HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-09-28-STM-WARRANT 44 . JO T0WNWARRAiTT • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ' TIDDLESEX , s s . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington , in said County , Greeting : In the name of the Commonwealth of UassachusL tts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington , qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet in the Town Hall , in said Lexington , on ' -onday , = ,.e twenty- eighth day of September , 1925 , - rt eight o ' clock P . , then and there to act on i e following n. rticlec . Art . 1 . To receive the re3ort of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the To - n for action thereon , and to ap -' oint other co trittees . Art . 2 . To hear the report of the special committee ao-pointed by the - • odera.tor under vote of the Town :eeting held June 25 , 1925 , to consider the revision of the Town Plumbing Regulations and to see if the Town will ado -^ t the Regulations thus revised and recommended by said Committee , as by - laws of the Town , or take any other action with reference thereto : also make an appropriation for the publishing and printing of snme by transfer from unex--) ended balances . Art . 3 . To see if the Toni will vote to use the balance of the ap 2ropriation for sewer construction in H - ncock Street , Hancock Ave- nue and Adams Street for the purpose of lac ing a se '. er in Woburn Street , and if necessori to meet the expenditure , to issue bonds or notes therefor . Art . 4 . To see if the town will vote to provide sufficient money to care for the following Accountr for the balance of the year : Fore t Fires ; Building Inspector ; Asness9rs ; Police Department ; High School Sidew lk ; Tax Collector : either by transfer of unexpended balances or by issue of notes or bonds or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto . • Art . 5 . To see if the Town will vote to extend the water main in Cedar Street , from Balfour Street a distance of approximately 1350 feet , aoDropriate money by issuance of bonds , notes , or otherwise , or . : ct in any manner relatinu thereto . Art . 6 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way ,- or to accept the lay out of Highland Avenue , from i3loonfieL d Street to Winthrop Road , all as laid out by the Selectmen , and as shown upon plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office . Art . 7 . To see if the Town Will vote to accept the lay out ' of the relocation of Oak Street at its junction with Massachusetts Ave, nue , all as laid out by the Selectme i ., and as shown upon plan an file in the Town Clerk ' s Office . Art . E . To see if the Town will vote to install street lights to tie following unaccepted streets : Moreland Avenue , Swan Avenue , OL1.- land Avenue , Lake Street , Colum- da Street , and Bridge Street . • 45 art . 9 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the construction of sewer in Curve Stre , t and to provide same by the issuance of bonds , notes or dire :; t transfer , or by any or all of such methods , or to take any other action relating thereto . Hereof , fail not , and ma ' -e due return of this War -_:ant with. Jur doings thereon , to the Toni Clerk , on or before the time of said meeting . Given under our hands at Lexington , this fifteenth di of September , A . D . 1925 . J . CHESTER HUTCHINSON ) ALBERT H . BURNHAM Selectmen CHARLES E . TILES FRED H . T rOULTON of THE )DORS A . CUSTA. CE ) Lexington Lexington , Mass . , September 21 , 1925 To the Town Clerk , I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting print - ed co-.pies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office and in nine other public places in town , and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town seven days before the time of said meeting . Attest : James J . Sullivan , Constable of Lexington .