crosSing Carville avenue near Amos avenue , a distance of aqpronimntely 60u feet , . "iassachase t s avenue and Yottler avenue fr = nowkor street to brook , a aistanceof 71U feet . Clarke street froT:: Raymond street to JJarkor etrcot , a Ui ::tance of 9 ., u feet . Art . 28 . To i.:ce if the Tov:n will vote to a. :prop • iate money fyr the installation of fire alarm boxes Art . 29 . To :_roe if the Tot-:n will accept the uapturoU German wield kiece from the Department , and authorizing the selL; ctmen to place the same upon Hastings Dark or some other suitable place . Art . 3u . To iee if the 'Town will vote to accept the relocation of 483 M,a: :. achu > etts avenue from the :northerly terminus or the pre . ont street line o the ' armor sOi n all property now owned by : 'e % sers . Rubin w Seligman to the property of Anstiss ;; Kant , et . al . all as laid out by the belectmen and Lhown on lan on file at the loan ulork ' s ozfice entitled , Elan Qhowicig rroposed .Jelocation of a rortion of ;._ass . avenue , .�exington , uct , 17 , ly6v , scale 1 inch- u feet , John '1' Cosgrove , Town Engineer , " a2.propriate money , therefor by the issue of bards or notes , by transfer from other accounts or by any or allot' such methods , or act in any ma -. ner in relation thereto . Art . bl . To Lee if the Loyal ;'. iii autorize tne belectmen to purchase from Laniel J O ' Connell a ;portion of the land arm buildings on Ma: sachusetts avenue between the site of the old sown nail now ownea by subi : ;: uc Seligman and the land of Anstiss Hunt , et al , between tne tomer northeasterly street line and the ne;; northeasterly stseet line as laid our by the selectmen approximately twenty eight feet in aepth from i a_ sachusetts avenue in order to provide for a widening of AaaL sachusetts avenue , appropriate money for such purpose by the issue of bonds , notes , or by transfer from other accounts , or take any action relation tne -ret o . And you are directs.. to serve this warrant seven days at least before the time of said moeti tg as provided iL the By-Laws of the Town. Hereof , fail not , b.nd make due return of this oarrant , with your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk . on or before the time of said meeting . Given under our hands , at _.exi : gton , this fourteenth day of April , A . D . , 19 :A. . Robert 2 Trask Theodore A uustance selectman Ularence bha.non of Sallie C Blake Lexington. John E Ui_ lcreast April 21 . 1961 . To the Town Clerk ; Z have notified the inhabitants of Lexington oy f/os :_ iiig printed copies of the foregoing warrant in tne rost O Tice , t .e Vestibule of the 'Town Office Building and six other public places i . . the Town , and by mailing a printed copy of the same to ever, registered voter i . tne Town seven days before the time of said meeting. Attest ; i' atrick J Maguire . Uonstable of Lexington .