HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-06-18-STM-WARRANT 297 TOWN WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex , ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington , in said • County , Greeting : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington , qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Cdry Memorial Building , in said Lexington on TUrSDAY , the EIGHTEENTH day of June , 1929 , at seven thirty P . M. Art . 1 . To receive the report of any Bonrd of. Town Officers or of any Commitee of the Town , and to avnoint other Committees . Art . 2 . To see if the town will rescind its vote adopted March , 1929 authorizing a certain conveyance of land to Lillian G . and Lois M . Marshall and in substitution therefor will vote to sell and convey to the said Lillian G . and Lois M . Marshall the following describedland of the town : A certain parcel of land situated in Lexington on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the southwesterly side line of samd Massachusetts Avenue at the boundary line between land of the Town of Lexington and land now or formerly of Lillian G . and Lois V . Marshall , thence running northwesterly by Massachusetts Avenue eight and. fifty hundredths ( 8 . 50 ) feet to a point ; thence turning and. running southwesterly by other land of the Town . of Lexington sixty-nine and ninety - seven hundredths ( 69 . 97 ) feet more or less , to land now or formerly of Lois M . Marshall ; thence turning and running south- easterly eight sand twenty- eight hundredths ( 8 . 28 ) feet by said land now or formerly of. Lois M . Marshall to said land now or formerly of Lillian G . and Lois M . Marshall ; there turning and running northeasterly by said Lillian G . and. Lois M . Marshall land seventy ( 70 ) feet more or less to the point of beginning . Said parcel of land is shown on a plan entitled , " Plan of Land conveyed by the Town of LeeKington , M ^ ss , " dated April 13 , 1929 , by John T . Cosgrove , Town "ngineer , and contains , according to said nlar ,, five hundred eighty - seven ( 587 ) square feet of land. more or less . Art . 3 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to make expenditures to repair and make alterations at the High School Building , appropriate money for this purpose by transfer from other accounts , by issue of bonds or notes , or by direct appropriation ; and authorize said Committee to exend any balance from such appropriation to make such repairs or alterations as they may deem necessary in any of the schools in the town . Art . 4 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way or to , accept the layout of Coolidge Avenue from Adams Street ape proximately 545 feet , all as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office . Art . 5 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way or to accept the layout of Bertwell Road from North Hancock Street to Williams hoad , all as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon plan on file in the TownClerk ' s Office . 298 Art . 6 . To see if the Town will vote to establish ss a town way or to acnept the layout of Harding Road from Bedford Street to Williams Road , all as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon plan on file in the Town Clerks Office . Art , 7 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town wy or to accept the layout of. Hillside Terrace from North nancock Street approx imat mly 294 feet , all as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office . Art . 8. To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way or to accept the layout of Hill Top Avenue from Kendall Road approximately 710 feet , all as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office . Art . 9 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way or to accept the layout of Fottler Avenue from Cliffe Avenue approximately 610 feet westerly to Massa- chusetts Avenue , all ns laid out b -- the Selectmen , and shown upon plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s off i ce . Art . 10 . To see if the Town will accept the gift of the late Edith C . Redman and assume the obligations of the trust set forth in the bequest contained in her will , provide for the disposition of the said gift and take any other action in relation thereto . Art . 11 . To see if the Town will accept the deed and conveyance of about 323 square feet of land at the inter- section of the southerly line of Marrett Road. , with the easterly line of Waltham Street , from Jennie M . cartridge . Art . 12 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the construction of the following streets : Coolidge Avenue , from Adams Street apnrox imate ly 545 feet ; Bertwell Road from North Hancock Street to Williams Road ; Harding Road from Bedford Street to Williams Road ; Hill - side Terrace from North Hancock Street approximately 294 feet ; Hill Top Avenue from %ndall Road approximately 710 feet ; Farmcrest Avenue from Waltham Street to Allen Street ; Fottler Avenue from Cliffe Avenue approximately 610 feet to Massachusetts Avenue , by transfer from other accounts , by issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation . Art . 13 . To see if the Town will vote to install street lights in Vnille Avenue and in Grassland Street . Art . 14 . To see if the Town will vote to transfer the fees obtained from the County for the licensing of dogs to the Cery Memorial Library Account . Art . 15 . To see if the Town will adopt amendments to the Lexington tc oning y_ Law proposed by the Planning board to correct typographical errors and omissions and make clarifying changes in the amendments to the said Zoning By- Law adopted at the annual town meeting of 1929 , a copy of which proposed amendments has been filed with the Town Clerk and is open to public inspection . Art . 16 . To see if the Town will amend the town Building By-Law by adding the following paragraph to Article X , section 1 : " The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply to signs , advertising devices , clocks , marquees , permanent awnings and other like structures projecting into or placed on or over public ways in the Town which are 299 placed and maintained under permits issued by the Boar ; of Selectmen under General Laws , Ghnpter eighty- five , sections eight and nine , and arts in amendment thereof' and in addition thereto . " Art . 17 . To see if the town will amend section 4 of Article 11 of the Building By_ Law of the Town by substituting in line 9 for the word " selectmen " the words " a board of appeal appointed for that purpose by the selectmen" , and in lines 13 and 17 by sub - stituting for the word " selectmen " the words " such board of appeal " , or by any other means to provide for a board of appeal under the town Building By- Law . Art . 18 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Committee appointed to establish a permanent memorial to Vet ^ rans of all wars to install a tablet in memory of the men of Lexington who lost their lives in the World War , and appropriate and assess , or transfer sums of money for such purpose . Art . 19 . To see if the Town will vote to apnropriate and assess a sum of money to be expended by the Committee apnointed to " establish a permanent memorial to the Veterans of all wars in securing suitable designs , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 20 . To see if the Town will vote to install automatic traffic signals at any and all of the following intersections : Mnssachus,ntts Avenue at Waltham Street ; MQ- sc• achusetts Avenue at Clnr"re Street ; Bedford Street 6. t Elm Avenue : Waltham Street at Marrett Road and Woburn Street at Lowell Street , apnropriate money for same by direct apnrooriatinn , or by transfer from other accounts or by issue of bonds or notes . Art . 21 . To see if the Town will vote to install sewers in the following streets : Belfry Terrace , a distance of approximately 280 feet ; Massachusetts Avenue , from Audubon Road a distance of approximately 1025 feet and Oak Street from Baker Avenue a distance of approximately 160 feet , and appropriate money therefor by issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 22 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money by direct appropriation , issuance of bonds or notes , or by transfer from Excess and Deficienby Account , for the following accounts . Massachusetts Avenue Land Damages April 19th Celebration Sidewalks ( Where abuttors will pay one- half the cost ) Sidewalks Granite Curbing Town Clerk ' Fire Department • Boned of Appeals or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 23 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to enter into negotiations with owners of land adjacent to the entrance to the Parker Field to purchase a portion of said land for the purpose of widening said entrance , app- ropriate money for this purpose by transfer or direct approp- riation , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 24 . To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen in the name of and in behalf of the town to enter into a contract in writing under the authority of Statute 1927 , Chapter 323 , with the United States Veterans � bureau 300` to supply water to the Veterans ' Bureau Hospital in the town of Bedford . ria _ Art . 25 To see if the Town will vote to install an additional water main from the Arlington line to the Bedford line in the Northeasterly part of the town , and pay for the same by the issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation , or take any other action in relation thereto . Art . 26 . To see if the Town will vote to construct a water main in the town of Bedford from the Lexington line to the United States Veterans ' Bureau Hospital in the said Bedford under the authority of Statute 1927 , Charter 323 , and provide for same by the issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation , at the expense of the United states of Am&rica , or take any other action in relation thereto . Hereof , fail not , and make due return of this Warrant , with your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk , or before the time of said meeting . Given under our hands , at Lexington , this fourth day of June , A . D . , 1929 . Albert H . Burnham Clarence Shannon Selectmen Hallie C ., Blake of Francis (chamberlain Lexington . Theodore A . Custance • Lexington , Mass . dune 11 , 1929. To the Town Clerk : I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office , in the vestibule of the Town Office Building and in six other public places in the Town , and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the town , seven days before the time of said meeting . Attest : James J . Sullivan Constable of Lexington .