HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-03-01-ATM-min 292 FIRST ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 15, 1937 The meeting was called to order by the Moderator, Robert H. Holt, at 8:05 P.M. There were 182 Town Meeting Members present . George M. Fuller states he has a resolution to present to the meeting, asking permission, reading same as follows: Voted: That the Moderator be appointed a committee of one to transmit the following resolution. Whereas, There is pending before the Congress of the United States a bill submitted to it by the President, seeking a reorganization of the Judicial Department of the Government of the United States ; and Whereas, A part of that bill would empower the Executive Department of the United States to dominate the Judicial Department by the appointment of additional judges to the Supreme Court; and Whereas , The domination of one branch of the govern- ment by another is contrary to the fundamental concept of American Government now, therefore, be it Ordered, That it is the sense of the Citizens of Lexington in Town Meeting assembled to hereby record its opposition to the enactment by the Congress of the United States of anylegislation which would give the President authority to appoint additional judges to the Supreme Court; and be it further Ordered, That certified copies of this order be transmitted forthwith by the Moderator to the President of the United States, to the presiding officer of each branch of Congress and to the members thereof from this Common- wealth. Eugene T. Buckley objects to the resolution being presented to the Town Meeting Members . Eugene T. Buckley states no provision made in warrant for the resolution. George M. Fuller states presenting same under Article 2 or report-s . George M. Fuller offers motion: That the Moderator be appointed a committee of one to transmit the resolution. Eugene T. Buckley asks for point of order. Moderator rules meeting in order. William Roger Greeley asks what the duties of the committee will be. Eugene T. ckley moves the motion be indefinitely postponed. By voice vote indefinite postponement declared lost 8:12 P.M. Request made George M. Fuller read resolution again. George M. Fuller reads resolution second time. Moderator Robert H. Holt reads motion, which was but to a vote, being declared carried by voice vote at 8:18 P.M. Under Article 2 A. Edward Rowse, Chairman of Appropriation Committee, presents Appropriation Committee Report for 1937 as follows 293 REPORT OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE FOR 1937 Bring this report with you to the Annual Town Meeting on Monday, March 15th, at 8:oo P.M. In accordance with Section 4, Article 13 of the Revised By-Laws of the Town, the Appropriation Committee submits the following report to the voters of the Town. Since the March Town Meeting of 1936,. the Appropriation Committee has met monthly for consideration and check-up on the operation of the Town's business . There has been a total of twenty meetings held over the period of the last twelve months. SALARY RESTORATION Consideration has been given to the possible restoration of salaries of Town employees reduced in 1933 and partially restored in 1935. The Appropriation Committee is recommending that the balance of the pay cut be restored, with the understanding that readjustments should be made wherever necessary. The Committee has held two meetings with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the salary question and has recommended in the following appropriations amounts necessary to accomplish the salary restoration and re- adjustments beginning July 1, 1937. PERSONAL SERVICES Some of the appropriations for the Town departments were divided in 1936 separating the amount for salaries and the amount for expenses. The Appropriation Committee is recommending that the appropriations for all Town departments should be divided, setting forth the amount for Personal Services separate from the amount for Expenses . This will enable the Town to follow more closely the salary costs and expense item for each department from year to year. MATURING DEBT For the information of the taxpayers we are listing the amount of bonded debt due for payment in each of the next six years: 1938 $97,000.00 1939 95,500.00 1940 67,500.00 1941 35,500.00 1942 23,500.00 1943 20,500.00 RESERVE FUND The Appropriation Committee has found it necessary to trans- fer the following amounts from the Reserve Fund during 1936 : Appropriation Committee $35.00 Elections and Registrations 142.50 Police Dept. Salaries 89.51 Police Dept. Expenses 367.00 Police Dept. Equipment 248.55 Fire Dent. Maintenance 42.00 Weights & Measures Dept. Expenses - 25.43 Highway Construction - Pleasant, Watertown Streets 160.01 Highway Construction - Tower Road 445 .00 Military Aid 20.00 Public Works , Labor, Materials and Expenses 1500.00 $3075.00 7 294 cy° TAX RATE If all of the recommendations made by the Appropriation Committee are approved, it will be necessary to increase the Town tax rate about $.50 per thousand. Detailed figures showing appro- priations together with additional taxes and estimated income, may be found on the last page of this report. The Appropriation Committee wishes to express its appreciation of the cooperation which it has received from the Board of Selectmen, all of the Town Department heads and employees, especially the Town Accountant. Our Committee has been more exacting than usual this past year and we have always received information and assist- ance willingly, accurately and efficiently. RECO14MENDATIONS ON ARTICLES IN TOWN MEETING WARRANT Article 2 . To receive the reports of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to appoint other Committees. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendations under this Article. Article 3. To choose such Town Officers as are required by law and are usually chosen by nomination. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1938, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Sec- tion 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. The Appropriation Committee recommends favorable action. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Torn Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to refund any or all of the revenue notes issued in anticipation of the revenue of the year 1937, in accordance with-the provisions of Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws ; any debt so incurred to be paid from the revenue of the year 1937. The Appropriation Committee recommends favorable action. Article 6. To see if the Town will make the usual appropria- tions for Town expenses for the ensuing year, or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee makes the following rec- ommendations under this Article: 193B 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Appropriation Committee Personal Services : Secretary $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 Stenographic 5.00 10.00 10.00 $305.00 $310.00 $310.00 Expenses : Postage ,& Office Supplies $125.00 $130.00 $130.00 Printing Annual Report 176.00 190.00 190.00 Other Expenses 29.00 30.00 30.00 $330.00 $350.00 $350.00 295 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Selectmen's Department Personal Services : , Clerk $1,516.79 $1,591.84 $1,591.84 Ass 't. Clerk 994.33 1,122.83 1,070.83 Extra Clerical 56.54 200.00 200.00 $2,567.66 $2,914.67 $2,862.67 Expenses : Selectmen $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Postage & Office Supplies 764.96 600.00 600.00 Advertising 294.74 250.00 250.00 Printing Zoning Laws 0.00 100.00 100.00 Other Expenses 206 .56 286.00 286.00 • $2,266.26 $2,236.00 $2,236.00 Accounting Department Personal Services: Town Accountant 82,775.00 $2,937.50 $2,937.50 - Clerk 784.48 810.00 810;00 Extra Clerical 0.00 175.00 175.00 $3,559.48 $3,922.50 $3,922 .50 Expenses : Postage & Office Supplies $121.48 $160.00 $160.00 Office Equipment and Repair 49.47 75.00 75.00 New Typewriter 0.00 105.00 105.00 Other Expenses 40.95 62.00 62.00 $211.90 $402 .00 $402.00 The Board of Selectmen has recommended the establishment of the salary of the Town Accountant 53100.00 per year and this has been approved. $175 .00 is provided in the extra clerical item for preliminary work in connection with the Contributory Retire- ment System before July 1st. It is understood that charges should not be made to the account being established for the Retirement System Administration before the effective date of the act which is July 1st. Treasurer's Department Personal Services : Treasurer $950.00 $950.00 $975.00 Clerk 280.46 390.00 390.00 81,230.46 $1,340.00 $1,365.00 Expenses : Postage & Office Supplies $151.24 8200.00 $200.00 Bond Premium 236.50 236.50 236.50 New Check Protector 127.00 0.00 0.00 Other Expenses 42.80 80.40 80.40 8557.54 $516.90 $516.90 The salary of the Town Treasurer has been approved in the amount of $975.00 for the year 1937, this being on the basis of $1,000.00 per year. 296 C.11 t...., 1936 1937 1937 sa...4 Expended Requested Approved Foreclosure and Redemption of Tax Titles Expenses : Sundry items $1,093.79 $5,065.00 $2,300.00 An unexpended balance of $702.89 was brought forward from 1936 and this amount added to the appropriation approved of $2300.00, makes a total of $3002.89, which it is expected will be ample for the expenses of this De-oa-r.tment for the year. Collector' s Department Personal Services : Collector $2,775.00 $2,887.50 $2,812 .50 Clerks - 1,989.64 2,120.67 2,068.00 $4,764.64 $5,008.17 $4,880.50 Expenses : Postage & Office Supplies $861.26 $900.00 $900.00 Advertising ' ' 116.23 250.00 250.00 Recording Fees 125.35 250.00 250.00 Bond Premium ' 483.00 500.00 500.00 Other Expenses 222.82 100.00 100.00 $1,808.66 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 The salary of the Collector has been approved in the amount of $2812.50 for the year 1937, this being on the basis of $2,850.00 per year. Assessor's Department Personal Services : Assessors $950.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Asset . Assessors 2600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 Clerk 1256.00 1,252.00 1,252.00 Extra Clerical 245.33 300.00 300.00 Special Asset. Assessors 327.00 250.00 250.00 $5,378.33 $5,402.00 $5,402.00 Expenses : Postage & Office Supplies $78.66 8200.00 t100.00 Transfer Fees 118.90 150.00 150.00 Printing and Advertising 139 .20 250.00 235.00 Other Expenses 198.67 115.00 115.00 $535.43 $715.00 $600.00 Other Finance Offices and Accounts Expenses : Printing and Certifying Notes ' $34.00 $200.00 $200.00 Law Department Personal Services: Salary of Town Counsel $925 .00 ,.i. iD962.50 8962.50 Special Fees to Town Counsel 1,155.00 - 1,000.00 $2,080.00 $962.50 $1,962.50 Expenses : Sundry Items $418.27 31,575.00 $425.00 997, The Appropriation Committee is recommending that the item fo', Special Fees for the Town Counsel be included in an appropri- ation for Personal Services instead of being included in the ap- propriation for Expenses . - . - 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Town Clerk's Department Personal Services: To Clerk - - $1,775.00 $1,775.00 $1,787 .50 Clerk 287.20 390.00 390.00 ,h $2,062.20 $2,165.00 $2,177.50 Expenses : Postage & Office Supplies $139.06 $100.00 $100.00 Other Expenses 12.54 30.00 30.00 $151.60 $130 .00 $130.00 The salary of the Town Clerk has been approved in the amount of $1787.50 for the year 1937, this being on the basis of $1,800.00 per year. Elections Expenses : Sundry Items $1,851.00 $601.00 $601.00 The appropriation for Elections has previously been included in an appropriation for Elections and Registrations . The Appro- priation Committee now recommends the es-Eablishment of separate accouhts for "Elections" and- for "Registrations of Voters . Registration of Voters Personal Services : Registrars' $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 Clerical Assistance 100.00 100. 00 50.00 $300.00 $300.00 ,4250.00 Expenses : Voting Lists and Ballots $310.00 $150.00 $150.00 Postage & Office Supplies 57.94 46 .92 46.92 Advertising 89.96 27 .00 27.00 Other Expenses 64.70 32.00 32.00 $522.60 $255.92 $255.92 With reference to this account, see remarks under the pre- ceding heading 'Elections'' . Public Works - Superintendent' s Office Personal Services : Superintendent $3,562.50 $4,200.00 $4,200.00 Clerk 995.00 991.17 991.17 $4,557.50 85,191.17 $5,191.17 _ Expenses :• Postage & Office Supplies 8123.31 $160.00 $160.00 Ediphone - 0.00 550.00 550.00 Other Expenses 116 .69 190.00 190.00 $240.00 $900.00 $900.00 298 ca 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building Personal Services : Janitor 01,831.66 $1,878.51 $1,878.51 Assistant Janitor 1,151.67 1,265.66 1,226.68 Extra Janitor Service 24.00 200.00 94.81 $3,007.33 83,344.17 $3,200.00 Expenses : Coal $1,789.87 $1,700.00 $1,700.00 Electric Light and Power 1,749.23 1,600.00 1,600.00 Telephone Service 1,730.46 1,600.00 1,600.00 Repairs 271.46 1,000.00 1,000.00 Other Expenses 828.69 900.00 900.00 $6,369.71 $6,800.00 $6,800.00 The increase in the item for Repairs is for caulking windows and doors, painting iron work, repairs to roof of the Cary Memorial Building, repairs to walk at east entrance to Cary Memorial Building, and such other items as can be taken care of within the amount of 81,000.00. Enrrineering Department Personal Services : Town Engineer $3,000.00 $3, 000.00 $3,000.00 Assistant Engineer 2 ,131.20 2 ,304.00 2,218.20 Other Regular Employees 4,451.51 6,839.53 5,361.64 Special Employees 264.00 780.00 780.00 $9,846.71 $12,923.53 $11,359.84 Expenses : Field & Office Supplies $500.03 $360.00 $360.00 Gasoline and Oil 159.09 215 .00 215.00 Equipment and Repair 241.10 245.00 245.00 New Ford Automobile 0.00 425.00 425.00 Other Expenses 183.17 25.00 25.00 $1,083.39 $1,270.00 $1,270.00 Ilanaing322221 Expenses : Sundry Items $209.29 $250.00 $250.00 Board of Appeals Expenses : Sundry Items $153.03 0200.00 $200.00 Police Department Personal Services : Chief $2,775.00 82,887 .50 $2,887.50 Sergeants 4,231.98 4,392.98 4,392.98 Patrolmen 25,803.84 27,012 .79 27,012 .79 Matron 40.00 100.00 100.00 832,850.82 $34,393.27 $34,393.27 299 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Expenses : Equipment Maintenance $2,100.93 $1,650.00 $1,650.00 Meals 55.55 95.00 95.00 Telephone 975.15 960.00 960 .00 Radio Broadcast 375.00 375.00 375.00 ' Other Expenses 1 136 73 ---L---1.-- 650.00 650.00 84,643.36 $3,730.00 $3,730.00 Fire Department Personal Services : Engineers $500.00 $500.00 8500.00 Chief 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Regular Men 24,563.57 27,824.10 27 ,499.94 Call Men 3,946.80 4,261.00 4,261.00 Extra Duty 44.60 100.00 100.00 Substitutes 0.00 50.00 50.00 $30,054.97 833,735.10 833,410.94 Expenses : Hose $1,636.85 $1,550.00 $1,550.00 Fire Fighting Equipment 1,413.67 390.00 390.00 Fire Alarm System 829.86 1,000.00 1,000.00 Other Equipment Main- tenance 1,310.43 1,465.00 1,465.00 Fuel and Light 1,348.51 1,350.00 1,350.00 Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 623.51 700.00 1,100.00 Telephone 374.96 400.00 400.00 Other Expenses 614 .28 725.00 725.00 $8,152 .07 $7,580.00 $7,980.00 The Appropriation Committee has approved the addition of two men on July 1st. The Fire Department Engineers requested six additional men, and the Board of Selectmen approved two additional men to be added as of May 1st. The Appropriation Committee has increased the item for Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds in the amount of $400.00 to provide additional sleeping quarters for the two additional men. Building Inspection Personal Services : Inspector 81,045.00 $1,072.50 81,072.50 Expenses: Sundry Items $124.06 $125.00 $125.00 Wire Inspection Personal Services: Inspector $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 Expenses: Automobile Allowance 0.00 75.00 75.00 , Sundry Items 16.18 35.00 35.00 $16.18 $110.00 $110.00 Weights and Measures Department Personal Services: Sealer $400.00 $450.00 $450.00 ExPenses: Sundry Items $100.43 8100.00 $100.00 _ _ _ 300 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Shade Tees Wages and Expenses Labor $1,819.52 $2,097.00) Sundry Items 602.15 540.00) $2,500.00 $2,421.67 $2,637.00 $2,500.00 Forest Fires Personal Services : Warden $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 Expenses: Fighting Fires $310.80 $500.00 $500.00 Equipment & Maintenance 130.70 250.00 250.00 Hose 345.00 400.00 400.00 Other Expenses 9.50 85.00 85.00 $796 .00 $1,235.00 $1,235.00 Dog Officer Personal Services : Salary - $100 .00 $100.00 $100.00 Health Department Personal Services : Inspector $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Expenses: Sundry Items $7,329.88 $5,500.00 85,500.,00 Dog Clinic Expenses : Sundry Items $345.56 $350.00 $350.00 Dental Clinic Personal Services : Dentist $1.130.00 $1.150.00 $1.150.00 Dental Nurse 600.00 600.00 600.00 $1,730.00 $1,750.00 $1,750.00 Expenses : Sundry Items $118.70 $100.00 8100.00 Posture Clinic Expenses : Physician $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Nurses 490.90 550.00 550.00 Other Expenses 46.26 50.00 50.00 $637.16 $700.00 $700.00 Vital Statistics Expenses : Birth & Death Returns $24.75 $50.00 $50.00 301 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Animal Inspection Personal Services : Inspector $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Slaughtering Inspection Personal Services: Inspector $600.00 $700.00 8700.00 The Board of Selectmen requested an increase in the annual salary for the Slaughtering Inspector from $600.00 to $800.00, and this has been approved by the Appropriation Committee. Plumbing Inspection Personal Services : Inspector $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 Expenses : Sundry Items $18.00 $50.00 $50.00 Sewer Maintenance Personal Services : Superintendent $628.49 $666.25 $695.42 Clerk 391.51 326.17 326 .17 $1,020.00 8992.42 $1,021.59 Expenses : Labor $2,932.63 $4,600.00 $4,600.00 Other Expenses 446.09 2,335 .00 2,335.00 $3,378.72- $6,935.00 86,935.00 The Appropriation Connittee has approved a salary of $2300.00 per year for the Superintendent, of which $900.00 is to be charged to the Sewer Department and $1400.00 to the Water Department. The increase in Expenses is for extra work in connection with repairs to the Trunk Line Sewer. It is recommended that the appropriation of $6,935.00 for "Wages and Expenses" be provided as follows : B7 direct appropriation $3,935.00 B7 transfer from the Sewer Assessment Fund 3, 000.00 sewer Services Wages and Expenses: Labor 0.00 $1,000 .00 81,000.00 Pipes and Fittings 0.00 150.00 150.00 Other Expenses 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 $1,550.00 $1,550.00 This is a new account requested for the first time tris year. previously the expenditures for installing sewer services have been charged to the Sewer Maintenance Account. The Board of Selectmen have felt it advisable to establish the separate account so that the cost of services can be kept separate from the general Sewer Maintenance costs . Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes Expenses : Labor $1,880.79 $2,000.00) Other Expenses 39 .21 100.00) $1,900.00 81,920.00 $2,100.00 $1,900.00 :102 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Garbage Collection Expenses : Contract $3,306.85 $3,310.00 $3,310.00 Labor and Equipment Rental 334.80 0.00 0.00 $3,641.65 $3,310.00 $3,310.00 During the year 1936, the contract for removal of garbage held by Robert McAdoo expired and the Board of Selectmen made a new contract with Albert Bieren for a three year period. The amount payable under this contract increases each year, but the first year the amount payable is less than the amount which was paid under the former contract. Highway Maintenance Personal Services : Superintendent - $2,092.12 $2,350.00 $2,183.34 Consulting Supt. 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Assistant Superintendent 577.50 1,200.00 1,200.00 Clerk 628.51 705.00 678.67 $4,498.13 $5,455.00 $5,262.01 Expenses: Labor and Other Items $34,640.00 $38,387.00 $38,387.00 The Appropriation Committee has approved a salary of $2300.00 per year for the Superintendent. Highway Curbing Wages and Expenses : For Labor, Curbing and Other Expenses $0.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 It is recommended that the appropriation of $2500.00 be provided for as follows : By direct appropriation - $964.55 By transfer from the 1936 account for Highway Curbing, Bedford Street - 285.45 Snow Removal Wages and Expenses: Labor $9,936.62) Other Expenses 11,150.85) $10,000.00 $7,500.00 $21,087.47 $10,000.00 $7,500.00 Traffic Regulation and Control Wages and Expenses : Labor $543.61 $500.00) Other Expenses 873.89 1,100.00) $1,500.00 $1,417.50 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 Street Lights Expenses : For Lighting $22,129.93) Other Expenses 95.66) $23.500.00 $22.500.90 $22,225.59 $23,500.00 $22,500.00 303 The Board of Selectmen have requested an increased amount of $1000.00 for the cost of increasing the candle power of the lights on Massachusetts Avenue from Woburn Street to the Arlington line. This recommendation has not been apProved by the Appropriation Committee. 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Street Signs Wages and Expenses : Labor $81.63 $800.00 $800.00 Paintina Signs 9.00 475.00 475.00 Wooden Signs and Posts 92.28 605.00 605.00 Other Expenses 17.09 320.00 320.00 8200.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 The increased appropriation recommended and approved for Street Signs is due to an opinion given to the Supt. of Public Works by the Town Counsel regarding the liability of towns to compensate for damages resulting from defects in ways . The Town Counsel, in his opinion, emphasized the importance of warning signs at the junction of public and private ways. The increased appro- priation for Street Signs is approved in order that these warning signs may be erected. Public-Welfare Personal Services : Agent $1831.64 81957.50 $1957.50 Investigator 1308.34 1435.84 1370.00 Clerks 1465.32 1647.01 1620.67 Extra Clerical 190.00 550.00 550.00 04795.30 05590.35 05498.17 Aid and Expenses : General Administration 8429.13) Delivery of Federal Commodities 607.99) $39409.65 $39501.83 Relief 60529.25) Relief - Mothers ' Aid 4890.17 0.00 0.00 $66456.54 $39409 .65 $39501.83 For the year 1937 no appropriation is requested for Mothers ' Aid inasmuch as this is now known as Aid to Dependent Children and a separate appropriation is required under the provisions of Chapter 413 of the Acts of 1936. The Board of Selectmen requested an increase in salary for the Agent from 835 .00 to $40.00 per week and this increase has been approved. Aid to Dependent Children Aid and Expenses : Sundry Items $ 0.00 $5000.00 05000.00 With reference to this apPropriation see remarks under "Public Welfare" . Ubder the provisions or Chapter 413 of the Acts of 1936 there will be a small reimbursement to come to the Town from the Federal Government throuah the Commonwealth. It is expected that the appropriation of 85000.00 will be sufficient to cover the expenditures in conjunction with such funds as may be received from the Federal Government. 304 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved ;)) Old Age Assistance Aid and Expenses : Office supplies & postage $ 24.67) Relief expenditures 8595.21) $12500.00 $12500.00 $8619.88 $12500.00 $12500.00 The cost of Old Age Assistance has already materially increased and will continue to increase due to the change III the age limit from 70 to 65 years. This appropriation will not represent the total expenditures to be made for Old Age Assistance inasmuch as the Federal Government will reimburse to the Town through the State one-half of the cash aid granted with the Federal Government' s share in no case to e7ceed $15,00 per month. In addition, a small amount is allowed for administration. These amounts received from the Federal Government through the Commonwealth, are, under the Provisions of the Statute, set up as trust accounts for use only for the two purposes, namely, Assistance and Administration, and can be used at once without vote of the Town. The balance of the expenditure for Old Age Assistance, after deducting the Federal reimbursement, is shared tw6-thirds lo-cr the Commonwealth and one- third by the Town of settlement or if the case is unsettled the entire balance is assumed by the Commonwealth. The amounts re- ceived as reimbursements from the Commonwealth can not be used for aid expenditures but must be taken up as a part of the estimated receipts of the Town. It is anticipated that during the year 1937 the Old Age Assistance expenditures will approximate $25,000.00 but it is hoped that the appropriation of ! .2,500.00 will be suf- ficient to cover the necessary expenditures after the funds re- ceived from the Federal Government have been expended. State Aid Ca0. Grants bor Relief $260.00 $400.00 $400.00 Military Aid Cash Grants For Relief $270.00 $400.00 $400.00 - SoldiersBurials Expenses for Burials $ 0.00 $100.00 $100.00 Soldiers ' Relief Aid and Expenses : Office Supplies $ 2.00) Relief Expenditures 3229.23) $3500.00 $3500.00 $3231.23 $3500.00 $3500.00 Town Physician Personal Services : Salary of Physician $750.00 $750.00 $750.00 305 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved School Maintenance Personal Services : Superintendent $4440.00 $4584.00 $4584.00 Clerks 2955.99 2954.17 2954.17 Attendance Officer 185.00 191.00 191.00 School Physician 942.50 940.00 940.00 School Nurse 1572.50 1623.50 1623.50 Teachers - nigh 74212 .60 76048.50 76048.50 Teachers - Elementary 67424.05 68518.00 68518.00 Teachers - Special 15832.00 16860.80 16860.80 Teachers - Substitutes 0.00 700.00 700.00 Janitors - High 5987.22 6170.65 6170.65 Janitors - Elementary 7582.65 7940.02 7940.02 Janitors - Substitutes 0.00 100.00 100.00 Janitors - Repair 0.00 651.78 651.78 $181134.51 $187282.42 $187282.42 Expenses: Textbooks and supplies $11403.78 $10600.00 $10600.00 Transportation 5281.87 5329.00 5329.00 Repairs 5496.88 4148.22 4148.22 Other Expenses 16403.62 17230.00 17230.00 $38586.15 $37307.22 $37307 .22 School Department - Americanization Classes Expenses : Teachers $180.00) Sundry Items 12.93) $200.00 $200.00 _ 0_92.93 $200.00 3200.00 School Department - Vocational Tuition Expenses : Tuition to Cities $953.95 $1794.00 $1794.00 It will be noted that the appropriation approved for 1937 is considerably in excess of the expenditures for 1936. The School Department has stated that during the year 1936 seven new pupils were enrolled at the various day vocational schools , of which three left the schools . It is stated there was also an increase in attendance at the evening vocational schools and it is anticipated that there will be five new pupils starting in September 1937. The State reimburses the Town for one-half of the amount expended for tuition of pupils at vocational schools and this amount is taken up in the town receipts . Cary Memorial Library and Branch -Personal Services : Librarian $1665.00 $1762.50 $1762.50 Assistants 5348.50 5626. 00 5626.00 Substitutes 143.61 150.00 150.00 - Janitors- 1651.88 1650.00 1650.00 38808.99 $9188.50 $9188.50 Expenses : Books $1211.58 $1400.00 $1400.00 Bulletins & periodicals ,etc . 307.82 250.00 250.00 Binding Books 347.65 400.00 400.00 Fuel and Light 1531.15 1600.00 1600.00 Repairs 932.14 500.00 500.00 Other Expenses 812.71 1035.00 1035.00 $5143.05 $5185.00 $5185.00 Deduct amount received from County on account of Dog Fees 1438.23 Total recommended for appropriation 83746.77 :306 c.n =gt = 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved •'-.. Parks and Playgrounds Personal Services : Superintendent $1700.00 $1700.00 11700.00 Clerk - 306.08 350.83 339.34 Playground Instructors 1682.50 1790.00 1790.00 $3688.58 $3840.83 $3829.34 Wages and Expenses : , Labor $6242.22 $6498.00 $6498.00 Car Allowance for Supt. 0.00 250.00 250.00 New Lawn Mower 0.00 300.00 300.00 Gang Mower 0.00 80.00 80.00 Telephone 73.84 75.00 75.00 Office supplies & Postage 37.83 50.00 50.00 Other expenses - Parks 2734.29 2059.00 2020 .53 Other Expenses - Playgrounds 1850.09 1977.00 1397 .13 $10938.27 811289.00 $10670.66 Memorial Day Expenses : Sundry Items $235.93 $250.00 $250.00 Patriot 's Day Expenses : Sundry Items $500.00 $500.00 8500.00 Administration of Trust Funds Expenses : Sundry Items $ 55.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 Town Report Expenses: For Printing Reports $1126.73 $1200.00 $1200.00 The amount requested and approved for the 1937 appropriation for printing the annual reports is an estimated figure inasmuch as the actual figure has not been finally determined at the time this report goes to press . Public Works Building Wages and Expenses : Labor $6393.22 $6694.00 86694.00 Building repair 573.97 0.00 0.00 Bit Grinder 462.40 0.00 0.00 Grease Gun 135.00 0.00 0.00 Light and Power 671.07 650.00 650.00 Coal and Gas 693.12 690.00 690.00 Other Expenses 277.37 450.00 450.00 $9206 .15 $8484.00 $8484.00 Special Equiment : Service Car 0.00 485.00 0.00 Auto lift & grease truck 0.00 405 .00 405.00 $ 0.00 $890.00 $405.00 :307 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Buildings & Grounds Improvement Driveways 0.00 $880.00) , Ledge Excavation 100.00) $1000.00 Drain extension and grading 200.00) Painting doors 50.00) 0.00 $1230.00 S1000.00 ' For the year 1937 separate accounts are being set up for new equipment and for improvement to the building and grounds . The Appropriation Committee has disapproved the purchase of the service car ,for the mechanic to cost $485.00 and the Appropriation_ Committee had reduced the total amount for improvement to buildings and grounds in the amount of $230.00. Insurance Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Workmen's Compensation $3410.81 A3474.00 $3474.00 Public Liability 462.60 475.00 475.00 83873.41 $3949.00 $3949.00 Fire; Sprinkler, Boiler'& Hold-Up Fire $3849.45 $2634.00 $2634 .00 Sprinkler 0.00 48.00 48.00 Boiler 0.00 485.00 485.00 Hold-Up 0.00 145 .00 145 .00 • $3849.45 $3312.00 $3312.00 The Board of Selectmen has requested one insurance account to cover all classes of insurance, including automobile liability and automobile fire and theft. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the automobile liability and the automobile fire and theft insurance premiums be charged to the respective maintenance accounts . The Appropriation Committee also recommends separate accounts for Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability for Fire, Sprinkler, Boiler and Hold-Up coverages . The Appropriation Committee rec- ommends the separate account for Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance for the reason that the amount paid is in the first instance an advance premium which is followed by further payments after audits have been made by the Insurance company. In the event that the advance premium is more than the amount dis- closed by the audit a refund is made to the Town. The original payment is , therefore, only an estimated figure and is subject to subsequent adjustments for- which reason it is deemed advisable to have this account separate' _from the other classes of insurance. Unclassified Expenses : Sundry Items $416.49 00.700.00 $700.00 The Board of Selectmen has requested an appropriation_ of $700_.00 for the Unclassified Account including the sum of $200.00 for Payment of small claims which may be approved during the year. The request is approved by the Appropriation Committee. Water Maintenance Personal Services : Superintendent $1,486..49 $1,577 .92 $1,487 .92 Assistant Superintendent 127.26 0.00 0.00 Clerk 1,245.48 1,242.00 1,215.17 Draftsman 595.00 1,450.00 1.450.00 -P3,454.23 $4,269.92 $4,153.09 308 0-1 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Water Maintenance Continued Exlictenses : rostage & office supplies $ 456.37 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Sundry administration items 129. 51 100.00 100.00 Labor 15,206.27 12,000.00 12;000.00 Interest on Debt 7,156.25 5,700.00 5,700.00 MetroPolitan Water Tax 30;238.71 32,000.00 32,000.00 Ford Chassis 377.00 0.00 00.00 Chevrolet Truck 486.00 0.00 0.00 Other Expenses 5,689.05 6,025.00 5,996.91 $59,739.16 $56,575.00 $56,546.91 With reference to the salary of the Superintendent see remarks under "Sewer Maintenance" . Water Services Wages and Expenses : Labor 4 0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Meters Pipes and Fittings 0.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 Other Expenses 0.00 800.00 800.00 $ 0.00 $5,200.00 $5,200.00 This is a new account requested for the first time this year. Previously the expenditures for installing water services have been charged to the Water Maintenance Account. The Board of Se- lectmen have felt it advisable to establish the separate account so that the cost of services can be kept separate from the general Water Maintenance costs . Water Maintenance Replacements Expenses : Meters Hydrants, Pipe and Fittings $970.45 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 Other Expenses 0.00 350.00 350.00 $970.45 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Cemetery Maintenance - Munroe Personal Services : Superintendent $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 Clerk 50.00 50.00 50.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 Wages and Expenses: Labor $1,001.85) Other Expenses •29E3.02 ) 42,250.00 $1,800.00 $1,299.87 $2,250.00 $1,800.00 The reason for the increased appropriation requested for 1937 is due to the inclusion of an item for fence construction $350,.00 and road construction and repairs $600.00. The Appropriation Committee feels that the amount requested is excessive and has recommended the amount of $1800.00 against the requested amount of $2250.00 and recommends that as much work be done as is possible with the money provided. During the year 1936 an amount of $1211.14 was expended for Perpetual Care and it is proposed to expend approximately the same amount in 1937 . 309 1936 1937 1937 Expended Requested Approved Cemetery Maintenance - Westview Personal Services : Superintendent 8450.00 $450.00 $450.00 Clerk 50.00 50.00 50.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Expenses : Labor $1,595.20) Other Expenses 1,240.20) $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $2,835.40 $3, 150,00 83,150.00 With reference to the appropriation of the sum of $3,150.00 for Wages and Expenses , the Appropriation Committee recommends that $1500.00 be appropriated and transferred from the Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund and the sum of $1650.00 be appropriated from Revenue. Interest on Debt Interest Temporary Loans $750.45 $3500.00 $2146.87 General Loans 1390.00 1247.50 1247.50 Sewer Loans 3184.38 2580.63 2580.63 Drainage Loans 337 .50 270.00 270.00 School Loans 9680.00 7755.00 7755.00 Water Loans 7156.25 5626.25 5626,25 $22498.58 $20979.38 $19626.25 Deduct Interest to be paid on Water Loans by Water Department 5626.25 5626.25 Balance to be appropriated $15353.13 $14000.00 Maturing Debt Notes Payable General Loans $3500.00 $3500.00 $3500.00 Sewer Loans 19000.00 12000.00 12000.00 Drainage Loans 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00 School Loans 48500.00 48500.00 48500.00 Water Loans 44000.00 39000.00 39000.00 $118000.00 $106000.00 $106000.00 Deduct amount to, be transferred from P.W.A. Water Standpipe Loan Fund 393.91 393.91 Balance to be appropriated $105606.09 $105606.09 Article 7. To see if the Town will nake an appropriation for the suppression of Gypsy and Brown Tail mdths, and other pests , in accordance with Chapter 132, General Laws , or act in any manner in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends that appropriations be made as follows : For Personal Services (Salary of Superintendent) $ 300.00 For Wage's' and Expenses $2600.00 310 Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a >< sum of money for the Reserve Fund as provided by Chapter 40, Section 6, General Laws , or act in any manner in relation thereto. Under' this Article the Appropriation Committee rec- ommends a total appropriation of $3500.00 as follows : Appropriation and transfer from Overlay Reserve Fund - $1200.00 Appropriation from Revenue - 2300.00 Article 9: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate funds for the payment of pensions to retired members of the Police and Fire Departments , under Chapter 32, General Laws, or act in any manner in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appronriation Committee re- commends appropriations as follows : For Fire Department Pensions - $1107.81 For Police Department Pensions - $1095.00 Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to petition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit for the year 1937.. The Appropriation Committee recommends favorable action. Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum sufficient to pay the County of Middlesex, as required bv law, the Town' s share of the net cost of the care, maintenance, and repair of the Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital, as assessed in accordance with the Provisions of Chanter 111 of the General Laws , and Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, or take any action in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee rec- ommends the appropriation of the sum of $3,702.31. Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $1,438.23 received from Middlesex County for dog fees to the Cary Memorial Library Account. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee rec- ommends the transfer of the sum of $1,438.23 to the Cary Memorial Library Expense Account. Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to pay the necessary expenses of the Superintendent of Schools incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing information upon matters in which the Town is interested or which may tend to improve the service in the School Department. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee rec- ommends the appropriation of the sum of $120.00. Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to defray expense incurred in the defense of the cases of Ryder v. Town of Lexington, which pertain to Vine Brook Drainacre. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee rec- ommends the appropriation of the sum of $1000.00 311 Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to transfer un- expended appropriation balances in any of the accounts to the Excess and Deficiency Account, or take any other action in re- lation thereto. Under this Article the Apnropriation Committee recommends that transfers be made to the Excess and Deficiency Account as follows: From Collector' s Dept.-Binding Records S88.00 From Insect & Tree Dept.-Power Sprayer Account 10.83 From Westview Cemetery-Dwelling Repair Account 15.00 The Appropriation Committee also recommends the following transfer: From Water Construction-Bedford Street and Massachusetts Avenue Account to Water Con- struction Sundry Streets Account $39.51 Article 16 . To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way, or accept the layout of as a town way, Robbins Road, from Locust Avenue to Lexington Avenue, a distance of approxi- mately 790 feet, as laid out by the Selectmen, under the Better- ment Act, and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 16, 1937 , and to take by eminent domain the necessary easements therefor, and appropriate money for the construction of said street, or act in any manner in relation thereto. Under this Article the Apnropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $5,400.00. Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccented streets as may be applied for during the year 1937 in accordance with St. 1897, Ch. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate money for said installation of mains by direct appropriation or by transfer from other funds . The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this Article be adopted and that the sum of $1,700.00 be appropriated and transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund. Article 18, To see if the Town will vote to install water mains in such accented or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1937 in accordance with authority contained in the By-Laws of the Town, subject to the assessment of better- ments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and appropriate money for said installation of mains by direct appropriation or by transfer from other funds. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this Article be adontee and that the sum of T32, 000.00 be appropriated, this money to be provided by a transfer of $1,650.00 from the Water Assessment Fund and by a transfer of $350.00 from the Water Department Available Surplus Account. 312 Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to install an 8 inch water main, in Watertown Street for a distance of approx- imately 700 feet, subject to the assessment of betterments, and provide funds therefor by direct appropriation, or by transfer from other funds. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this Article be adopted and that the sum of $2,100.00 be appropriated and transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Account. Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to install an 8 inch water main in Shade Street from Westaa Street a distance of approximately 800 feet, subject to the assessment of better- ments , and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to nrovide funds for said installation by direct appropriation, or by transfer from other funds. The Appropriation Committee recommends that this Article be indefinitely Postponed. Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for highway maintenance under authority of Chapter 90 of the General Laws. Under this Article the Approoriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $3,000.00. Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the improvement of Waltham Street; said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $4,700.00. Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate a sum of money for the improvement of Watertown Street, said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $1,000.00. Article 24. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell and dispose of the property taken by the Town by foreclosure of tax titles . Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sell and dispose of property taken by the Town by foreclosure of tax titles in those cases where the sale is approved by the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, the Chairman of the Planning Board and the Chairman of the School Committee. Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate funds for labor and materials on public works and for other ex- penses in camnection therewith, to be expended by the Selectmen for aid to persons employed on various projects . Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $4,000.00. 313 Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to establish a RoadMachinery Fund, to which shall be credited all receipts re- ceived for the use or rental of road machinery, the Proceeds to be appropriated as voted by the town for road machinery purposes, or take any action in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this Article be adopted. Article 27. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $8,225.00 to establish a Road Machinery Account for the purpose of Purchasing, repairing and operating road machinery. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $6,725.00, and it is further recommended that this money be provided as follows : By direct appropriation - $6,608.45 By transfer from the 1936 Account for purchase of Highway Dept. Grader 100.00 By transfer from the 1936 Account for purchase of the Highway Dept . Truck 16.55 Article 28. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to grant the Lexington Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the use of the auditorium in the Cary Yemorial Building without charge on six evenings each year, also the use of Estabrook Hall in said building without charge, for the regular meetings of the Veterans of Foreign Wars , or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee recommends favorable action. Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to accept the Provisions of law relative to the compensation of municipal em- ployees who are injured in the course of their employment under authority of Chapter 260 of the Acts of 1936, as amended by Chapter 403 of the Acts of 1936, and to see if the Town will vote to determine the employees for whom compensation insurance shall be provided. The Appropriation Conmittee recommends the acceptance of the provisions of law relative to the compensation of municipal employees who are injured in the course of their employment under authority of Chapter 260 of the Acts of 1936, as amended by Chapter 403 of the Acts of 1936, and it is further recommended that all employees of the Town be included under the Workmen's Compensation Insurance coverage except the members of the Police and Fire Departments who are excluded under the terms of the Act. Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to pay any unpaid bills for prior years of the various town departments . Under this Article the Appropriation Conuittee recommends appropriations as follows : For 1935 Bills of the Highway Dept. - $403.20 For 1936 Bills of the Public Welfare Dept. - $641.45 31z1 Article 31. To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way or accept the layout of as a town way, Tower Road, from the present end of acceptance a distance of approximately 80 feet southeasterly, as laid out by the Selectmen and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 10, 1936. The Appropriation Committee makes no rec-- ommendation under this Article. Article 32. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of 0125.00 for the purchase of a Map for the use of the Torn Meeting Members, or take any other action in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $125.00. Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Lex- ington Zoning By-Law and Map as follows : To substitute for the Amendment to the Zoning Law adopted by the Town at the Town Meeting November 7, 1930, which reads , "Voted:--That the town amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law and map by changing from an R.1. District to C.1. District the plot of land ()limed by Ethel W. Bean and located on the easterly side of Bedford. Street; northwest of property of said name at 241 Bedford Street, said plot extending east- erly two hundred (200) feet; thence turning and running in a northerly direction three hundred ( 300) feet; thence turning and running southwesterly two hundred fifty (250) feet to Bedford Street; thence turning and running south- easterly along Bedford Street two hundred forty-seven (247 ) feet to the ,point of beginning and comprising one and three eights ( 1 3/8) acres of land more or less . The following paragraph to be placed in Section 3, under the heading "In C.1 Districts :-" 22. Beginning at a point in the northeasterly side line of Bedford Street, said point being southeasterly and distant 219.04 feet from the southeasterly terminus of a curve of radius 1513.11 feet; thence running northeasterly distant 200 feet; thence turning and running northwesterly distant 300 feet; thence turning and running southwesterly distant 250 feet to the northeasterly side line of Bedford Street; thence turning and running by said side line of Bedford Street, southeasterly distant 247 feet to the Point of beginning and comprising 1 3/8 acres of land more or less , or take any action thereon. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Lex- ington Zoning By-Law as follows: By removing from Section 3, 0 .1 Districts, the two following paragraphs :- "Beginning at a point 200 feet easterly of the junction of the easterly line of Blossom Street with the south- erly line of the new Concord Highway, thence easterly along the southerly line of the Concord Highway 200 feet, and of a depth of 100 feet throughout." "At the junction of the Concord Turnpike and Watertown Street the parcel bounded easterly by the curve at said junction 55.98 feet; southerly by said Turnpike 277.50 feet; westerly by a line at right angles to said Turn- pike 98 .97 feet; north westerly by a line at right angles to said Watertown Street 98.97 feet; and north- easterly by said Watertown Street 286.96 feet.tt 315 And by adding the following to Section 3 after pf.ragraph 10 under "R.2 Districts' and, preceding the heading tC.1 Districts" : - T.1 Districts 1. Beginning at a point 200 feet easterly of the junction of the easterly line of Blossom Street with the southerly line of the new Concord Elilivra-y, thence easterly along the southerly line of the Concord Highway 200 feet, and of a depth of 100 feet throughout. 2. At the junction of the Concord Turnpike and Watertown Street the parcel bounded easterly by the curve at said junction 55.98 feet; southerly by said turnpike 277.50 feet; westerly by a line at right angles to said Turn- pike 98.97 feet ; northwesterly by a line at right angles to said Watertown Street 98.97 feet; and northeasterly by said Watertown Street 286.96 feet. And by changing the Zoning Map in accordance therewith, or take any action thereon. ' The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Lex- ington Zoning By-Law by inserting in Section 7 : - (a) in the first line, after "H.2" , the phrase and T.1 , or take any action thereon. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to construct granolithic sidewalks where the abutting owner Pays one-half the cost, and provide funds for said con- struction by direct appronriation. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this Article be adopted and that the sum of $500.00 be appropriated. Article 37 . To see if the Town will vote to install under- ground cable for the Fire Denartment and pay for the same by direct appronriation or by transfer from available funds. Under this Article the Approp riation Committee recommends the installation of underground cable for the Fire Department from the East Lexington Fire Station to the Arlington Line, and further recommends that the sum of $3,975.00 be appro- priated for this purpose, the funds to be pro- vided as follows : By direct appropriation $3,887.00 By transfer from 1936 Account for Fire Dept. Underground Cable 88.00 Article 38. To see if the Town will establish a Planning Board under General Laws , Chapter 41, sec. 81A, as enacted by Statute 1936, Chapter 211, sec. 4, or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. 316 0-1 Article 39. To see if the Town will accept the provisions of Section 81 F, 81 G, 81 H, 81 I, and 81 J of Chapter 41 of the General Laws , as enacted by Statute 1936, Chapter 211, Section 4, or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. Article 40. To see if the Town will provide for a Board of Appeals under General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 81 I, as enacted by Statute 1936, Chapter 211, Section 4 by anending the General By-Laws of the Town by adding a paragraph to that effect to Article XXVI, or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee makes no recommendation under this Article. Article 41. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to defray the expenses incurred by the Retirement Board to be established under Chapter 318 of the Acts of 1936, or take any action in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of $500.00 Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the improvement of the traffic control signal system in Lexington Center, or take any action in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee recommends that this Article be indefinitely postponed. Article 43. To see if the Town will purchase or take by Eminent Domain the property numbered 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, adjoining the Cary Memorial Building, formerly owned by the late William L. Barnes , for any appropriate municipal purpose, and to pay for the same in whole or in cart by direct appropria- tion, by transfer from available funds or by the issue of notes or bonds of the Town. Under this article, the Appropriation Committee recommends the purchase of the so-called Barnes property at a price not in excess• of $25,000.00, and further recommends the aRpronriation of this sum of $25.000.00, of which p3,660.00 shall be a direct appropriation, $1,840 shall be by transfer from the sale of Real Estate Fund and 19,500.00 shall be obtained by the issue of notes or bonds of the Town for a Period of five years. Article 44 . To see if the Town will purchase for a school Playground and aL purposes the parcel of land owned by Harriette W. Smith as shown on a plan entitled "-Plan of Proposed Addition to Parker School Property, Lex. , Mass . , for School, Playground and Park Purnoses, Scale 1 in. - 40 ft. , Feb. 15, 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer" and containing 38,690 square feet, and compromise two petitions for damages arising out of the layout of Valley Road brought against the Town, one by Harriette W. Smith and the other by Harriette W. Smith, and others, now pend- ing in the Superior Court, and pay for the same by direct appro- priation, by transfer from available fuhds or by the issue of notes or bonds of the Town in accordance with law. The Appropriation Committee recommends that this article be indefinitely Postponed. 317 Article 45 . To see if the Town will vote to anproPriate the sum of $300.00 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen upon Depot Park for construction and labor in accord- ance with the plan presented by the Lexington Field & Garden Club. Under this article, the Appropriation Committee recommends the appropriation of the sum of 4300.00. Article 46. To see if the Town Meeting Members will vote to authorize their precincts to choose members necessary to represent them on the Lexington Town Meeting Members ' Association as an Executive Committee, and to appropriate a sum of money to defray the expenses of said Committee. Under this article, the Anpropriation Committee recommends that no money be appropriated. Article 47. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the purchase of new Whistle Apparatus for the Fire Department. Under this article, the AnnroPriation Committee recommends the annronriatIon of the sum of $1500.00. Article 48. To see if the Town will vote to accept the recommendation of the Selectmen for the changing of the names of certain streets , or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Comuittee makes no recommendation under this article. Article 49. To see if the Town will vote to construct Reed Street from about 500 ft. north of Sunnyknoll Avenue to Ash Street, a distance of approximately 1,000 feet, and approoriate money for the construction of said street, or act in any manner in relation thereto. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this article be adopted and that the sun of $5100.00 be appropriated. Article 50. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate funds for the disposal of surface drainage by the construction of drains or conduits and for that purpose to take lands or ease- ments by Eminent Domain as follows : In- private lands of Ellen B. Welch, Lulu M. Blake, Heirs of Hallie C. Blake, and in Patriot's Drive from the McIntosh drain at 24 Merriam Street to the manhole in the Right of Way off Hancock Street in the rear of land of Lena G. Dreselly; Reed Street and lands of Ernest E. MacPhee and the Lexington Co-operative Bank; Locust Avenue, IndePendence Avenue, and Massachusetts Avenue to Curve Street; and in such other streets and locations as the Selectmen may designate. The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this article be adopted and that the sum of $19,600.00 be appropriated. 318 • C,71 Article 51. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the replacement and the installation of water mains not less than 6 inches an not more than sixteen inches in diameter in the following streets and in such other streets as the SelecLmen may determine : Sherman Street from Grant Street to Fletcher Avenue, a distance of approximately 800 feet; Highland Avenue, from Bloomfield Street to Percy Road, a distance of approximately 510 feet; Forest Street, from Muzzy Street to Waltham Street, a distance of approximately 500 feet . The Appropriation Committee recommends that the substance of this article be adopted and that the sum of 89,640.00 be appropriated and transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Account. Article 52. To see if the Town will appropriate money to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purchase of materials and equipment and for wages of superintendence on public works for which the Town has power to apPropriate money to be designated by the Selectmen, in which. works recipients of welfare aid fr.= the Town may be required to work, or take any action in reference thereto. The Approoriation Committee recommends that the substance of this article be adopted and that the sum of 85,000.00 be appropriated. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS RECOMMENDED Article 6. Appropriation Committee Personal Services $ 310.00 Expenses 350.00 Selectmen's Department Personal Services 2;862.67 Expenses 2 .236.00 Accounting Department Personal Services 3,922.50 Expenses 402.00 Treasurer' s Department Personal Services 1,365.00 Expenses 516.90 Foreclosure and Redemption of Tax Titles _ 2,300.00 ()tier Finance Offices and Accounts 200.00 Collector' s Department Personal Services 4880.50 Expenses 2,000.00 Assessor's Department Personal Services 5,402 .00 Expenses 600.00 Law Department Personal Services 1,962.50 Expenses 425.00 Town Clerk's DePartment Personal Services 2,177.50 Expenses 130.00 Elections Expenses 601.00 Registration of Voters Personal Services 250.00 Expenses 255.92 Public Works - Superintendent ' s Office Personal Services 5,191.17 Expenses 900.00 Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building Personal Services 3,200.00 Expenses 6,300.00 319 Engineering Department Personal Services 11,359.84 Expenses 1,270.00 Planning Board Expenses 250.00 Board . pf Appeals Expenses 200.00 PoliceDePartment Personal Services 34,393.27 Expenses 3,730.00 Fire Department Personal Services S33,410.94 Exnenses 7,980.00 Building Department Personal Services 1,072.50 Expenses 125.00 Wire Deoartment Personal Services 600.00 Expenses 110.00 Weights and Measures Department Personal Services 450.00 Exnenses 100.00 Tree -Department Wages and Expenses 2,500.00 Forest Fires Personal Services 200.00 Wages and Expenses 1,235.00 Dog Officer Personal Services 100.00 Health Department Personal Services 500.00 Expenses 5,500.00 Dog Clinic Expenses 350.00 Dental Clinic Personal Services 1,750.00 Expenses 100.00 Posture Clinic Expenses 700.00 Vital Statistics Birth and Death Returns 50.00 Animal Inspection Personal Services 500.00 Slaughtering Inspection Personal Services 700.00 Plumbing Department Personal Services 800.00 Expenses 50.00 Sewer ,Maintenance Personal Services 1,021 .59 Wages and Expenses 6,935 .00 Sewer Services Wages and Expenses 1,550.00 Care of Dumps and Removal of Ashes Wages and Expenses 1,900.00 Garbage Collection Contract 3,310.00 Highway Maintenance Personal Services 5,262.01 Wages and Expenses 38,387.00 Highway Department Curbing 1,250.00 Snow Removal 7,500.00 Traffic Regulation and Control 1,500.00 Street Lights 22,500.00 Street Signs 2,200.00 Public Welfare Deoartment Personal Services 5,498.17 Aid and Expenses 39,501.83 Town Physician 750.00 320 Dependent Children Aid and Expenses $5,000.00 Old Age Assistance Aid and Expenses 12,500.00 Soldiers ' Benefits State Aid 40000 Military Aid 400.00 Soldiers ' Burials 100.00 Soldiers ' Relief 3,500.00 School Maintenance Personal Services 187,282.42 Expenses 37,307.22 Americanization Classes 200.00 Vocational Tuition 1,794.00 Libraries Personal Services 9,188.50 Expenses 3,746.77 Parks and Playgrounds Personal Services 3,829.34 Wage's and Expenses 10,670.66 Insurance Workments Compensation and Public Liability 3,949.00 Fire, Sprinkler Damage, Boiler and Hold-Up 3,312.00 Memorial Day Expenses 250.00 Patriot 's Day Expenses 500.00 Administration of Trust Funds Expenses 70.00 Town Report Printing 1,200.00 Public Works Building Wages and Expenses 8,484.00 Equipment 40500 Improvement of Building and Grounds 1,000.00 Unclassified Sundry Items 700.00 Water Maintenance Personal Services 4,153.09 Wages and Expenses 56,546.91 Water Replacements Expenses 1,500.00 Water Services Wages and Expenses 5,200.00 Cemetery Maintenance - Munroe Personal Services 300.00 Wages and Expenses 1,800.00 Cemetery Maintenance - Westview Personal Services 500.00 Wages and Expenses 3,150.00 Interest on Debt Sundry Loans 14,000.00 Maturing Debt Sundry Loans 105,606.09 Total Article 6. $786,937.81 Article 7. Insect Suppression Personal Services 300.00 Wages and Expenses 2,600.00 Article 8. Reserve Fund 3,500.00 Article 9. Pensions - Fire Department 1,107.81 Pensions - Police Department 1,095.00 Article 11. Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital Assessment 3,702.31 321 Article 13. School Dent. Out of State Travel Article 14. Law Department Ryder Case - Vine Brook Drainage 1,000.00 Article 16. Highway Construction - Robbins Road 5,400.00 Article 17. Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets 1,700.00 Article 18. Water Construction - Sundry Streets 2,000.00 Article 19. Water Construction - Watertown Street 2.100.00 Article 21. Highway Maintenance - Chapter 90 3,000.00 Article 22 . Highway Construction - Waltham Street - Chapter 90 4,700.00 Article 23. Highway Construction - Watertown Street - Chapter 90 1,000.00 Article 25. Labor, Materials and Expenses on Public Works 4,000.00 Article 27 . Road Machinery 6,725.00 Article 30. Public Welfare - 1936 Bills 641.45 Highway Department - 1935 Bills 403.20 Article 32. Town Meeting Map 125.00 Article 36. Sidewalk Construction - Sundry Streets 500.00 Article 37. Fire Dept. Underground Cable 3,975.00 Article 41. Retirement Board Expenses 500.00 Article 43. Purchase of Barnes Property 25,000.00 Article 45. Depot Park Beautification 300.00 Article 47. Fire Department Whistle 1,500.00 Article 49. Highway Construction - Reed Street 5,100.00 Article 50, Drain Construction 19,600.00 Article 51. Water Construction - Replacement of Mains 9.640.00 Article 52. Material, Equipment, Wages and Superintendence on Public Works for Aid of Welfare 5,000.00 Total of Warrant $903,272.58 OUTSIDE OF TAX LEVY Article 6 - Water Receipts . To offset appropriations for - Water Maintenance Personal Services $4,153.09 Water Maintenance Wages and Expenses 56,546.91 Water Replacements 1,500.00 Water Services 5,200.00 Article 6 - Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund. Part of annropriation for - Wages and Expenses - Westview Cemetery 1,500.00 322 4-4 Article 6 - Sewer Assessment Fund - • Part of appropriation for - Sewer Maintenance - Wages and Expenses $3,000.00 Article 6 - Curbing - Bedford Street - 1936 Account Part of appropriation for - Highway Curbing 285.45 Article 8 - Overlay Reserve Fund Part of appropriation for - Reserve Fund - 1,200.00 Article 17 - Sewer Assessment Fund Appropriation for - Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets 1,700.00 Article 18 - Water Department Available Surplus Part of appropriation for - Rater Construction - Sundry Streets 350.00 Article 19 - Water Department Available Surplus Appropriation for - Water Construction - Watertown Street '2,100.00 Article 27 - Highway Department Grader - 1936 Account Part of appropriation for - Road Machinery 100.00 Article 27 - Highway Department Truck - 1936 Account • Part of appropriation for - Road Machinery 16.55 Article 37 - Fire Department Underground Cable Account 1936 Part of appropriation for - Fire Department Underground Cable 88.00 Article 43 - Bond Issue Part of appropriation for - Purchase of Barnes Property 19,500 .00 Article 43 - Sale of Real Estate Fund Part of appropriation for - Purchase of Barnes Property 1,840.00 Article 51 - Water Department Available Surplus Appropriation for - Water Construction - Replacement of Mains 9,640.00 Total Outside of Tax Levy $110,370.00 Total of Warrant $903,272,58 Less Amounts outside of Tax Levy 110,370.00 A Net Appropriations Recommended .T792,902.58 Add Taxes to State and County as estimated: State Tax 33,000 .00 County Tax 32,000.00 North Metropolitan Sewer Tax 9,500.00 State Parks and Reservations Tax 200.00 Auditing Municipal Accounts Tax 2,000.00 Add - Overlay for 1937 as estimated 10,000.00 $879,602 .58 Deduct Receipts as estimated (Except Water Dept . ) Income Tax $41,500.00 Corporation Tax 5,100.00 Race Tracks - 1,500.00 Motor Vehicle Excise 28;500.00 Special Assessments 8,000.00 • Schools 27,000.00 • Interest 10,000 .00 Charities 20; 000 .00 Other Receipts 12,000.00 153,600.00 8726,002.58 323 $726,002.58 Deduct Poll Taxes as estimated 6,800.00 Balance to be raised in Tax Levy, as estimated $719,202.58 Rate of $33.00 per thousand on an estimated valuation of $21,800,000.00 $719,400.00 Respectfully submitted, A. EDWARD RUNSE Chairman A. RANDALL SODERBERG WINTHROP H. BOWER LOUIS E. YEAGER GEORGE M. HYNES EDWARD W. SIBL7Y ALPHONSO B. WEST RAYMOND L. WHITE A. M. RUCKER JAMES H. RUSSELL Secretary (Town Accountant) APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON Motion made and seconded the report be accepted and Placed on file. Carried Unanimous 8 :19 P.M. Under Article 2, William H. Ballard, Chairman of Vine Brook Drainage Committee, submits the following report : March 9, 1937 Town of Lexington: The Vine Brook Drainage Committee, - the appointment of which was authorized by vote at the Town Meeting held September 21, 1936 received formal notice of their appointment under date of November 6, 1936,- held their first meeting and organized on November 23, 1936. Since that time your Committee has met once a week with the exception of two or three weeks . While substantial Progress has been made with the work of the Committee, we find there is still much to be done before a final report to the Town can be completed. We request that you accept this report of progress 324 0-1 and grant the Committee such additional time as they may feel is essential in order to complete a report in accordance with the Vote of the Town. Yours very truly, Vine Brook Drainage Committee Robert H. Eldredge Edwin B. Worthen J. Henry Duffey Roy A. Ferguson, Secretary IT. H. Ballard, Chairman ( signed) W. H. Ballard. William H. Ballard presents report as a report of progress, stating the Committee would like an extension of time . Moderator asks how much time, answered, a week or ten days . Motion made and seconded the report be accepted as a report of progress . Carried Unanimous 8 :20 P.M. Art. 3. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 3, presenting the following: Voted: That John C. Russell and Edward C . Maguire be elected as field drivers. Carried Unanimous 8:21 P.M. Art, 4. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 4, presenting the following: Voted: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1938, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws . Carried Unanimous 8:22 P.M. Art . 5. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 5, presenting the following: Voted: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to refund any or all of the revenue notes issued in anticipation of the revenue of the year 1937, in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 , Chapter 44, General Laws; any debt so incurred to be paid from the revenue of the year 1937 . Carried Unanimous 8 :23 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson gives explanation of figures concerning tax rate. Art. 6. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 6. Selectman Ferguson states figures to be presented as total amounts for each appropriation. Chairman Rowse of the Appropriation Committee states it would be better to present amounts broken down, presenting the following motion: That it is the sense of the meeting that the amounts be divided as of personal services and wages and expenses . 325 Question by Edwin B. Worthen, if Town Accountant was the Clerk of the Appropriation Committee . Answered by Chairman of Appropriation Committee - Yes . Motion Carried 8:36 P.M. The following presented: For the expenses of the Appropriation Committee, $660.00 For the expenses of the Appropriation Committee, $660.00 Personal Services $310.00 Expenses 350.00 Carried Unanimous 8 :37 P.M. For salaries and expenses of the Selectmen 's Dept. , 5098.67 For salaries and expenses of the Selectmen's Dept., 5098.67 Personal Services $2,862.67 Expenses 2,236.00 Carried Unanimous 8:38 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Town Accountant, 4324.50 For the salary and expenses of the Town Accountant, 4324.50 Personal Services $3,922.50 Expenses 402.00 Carried Unanimous 8:39 P.M. For the salary and exoenses of the Town Treasurer, 1881.90 ( of .which 975 .00 is for salary of the Town Treasurer) For the salary and expenses of the Town Treasurer, 1881.90 ( of -which 975.00 is for salary of the Town Treasurer) Personal Services $1,365.00 Expenses 516.90. Carried Unanimous 8 :40 P.M. For the foreclosure and redemption of Tax Titles , 2300.00 For the foreclosure and redemption of Tax Titles , 2300.00 Expenses $2,306.00 • Carried Unanimous 8 :41 P.M. For ,the salary and expenses of the Collector, 6880.50 ( of which $2812.50 is for salary of the Collector) For the salary and expenses of the Collector, 6880.50 (of which $2812.50 is for salary of the Collector) Personal Services $4,890.50 Expenses 2,000.00 - Carried Unanimous 8 :42 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Board of Assessors , 6002.00 For the salary and expenses of the Board of Assessors, 6002.00 Personal Services $5,402 .00 Expenses 600.00 Carried Unanimous 8:43 P.M. For Other Finance Offices and Accounts, 200. 00 For Other Finance Offices and Accounts , 200.00 Expenses $200.00 Carried Unanimous 8 :44 P.M. For legal services and expenses , 2387.50 For legal services and expenses, 2387.50 Personal Services $1,962 .50 Expenses 425.00 Carried Unanimous 8:45 P.M. 1 326 For the salary and expenses of the Town Clerk, 82307.50 (of which $1787 .50 is for salary of the Town Clerk) For the salary and expenses of the Town Clerk, 2307 .50 (of which 81787.50 is for salary of the Town Clerk) Personal Services $2,177.50 Expenses 130.00 Carried Unanimous 8:45 P.M. For Elections , 601.00 For Elections, 601 .00 Expenses 8601.00 Carried Unanimous 8:46 P.M. For Registration of Voters , 505.92 For Registration of Voters, 505 .92 Personal Services $250.00 Expenses 255.92 Carried Unanimous 8:46 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Supt. of Public Works, 6091.17 For the salary and. expenses of the Supt. of Public Works, 6091.17 4% Personal Services p5,191.17 Expenses 900.00 Carried Unanimous 8:46 P.M. For the expenses of the Town Office Bldg. , and Cary Memorial Building, 10000.00 For the expenses of the Town Office Bldg. , and Cary Memorial Building, 10000.00 Personal Services $3,200.00 Expenses 6,800 .00 Carried Unanimous 8 :46 P.M. For the salaries and expenses of the Engineering Dept. , 14260.68 Explanations by Chairman A. Edward Rowse, Appropriation Committee, offering amendment that personal services read $11,359.84. Mr. George W. Sarano calls on John W. Raymond , Jr. , Supt. of Public Works, for explanations , same given by Mr. Raymond. Selectmen Charles E. Ferguson reads lists of projects to be covered. The motion to amend personal services to read 811,359.84 declared lost - 9: 03 P.M. Motion as Presented: Personal Services $12,990.68 Expenses 1,270.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :04 P.M. For the expenses of the Planning Board, 250.00 For the expenses of the Planning Board, 250.00 Expenses $250.00 Carried Unanimous 904 P.M. For the expenses of the Board of Appeals, 200.00 For the expenses of the Board of Appeals , 200.00 Expenses $200.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :04 P.M. 327 For the salaries and expenses of the Police Dept. , 38123.27 For the salaries and expenses of the Police Dept. , 38123.27 Personal Services $34,39327 Expenses 3,730.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :04 P.M. For salaries and expenses of the Fire Department, 40990.94 For salaries and expenses of the Fire Department, 40990.94 Personal Services $33,410.94 Expenses 7,580.00 Ca-pried Unanimous 9:04 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Building Inspt. , 1197 .50 For the salary and expenses of the Building Inspector, 1197 .50 Personal Services 9-310072.50 Expenses 125.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :05 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Wire Inspector, 710.00 For the salary and expenses of the Wire InsPector, 710.00 Personal Services $600.00 Expenses 110.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :05 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Sealer of Weights and Measures , 550.00 For the salary and expenses of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, 550.00 Personal Services 450.00 Expenses 100.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :05 P.M. For the protection of public shade trees and for the planting of shade trees , 2500.00 For the nrotection of public shade trees and for the planting of shade trees, 2500.00 Wages and Expenses $2500.00 Carried Unanimous 9:06 P.M. For the expense of Forest Fires, 1435. 00 For the expense of Forest Fires, 1435.00 Personal Services $200.00 Expenses 1,235.00 Carried Unanimous 9:06 P .M. For the salary of the Dog Officer, 100.00 For the salary of the Dog Officer, 100.00 Personal Services $100.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :06 P.M. For the maintenance of Public Health and sanitation, 6000.00 For the maintenance' of Public Fealth and sanitation, 6000.00 Personal Services $500.00 Expenses 5,500.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :07 P.M. F91- the expenses of, the Dog Clinic, 350.00 For the expenses of the Dog Clinic, 350.00 Expenses $350.00 Carried Unanimous 9:07 P.M. 328 0-1 For the expenses of the Dental Clinic, 1850.00 For the expenses of the Dental Clinic, 1850.00 3 Personal Services q1,750.00 Expenses 100.00 Carried Unanimous 9:07 P.M. For the expenses of the Posture Clinic, 700.00 For the expenses of the Posture Clinic, 700.00 Expenses $700.00 Carried Unanimous 9:08 P .M. For Vital Statistics , 50.00 For Vital Statistics, 50.00 Expenses $50.00 Carried Unanimous 9:08 P.M. For the salary of the Inspector of Animals, 500.00 For the salary of the Inspector of Animals, 500.00 Personal Services $500.00 Carried Unanimous 9:08 P.M. For the salary of the Inspector of Slaughtering, 700.00 For the salary of the inspector of Slaughtering, 700.00 Personal Services 8700 .00 Carried Unanimous 9:08 P.M. For the salary and expenses of the Plumbing Inspector, 850.00 For the salary and expenses of the PlumbinF InSpector, 850.00 Personal Services $800.00 Expenses 50.00 Carried Unanimous 9:08 P.M. For the expenses of the Sewer Maintenance DePt. , 7956.59 (of which $4956.59 is to be raised by direct appropriation and 83, 000. is to be trans- ferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund) . For the expenses of the Sewer Maintenance Dept. , 7956.59 Personal Services $1,021.59 ( of which $4956.59 is to be raised by direct appropriation and $3,000.00 is to be trans- ferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund) . Carried Unanimous 9:10 P.M. For sewer services, 1550.00 For sewer services , 1550.00 Expenses & Wages $1,550.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :10 P .M. For the removal of ashes and care of dumps , 1900.00 For the removal of ashes and care of dumps, 1900.00 Expenses $1,900.00 Carried Unanimous 9:10 P.M. For the expense of collecting garbage, 3310.00 For the expense of collectinc, garbage, 3310.00 Expenses 43.310.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :-il P.M. 329 For the maintenance and care of highways , $43649.01 For the maintenance and care of highwa7s, 43649.01 Personal Services $5 ,262.01 Expenses 38,387 .00 Carried Unanimous 9 :15 P.M. For Highway Curbing, 1250.00 ( of which $964.55 is to be raised by direct appropriation and $285 .45 is to be transferred from the 1936 Acct. for Highway Curbing, Bedford Street) . For Highway curbing, wages & Expenses 1250.00 ( of which 8964.55 is to be raised by direct appropri- ation and $285.45 is to be transferred from the 1936 Acct. for Highway Curbing, Bedford Street) . By direct appropriation $964.55 By transfer from the 1936 account for Highway Curb- ing, Bedford Street. 285.45 Carried Unanimous 9 :15 P .M. For the expense of removal of snow and ice, 5000.00 For the expense of removal of snow and ice, 5000 .00 Wages and Expenses $5,000.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :16 P.M. For the expenses of Traffic Regulation & Control, 1500.00 For the expenses of Traffic Regulation & Control, 1500.00 Wages and Expenses $1,500.00__ Carried Unanimous 9 :16 P .M. For the expense of Street Lights , 22900.00 Explanations by Selectman Ferguson additional $400.00 asked for to increase lighting power from Woburn Street to Arlington line. Chairman Rowse, Appropriation Committee, presents amendment to read: for Street Lights $22,500.00 Declared Carried 9:21 P.Y. Decision doubted. The Moderator appoints tellers for a standing count, results as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 16 L. V. Farnhqm 16 48 J. H. Lewis 42 24 R. D. Mayo 13 88 71 Amendment Carried 9 :24 P.M. Motion amended to read $22,500.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :24 P.M. For the construction and repair of street signs, 2200.00 For the construction and repair of street signs, 2200.00 Rages and Expenses $2 ,200.00 Carried Unanimous 9:24 P.M. 330 For the expense of Aid to Dependent Children, $5000.00 For the expense of Aid to Dependent Children, 5000.00 Aid and Expenses $5,000.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :25 P.M. For the expense of Old Age Assistance, 12500.00 For the expense of Old Age Assistance, 12500.00 Aid and Expenses 412,500.00 Carried Unanimous 9:25 P.M. For State Aid, 400.00 For State Aid, 400.00 Cash Grants A For Relief 0400.00 Carried Unanimous 9:26 P.M. For Military Aid, 400.00 For Militar,y Aid, 400.00 Cash Grants For Relief 4400.00 Carried Unanimous 9:26 P.M. For Soldiers ? Burials, 100.00 For SoldiersBurials. 100.00 Expenses $100 .00 Carried Unanimous 9 :26 P.L. For Soldiers ? Relief, 3500.00 For Soldiers ' Relief, 3500.00 Aid and Expenses $3,500.00 Carried Unanimous 9:27 P.M. For the salary of the Town Physician, 750.00 For the sala_vy of the Town Physician, 750.00 Personal Services $750. 00 Carried Unanimous 9:27 P.M. For the support of the Public Schools, 224589.64 (To be presented by the School Committee) For the support of the Public Schools, 224589 .64 (To be presented by the School Committee ) Personal Services $187,282 .42 Expenses 37, 307 .22 Carried Unanimous 9 :28 P.M. For the expense of the Americanization Classes, 200.00 For the expense of the Americanization Classes, 200.00 Expenses 4200.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :28 P.M. For the expense of Vocational Tuition, 1794.00 For tlie expense of Vocational Tuition, 1794.00 Expenses 41,794.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :28 P .M. 331 For the support of the Libraries, $12935.27 For the support of the Libraries , 12935.27 Personal Services $9,188.50 Expenses - Amended to read 3,746.77 Carried Unanimous 9 :29 P.M. For the maintenance of Public Parks and Playgrounds, 15118.34 Chairman Rowse of the Appropriation Committee makes amend- ment to motion that Wages and Expenses read $10,670.66. Amendment declared carried 8 :34 P.M. Decision doubted. Standing vote taken. In Favor Tellers Opposed 10 L. V. Farnham 26 43 J. H. Lewis 39 30 R. D. Mayo 7 83 72 Carried 8:35 P.M. -Motion presented and voted as follows : Maintenance of Parks and Playgrounds Personal Services $3,829.34 Wages and Expenses 10,670.66 Carried Unanimous 8 :35 P.M. For the proper observance of Memorial Day, to be expended under the direction of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 250.00 For the proper observance of Memorial Day, to be expended under the direction of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 250.00 Expenses $250.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :35 P.M. For the expenses of the April 19th celebration, 500.00 For the expenses of the April 19th celebration, 500.00 Expenses $500.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :35 P.M. For the administration of Trust Funds, 70.00 For the administration of Trust Funds , 70.00 Expenses $70.00 Carried Unanimous 9:35 P.M. For the expense of printing and publishing the Town Report, 1191.20 For the expense of printing and Publishing the Town Report, 1191.20 Expenses $1,191.20 Carried Unanimous 9:35 P.M. For the expense and operation of the Public Works Building, 10374.00 Chairman Rowse , !\-orropriation Committee , makes motion to amend Special Equipment to read $405.00 . Amendment carried 9 :40 P.M. 332 P='/1 Motion presented as follows : Wages and Expenses 08,484.00 Special Equipment 405.00 Building and Grounds Improvements 1,000.00 $9,889.00 Carried Unanimous 9:40 P.M. For unclassified expenses , $700.00 For unclassified expenses , 700.00 Expense's $700.00 Carried Unanimous 9:41 P.M. For the Water Maintenance Account, 60700.00 For the Water Maintenance Account, 60700.00 Personal Services $4;153.09 Expenses 56,546.91 Carried Unanimous 9 :41 P.M. For Water Services, 5200.00 For Water Services, 5200.00 Wages and Expenses $5,200.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :41 P.M. For Water Maintenance -Replacements , 1500.00 For Water Maintenance Replacements , 1500.00 Expenses 81,500.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :41 P.M. For the maintenance of Munroe Cemetery, 2100.00 For the maintenance of Munroe Cemetery, 2100.00 Personal Services $300 .00 Expenses 1,800.00 Carried Unanimous 9:42 P.M. For the maintenance of Westview Cemetery, 3650.00 Made up as follows : Personal Services ;P500.00 Wages & Expenses 3,150.00 Made up as follows : To be appropriated from Revenue $1,650.00 From sale of lots fund 1,500.00 Carried Unanimous 9 :45 P.M. For the payment of interest on the public debt, 14000.00 For the payment of interest on the public debt, 14000.00 Total $19,626.25 Deduct Interest to be paid on water Loans by Water Department 5,626.25 Carried Unanimous 9 :53 P.M. For the payment of the bonded indebtedness maturing in 1937, the sum of 105606. 09 For the Payment of the bonded indebtedness maturing in 1937, the sum of 105606.09 Total $10,600.00 Deduct amount to be trans- ferred from P.W.A. Water Standpipe Loan Fund 393.91 Carried Unanimous 9:53 P.M. :333 That part of Water Maintenance Account considered next. Further Voted : That the amount of receipts in excess of this appropriation and the appropriation for nater Maintenance Re- placements and Water Services be reserved to be appropriated for Water Department purposes . Explanation of same requested by Francis E. Chamberlain. Motion by Francis E. Chamberlain to lay on table and look up. Motion to lay on table lost 955 P.M. That part as presented, Further voted carried 955 P.M. For the expense of the Public Welfare Department $45000.00 Amendment offered by A. Edward Rowse, Appropriation Com- mittee, that Personal Services read $5,498.17 . Amendment declared lost 959 P.M. Motion voted as follows : Personal Services $5,564.01 Aid and Expenses 44,501.83 1650,065 .84 Carried Unanimous 10:07 P.M. Moderator Hobert H. Holt stated he would present a motion that all above votes , with the exception of Insurance be inclu- ded and voted as one vote. Carried Unanimous 10:08 P .M. That part pertaining to Insurance in Article Six, declared, Lay on the table. Art. 29. Selectman Ferguson moves to take up Article 29. Voted: That the Town determines under the authority of Statute 1936, Chapter 403, that all its employees except members of the Fire and Police forces , shall be included in the terms laborers, workmen and mechanics for the purposes of Workmen's Compensation. Carried Unanimous 10:10 P.M . Selectman Ferguson moves to take up Insurance under Art- icle 6 , stating he would present a figure of $8700.00 which would cover all Insurance items in blanket form. Amendment by A. Edward Rowse, Appropriation C ommittee, to read $7,761.00 for insurance of thick $4,449.00 for Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability, balance to cover Fire, Sprink- ler, Boiler and Hold-Up insurance . Amendment declared lost 10:25 P.M. Motion presented for Insurance y8700.00 to cover Workmen's Compensation, Public Liability, Fire, Sprinkler, Boiler, Hold-Up and Auto Insurance. Carried Unanimous 10:25 P.M. Selectman Ferguson moves to take up Article 34. Mr. Neil H. Borden presents the following vote. Voted upon in two parts . 334 VOTE FOR ARTICLE 34 Voted:- To amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law as follows :- By removing from Section 3, C.1 Districts , the follow- ing paragraph:- ' Beginning at a point 200 feet easterly of the junction of theeasterly line of Blossom Street with the southerly line of the new Concord Highway, thence easterly along the southerly line of the Concord High- way 200 feet, and of a depth of 100 feet throughout. And by adding the following to Section 3, after para- graph 10 under "R.2 Districts" and Preceding the head- ing "C.1 Districts" :- T.1 Districts 1. Beginning at a point 200 feet easterly of the junction of the easterly line of Blossom Street with the southerly line of the new Concord Highway, thence easterly along the southerly line of the Concord Highway 200 feet, and of a depth of 100 feet throughout. And by changing the Zoning Map in accordance therewith. REPORT OF 'rtt; PLANNING BOARD ON Ttth FOLLOWING PROPOSED AMENDMENT AS 'IT APPEARS UNDER ARTICLE 34 IN THE WARRANT FOR 'Tit; TOWN MEETING TO BE HELD MARCH 1, 1937 To amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law as follows :- By removing from Section 3, C .1 Districts, the two following paragraphs :- "Beginning at a point 200 feet easterly of the junction of the easterly line of Blossom Street with the southerly line of the new Concord Highway, thence easterly along the southerly line of the Concord Highway 200 feet, and of a depth of 100 feet throughout." "At the junction of the Coreord Turnpike and Watertown Street the Parcel bounded easterly by the curve at said junction 55.98 feet; southerly by said Turnpike 277.50 feet; westerly by a line at right angles to said Turnpike 98.97 feet; northwesterly by a line at right angles to said Watertown Street 98.97 feet; and northeasterly by said Watertown Street 286.96 feet." And by, adding the following to Section 3. after paragraph 10 under "R.2 Districts and preceding the heading C.1 Dis- tricts" :- T.1 Districts 1. Beginning at a point 200 feet easterly of the junction of the easterly line of Blossom Street with the southerly line of the new Concord Highway, thence easterly along the southerly line of the Concord Highway 200 feet, and of a depth of 100 feet throughout. 2. At the junction of the Concord Turnpike and Watertown Street the parcel bounded easterly by the curve at said junction 55.98 feet; southerly by said turnpike 277 .50 feet; westerly by a line at right angles to said Turnpike 98.97 feet; northwesterly by a line at right angles to said Watertown Street 98.97 feet; and northeasterly by said Watertown Street 286.96 feet. And. by changing the Zoning Map in accordance therewith. A public hearing was held. on February 19, 1937, on the proposed amendment., after the notices given in accordance with the Lexington Zoning By-Law, and the Planning Board now submits a final report with recommendations to the Town. In its report to the Town covering the treatment of prop- erties adjoining the Concord Turnpike, in its reports on the various petitions for Commercial Zones along this highway, and in its report recommending the adoption of the Throughway Zone, the Board has repeatedly expressed its opinion that there is no present justification for business along this way, other than that necessary to the movement of automobile traffic. The Board is still of the opinion that there is definite danger to life and limb in the establishment of any type of business use at the intersections but is also convinced that danger is lessened if the use is confined to a filling station business only. The Throughway (T.1) Zone has been provided and adopted by the Town to accomplish this specific purpose. In presenting the Throughway Zone at the November Town Meeting, the Board announced its intention, should the Town adopt that zone, of proposing a change of the Commercial (C.1) Zones now established on the Concord Turnpike into Throughway (T.1) Zones. Since. the Town did adopt thiszone, the Board considers that it is carrying out the -desires .of the Town in initiating this change. The Planning Board has obtained advice from officials, eminent in State and Town zoning and planning law, that no financial liability is incurred by the Town through a change as proposed since the application of zoning is accomplished under the Police power rather than by eminent domain. The Board feels that it is not concerned at any time with any private restric- tions placed on property but that it must rather deal with the broader aspects of proper zoning. In these particular cases , the restrictions placed on the properties by the owners do not afford the protection which the Town desires under a Throughway (T.1) Zone. One agreement executed in this case permits the installation of an automobile show room in connection with the filling station and both permit the owners at any time to convert the properties by giving up the filling stations into any uses permitted in a Commercial (C.1) Zone. - The Planning Board recommends favorable action by the Town on the above amendment. Neil H. Borden D. E. Nickerson Edward W. Kimball Clem H. Ferguson Eugene G. Kraetzer 336 Result of requirements of two-thirds vote as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 21 Dr. E. E. Morrill 3 56 James H. Lewis 19 27 Richard D. Mayo 4 104 26 Carried 10:32 P.M. Second Part of Article 34 Voted:- To amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law as follows :- By removing from Section 3, C .1 Districts , the paragraph reading; "At theunction of the Concord Turnpike and Watertown street the parcel bounded easterly by the curve at said junction 55.98 feet; southerly by said Turnpike 277.50 feet; westerly by a line at right angles to said Turnpike 98.97 feet; northwesterly by a line at right angles to said Watertown Street 98.97 feet; and northeasterly by said Watertown Street 286.96 feet." And by adding the following paragraph _to Section 3 under the heading r"T.l Districts" :- 2. At the junction .of the Concord Turnpike and Watertown Street the parcel bounded easterly by the curve at_ said junction 55.98 feet; southerly by said turnpike 277.50 feet; westerly by a line at right angles to said Turnpike 98.97 feet; northwesterly by a line at right angles to said Watertown Street 98.97 feet; and northeasterly by said Watertown Street 286.96 feet. And by changing the Zoning Map in accordance therewith. In Favor Tellers Opposed 18 Dr. E. E. Morrill 12 51 James H. Lewis 42 24 Richard D. Mayo 12 93 66 Lost 10:39 P.M. Motion by Neil H. Borden to reconsider the first part of the vote. Discussion by various speakers . Moved motion for reconsideration by Neil H. Borden indef- initely postponed. General discussion, various speakers . Motion of Neil H. Borden to reconsider action taken regard- ing Peterson property be indefinitely postponed. Carried 10:58 P.M. Motion to reconsider declared lost 10:59 P.M. Motion by John H. Devine meeting adjourned for ten days or two weeks . R 37 Moderator states to state a definite date, either ten days or two weeks, or amend, adjourn to one week March 22, 1937. Motion to adjourn meeting for one week, March 22, 1937, declared - Lost 11:04 P.M. Motion by Ernest Cutter to reconsider action taken concern- ing change of Zoning By-Laws regarding the. Childs property at junction of Concord Turnpike and Watertown Street. Motion made by Eugene T. Buckley motion of Ernest Cutter for reconsideration be indefinitely postponed. Motion for indefinite postponement declared lost 11:05 P .M. Motion of Ernest Cutter for reconsideration, concerning property, put to a vote. In Favor Tellers Opposed 17 Dr. E. E. Morrill 14 54 James H. Lewis 43 27 Richard P. Mayo 12 98 69 To reconsider carried 11:08 P .M. General discussion, several speakers. Motion by Mr. Fischer, main question be voted as outlined in Article 34, concerning Childs property, junction of Concord Turnpike and Watertown Street, to change Zoning By-Laws, to read T.1 District instead_of.a C.1 Distriot . Vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 17 Dr. E. E. Morrill 15 50 James H. Lewis 43 28 Richard P. Mayo 12 95 70 Lost - changenot made - 11:33 P.M. Selectman Charles E. .Ferguson moves meeting be adjourned for one week, March 22, 1937. Carried Unanimous. 11:34 P.M. A true record. Attest: (77) Town Cle '. 338 9 SPECIAL MEETING OF TOWN METING MEMBERS OF PRECINCT ONE, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1937, ESTABROOK HALL. Meeting called to order by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk at 7:54 P.M. There were twenty-seven Town Meeting Members present. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, explained reasons for the meeting as follows, resignation had been received from Robert F. Knox, account leaving Town, therefore, necessary to elect a member to complete term, expiring in 1940. Nominations were madefrom the floor, seconded and voted unanimously, that Harold B. Needham serve as Chairman and Leigh V. Farnham as Clerk for the meeting. Nominations made from floor and seconded that Dominic F. Ross be elected to complete term. Nominations closed. Election of Dominic F. Ross , term expiring March 1940 was unanimous - 7:59 P.M. Motion made and seconded meeting dissolve. Unanimous 8:00 P.M. ( //I r Town C 7/41 Lexington, Mass . March 22 , 1937 James J. Carroll Town Clerk Dear Sir: I hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member of Precinct One, term expiring March 1940. Very truly yours, Dominic F. Ross A true record. Attest : (;) /Town C ; ,k 339 SECOND ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HF,TJ) MARCH 22, 1937 Meeting called to order by Robert H. Holt, Moderator at 8:06 P.M. There were 154 Town Meeting Members present. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 7, offering the following: Art. 7. Voted: That the sum of $3302.00 be appropriated and assessed for the Suppression of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths, and other pests, in accordance with Chapter 132, General Laws and amendments . Motion by A. Edward Rowse, Chairman of Appropriation Com- mittee, appropriation be amended to read $2900.00 of which $300.00 be for personal services. Amendment as offered by A. Edward Rowse, declared lost 8:11 P.M. Main motion presented as follows : Art. 7. Voted: That the sum of $3302.00 be :,appropriated and assessed for the Suppression of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths, and other pests, in accordance with Chapter 132, General Laws, and amendments , of which $300.00 shall be Personal Services and $3002.00 shall be Wages and expenses . Carried 8:11 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 8, presenting the following: Art. 8. Voted: That the sum of $3500.00 be appropriated for the Reserve Fund as provided by Chapter 40, Section 6, General Laws, of which the sum of $2300.00 is to be raised by direct appropriation, and the sum of $1200.00 is to be transferred from the. Overlay Reserve Fund. Carried 8:12 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 9, presenting the following: Art. 9. Voted: That the following sums be appropriated and assessed for pensions for retired members of the Police and Fire Departments , under Chapter 32 of the General Laws and amendments : Fire Pensions $1107.81 Police Pensions $1095.00 Carried 8:13 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 10; presenting the following: Art. 10. Voted: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to petition. the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit for the year 1937. Carried 8:14 P.M. Selectmen Charles E. Ferguson moves to tkke up Article 11, presenting the following: Art. 11. Voted: . That the sum of $3,702.31, this being the Town's share of the net cost of care, maintenance, and repair of the Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital, including interest on temporary notes issued therefor, be and the said sum is hereby appropriated. Carried 8:15 P.M. 340 cyq Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 12, presenting the following: Art. 12. Voted: That the sum of $1438.23, being the sum re- ceived from the Middlesex County for dog fees, be transferred to the Cary Memorial Library Account. Carried 815 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 13, presenting the following: Art. 13. Voted: That the sum of $120.00 be appropriated to pay the necessary expenses__.of the Superintendent of Schools incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing information upon matters in which the Town is inter- ested or which may tend to improve the service in the School Department. Carried 8:15 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 14, presenting the following: Art. 14. Voted: That the sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated to defray expense incurred in the defense of the cases of Ryder v. Town of Lexington, which pertain to vine Brook Drainage. Carried 8:16 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 15, presenting the following: Art. 15. Voted: That the following sums be transferred to the Excess and Deficiency Account: Collector's Dept.- Binding Records - $88.00 Insect & Tree Dept.-Power Sprayer Acct.- . 10.83 Westview Cemetery-Dwelling Repair. Account- 15.00 Carried 8:16 P.M. and Voted: That the sum. of $39.51 be transferred from Water Construction, Bedford Street, and Mass . Ave. to Water Construction, Sundry Streets Account. Carried 8:16 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 16, presenting the following: Art. 16. Voted: That the Town accept the layout as a town way of Robbins Road, from Locust Avenue to. Lexington Avenue, a distance of approximately 790 feet, as laid out. by the Selectmen, under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 16-, 1937 , and to take by eminent domain the necessary easements therefor, 'and for the purpose of constructing said street the sum of $5400.00 be appropriated and assessed. Carried 8:17 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 17, presenting the following: Art. 17 . Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied: for during the year 1937 , in accord- ance with St. 1897, Ch. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easements therefor, and for the purpose of said installation the sum of $1700.00 be Appropriated and transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund. Carried 8:18 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 18, presenting the following: Art . 18. Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets, as may be applied for during the year 1937 in accordance with authority contained in the By-Laws of the Town, subject to the assessment of betterments , and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and for the purpose of said installation the sum of $2,000.00 be appropriated, this money to be provided by the trans- fer of $1,650.00 from the Water Assessment Fund, and the transfer of $350.00 from the Water Department Available Surplus Account. Carried 8:19 P . M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 19 requesting same be indefinitely postponed, which was carried unanimously 8:20 P . M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 20. Neil McIntosh offering the following motion: Art. 20. Voted: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install a water main not less than six inches in diam- eter in Shade Street from Weston Street, a distance of approximately 800 feet, subject .to the assessment of betterments , and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and that for the purpose of said installation the sum of $2400. be appropriated, to be Provided by the transfer of said sum from the Water Department Available Surplus Account. Explanations by Neil McIntosh. Question by S. R. Wrightington regarding eight inch main. Motion as presented put to a vote. Declared lost 8:36 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 21, Presenting the following: Art. 21. Voted: That the sum of $3,000.00 be appropriated and assessed for highway maintenance; said sum, or any portion thereof, to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the state or County, or both, for this purpose. Carried 8:37 P. M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 22, presenting the following: Art. 22. Voted: That the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $4,700.00. for the .improvement of Waltham Street, said sum, or any portion thereof, to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the state or County, or both, for this purpose. Carried 8:38 P. M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 23, presenting the following: Art. 23. Voted: That the Town raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the improvement of Watertown Street; said sum, or any portion thereof, to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose. Carried 8:39 P. M. 342 cn Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 24, presenting the following : Art. 24. Voted: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sell and convey any of the real estate acquired by the Town by foreclosure of tax titles . Carried 8:40 P. M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 25, presenting the following: Art. 25. Voted: That the sum of 6,000.00 be appropriated and assessed for labor and materials on public works and for other expenses in connection therewith, the same to be expended by the Selectmen for aid to persons employed on various projects . Carried 8 :40 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 26, presenting the following: Art. 26. Voted: That a Road Machinery Fund be established, to which shall be credited all receipts received for the use or rental of road machinery, the proceeds to be appropriated as voted by the Town for road machinery purposes . Carried 8:40 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 27, presenting the following: Art. 27. Voted: That a Road Machinery Account, be established for the purpose of purchasing, repairing, and oper- ating road machinery, and for this purpose the sum of $6,725.00 be appropriated, this money to be pro- vided by the transfer of $100.00 from .the 1936 Account for purchase of Highway Dept. Grader, the transfer of $16.55 from the 1936. Account for Purchase of Highway Dept. Truck and the appropriation of $6,608.45. Carried 8:41 P. M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 28, presenting the following: Art. 28. Voted: That, the,;town grant the Lexington Post, Vet- erans of Foreign Wars, the use of the auditorium in the Cary Memorial Building without charge on six evenings each year, also the use of Estabrook Hall in said building without charge, for the regular meetings of the Veterans of Forei an Wars . Carried 8:42 P.M. Selectman Charles E. 'Ferguson moves to take up Article 30, presenting the following: Art. 30. Voted: That the Town appropriate money to pay the following unpaid bills: For 1935 Hills of the Highway Dept. $403.20 For 1936 .;Bills of the Public Welfare Dept.641.45 Carried 8:43 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 31, presenting the following: Art. 31. Voted: That the Town accept the layout as a town way of Tower Road, from the present end of acceptance a distance of approximately 80 feet southeasterly, as laid out by the Selectmen and shown upon a cer- tain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 10, 1936. Carried 8:43 P.M. 343 Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 32, Presenting the following: Art. 32 . Voted: That the swn of $125..00 be appropriated for the purchase of a map for the use of the Town Meeting Members . Carried 8:44 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 33. Edward W. Kimball of the Planning Board presented the fol- lowing: VOTE FOR ARTICLE 33 Voted:- That the Town amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law and Map by substituting for the Amendment to the Zoning Law adopted by the Town at the Town Meeting November 7, 1930, which reads, "Voted:- That the town amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law and map by changing from an R.1 district to a C.1 district the plot of land owned by Ethel W. Bean and located on the easterly side of Bedford Street, northwest of prop- erty of said name. at 241 Bedford Street, said plot ex- tending easterly two hundred (200) feet; thence turning and running in a northerly direction three hundred (300) feet; thence turning and running southwesterly two hun- dred fifty (250) feet to Bedford Street ; thence turning and running southeasterly along Bedford Street two hun- dred forty-seven (247 ) feet to the point of beginning and comprising one and three eights (1 3/8) acres of land more or less . The following ..agraplDistricts :-" berplaced'rin Section 3," under the heading 22. Beginning at a point in the northeasterly side line of Bedford Street, said point being southeasterly and distant 219.04 feet from the southeasterly terminus of a curve of radius 1513.11 feet; thence running northeaster- ly distant 200 feet; thence turning and running north- westerly distant 300 feet; thence turning and running southwesterly distant 250 feet to the northeasterly side line of Bedford Street ; thence turning and running by said side line of Bedford Street, southeasterly distant 247 feet to the point of beginning and comprising 1 3/8 acres of land more or less . Edward W. Kimball reads report as follows : REPORT OF ThE PLANNING BOARD ON THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED AMENDMENT AS IT APPEARS UNDER ARTICLE 33 IN THE WARRANT FOR THE TOWN MEETING TO BE HELD MARCH 1, 1937 To substitute for the Amendment to the Zoning Law adopted by the Town at the Town Meeting November 7, 1930, which reads, "Voted:- That the town amend the Lexington Zoning By Law mad map by changing from an R.l district to a C.1 district the plot of land owned by Ethel W. Bean and located on the easterly side of Bedford Street, northwest of property of said name at 241 Bedford Street, said plot extending easterly two hundred (200) feet; thence turning and running in a northerly direction three hundred (300) feet; thence turning and running southwest- erly two hundred fifty (250) feet to Bedford Street; thence turning and running southeasterly along Bedford Street two hun- dred forty-seven (247) feet to the Point of beginning and com- prising one and three eights (1 3/8) acres of land more or less ." 344 The followingparagraph_to-be placed in Section 3, under the heading "In C.1 Districts :-' 22. Beginning at a point in the northeasterly side line of Bedford Street, said point being southeasterly and distant 219.04 feet from the southeasterly terminus of a curve of radius 1513.11 feet; thence running northeasterly distant 200 feet; thence turning and running northwesterly distant 300 feet; thenceturning and running southwesterly distant 250 feet to the northeasterly side line of Bedford Street; thence turning and running by said side line of Bedford Street, southeasterly distant 247 feet to the point of be- ginning and comprising 1 3/8 acres of land more or less . A public hearing was held on February 19, 1937 , on the proposed amendment, after the notices given in accordance with the Lexington Zoning By-Laws, and the Planning Board now submits a final report with recommendations to the Town. The wording of the present amendment is not in accord with similar sections of the By-Law and does not provide a satisfactory description of the metes and bounds. The proposed amendment is advanced by the Planning Board to correct these features and will not change the classification, uses or location of the present zone in any manner. The Planning Board recommends _to the Town that this amendment be adopted. Neil H. Borden Clem H. Ferguson Lester F. Ellis Edward W. Kimball Eugene G. Kraetzer D. E. Nickerson Original motion as presented, carried unanimous 8:45 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 35. Edward W. Kimball of Planning Board presents the following: VOTE FOR ARTICLE 35 Voted:- To amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law by inserting in Section 7 :- (a) in the first line, after "R.2", the Phrase trand T.1," Edward W. Kimball reads report as follows : REPORT OF TNF' PLANNING BOARD ON THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED AMENDMENT AS IT APPEARS UNDER ARTICLE 35 IN THE WARRANT FOR THE TOWN MEETING TO BE HELD MARCH 1, 1937 To amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law by inserting in Section 7 :- (a) in the first line, after "R.2", the phrase and T.1," A public hearing was held on February 19, 1937, on the proposed amendment, after notices given in accordance with the Lexington Zoning By-Law, and the Planning Board now submits a final report with recommendations to the Town. 345 The object of this amendment is to make the same setback provisions for a Throughway (T.1) Zone as are now applicable to other zones in the Town. The Planning Board recommends favorable action by the Town on this amendment. Neil H. Borden Lester F. Ellis D. E. Nickerson Edward W. Kimball Clem H. Ferguson Eugene G. Kraetzer Original motion as presented, carried unanimous 8:46 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 36, presenting the following: Art. 36. Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to construct granolithic sidewalks where the abutting owner pays one- half the cost, and for the purpose of said construction the sum of $500.00 be appropriated and assessed. Carried 8:47 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 37, offering the following: Art. 37. Voted: That the sum of $2,000.00 be appropriated for the installation of underground cable for the Fire Department in. Massachusetts Avenue from the East Lex- ington Fire Station in a southerly direction, of which the sum. of $1,912 .00 is to be raised by direct appro- priation and the sum. of 888.00 by transfer from the 1936 Account for Fire Dept. Underground Cable. A. Edward Rowse of the Appropriation Committee offers amendment to motion to read $3,975.00 made up as follows : By direct appropriation $3,887.00 Transfer from 1936 Account for Fire Dept. Underground Cable 88.00 83,975.00 Amendment as presented by A. Edward Rowse carried 8:53 P.M. Motion as follows presented. Art. 37 . Voted: That the sum of $2,000.00 be appropriated for the installation of underground cable for the Fire Department in Massachusetts Avenue from the East Lex- ington Fire Station in a southerly direction of which the sum of $1,912.00 is to be raised by direct appro- -_ priation and the sum of $88.00 by transfer from the 1936 Account for Fire Dept. Underground Cable. Amendedto read: sum of $3,975.00 made up - Direct d App pri ation $3,887.00, transfer from 1936 Account for Fire Department Underground Cable $88.00. Carried 8:54 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 39, as follows: 346 Art. 39. Voted: That the Town accept the provisions of Sections 81F, 81G, 81H, 811, and 81J of Chapter 41 of the General Laws as enacted by Statute 1936, Chapter 211, Section 4. Explanations by S. R. Wrightington, Town Counsel. Remarks by Senator Joseph R. Cotton. Mr. Edwin W. Hutchinson moves for article be indefinitely postponed. Mr. Ernest Cutter moves Moderator appoint a committee of three to investigate the Acts involved in the articles 39 and 40 and report back at next Town Meeting with appropriation to cover expense of Town Meeting members serving on Committee . Motion of Mr. Edwin Hutchinson for indefinite postponement declared carried - 9:12 P.M. Further explanations by Senator Cotton, suggesting if agree- able to Mr. Cutter to increase investigating committee to five instead of three, also that Committee include articles 38, 39 and 40 in investigation. Suggestions of Senator Cotton accepted by Mr. Ernest Cutter. Motion to appoint a Committee of five to investigate Acts as outlined in Articles 38, 39 and 40 carried 9116 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves articles 38 and 40 be indefinitely postponed. Indefinite postponement carried unanimously 9:17 P .M. - Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 41, offering the following: Art. 41. Voted: That the sum of $500.00 be appropriated to defray the expenses -incurred by the Retirement Board to be established. under Chapter 318 of the Acts of 1936. Carried 9:17 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 42, offering the following: Art. 42. Voted that the sum of $2125 .00 be appropriated for the improvement of the traffic control signal system in Lexington Center. Explanations by Selectman Ferguson. A. Edward Rowse, Chairman Appropriation Committee, states Committee opposed to the article. Article as presented lost 9:23 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 44, offering the following: Art. 44. Voted: That the Town purchase for a School playground and. Park purposes the parcel of land owned by Harriette W. Smith as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Proposed addition to Parker School Property, Lex. , Mass. , for School, Playground, and Park Purposes, Scale 1 in. - 40 ft. , Feb. 15, 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer" and containing 38,690 square feet, andcompromise two petitions for damages arising out of the layout of Valley Road brought against the Town, one by Harriette W. Smith and the other by Harriette W. Smith, and others, now pending in the Superior Court, and for this purpose the sum of $1500.00 be appropriated. 347 Explanations by S . R. Wrightington, Town Counsel. Motion as presented, carried 9 :27 P.M. Mr. William R. Greeley moves to take up Article 45, offer- ing the following: Art. 45. Voted that the sum of 5300.00 be appropriated and assessed, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen upon Depot Park, for construction and labor in accordance with the plan presented by the Lexington Field and Garden Club. As presented, carried 9:29 P.M. Selectman. Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 43, offering the following: Art. 43. Voted: That the Board of Selectmen are authorized in the name of and on behalf of the Town to take by em- inent domain for the purpose of a public parking space and site for municipal buildings the real estate num- bered 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, adjoining the Cary Memorial Hall, formerly owned by the late William L. Barnes , and to pay for the damages and other expenses resulting from such taking $25,000.00 is hereby appropriated, of which $3660. shall be appro- priated and assessed, $1840. shall be transferred from the "Sale of Real Estate Fund" and $19,500. shall be raised by the sale of notes or bonds of the Town issued in accordance with law and payable in not more than five years from the date thereof. Selectman Ferguson moves figures be made up as follows : To be appropriated and assessed $2160.00 Transfer from Sale of Real Estate Fund 1840.00 By sale notes or bonds 21000.00 A. Edward Rowse, Chairman Appropriation Committee, moves to amend figures to read, To be appropriated and assessed $3660.00 Transfer from Sale of Real Estate Fund 1840.00 By sale notes or bonds 19500.00 A. Edward Rowse agrees to accept figures as presented by Sel. Fer- guson. Dr. Shannon moves amendment be made as follows : The Selectmen be authorized to take by eminent domain provided property could be purchased for 535,000.00, money to be raised by appropriation, assessments and sale of notes or bonds over a period of five years . Motion made by Mr. Eugene T. Buckley article be indefinite- ly postponed. General discussion by various sneakers . Mr. Ernest Cutter suggests another amendment. Moderator rules only two amendments can be before meeting. Motion of A. Edward Rowse to amend voted upon, declared carried, decision doubted. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 18 Robert C. 'Merriam 15 43 Walter E. Sands 41 17 Thomas, F. Fitzgerald 11 78 67 Amendment carred 10:21 P.M. 348 CA Amendment of Dr. Shannon voted upon, declared lost 10 :23 P.M. Main motion voted upon, reading as follows : Art. 43. Voted: That the Board of Selectmen are authorized to purchase, the real estate numbered 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, adjoiningthe Cary Memorial Hall, formerly owned by the late illiam L. Barnes, and to pay therefore, not over $25,000.00 and for that pur- pose, shall be, Appropriated and Assessed $2160.00 Transferred from Sale of Real Estate Fund" 1840.00 and 21000.00 shall be raised by the sale of notes or bonds of the town issued in accordance with law and payable in not more than five years from the date thereof. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 23 Robert C. Merriam 4 61 Walter E. Sands 16 16 Thomas F. Fitzgerald 9 100 29 Carried 10:27 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 46, Roger D. Long offering the following: Voted that the town authorize the town meeting members from each precinct to select from their number three members to serve on a General Executive Committee of Town Meeting Members and appropriate seventy-five dollars ($75 ) to meet theexpenses. _of this committee.- The duties of this committee shall be to collect and record pertinent information about town affairs and to report this information to town meeting members in precinct meetings. Members of this committee must be town meeting members in good standing, and shall serve for one year from the time of their election at the next precinct meetings , or until their successors are appointed. Carried 10:31 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 47, offering the following: Art. 47. Voted: That the sum of $1500.00 be appropriated for the purchase of new Whistle Apparatus for the Fire Department. Carried 10:31 P.M. Selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves Article 48 be indef- initely postponed. Carried 10:31 P.M. selectman Charles E. Ferguson moves to take up Article 49, offering the following: Art. 49. Voted: That the sum of $5,100.00 be appropriated for the construction of Reed Street from about 500 feet north of Sunnyknoll Avenue to Ash Street, a distance approximately 1000 feet. Carried 10 :32 P.M.