HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-03-01-TE-WARRANT and 1926-03-08-ATM-WARRANT DO
To either of. the Constables of the Town o f Lexington , in said
Greeting :
In the name of the Commonwealth. of Mas
directed to notify the inhabitants of the TownCofsLexin you
cru •
to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in their o respective
voting places in said town ,
( Precinct One , Emerson ► ia11 : Precinct Two ,
Town Hall , ) on
MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF Mara ,"H , A , D . 1926 ,
at Six o ' clock A . M . , then and there to act on the following articles ;
cies ;
Art . 1 . To choose by ballot the following town officers :: One Town
Clerk for the term of one year : two Selectmen for
One Town Treasurer for the term of one year : one Collector o f threeTas forrs y
the term of one year. • one Cemetery Commissioner for the term ofthreefor
years • one member of the school Committee for the term of three years -
two Constables for the term of one
year :
one year • one Trustee of Public Trusts for nthe oterm tof foror si
the term of
members of the Planning Board for the term of three y ears , years : two
The polls will be open at 6 • A . M . and will remain open
until 5 • 00 P . M .
You ars also to notify and warn the inhabitants aforesaid to
sheet in Town Hall in said town on Monday , the eighth day of March,
1926 at 7 : 30 P . M . to act on the following articles
Art . 2 . To receive the report of any Doard of Town Officers or of a
Committee of the town , and to ap-coint other committees . ny
. rt . 3 . To choose such Town Officers as are required b T
usually chosen by nomination . law and are
.,r. t . 4 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the °roper
observance of Memorial Day , to be expended under the direction of Post 119 ,
Grand army of the Republic .
Art . 5 . To see if the Town will grant such sums of money as maybe
thought necessary for the uses and expenses of the Town the ensuing
for the following departments or accounts , direct how e - yearb
rais ed , or act in any manner th„ same shall be
y relating thereto : Public Schools : Outside
floor , Highways : Street Lights : Fire Department . Appropriation Committe
Public Parks : Town Engineer ' s Department • Mir- Inspector : Plumbing
Inspector . Inspectors of Slaughtering : april 19th elebrnItion : Street :
and Cemeteries . i gns .
Art . 6 . To see if the Town will mire e the usual ap prnnrl. ations for
'J' ^ nxpenses the ensuing year , ? pot sped ; fi. ed in other articles , or
act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 7 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation to construct
side alks with concrete or other material where the abuttors will. a o
half the expense thereof , p y rie -
Art . S .
`1' o see if the Town will make an appronriation for the suppression
of Gypsy and drown Tail Moths in accordance with Uhapter 132 General Laws ,
act in any manner relating thereto . ,
rt . 9 . To see if the Town will make an apnropriation to provider unds
for the payment of pensions to retired town veterans under ()hap .
P 32 ,
Section 5? - 55 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 10 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess an
amount of moneyto be used as a Reserve serve Fand as provided by Chap . 40 ,
Sec . 6 , General Laws , or take any action relating Cher ' to .
Art . 11 . To see if the Town will appropriate funds for the payment of
pensions to retired members of the Police and vire Depa -•tments under
Chapter 32 , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 12 . To see if the sown -11. ] authorize their r Tr . rasurer , under the
direction of the Selectmen , to borrow money for any necessary purposes ,
in anticipation of revenue for the e current year , the same to be repaid
directly from the proceeds of said revenue , or acct in any manner
relative thereto .
Art . 13 . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum
of ::p3000 or some other amount , and elect a director , the moneyto be
expended by and the director to serve in cooperatio
with. the `1"iddlesex
County Trustees for County laid to Agriculture in the work of. the Middle -
sex County Extension 3ervice , Tunder the provisions of Sections 40 to 45 ,
Chapter 128 , General Laws of lassachusetts .
Art . 14 . To see If the Town will vote to appropriate money for the use
Water the and Sewer Department and to provide same by issuance of
bonds , no `-es or by direct appropriation or by any or all of such methods ,
or take any other action relating thereto .
Art . 15 . To see if the Town trill t, ote to appropriate money to widen
and deepen the brooks in the Town so as to obtain better surface drainage
or take any other action relating thereto .
Art . 16 . To see if the Town will vote
to accept Section 49 of Chapter 31 ,
of the General Laws of 1921 , in reference to Chief of Police .
Art . 17 . To see if the Town will vote to accept the recommendation of
the Selectmen for the changing of the names of certain streets , or act
In any manner relating thereto .
Art . 18 . To see if the Town will vote to install street ligHts int he
following unaccepted streets :: Jackson Court : Cliffe -1venue : Woodland
Road : and Sunnyknoll hvenue .
Art . 19 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to
furnish snow plow service on the following unaccepted street : Goodwin
Road .
Art . 20 . To seeTown
if the will vote to appropriate money , either by
the issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , for the construction of Highland
Avenue , under the Betterment - let , providing the abutters comply with
all the requirements , or act in any manner relating thereto .
.Art . 21 . To see if the Town will rescind that part of the vote pas " ed
at the Town Meeting , March 16 , 1925 , under Article 33 , as follows ; " Until
otherwise ordered as hereinafter provided the fund shall be turned over
to the Trustees of Public Trusts to be invested and held by them , to-
gether with the accumulations of income thereon , subject to the future
vote or votes of the Town . The fund so held shall be designated as
Veterans ' emorial Fund . "
. : rt . 22 . To see if the
town will vote to make an additional appropri -
ation of : ; 13 , 000 to be expended under the direction
in Committee � of the school Build-
ing for grading , planting , furniture and equipment of the new
High School property , or act in any manner relating theroto .
Art . 23 . To see if the Town :; ill vote to have the Firo Alarm system
connected with the Town of Arlington Fire alarm system in order to have
• interchange of service in accordance with plans of the Metropolitan
District , provide money for the same , or acct in any manner nr r > li_ n g
Art . 24 . To see if the Town will appropriate money for the installation
of five fire alarm boxes of the latest non- interference type , or act in
any manner relating thereto ,
56 J
Art . 25 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a Town way
or to accept the lay out as a town way , a portion of Chase Atvenue
from Taft
venue to �- ucker Avenue , as laid out by the Selectmen , a
: ,
shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk ,
appropriate money *4191721apq , either by the issue of bonds , notes or
otherwise , for the ITtfl i aUtion of said street under the 13etterin i
e 1t
Act , providing the abutters comply with the requirements , or act in any
manner relating thereto .
Art . 26 . To see if. the Town will vote to transfer the unexpended
balance of Forest Street Extension construction account , after completi
of the work , to Highland Avenue construction account .
Art . 27 . To see if the Town will vote to transfer the unexpended
balance of. Carville "venue , Arcadia Avenue , Cliffe Avenue and Grant
Street construction account , after completion of the work , to Various
Street Construction .
Art . 28 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation to print
the Town By-Laws in pamphlet form .
Art . 29 . To hear the report of the Committee appointed und ? r vote of
Town Meeting , September 28 , 1925 , to take recognition of tbe naming after
this town by the Navy Dep , 'tm nt of the United States of the r Plane
carrier , " Lexington" , and to take action thereon .
Art . 70 . To see if the To'vn will vote to authorize the Selectmen to sell
a portion of the Almshouse property and contents , or act in any manner
relating thereto .
Art . 31 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a Town way , or to
accept the lay out as a town way, a portion of Oakmount Circle , as laid
out by the Selectmen , and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office
of the Town Clerk, appropriate money therefore , either by the issue of
bonds , notes or otherwise , for the c®nstructim of said street under the
Betterment Act , and provide for the transfer of any unexpended balance
to other construction , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 32 . To see if the town Till vote to establish a wire inspection
dep rtment , provide money for the same , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
Art . 33 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money either by the
issue of bonds , notes or otherwise for the construction of Bedford Street ,
from the end of the present State Highway to the Boston cI Maine RR crossing,
and provide for the transfer of any unexpended balance to other con-
struction , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art , 34 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money either by
the issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , for the construction of 7althaw
Street from Uoncord Avenue to the - raltham line , and provide for the
transfer of any unexpended balance to other construction , or act in any
manner relating thereto .
11rt . 35 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money either by
the issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , for the construction of. Lowell
Street from East Strert to the Burlington line , and provide for the
transfer of any unexpended balance to other construction , or act in any
manner relating thereto .
Art . 36 . To see if the Town will vote to approprin to money for the
widening and takings made by the County Commissioners on 7 . altham
Street , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art , 77 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to 7iden
Bow Street , and extend same to Lowell ,:etre ' t , or act in any manner
relating thereto .
art , 38 . To see if the Town "rill vote to appropriate money to purchase
beacon traffic signals for the town , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
Art . 39 . To see if the town will vote to extend water mains In the
following unaccepted streets : Joseph Road , ►spencer titre t , Hi llernci-
venue , `alnut Street , Kendall 1 'pad and Oakmount Circle , appropriate
money by issuance of handsel, and provide for the transfer of any unex-
• 57
pended balance to other construction , or act in any manner relating
thereto .
►rt 40 To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the
conhtruotinn of a sewer in Massachusetts .avenue , from the Munroe Station
to the High 'school , across private land to ' loomfield Street , to Highland
Avenue , Highland Avenue from Winthrop Road to Bloomfield Street , and to
provide same by the issuance of bonds , notes or by direct approriation ,
or by any or all of such methods or to take any other action relating
thereto .
Art . 41 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the
construction of a sewer in Forest Street Extension , and to provide same
by the issuance of bonds , notes or by direction appropriation , or by any
or all of such methods , and provide for the transfer of any unexpended
balance to other construction , br to take any other. ' action relating
thereto .
Art . 42 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the
construction of a sewer in Meriam Street from Stetson Street to Abbott
Road , and to provide same by the issuance of bonds , notes or by direct
appropriation , and provide for the transfer of any unexpended balance
to other construction , or to take any other action relating thereto .
Art . 43 . To see if the town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to
enter into a contract with the Massachusetts Department of Public Works ,
Division of Highways , for the construction of any State highway which
may be lad out or constructed in the town during the present year or
take any action with respect thereto .
Art . 44 . To see if the town will indemnify the Commonwealth of Massachu-
setts against any and all claims for land , grade and drainage damages
which may be caused by or result from the laying out , alteration' or
reconstruction of the State Highway or section of State Highway on
13edf ord Street in Lexington , and will authorize the Board of Selectmen to
sign indemnity agreement therefore in behalf of the town , or take any
other action in respect thereto .
Art . 45 . To see if the Town will vote to include the 'ester and Sewer
Department , on and after January 1 , 1927 , with other departments in
the budget , and that expenditures be limited to the amounts appropriated
therefore , or as provided by the General Laws .
'See 7nd. .
Art . 48 . To see if the Town .rill amend its By-Laws by changing --rticle
XXVII , Section 55 to 55 A and adding a new By-Law entitled , " Article
XXVII , Section 55 " to read substantially as follows : " Acceptance of Town
"'flys , 1{ules of Procedure .
1 . All petitions for laying out , widening , altering or discontinuing
any street or way shall be presented to the Toar- d of Selectmen .
II . No street or way constructed on private lands by the owners
thereof shall be hereafter laid out by the :selectmen and reported to the
town for acceptance as a town way unless previously constructed and com-
pleted in accordance with the followinti specifications , w1, i. ch shall
constitute the minimum requirements ; -
Specifications .
( a ) A plan and profile of every uuch street or way shall be filed
in the office of. the Town eungi.neer --:ho shall cbstgnate the design , grades
and requirements as to drainage . Said plan and profile shall he drawn in
accordance with such rules and regulations as the Town Lng ? neer shall
prescribe . •
( b ) Every street hereafter accepted by the town shall be constructed
for its full length and width and shall cofform accurately to a cross -
section which shall be designated by the Town Engineer ,
( c ) The entire area of the street shall be cleared of all stumps ,
• roots , I .rush and perishable material and all trees not intended for
preservation . .U1 tree* intended for preservation shall be protected
from injury by suitable boxes or fenders ,
( d ) dl loam or other unsustable material shall be removed from the
limits of the street , inclusive of sidewalks , to such a depth as may be
aprroved by the Town Engineer .
.. J - • `_ - L
( e ) All work in excavation or embankments shall be brought
accurately to a sub - grade of not less than eight inches for the
roadway and four inches for the side;alk below the finished grade as
shown by said profile and cross section . All side slopes in embankment
and in earth e -. cavati on on the adj o ' nine* land shall he at the ratio of
at least one and one half horizontal to one vertical to a berm not less
than one foot in •-i dth outside the limits of the street .
( f ) Embankments shall be made of clean sand , gravel , cinders ,
furnace slag , broken stone or other suitable material . '
T�?o pori shabl_ e material shall be used for the making of street
embankments .
( g ) Above sub -grade and to fi=nished grade good binding gravel
free from an Injurious amount of clay or vegetable material and satis -
factory to the Town engineer , shall be used , except along the edges of
the sidewalk , whore loam shall be placed in accordance with the cross -
section nlan . Both the roadway and sidewalks shall be thoroughly rolled
in a manner satisfactory to the Town Engineer and the loam spaces
between the sidewalk and the edge of the travelled way shall be properly
seeded or covered with good fresh sods laid in the best manner .
( h ) Side gutters on every street having a grade of five ( 5 ) per
cent or over shall be paved , :.. t least three feet wide , '.•lith stone , coal
tar concrete , artificial stone or other suitable material approved by
the Town Engineer .
( i ) Catch basins shall be built In such locations as the Town
Engineer shall designate and shall be of the forms , materials and
dinierlsinns as approved by the Town Engineer and s1- .all be connected by
suitable drains , having manholes at intervals of not over four hundred
feet , with a permanent drainage outlet duly secured to the Town by a
proper legal Instrument , or such drains may be constructed to the limits
of a public way of the town Intersecting such street .
( j ) All corners of inters cting streets shall be rounded In
a manner satisfactory to the Town Engineer and curbing of granite
or other permanent 1.m.Lterial approved by the Tovm Engineer may be
requ ' .red to be set on the gutter line for the full length of all
such rounded corners . Granite bounds or other permanent marks shall be
set at all angles and curves under the direction of the Town ngIneer .
III . No street or rata-- shall be laid out or accepted by said
Town at a width less than forty feet unless the same shall have been
actually opened and used for public travel prior to January 1 , 1922 .
IV . Any street or way which has been actually opened to public
travel prior to January 1 , 1922 the width and construction of which
does not conform to the foregoing requirements , may be laid out and
reported by the Selectmen to the town for acceptance : Provided , however ,
said layout and all other layouts of streets or ways by the Town , shall
be under the law authorizing the assessment of betterments and all
petitions for such lay- outs shall be accompanied by releases of damages
from owners and mortgag s representing at least seventy-five per cent of
the pronetity owners abutting said street and also containing agreements
by such owners to pay their proportionate part of the betterment assess -
ments in the event of acceptance of the way by the town . "
Hereof , fail not , and make due return of this Jar. rant , with
your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk , on or 1yefore the time of
said meeting .
Given under our hands , at Lexington , this ninth day of
February, D . 1926 .
J . Chest ar Hutchinson )
Albert H . durnha.m ) Selectmen
Theodore n . ‘Justance ) of
Charles H . Miles ) Lexington .
true record , ± attest. ;
12. 17\ :n Clerk .
� f
Art . 46 . To see if the Town 7111 instruct the Selectmen to petition
the Legislature for passage of a bill relative to improving surface
and ground drainage in the Town of Loxa ' , gton , and in adjoining towns
as set forth in a bill now pending , TT-No . 2 32 , or to advocate the
passage of said bill , or act in any manner relating thereto .
Art . 47 . To see if the Town will
instruct the Selectmen to petition
the Legislature for passage of a bill to change the method and rate
of sewer assessment in the Town of Lexington as set forth in a bill
now pending , H-No . 782 , or to advocate the passage of said bill , or
act in any manner relating thereto .