HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-03-03-TE-WARRANT and 1930-03-17-ATM-WARRANT 327
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TOVvN �;; 1, R R t_ y T
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex , : s .
To either of the Con ? tables of the Town of Lexington , in said
County ,
Greeting :
In the name of theCorn:nonwealth of Massachusetts , you are
inhabitants to notify the of the Town of Lexington ,
qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs , to meet in
their respective voting places in said town , ( Precinct One ,
Emerson Hall ; Precinct Two , Three and Four , Cary memorial Hall ) ,
MONDAY , the THIRD DAY OF MARCH , A . D . 1930 , at six
o ' clock A . L . , then and there to act on the following articles :
Art . 1 . To choose by ballot the following town officers :
One Town Clerk for the term of one year
Two SS 3loctmen for the term of. three years
One Town Treasurer for the term of one year
One Collector of Taxes for the term of one year
One Cemetery Commissioner for the term of three years
One Member of the School Committee for the term of three years
Two Constables for the term of one year
One Moderator for the term ,of one year
Two Members of the Planning Board for the term of three years
One Member of the Planning Board for the term of -b:o years
One Trustee of Public Trusts for the term of two years
One Trustee of Public trusts for the term of six years
Fifty - one town meetingmembers in each precinct ,nc ,, , the first third
in order of votes received of members so elected , to serve three
years , the second third in such order to serve two years , and the
remaining third in such order to serve one year .
The polls will be open at 6 : 00 A . M . and will remain open until
8 : O0 P . M .
You are also to notify the inhabitants aforesaid to meet in
Cary Memorial Hall in said Town on Monday , the seventeenth day
of March , 1930 , at 8 : 00 P . M . , at which time and place the following
articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the torn
meeting members , in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929
and subject to the referendum provided for by section eight of said
chapter .
Art . To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of
any Committee of the Town , and to appoint other Committees .
Art . 3 . To choose such Iota Officers as are required by law and are
usually chosen by nomination .
Art . 4 . To see if the Town will authorize their Treasurer , under
the direction of the Selectmen , to borrow money for any necessary
purposes , in anticipation of revenue for the current year , the same
to be repaid directly from the proceeds of said revenue , or act in
any manner relative thereto .
Art . 5 . To see if the Town will make the usual appropriations for
Town expenses for the ensuing year , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
Art . 6 . To see if the Town will make an appropriatio s for the
Suppression of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths in accordance with
Chapter 132 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 7 . To see if the Town will vote to aparopria. te and assess C
an amount of money to be used as a Reserve Fund as provided by
Chapter 40 , section 6 , General Laws , or take any action relating
thereto .
Lrt . 8 . To see if the Town will appropriate funds for the payment
of pensions to retired members of the Police and Fire Departments ,
under Chapter 32 , General Latins , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 9 . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of 0, 03 . or some other amount , and elect a director , the money
to be expended by and the director to serve in cooperation with the
IAiudlesex County Trustees for County Aid to Agriculture in the
work of the Middlesex County Extension Service , under the provisions
of Section 40 to 45 , Chapter 128 , General Laws of M. ssachusetts .
Art . 10 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate woney for
the use of the Water Department and payment of water debt , and to
provide same by is . •uance of bonds , note .: or by direct appropriatiin
or by transfer from other accounts , or by any or all of such
methods , or take any other action relating the eto .
Art . 11 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate ,,oney ,, by the
issue of bonds , notes or otherv;ise , for the construction of a part
or ell of M •• ssachu otts Avenue from Marrett Road to Lincoln Street .
Art . 12 . To see if the Town will authorize the board of Selectmen
to enter into a contract with the i _ s : achusetts Department of
Public Works , Division of Highways , for the construction of any
State Highway which may be laid out or constructed in the Town
during the present ye _ r or tame any action with respect the -Neto .
Art . 13 . To see if the Town will indemnify the Moma:onwoalth of
Massachusetts against any and all claims for land , grade and drainage
damages which may be caused by or result from the laying out ,
alterati -�n or construction of any State Highway or section of
State Highway in Lexington , and will authorize the Board of
Selentmen to sign indemnity agreement therefor in behalf of the
Town , or take any other action in respect thereto .
Art . 14 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to
place curbing and granolithic sidewalks adjacent to the toe:n property .
Art . 15 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to petition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit for
the ye:, r 1930 .
Art . 16 . To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $850 .
from the Account of Sale of Land to purchase of land adjoining
Cary Memorial Library .
Art . 17 . To see if the Town will appoint a committee to consider
and make recommendations with respect to the laws and practice with
reference to licensing , restraint and vaccination of dogs .
Art . 18 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to install street lights in Hinchey Foal , Valley Road and Summit
Road , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 19 . To see if the Town till curb and grade the Soldier ' s Lot
in the Munroe Cemetery and appropriate money for same or act in
any man : er relating thereto .
Art . 23 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to install sewers in the following streets : Fottler avenue , Bow
Street , Theresa Avenue , Cliffe Avenue and V:'inthrop Road Extension ,
appropriate money for said construction by direct appropriation ,
issue of bonds or notes therefor or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 21 . To see if the Town will vote to extend water mains in
the following unaccepted streets , subject to the usual guarantee and
appropriate money therefor by direct appropriation, issue of bonds
or notes or otherwise : Valley Road , Fremont Street and Winthrop
Road Extension , or act in any manner relt. ting thereto .
Frt . r2 . To see if the To-von v ill vote to extend water ma; s
in the following streets , appropriate money therefor , by direct
appropriation , issue of bonds or notes or otherviise : Walnut
Street and Allen Street , or act in nny manner relating thereto .
Art . 1. 6 . To see if the Town purchase from Paul A . Ringlaud
of Lexington , for fifteen hundred and one dollars ( $1501 ) and
a release of betterments , two parcels of land shown respectively
as parcels B and C on a plan of Clarke Street Extension , uexington ,
Mass . , August 27 , 1929 , by John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer ,
parcel B being included in the layout of Clarke Street Extension
by the Selectmen , dated September 10 , 19 .9 and parcel C being
purchased as an addition to Parker Field, the town playground ,
containing approximately nihe thousand five hundred and thirteen
(0513 ) square feet , together with a release of all claims for
damages , if any , by reason of the layout of said Clarke Street
Extension .
Art . 24 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as LI town
way , or accept the layout of as a town way , an extension of
Clarke Street , es laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon a
certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk ,
appropriate money for the construction of said street by
direct appropriation or by the issue of bonds , notes or
otherwise , and provide for the transfer of any unexpended
balance to other construction , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
Art . 5 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town
way , or accept the layout of as a. town way , a portion of
Fottler Avenue , a : laid out by the Selectmen, and shown upon
certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk .
Art . 16 . To see if the Town will vote to establish ns a town
111 way or accept the layout of as a town way , a portion of Taft
Avenue , from Baler Avenue to Ellis Street , as laid out by the
Selectmen a nd shown upon a certain plan on file in the office
of the Town Clerk .
Art . 27 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way
or accept the layout of as a town Lay , a portion of Tucker
Avenue , from Baker Avenue to Carville Avenue , as laid out by the
elect.nen , and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office
of the Town Clerk .
Art . 28 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town
way , or accept the layout of as a town way , a portion of Bertti, ell
Road , from North Hancock Street to Fuller Road , as laid out by
the Selectmen , and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office
of the Town Clerk .
Art . 29 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money by
direct appropriation , issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , for the
construction of the following streets as laid out by the Select2en
under the Betterment Act and provide for the transfer of any
unexpended balance to other highway construction : Fottler Avenue
from Cliffe Avenue approximately 610 feet westerly to Massa-
chusetts Avenue ; Taft Avenue from Baker Avenue to Ellis Street ;
Tucker Avenue from Baker Avenue to Carville Avenue ; Berty:ell
Road from North •liancock Street to Fuller Rood , or act in any
manner relating thereto .
Art . 60 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to
equip anus repair the East Lexington Fire Station Building , or
act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 31 . To see if the Town will amend Section 1 of Article
XIV of the " Code of By- laws of 1921of the Town of Lexington " , by
striking out at the end of the second paragraph the words " and
none of whom shall be eligible for immediate reappointment upon
the expiration of the terms for which they were respectively
appointed . "
r: rt . Z . To Fee if the Town will amend Section 3 (1) of
Article 1 of the " Code of By- laws of 1922 of the To ::n of
Lexington " , by adding at the end thereof the words " but not
include town meeting members . "
Art . 3a . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
money for the purpose of purchasing a certain lot of land
locLi. ted on the Old County Road near Allen Street known as
a portion of the Swenson Brothers Farm containing approximately
eight acres , and erecting thereon a public school building
and originally ecyuipping and furnishing the same , and to
provide for such appropriation by the issuance of bonds or
notes or by direct appropriation or by any , one or more or
all of such methods , or to take any action relating thereto .
Art . 34 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to construct a drain approximately along the present main
channel of Vine Brook from near Hayes Lane to the junction
of the present north branch with the main channel , a
distance of approximately 2600 feet , as laid out and recom-
mended by iletcalf and Eddy , consulting Engineers in their
report under date of September 29 , 1928 , appropriate money
therefor by the issue of bonds , notes or by direct appro-
priation , or by transfer from other account : , or by any or
all of such methods , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 35 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money
to equip and repair the Public Vvorks Department Building
located on Bedford Street , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
Art . 36 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen
to purchase a portion of the land owned by Lois U . and
Lillian G . Marshall near the Cary Memorial Library said
parcel being described as follows : Lot C . bounded south-
westerly by land now or formerly of E . Lenham
53 . 85 feet ; northwesterly by land of Tosn of 1Jexington
76 . 84 feet ; northeasterly by land of Town of Lexington
49 . 30 feet ; southeasterly by land of the grantors 76 . 09
feet , all as shown on plan entitled , 'Plan of Land in
Lexington , Mass . , Scale 1 " - 10 ' October 14 , 19._ 9 , E . N .
Montague , C . E . , Vest Acton , Mass . " , appropriate money for
this purpose by direct appropriation , issue of bond : or
notes or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 37 . To see if the Tovm v. i _ll vote to authorize the
Selectmen to purchase for street purposes from Robbins
Smith the following parcels of land :
Parcel A .
Bounded as follows : Southerly by Follen Road x,9 . 14 feet .
Westerly by land of grantor 88 . 27 feet .
Northerly by land of grantor 33 . 91 feet .
Easterly by land of grantor 68 . .12, feet ,
containing 1590 square feet , all as shown on plan entitled ,
" Plan of Part of Smith Avenue , Lexington , Mass . , Scale 1 inch -
2O feet , June 16 , 19 [7 , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer . "
Parcel B .
Bounded as follow : Southerly by Follen Road 52 . 75 feet .
Tlcsterly by lead of grantor 139 . 74 feet .
Easterly by land of grantor 111 , 5? feet ,
containing 1526 : quare feet , all as shown on plan entitled ,
" Plan of Part of Smith Avenue , Lexington , Mass . , June 16 , 1927 ,
Scale 1 inch - 23 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer , "
appropriate money for this purpose by direct appropriation or
act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . Z8 . _ To see if the Town on the petition of George W .
Carano Fad others and on the recommendation of the Planning
Board thereon will amend the Lexington toning By- law and
zoning map by changing from a C- 1 district to an k- 1
district a portion of the territory described in paragru, ph
ic: 8 of sec . 3 so that mid patragrnph `'8 shall read as follows :
"At the junction of Marrett Road , formerly School LAtreet ,
School and Streets , comLonly- known as " The Five
Forks " , a business district on both sides of Liarrett Road
extenuing southerly for a distance of 200 feet fro:.l the most
southerly line of Lincoln Street and of a depth of 133 feet
from the adjacent street line in each instance . "
Art . 39 . To sec if the Town v:ill provide a site or sites to
be used by the Committee appointed under the vote of the town
December 8 , 19`'7 for the erection of a memorial or memorials
• to war veteran : or take any other action relative theroto .
Art . 40 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and
assess a sum of money to be expended by the committee appointed
under the vote of the Town Lece.lber 8 19:7 for the erection
of a memorialorwar '
mer�ori �. l ., to veteran , after the plan of
plans have been Lipproved by the Tov:n or take any other ciction
relative thereto .
1.rt . 11 . To see if the Town will amend its vote of December 8
19 ` 7 relative to the establishment of a permanent memorial
for the veterans of all tars for whom memorials have not
elready been erected by changing the words " a permanent
memorial " to the words " permanent nemorials " or take any other
action re La tive thereto .
fart . If, . To see if the Toy; vote
n will to appropriate money
for the celebration of the Tercentenary the same to be expended
under the direction of the Tercentenary Committee , or act in
any manner relating thereto .
Art . 43 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money
for, the use of the Stanley HillRost 38 , American Legion , the
same to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Selectmen fr)r the celebration of the Tercentenary, or act in
any manner relating thereto .
Hereof, fail not , and r& ke due return of this Warrant
your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk , on or before the
time of said Meeting .
Given under our hands , at Lexington , this eleventh day of
February , A . D . , 1930 .
Albert H . Burnham
Francis Chamberlain electmen
Theodore A . Custance of
Hallie C . Blake Lexington .
Lex in gton , Lass .
February ? 4 , 1333 .
To tha Town Clerk :
I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting
printed copies of the foregoing \Varrant in the Post Office ,
in the vestibule of the Town Office Building end in six other
public places in the Town , and by mailing a. printed copy of
the same to every registered voter in the town , seven days
before the time of said meeting .
Attest :
'Tomes J . Sullivan
Constable of Lexington .