HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-02-TE-WARRANT and 1925-03-09-ATM-WARRANT Town, wprrpnt ,. Commonweplt1 of Messachuse t.ts Middlesex , SS To either of the Constables of the town of Lexington in County , Greetings : In the name of the Commonwe Bl fh of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington , 4111 qualified to note in elections and in town affairs to meet in their resnective voting n7 'aces in sric town , ( Prec . ? , i m'erson Hell ; Precinct - Two , Town Hell ) on Mo,zdny , the second day of March A . D . , 1925 , at Six o ' clock A . M ,, , then rind there to act on the following articles : Art . 1 . To choose by ballot the following town officers : One Town Clerk for the terra of one year ; one Selectman for the term of three yerre ; one Town Treasurer for the term of one year ; cit .( : CQJ lector of Taxes for the term of one year ; one Cemetery Commissioner for the tern e `.' three ,years ; one member of the School Committee for the term of three years ; two Constables for the term of one year ; one Moderator for the term of one year ; two members cf the Planning Board for the t'a'n: cf three years . Also on the sane ballot : Art . 2 . To see if the Town will vote for or against granting licenses for the Bele of note - intoxicx ting beverages , in answer to the question : " Shall licenses be granted for the sale of non - intoxicating beverages in this town ? " The polls willbe open et 6 . 00 A . M . and will remain open until 5 . 00 P . M . You are also to notify and warn the inhabitants aforesaid to meet in Town Hall in said town on i: ondv , the ninth day of March , 1925 , at 7 . 30 P . 2 . to act on the following articles : Art . 3 . To receive the report of any Bonrc, of Town Officers or of any Committee of the town , and to appoint other committees . Art . 4 . To choose 3ue1 Town Officers as are required by law and are usuelly chosen by nomination . Art , 5 . To see if the Town will make an eppropr pati cn for the proper observnnce of Memorial Day , to be expended undcr the direction of Post 119 , Grand Army of the Republic . Art , 6 . To see if the Town will grant such sums of money es may be thought necessary for the uses and expenses of the Town the ensuing year for the following departments or accounts , direct how the same shell be raised , or not in Any manner relating thereto : Public Schools ; Almshouse ; Outside Poor ; Highways ; Street Lights ; Fire Department ; Appropriation Committee ; Public Parke ; Town Engineer ' s Department ; Milk Inspector ; Plumbing Inspector ; Inspectors of Slaughtering ; April 19th Celebration ; Street Signs ; • And Cemeteries . Art . 7 . To see if the Town will make the usual appropriations for Town expenses the ensuing year , not specified in Other articles , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 8 . To see if the Town will make sr. appropriation to construct s ruct sidewelke with concrete or other material where the abuttors will prey one -half the expense thereof . Art . 9 , To see if the Town will make en appropriation for +re suppression of Gypsy and Brown Tail moths in accordance with Chapter 132 , Genernl Lewd , or nct in any manner relntir.g thereto . 2 Art , 10 . To see if. the Town will make an annrotriation to provide funds for the nnyment of pensions to retired town veterans under Chapter 32 , Se ct . 52- 55 General Lawesor act ill any manner relating thereto , Art , 11 , To see if the Town will vote to appropriate end Assess en amount of money to be used as a Reserve Fund es provided by Chapter 40 , Sect , 6 , General Laws , or take any action relating thereto . Art . 12 . To see if the Town will appropriate funds for the payment of pensions to retired members of the Police and Fire Departments under Chap . 3^ , General Laws , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 13 . To see if the Town will authorize their Treasurer , under the direction of the Selectmen , to borrow money for any necesanry purposes , In anticipation of revenue for the current year , the same to be repaid directly from the proceeds of said revenue , cr Pct in any manner relative thereto . Art . 14 . To see if the Town will vote to rrise grid appropriate the sum of $300 . or some other amount , end elect e director , the money to be expended by and the director to serve in cooperation with the Middlesex County Trustees for the County Aid to Agriculture in the work of the Middlesex County Extension Service , under the provisions of Sections 40 to 45 , Chapter 128 , General Laws of Mnssechusetts . Art . 15 . To see if the Town will vote to ep_oropri -ite money for the use of the Water end Sewer Department and to provide same by issuance of bonds , notes or by direct appropriation or by any or all of such methods , or take any other action relating thereto . Art , 16 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to widen Find deepen the brooks in the Town so as to obtain better surface drainage or take any other action relating thereto . Art . 17 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the construction of sewer in Hancock Street and to : provide same by the issuance of bonds , notes or by direct appropriation , o r by any or ell of such methods or to take any other action relating thereto . Art . 18 . To receive the report of the committee on the revision o f the Building Law , appropriate money for the publication of the Building , Zoning , end Plumbing Laws , or t^ ke any action relating thereto . Art . 19 . Shall Chapter 496 , Sections 119 , 120 of the Acts of 1924 , being an Act regulating the fee for Licenses for Slaughter Houses , be Accepted by the Town ? Art . 20 . To see if the town will vote to purchase a new pumping apparatus for the Fire Department , or ct in Any mnnner relating thereto . Art . 21 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize its Board of Selectmen to execute and acknowledge and deliver in the name and behalf of the town a deed releasing all interest of the Town acquired in A certain parcel of real e state situated on Westminster Avenue , Lexington , Mass . , end bounded and described as follows : Westerly by Westminster Avenue one hundred ( 100 ) feet ; n ortherly by Lot 20 on a P an hereinafter referred to o ne hundred and fifty ( 150 ) feet ; Easterly by lot 52 on said Plan one hundred ( 100 ) feet ; end southerly by Lot 22 on said Plan one hundred and fifty ( 150 ) feet, 3 Containing 15 , 000 , square feet of lend , more or less , and being Lot numbere� ci 21 on n "plan of Crescent Hill , Arlington , end Lexington " , dated April 29 , 19976 , and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds , Plan book 30 , Plan 1 . :leaning and intending to ruthorize said Selectmen to release all interest in the above described rerl estate acquired under P deed from Leonard A . Saville , Collector of Taxes of said Town , Bated October 21 , 1995 , and recorded with said Deeds , Book 2414 , Page 203 . Art . 22 , To see if the Town will amend Section 6 of Article XI of the By-tLaws of the Town by inserting the word " not " rfter the word " services " in the next to the last sentence of the said Section so that the same shell. rend as follows : " Such reports shall ' el so show the separate amounts received by the Town Couneel as compensation and. for disbursements in each of such actions during such year , and for all other services not covered by his regular s =alary " . Art . 23 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way or to accept the ley out as a town way of an extension cf Forest Street to Massachusetts Avenue , as laid out by the Selectmen , and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk , appropriate money therefor , either by the issue of bonds , notes or otherwise , fsr the construction of said streets under the Betterment Act , pr. oviding the abutters comply with all the requirements , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 24 , To see if the town will vote to extend water mains in the following unaccepted streets : Dee Road , Harding Road , Williams Road end Simonds Road , which extensions approximate 2500 feet , appropriate money by issuance of bonds , notes or otherwise , or net in eny .nanner relating thereto . Art . 25 . To see if the Town will vote to accent the recommendrtior; of the Selectmen for the changing of the names of certain streets according to the vote et the last annual Town Meeting or the changing of the names of any other streets or act in any manner relating thereto . Art , 26 . To see if the Town will vote to rename Middle Street calling the same State Road , or ect in any manner relating thereto . Art . 27 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to furnish snow plow service on Creecent Hill Avenue . Art . 28 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to install street lights on Locust /venue . Art . 29 . Tc eee if the town will authorize the Cemetery Commissioners in . con junction with the School. Committee to close the lower driveway at Munroe Cemetery , widen the upper driveway and make a suitable entrance thereto . Art . 30 . To see if the Town will make an appropriation for the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington . Art . 31 . To receive r preliminary report of the Committee appointed 'by the town to arrange for the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and adopt its recommendations or Act in any other manner in relation thereto . Art . 32 . To receive and consider the report of the Conference Committee of Eleven ( appointed under vote of the Town Meeting held March 10 , 1921 to confer with the Trustees of the Inane Harris Cary Educe. tionel Fund in refe a ce t their plane and p P n B eger ng amemorial Town hall end to make such recommendations to the Town as may seem ba 3 ) And to take such action on the report of said Committee as may seem advisable , or act. in Any manner in reference thereto . 4 .t p reTh Art , 33 . To see if the Town will vote to epprorriate the sum of $3 , 617 . 89 the snipe being the amount returned to the Town under the provisions of Chapter 413 of the Acts of 1924 ( en Act providing for the return to the cities And towns of certein surplus funds collected to provide suitable recognition o f those residents of Mnssachusette who served in the army and navy of the United Stetes during the war with Germany ) for the purpose or purposes for which munic ipnl i ties may borrow money under section seven and eight of Chapter 44 of the General Laws and to provide for the appointment of a commission or committee to accomplish such :jurpose , or to act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 34 . To see if the Town will amend the Zoning By -Law and Zoning Map adopted March 17 , 1924 by creating a new business district comprising the following land , Lot #4 , #5 , and #6 as shown on plen of Massachusetts Avenue Terrace . Lots measure 120 feet on Massachusetts Avenue ; 110 feet on lot #3 on said plan ; 115 feet on lot #7 of said plan ; 110 - 2/10 Feet on Bow Street , containing according to said plan 12 , 925 square feet more or lees , or act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 35 . To see if the town will appropriate money for the purchase of water main which has been laid at the expense o f property owners and which is a part of the water system , in the following unaccepted way : Forest Street Extension , o r act in any manner relating thereto . Art . 36 , To see if the Town will vote to extend water mairn the following unaccepted streets ; Cedar , Balfour , Arbv. ry , Greenwood , Harbell , end Old County Road , which extensions approximate 3140 feet , appropriate money by issuence of bonds , n otes , or otherwise , or act in any manner relating thereto . Hereof , fail not , and make due return of this Warrent , with your doings thereon , to the Town Clerk , on or before the time of said. meeting . Given under our hands , s t Lexington , this tenth de ,y of February , A . D . , 1925 . Albert H . Burnham Selectmen J . Chester Hutchinson Theodore A . Custance of Charles H . Miles Lexington . A true copy , Attest : James J . Sullivan , Constable of Lexington LexlnRton , Mare . . Feb . 21 . 1925 . To the Toni fele rk, I have notified the inhabitantr of Lexington by porting printed copier of the foregoi r ; ',;arrant in the Port Office and in nine other pubic placer in town , an l by mailing a printed copy of the rause to every regirtered voter in thc. town eight days before the time of raid mF etir . nttert : Jamey J . Sullivan . Constable of Lexington .