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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex , ss .
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington ,
in said. County , Greetings:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are
directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington
qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the
Cary Memorial building , in said Lexington , on Monday , the
twenty- sixth day of November , 1928 , at seven thirty P . M .
Art . 1 . To teceive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of
any Committee of t?, e Towr , and to appoint other Committees .
• Art . 2 . To see if the Town will accept from Ellen M . Tower a gift
of land for a public park in memory of Till iam Augustus Towr and
. of a fund of money for .the care , maintenance and improvement of
the said park , and will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the
Town to signify its acceptance of the said. gift upon the terms and
conditions set forth in a proposed. deed to the Town .
Art . 3 . To see if the Tow " will vote to reimburse former members
of the Botrr" of Selectmen the sum of one hundred. dollars $ 100 )
for legal services in the action brought against them by Henry
McCaffrey .
Art . 4 . To see if the Town will notify the cit; of Waltham and
the Commissioner of 7entn1 Diseases on or before December 1st
in the current year that it does not '5esire to avail itlelf of
the oprortnity of connecting the sewers of that area of Lexington
in the valley of Beaver Brook as descried in Section 1 of
Chapter 372 of the Acts of 1928 witi- the sewers provided For in
the said Chapter , or ta're any other action with respect to said
Statute or the provisions for tke Town of Lexington therein
contained .
Art . 5 . To see if the Town will amend t1' e Zoning By- Law of the
Town by adopting a general revision thereof including provisions
to males more definite the boundaries of existing districts , to
regulate the useof premises (Is well as structures , to re- arrange
and further particularize vaS.ous structural uses and to add thereto ,
to increase the .�
minimum frontage , a.r. a and yardspace of houselots ,
to limit the size of signsin the residential districts , to pro-
vide for new uses , to provide for the reconstruction of destroyed
non- conforming buildings , to regulate the location of structures on the
re r ends of lots , to provide for the anrrovai of lot layout' s
the Selectmen , to amplify and clarify the present Zoning LPN , and
for other purposes , or to taire any other action in relation thereto .
Art . 6 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the
following accounts by transfer from General Revenue and Surplus
Account or unexpended balances or by issue of bonds or notes ;
Soldiers '
Relief , Public Welfare , Insurance , Election & Registration ,
$ rs , Fire Department , Removal of Ashes & Care on Dumps , Parks
and Playgrounds , Highway Construction ( Massachusetts Avenue , Oak Street
to Middle Street , now !larrett Road ) Highway Maintemance , Town Hall ,
and Snow Removal , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 7 . To see if the Town will vote to install street lights in
Tower Street , Independence Ave -ue ' Smith Avenue ,
Oaks Drive , and Wachusett Drive oract in any mnneron oad , F
relating thereto .
Art . 8 . To see if the Town will vote to install a sewer in
Edgewood Road .
Art . 9 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate X715 . 42 for
the nurchase of Approximately 450 feei-. of 6 " water main in York
Street which was laid by the Edward T. Harrington Company in 1915 ,
in accordance with agreement dated August 5 , 1914 , or act in
any manner relating thereto .
Art . 10 . To see if thr, Tcyln will vote to establish ns a Town _
way or accent the layout or Cummih '3ond from its int rsecti. on
with Follen Honr to pinewood fltreet , all ns lei d out b ;t the
L' electmen and as sho- rn upon plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s
Office , appropriate money by transfer from other acnount, s or
by issue of bonds or notes , or act in any other manner relating
thereto .
\rt . 11 . To see if thfl To" n will vote to establish ns a Torn
way or accent the layout of Pi eewood. Stre e' . d i s '- ante of 840
feet , all as laid out by the Selectmen andas shown upon plan
on file in the Town Cleric ' s Office , ap -'ronriate 'nrney by
transfer from other accounts , or b; issue of bonds or notes ,
o r act in any manner rel ' Ling; th ' r :1to .
Art . 12 . To see if t n Torn will vote to establish ns a Town
way or ac cert the layout or Bennett Avenue from Baker .avenue
to Tarbell Avenue a distance or 760 feet , all as laid out
by the Sele ^ t' ien nnrl rel shown uron pian ori file in the Town
Clerk ' s Office , anr_ ronrinte money by transfer from other
accounts or by issue of bones or notes , or act in any manner
✓ elating thereto .
Art . 13 . Tn see if the Town will vote to establish Ins a
Town way or accent the layout of Chase Avenue from Tucker Avenue
to ne9r Bennett Avenue , a distance on 830 feet , all as laid.
out by the Selectmen ^nd as shown anon plan on file i.4 the
Town Clerk ' s Office , apnronria.te money from other accounts or
by issue of bonds or rotes , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 14 . To see if tl e Town will vote to establish as a Town
way or accent the layout of Baker Avenue from O nir Street to near
Butler Avenue , a distance of 1013 feet , all as laid out by the
electmen ans as shown upon nla'-i on file in the Town Clerk ' s
Office , appropriate money by transfer from other accounts or by
issue of bonds or notes , or act in any resnl er relating t'Hereto .
Art . 15 . To see if the Town wiT vote to establish as a Town
way or accept the layout of Butler Avenue from Carville Avenue
to Baker Avenue , a distance of 600 feet , all as laid out by
the Selectmen and as shown upon plan on file in tie T0-:vn Clerk ' s
Office , annrorriate money by transfer from other accounts or by
issue of bones or notes or act ir_ any manner relating thereto .
Art . 16 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to
sell and convey a nortion of the land conveyed. to the Toun by deed.
o f George /" . Spaulding dated April 7 , 1906 and recorded with
Middlesex South District Registry on Deeds , Bonk 3243 , page 385 ,
adjoining the premises of Lillian G . & Lois Y . Marshall , or to
exchange the same for other landof either of the sa. ic'. I, arshalls ,
or purchase such other lPns or abandon , convey or release any
easement in land of the said Marshalls , or either o ' them , or
tare any action in relation thereto .
Art . 17 . To receive the renort or the Committee appointed to
recommend q ? ti. ^n , in any , with resrect to securing aut- ority for
representative town meetin = s , a.nd to see if the Town will m&re
arnlicati on , or authnrize such , to the General Court to establish
in the Town of Lexington a form on Town Government providing for
a Town meeting relative to such inhabitants or the Town ns may be
e lected to meet , deliberate , act ans vote in the exercise of the
cornorate flowers of the Town subject to such restrictions and
✓ egulations as the General Court may nrescrite , or to act in
any other manner pertaining thereto .
Hereof , fail not , and make due return of. this ,rlarrant , with
your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk , on or before the time of
said meeting .
Given unser our hands , at Lexington , this sixth day of
November , A . D . 1928 .
Albert H . Burnham ) SELECT"EN
Theodore A . Custance )
James G . Robertson ) OF
"Lillian H . Ballard )
Francis Chamberlain ) LEXINGTON .
Lexington , Mass .
November 19 , 1928
To the Town Clerk :
I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting
printed copies of the foregoing ''arrant in the Post Of `'ice , in
the Vestibule of the Town Office Building and in six other
public places in the town , and by mailing a nrin t;ed cony of the
same to every registered voter in the town seven days before
the ti'►e of said. meeting .
Attest :
J. mes J . Sullivan
Constable of Lexi nc"ton .