HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-03-TE-WARRANT and 1941-03-21-ATM-Warrant 576 c,r4
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex,
To the Constable of the Town of Lexington, in said
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are
directed to notify the inhabitants of the Torn of Lexington,
oualifi ed to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to meet in
their respective voting places in said Town,
CA 7f 11E:10IAL BUILDI-P,-7, on MONDAY, the '21-1IRD DAY OF MARCH, A. D.
1941, at 6 o'clock A. :1., then and there to act on the following
Article 1. To choose by ballot the followin_7 town officers;
One Town Clerk for the term of one year:
Two Selectmen for the ter-, of three `'e2.Y's ®
One Torn Treasurer for the term of one year;
One Collector of Taxes for the term of one :fear;
Ore Ceo-etery Commissioner for the term of three years ;
Ore Member of the School Committee for the tern of three years;-
One Moderator for the cern of one year:
Two ',embers of the Panning: Board for the tern of three :ears ;
Two Constables for the term of ore year;
Seventeen Town Lieetino Members in each Precinct for the term of three
Years :
One Town Meeting Member in Precinct One for a term of one year;
One Tow- ::eeti;rg 1,-,ember in Precinct Two for a term of one year;
Two Town Meetinc ::embers in Precinct Two for a ter--fi of two years;
One Town Meeting Member in Precinct Three for a tern of two years;
Two TO-71 Meeting Members in Precinct Four for a term of two years;
The polls will he open at 6:00 A. IT, and n'; 11 remain open until
8:00 Pe H.
You are also to notify the inhabitants aforesaid GO meet in
Cary Me=rial Fall in said Town on Monday, the ttirty-first day of
March, 1941 at 8:00 P. M. at which time and place the following
articles are to be acted upon and determined e7clusivel: by the
Town Meet'rp, Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts
of 1929 and subject to the referendum provided for by section
eight of said chapter.
Article 2. To receive the reports of any Board of Town Officers
or of any Committee of the Town and to appoint other Conittees .
Article 3. To see if the Town mill vote to authorize the
Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow r,sney
from time to tine in anticipation of the revenue of the financial 1
year beginning T--nue7- 7 1942 end to issue a note or notes
P"herefc-, Payble within one year and to renew any note or rotes
as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance
with Section 17, Chapter 44, 2reneral Laws®
Article 4® To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town
Treasurer, with the approvaof the Selectors-, to refund any or all
of the revenue notes issued in anticipation of the revenue of the
Year -94- in accordance ith the provisions or. Section "77 Chapter
44, OTeneral Laws; any debt so incurred to be paid from the revenue
of the year 1941 .
Article 5. To see if the Town mill -lake the usual appropria-
tions for Town expenses for the ensung year, by direct appropria-
tion, by transfer from available funds, op by a combination of the
two methods, or act In any manner in relation thsreto.
Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to transfer unexpended
appropriation balances In any of the Accounts to the Excess and De-
ficiency Account, to the --later Departnent Available Surplus Account,
or act in any manner in relation thereto,
Article 7. To see what action the Town will take with refer-
ence to authorizing the Assessors to use funds from the Excess and
Deficiency Account toward the reduction of the 1941 tax rate.
Article S. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money
to pay any unpaid bills for prior years of the various town de-
Partments .
Article 9. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of
Selectmen to sell and dispose of the property taken by the Town
by foreclosure of tax titles .
Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a
sum of money for the Reserve Fund as provided by Chapter 40 , Sec-
tion 6, Oleneral Lays, or act in any manner in relation thereto.
Article 11, To see if the mown will vote to authorize the
Selectmen to Petition the Director of Accounts of the State for
an audit for the wear 1941.
Article 72, To see if the Town will vote to install water
mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied
for during the year 1941 in accordance with authority contained
in the Sy-laws of the Town, subject to the assessment of better-
ments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements
therefor, and to pay for the same by direct appropriation, by
transfer from available funds, or by the issue of notes or bonds
of the Town.
Article l3 . To see if the Town will vote to install sewer
mains in such accepted or Ix/accepted streets as may be applied
for during the year 1941 in accordance with St. 1897, Ch. 504,
as amended, or otherwise , and to take by eminent domain any nec-
essary easements therefor, and to pay for the same by direct
appropriation, by transfer from available funds , or by the issue
of notes or bonds of the Town.
Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the
Selectmen to construct granolithic or bituminous concrete side-
walks, in accordance with -leneral Laws , Ch. 80, and provide funds
for said construction by direct appropriation, or act in any man-
ner in relation thereto.
Article 15. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen
to install street lights in the following unaccepted streets:
Richard Road; Lexington Avenue ,
Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate
funds for providing cooperation with the Federal 3-overnment in
unemployment relief and other projects , of direct or indirect
benefit to the town or its inhabitants , said funds to be expended
by the Selectmen.
Article 17 . To see if the Town will appropriate money to
be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purcThase
of materials and equipment and for wages of superintendence on
public works for which the Town has power to appropriate money
to be designated by the Selectmen, in wIlich works recipients of
welfare aid from the Town may be required to work, or act in any
manner in relation thereto.
Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate
money to Pay the necessary expenses of School Officers incurred
outside the Commonwealth in securine information upon matters in
which the Town is interested or which may tend to improve the
service in the School Department ,
Article 19 . To see if theTovrn will vote to appropriate
money for highway maintenance under authority of Chapter 90 of
the General Laws ,
Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate
money for construction of Spring Street, said money to be used
in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State
or County, or both, for this purpose; said money to be raised by
direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or by the
issue of notes or bonds of the Town.
Article 21. To see if the Town rill vote to appropriate
money for the installation of curbinf in 1Vcbul-rn Street, or act
in any manner in relation tmiereto.
Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate
money for the improvement of Pollen Road, and nay for the same
in whole or in part by direct appropriation, by transfer from
available funds, or by the issue of notes or bonds of the Town.
Article 23. To see if the Town will vote tc establish as a
town ray or accept the layout of as a town way, Patriots Drive,
from Ileriam Street, a distance of approximately 723 feet, as
laid out by the Selectmen, and shown upon a certain plan on file
in the office of the Town Clerk,
Article 24. To see it the Town will purchase from Robert C.
Merriam the water main, the sewer main, and the drainaEe system
constructed by him in Patriots Drive , if the layout of Patriots
Drive is accepted by the Town, and appropriate money therefor, or
take any other action with respect thereto.
Article 23. To see if the Town rill vote to establish as a
town way or accent the layout of as a town ray, Patriots Drive,
from EdEerood Road, a distance of approximately 305 feet in a
southwesterly direction, as laid out by the Selectmen and shoin'
upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and
appropriate money therefor, either by the issue of bonds, notes,
or otherwise, for the construction of said street 'ander the Bet-
terment Act, or act in any manner in relation thereto.
Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to acquire title
to the rater pipe and appurtenances laid in Blake and Preston
Roads by the Lexington Trust Company, and provide funds for same
by direct appropriation, by transfer fro-7 available funds , or
by the issue of notes or bonds of the town; or act in any manner
in relation thereto.
Article 27 . To see if the Town will vote to atpros)riate a
sum of money for the improvement of the traffic control system at
the junction of Marrett Road and Waltham St-eet, or act in any
manner in relation thereto.
Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to aopropriate a
sum of money for the installation of a new lighting system at the
Cary Memorial Library, or act in any manner in relation thereto.
Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a
sum of money for the purchase of a radio transmitter and necessary
ecuinmert the-Peter for the Police Department, or act in any manner
in relation thereto,
Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a
um of money for the purpose of erecting a fence to enclose the
new fields at the Center Playground, and for any other items in
connection with the fields, or act in any mariner in relation
thereto .
_Article 31 . To see if the Town will vote to aPProPriate a
sum of money for the installaticn of a water main and service to
the Center Play:round, or act in any manner in relation thereto.
Article 32. To see if the Town will vote tc appropriate a
sum of money for the installation of automatic sprinklers in the
Lexington Hib SC1-1C01 , or act in any manner in -relation thereto,
Article 33, To see if the Town will vote to accept a gift
of a sum of money under the 77111 of Leroy S . Brown, to be in-rested
and the income used towards defraying the expense of the Patriots
Day Celebration on April 19th, or act in any manner in relation
Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to accept a gift
from the Boston and Maine Railroad of the driveways leading from
Massachusetts Avenue to the railroad station in Lexington Center,
containing 20,630 square feet, moor less , upon the condition
that the same shall be forever kept open and used for highway and
sidewalk purposes, or act in any manner in relation thereto®
Article 35, To see if the Town will vote to establish as a
Town way or accept the layout of as a Town way the driveways
leading from Massachusetts Avenue to the railroad station in Lex-
in7ton Center, containing 20,630 square feet, more or less , as
laid out by the Selectmen and shown on a certain plan on file in
the office of the Town Clerk, or act in any manner in relation
Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to accept General
Lays, Ch. 41, sec . 100A, as inserted by Statute 1931, Ch, 458,
Sec. 4, as amended by Statute 1934, Ch. 291; Sec . 3, authorizing
the Town to indemnify Town Officers or employees in certain in-
stances .
Article 37. To see if the Town will vote to indemnify
Tp.11ace C . 17eisincer against P claim of Helen F. Matthews for prop-
erty damage to her automobile, resulting from. a collision with a
snow plow, and appropriate money therefor, or act in any manner
in relation thereto.
Article 38, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a
sum of money to cover the espenses of prning; publishing, and
distributing the proposed Building and Plumbing By-laws, and
provide for same by direct appropriation, by transfer from avail-
able funds , or by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town.
Article 39, To see if the Town will vote, to appropriate
money for the installation of fire alarm boxes, or act in any man-
ner in relation thereto.
Article 40. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate
money for the purchase of a resucitator for the Fire Department,
or act in any manner in relation thereto®
Article 41, To see if the Town will vote to appropriate
a sum of money for the purchase of food order stamps issued by
the Surplus Marketing Administration and Agencies of the U. S
Dept. of Agric-zlture, and provide for same by direct appropriation,
by transfer from available funds, or by the issue of bonds or
notes of the town.
Article 42, To see if the Town will vote to accept General
Laws, Ch, 31, Sec . 4, placing the members of the Fire Department
under civil service .
Article 43. To see if the Town will amend the amendment to
Article V, sec . 2 ( a) of the buildinc By-law adopted January 13,
1940 by substitutinc therefor the following:
"Article V sec . 2 (a) . Before aPrrovol b- the Board of
vey of a subdivision plat under 0 L. Ch. Al sec . 81-F, it shall
reouire that the ways laid out on such plat shall coordinate with
other existing or proposed streets with which they may connect,
and it shall require such provisions for the disposal of surface
water as will prevent danaee to the said st-eets and utilities
and to other ways in the town, and shall require an agreement by
the subdivider to construct the wa-s and/or utilites in the mar-
ner and location shown on said plat as finally approved, within
a reasonable tine, to be specified in said agreement, and to con-
form to the regulations of the Board of Survey reearding
construction, performance of which) agreement shall be secured by
a performance bond in form approved by the Board of Survey with
a surety comoany, authorized to do business in Massachusetts, as
surety, in such form aid such Penal sum, equal to the estimated
reasonable cost of construction; as the Board of Survey shall
determine , as liculdeted damages, The place of a surety bond the
Thasd Lay accept cash or oblia,tions of the United States of
America or of the Commonwealth of i:assachusetts in a face amount
eceal to the estimated, reasonable cost of such construction 97
5,)0 con
A-ticle 44 Tt see 4f tis vote to accept Section
of -_atter 54 of the leneral Le-is , as aree-ded by 0'.-Lapter 77
of to-:-Le hots of 237, ohich provides that Sections 36-103 inclu-
sive of said Chapte- 611 ardSectiors 2- and 34 of SmP.-o'er. 56 oc'
the Perrelo , all relative to absent voting) she-7 cc far
as 1,';licable apply to regular t= elections in any tovrn rthich
accepts such Section 103.4, at any Arrupl 1:eeting or any Special
-.117)-111. 1:eetirg , held not less than 20 days before any -teet-
ing„ or -fill take any action relative to Sect-Ion .103.L or to such
absent votr .
4-tic7e 45 TO, see if te- :0,7(1 Vote to instruct the
bard, of Selec.ollen to protect the position of any person employed
by the To= -mo be called for oervioe nith the al,nea forces
of the United States or en: sub-division thereof, darin7 the
And you are directed to serve obis -arrart seven days at
least before the tine of said oieetinp as provided irs J-1"'P by-
1P -I of the mom
Hereof fail not, and -rake due return on this -Tarrant, vitl-)
yOO-r° dci=s t'e2e0-1, to :ovr or Or before ohs
of said meetinn.
under our me-ds at Lexi- to::, this seventeenth day
of 3 1541,
t -chibr-.11F), R. -4irout
C , Potter Edsuard Horse OF
.r_lecro'e W. Saran°
February 24, 1541
To the To= 01erk:
I hare noti 'ied the ir-,ahitarte of Ls..-ington by postins
pri-ted copies of the foreo-oing -,-arrant in the To= OOfficep
Lno arc_ oth.er pilblic places in the To=, and by
-ocTr of tlle sare to every registered voter in the Tolln,
,,eve- days before the ti-le of said meetirge
John C. Fussell
Constable of Leo:in:ton