HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-03-07-TE-WARRANT and 1927-03-14-ATM-WARRANT 112 in N W A R TOWN RANT COMMONWEALTH EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX , SS . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County , Greeting : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington , qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in their respective voting places in said town, ( Precinct One , Emerson Hall ; Precinct Two , Town Hall ) on MONDAY , the Seventh day of March , A . D . , 1927 , at six o ' clock , A . M . , then and there to act on the following articles : Art . 1 . To choose by ballot the following town officers : One Town Clerk for the term of one year ; two Selectmen for the term of three years ; one Town Treasurer for the term of one year ; one Collector of Taxes for the term of one year ; one Cemetery Commissioner for the term of three years : one member of the School Committee for the term of three years ; two Constables for the term of one year ; one Moderator for the term of one year ; two members of the Planning Board for the term of three years . The polls will be open at 6 : 00 A . M . and will remain open until 5 : 00 P . M . You are also to notify and warn the inhabitants aforesaid to meet in Town ball in paid town on Monday , the fourteenth day of Marc- , 1927 , at 7 : 30 P . M . to act on the following articles : Art . 2 . To receive the report of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town, and to appoint other Committees Art . 3 . To choose such Town Officers as are required by law and are usually chosen by nomination . r Art . 4 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for tree proper observance of Memorial Day , to be expended under the direction of Post 119 , Grand Army of the Republic . Art . 5 . To see if the Town will grant such sums of money as m:iy be thought necessary for the uses and expenses of the Town the ensuing year for the follm ing departments or accounts , direct how the same shall be raised , or act in any manner relating thereto ; Public Schools : Outside Poor : Highways : Street rights : Fire Department ; Appropriation Committee : Public Parks : Town Engineer ' s Department : Milk Inspector : Plumbing Inspector : Inspector of Slaughtering : April 19th Celebration : Street Signs : Cemeteries : Wire Inspector : Lowell and Maple Streets and Massachusetts Avenue , Construction . Art . 6 . To see if the Town will make . the usual appropriation: for Town expenses the ensuing year , not specified in other articles , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 7 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation to construct sidewalks with concrete or other material where the abutters will pay one-half the expense thereof . Art . 8 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the sup- pression of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths , in accordance with C pter 132 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto . 113 Art . 9 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation to provide funds for the payment of pensions to retired town veterans under Chapter 32 , Section 5 - 55 , General Laws , or act in any manner • relating thereto . Art . 10 . To see if the Town will vote to apiproririate and assess an amount of money to be used as a Reserve Fund as provided by Chap . 40 , Sec . 6 , General Lc..we , or take any action relating thereto . Art . 11 . To see if the Town will appropriate funds for the payment of pensions to retired members of the Police end Fire Departments under C lapter General LPY: , ur act in ( nhy l.h,. _ia“: " relating thereto . Art . 1P . To see if the Town will authorize their Treasurer , under the direction of the Selectmen , to borrow money for any neces .=; nry Dur :roses , in anticipation of revenue for the current year , the s - me to be repaid directly from the proceeds of said revenue , or act in any manner relative thereto . Art . 13 . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of 4300 . or some other amount and elect a director , the money to be expended by and the director to serve in cooperation with the Middlesex County Trustees for County Aid to Agriculture in the work of the Middlesex County Extension ; srvice , under the provisions of Sections 40 to 45 , Chapter 1r8 , General Laws of Ma s s .achusetts . Art . 14 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the use of the Water and Sewer Department and to provide same by issuance of bonds , notes or by direct appropriation or by any or all of such methods , or take any other action relating t , iereto . Art . 15 . To see if the Town wit vote to appropriate• money to .riden and deepen the brooks of the To to /to obt _'. in better surface drain=,.ge deepen � i A brooks r 1 ' .-� ' or take any other action relating tuereto . • Art . 16 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money either by the issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , for the construction of Vdaltham Street from Middle Street to Allen Street , and provide for the transfer of any unexpended balrnce to other construction , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 17 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money either by the issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , for the construction of Massachusetts Avenue from Waltham Street to Hayes Fountain , and Bedford Street from Hayes Fountain to Elm Avenue , and provide for the transfer of any unexpended balance to other construction , or act in any manner relating thereto . Ort . 18 . To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to entar into a contract with the Massachusetts Department of Public Works , Division of highways , for the construction of any State highway which may be laid out or constructed in the town during the present year or take any action with resnec L thereto . Art . 19 . To see if the Town will indemnify the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts against any and all claims for land , grade and drainage damages which may be caused by or result from the laying out , alter - ation or reconstruction of any State Iiightay or section of State High - way in Lexington , and will authorize the Board of Selectmen to sign indemnity agreement therefore in behalf of the town, or rake any other action in respect thereto . Art . 20 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to pur - chase beacon traffic signals for this town , or act in any manner re- lating thereto . Art . 21 . To see if the Town will vote to install street lights in tele following unaccepted streets ; Mount Vernon Terrace , Fletcher Avenue , Hayes Avenue , hillside Terrace , Bridle Path , and Hamblen Street . 114 Art . 22 Town „ R4 - �, F_. . To see if the will authorize its Board of Selectmen to C_ execute , acknowledge , and deliver in its name and behalf , a deed running in favor of Jes ^ie E . Keenan , of said Lexington , releasing to her all its right , title , and interest , if any , in two certain parcels of land situated on Butler Avenue in that part of Lexington known as East Lexington , being lots No . 541 and 545 on a plan of lots at Liberty Heights , belonging to Jacob W . Wilbur , said pl; n being made by Alfred L . Eliot , C . E . , dated November 19 , 1919 , and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds , Book of Plans 182 , Plan 41 . Art . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the construction of a sewer in Massachusetts Avenue from Middle Street to the end of Curve Street north , and from Curve Street south to the East Lexington Station , and to provide same by the issuance of bonds , notes or by direct appropriation , or by any or all of such methods and provide for the transfer of any unexpended balanceto other construction , or to take any other action relating thereto .. Art . 24 , To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to lease , sell , convey or otherwise dispose of , or provide for the use of the premises at 516 Massachusetts Avenue , conveyed to the town by Frederick K . Rindge , under date of April 29 , 1885 . Art . 25 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to execute in the name and on behalf of the Town an agreement restricting the use of the property at 516 Massachusetts Avenue , in accordance with the mutual agreement of Leroy S . Brown, et ars dated March 13 , 1916 , as shown on plan entitled : " Plan of land :.round the Common at Lex- ington , " dated January 1 , 1917 . Art . 2:6 . To hear the report of the Committee appointed under Article 4 of the Warrant for the Town Meeting held January 31 , 1927 , to consider the advisability of the erection of a town office building , or repairs to , or sale or other disposition of the Town Hall building or property , and act upon the same , make an appropriation for plans , specifications and study of a new office building or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 27 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the con- struction including equipment and furnishings of a new Town Office building to be located upon lot Y adjacent to the location of the Isaac Harris Cary Memorial Building on Massachusetts Avenue , and to provide for such appropriation by the issuance of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation or by any , one or more or all of such methods , said appropriation to be expended by a committee to be appointed by the Moderator , or to take any action relating thereto . Art . 28 . To see if the Town will adopt the following by- law : " The Board of Selectmen are hereby authorized to adopt regu- lations establishing rates and charges for the use of water supplied by public water works crnd for the inspection , materials , construction , alteration , or use of pipes and fixtures through which water is supplied by public water works , either throughout the Town or within a limited portion thereof , and to prohibit the use of such water by persons neglecting or refusing to comply therewith : and the Town hereby prohibits the use of such water by such persons neglecting or refusing to comply therewith . " Art . 29 . To see if the Town will authorize the Cemetery Commissioners to extend the wire fence around the Munroe Cemetery and appropriate money for the same . Art . 30 . To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $ 1 . 25 from Cliffe Avenue , Arcadia Avenue , Carville Avenue and Grant Street Account to Highway Construction , Lowell St . Maple St . and Massachu- setts Avenue . Art . 31 . To see if the Town will vote to extend water mains in the following unaccepted streets : Downing Road , Outlook Drive , Wachusetts Drive , and in Shade and Lincoln Streets ( Accepted ) appropriate money 115 by issuance of bonds notes or otherwise , and provide for tne transfer of any unexpended balance to other construction , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 32 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $5 , 000 for the extension of water mains , to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, provide money for the same either by the issuance of bonds , notes or otherwise , or act in any manner lir relating thereto . Art . 33 . To see if the Town will vote to adopt as amendments to the Building Law the changes in the report of the Committee on the Revision of Building Laws accepted by the Town at a Town Meeting heldDecernber 6 , 1926 , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 34 . To see if the Tovrn will vot to authorise the Selectmen to petition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit of the year 1977 . Art . 35 . To see if the Town will vote to amend the Plumbing By- laws by adding thereto the following : 1, No boilers or other vessels in which water is heated or stored for domestic purposes shall hereafter be installed or replaced except by licensed plumbers , nor shall any device for heating water for s -tme be connected thereto until a permit has been granted by the Inspector of Plumbing therefore : and no water shall be turned on until the same , with properly set snd approved safety devices shall have been passed by the Inspector of Plumbing . fl or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 36 . To see if , the Town will provide money to reimburse the Jefferson Union Company for abatements on taxes for ti-le years 1924 and 1925 . Art . 37 . To see if the Town will mike an appropriation for en- larging , deepening , or otherwise altering Vine Brook , its walls and culverts , where it passes under Massachusetts Avenue and the Boston and Maine Railroad tracks , and necessary portions of said brook to the south of said Massachusetts Avenue and to the north of said railroad tracks including the tributaries of said brook , or any part or parts of the same , in pursuance - f recommendation and estimates of Messrs . Metcalf and Eddy , Engineers , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 38 . To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money for t _le purpose of widening ana grading Grove Street , beginning from the junction of Robinson Road to the Bedford town line . Hereof , fail not , and mr ke due return of this Warrant , with your doings thereon, to the Town Cleric , on or before the time of said meeting . Given under our hands , at Lexington , this fifteenth day of February , A . D . , 1927 . THEODORE A . CUSTANCE ►' ELECTMEN CHARLES H . MILES V: ILLIAlM H . BALLARD OF ALBERT H . BURNHAM JAMES G . ROBERTSON LEXINGTON Lexington, Mass . February 28 , 1927 . To the Town Clerk : I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the Foregoing Warrant in the Post Office , in the vestibule of the Town Hall and in six other public places in the town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the town eight days before the time of said meeting . Attest : James J . bul Livan, Constable of Lexington .