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HELD M. 18, 1935
Meeting called to order at 8:05 P.M. by the Moderator,
Robert H. Holt.
Town Meeting Members present, 182.
Reading of the Warrant by the Town Clerk, James J.
Carroll, when upon motion Selectman Robert P. Trask, further
reading was waived.
Town Clerk read the Constable's return of the Warrant.
Selectman Mr. Trask stated if no objections the articles
would be presented in the following order: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 24,
18, 23, 7, etc.
Mr. Rowse, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee
presents Appropriation Committee Report, stating one change
had been made concerning Article 18; the change being the
amount to be FY7O00. instead of $3500.
Motion made and seconded report be accepted and placed
on file.
Unanimous 8: 09 P.M.
ARTICLE 3. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up. Article 3, offering
the following:
Voted that John C. Russell and Edward C. Maguire be
elected as Pield Drivers.
Unanimous 8:10 P.M.
ARTICLE 4. Selectman Lir. Trask moves to take up Article 4, offering
the following:
Voted: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of
the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow
money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue
of the financial year beginning January 1, 1936, and
to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one
year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given
for a period of less than one year in accordance with
Section 17, Chapter 41, General Laws.
Unanimous 8:11 P.M.
ARTICLE 5. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 5, offering
the following:
• That Article 5 be indefinitely postponed.
Unanimous 8: 12 P.M.
ARTICLE 6. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 6, offering
the following:
Voted that the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the
Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to refund any or
all of the revenue notes issued in anticipation of the
revenue of the year 1935, in accordance with the
provisions of Section 17, Chapte:r 44, General Laws;
any debt so incurred to be paid from the revenue of
the year 1935.
• Unanimous 8:13 P.M.
ARTICT7, 24. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take: up Article 24,
offering the following:
Voted that the following salaries be established for
the year 1935:
Collector ofTakes, at the annual rate of 41785 for
the period from January 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935 and
at the annual rate of 441942.50 for the period from
July 1st, 1935 to December 31, 1935;
unanimouslycarried 8:29 P.M.
Town Clerk, at the annual rate of 41530 for the period
from January 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935 and at the
annual rate of 4-1615.00 for the period from July 1st,
1935 to December 311 1935;
Unanimously Carried 8:30 P.M.
Town Treasurer, at the annual rate of4630.00 for the
period from January 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935 and at
the annual rate of 4665.00 for the period from July 1st,
1935 to December 31, 1935.
Unanimously Carried 8:31 P.M.
To be voted upon in three parts.
Explanations by Mr. Trask.
Questions by Mr. Fawcett, offering Article be placed on
on table.
Mr. Hutchinson moves Article be indefinitely postponed.
Moderator rules Mr. Hutchinson's motion not in order.
Suggestions by Er. Farnham.
Vote taken on Mr. Fawcett 's motion to place on table.
Declared Lost 8:23 P.M.
Vote taken on Mr. Hutchinson's motion for indefinite
Declared Lost 8:24 P.M.
Amenament offered by Mr. Farnham:
Salary of Collector of Taxes to be 42100. 00 annually,
starting July 1, 1935. -
Amendrent as presented.
Declared Lost 8: 27 P.H.
The part concerning the Collector of Taxes.
Carried Unanimous 8:28 P.M.
Second part Article 24 concerning, Town Clerk.
Carried Unanimous 8:30 P.M.
Third part Article 24 concerning Town Treasurer.
Carried Unanimous 8:31 P.M.
ARTICLE 18. Selectman Hr. Trask moves to take up Article 18,
offering the following:
Voted that the sum of 47000 be appropriated and assessed
for labor and materials on public works and for other
expenses in connection therewith, the same to be
expended by the Selectmen for aid to persons employed
on various projects, of which 43500 is for the purchase
of a crawler type gasoline crane.
Explanations by Selectman Mr. Trask.
Questions by Hr. Farnham.
Article as Presented.
Unanimously Carried 8:37 P.M."
ARTICLE 23. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 23,
offering the following:
Voted t'lat the Selectmen be authorized to. construct
Lincoln Street, from Marrett Road in a northeasterly
direction a distance of 3600 feet, under Chapter 90
of the General Laws, and amendments, providing the
State and. County contribute a like amount, and for
the purpose of said construction the sum of 412000
be appropriated and assessed.
General discussion from the following speakers:
Rowse, Trask, Lamont, Zmmons, Sarana, Farrhaml
Worthen and Ryder.
Motion made and seconded to lay on the table.
Motion to lay on table.
Declared Lost 9: 08 P.M.
Main question as presented.
Unanimously Carried 9:09 P.M.
ARTICLE 7. Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 7, offering the
Voted that the following amounts be appropriated
and assessed for the current year:
For the expenses of the Appropriation Committee
(of which 4300 is for salary of Clerk) $ 550.00
Mr. Farnham offers amendment as follows:
'Tor the expense of the Appropriation Committee
be $525. 00 instead of $550.00' .
Amendment declared lost 9:10 P.T.L. •
The main question concerning Appropriation Committee
- as presented.
Unanimously Carried 9:12 P.M.
For salaries and expenses of the Selectmen's Dept.
- (of which $1000 is for expenses of the Selectmen
for 1935) Unanimously Carried 9:13 P.H. z 4650.70
For the salary and expenses of the Town Accountant
(of which $2662. 50 is for salary) 3153. 00
Unanimously Carried 9: 14
For the salary and expenses of the Town Treasurer
(of which $647.50 is for salary) 1265.34
Unanimously Carried 9: 15 P.M.
For the salary and expenses of the Collector
(of which 1863.75 is for salary) 5678.75
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M.
For the salary and expenses of the Board of Assesors
(of which 41000 is for salary of the Assessors) 6350. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M.
For Other Finance Offices and. Accounts 200. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M.
For legal services, 2 500.00
(of which $887.50 is for salary of the Town Counsel.)
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M.
For the salary and expenses of the Town Clerk,
(of which $1572. 50 is for salary) 2017. 14
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M. -
For Elections and. Registrations 770. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M.
For the salary and expenses of the Supt- of
Public Works Unanimously Carried. 9:16 P.M. 4306.00
150 C.71
For the expenses of the Town Office Building and Cary
Memorial Building $9168.30
Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M.For the salaries and exoenses of the Engineering
Department Unanimously Carried 9:16 P.M. - 9425. 15
For the expenses of foreclosure and redemption of
tax titles held by the Town Carried 9:14.6. P.1L 500. 00
For the expenses of the Planning Board Unanimous 250.00
Unanimously Carried 9:17 P.M.
For the expenses of the Board of Appeals 200.00
Unanimously Carried 9:17 P.M.
For the salaries and expenses of the Police Dept. 35392.57
Unanimously Carried 9:20 P.M.."-
For salaries and expenses of the Fire Department 38278.48
Unanimously Carried 9:21 P.M.
For Hydrant Rentals 7890. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:22 P.M.
For the salary and expenses of the Building Inspector
(of which $1017. 50 is for salary) 1152. 50
UnanimouslyCarried 9:23 P.M.
For the salary and expenses of the Wire Inspector
( of which $600 is for salary) Carried 9:23 P.M. " 635. 00
0,uestion by Mr. Redman if Wire Inspector appropriation
did not represent more than 7-i% increase.
Explanation by Selectman Hr. Trask.
Original appropriation as presented.
Unanimously Carried 9:23
For the salary and expenses of the. Sealer of Weights
and Measures, ( of which 3400 is for salary) 500. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:23 P.M.
For the protection of public shade trees and for the
planting of shade trees 1762. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:24 P.M.
For the expense of Forest Fires 1000. 00
unanincr.3.sly Carried 9:24 P.M.-
For the salary of Dog Officers 150. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:25 P.M.
For the maintenance of public health and sanitation 6000.00
Unanimously Carried 9:25 P.M.
For the expenses- of the Dental Clinic, 1868.50
Unanimously Carried 9:26 P.M.
For Tawn •Physiciants salary 750.00
Yr. Rowse states Appropriation Committee does. not
recommend increase of 4100, offering the following
amendment: That salary of Town Physician be 750
instead of $850.
Motion to amend carried 9:29 P.14, vUnanimously
Main motion carried 9 :30 P.M., Unanimously
For Vital Statistics 50. 00
Unanimously Carried 9:30
For the salary of the Inspector of Animals 500.00
Unanimously Carried 9:30 P.M.'
For the salary of the Inspector of Slaughtering 600.00
unanimouslycarried 9:30 P.M.:
For the salary and expenses of the Plumbing Inspector
(of which $8o0 is for salary) 850.00
Unanimously0arried 9:30 P.M.,/
For the expenses of the Sewer Maintenance Department 5754.00
Unanimously Carried 9 :31 P.M.
Question by Mr. Kraetzer what other expenses represented.
Explained by Selectman Mr. Trask.
For removal of ashes and care of dumps $2000.00
Unanimously Carried 9:32P.M.
For the expense of collecting garbage 3600.00
Unanimously Carried 9:32 P.M.
For the maintenance and care of Highways ' 46000.00
Unanimously Carried 9:33 P.M. -
For the construction of granolithic sidewalks where
the abuttors will pay one-half the expense 500.00
Unanimously Carried 9:33 P.M.
For the expense of removal of snow and ice 22100.00
Unanimously Carried 9:35 ?.M.
For the expense- and operation of the Public Works
Building - Unanimously Carried 9 :36 P.M. 7068.25
For the expense of Traffic Regulation and Control 1300.00
Unanimously Carried '9 :36 P.M.
For the expense of Street Lights 22500.-00
"Unanimously Carried. 9 :36 P.M.
For the construction and repair of street signs 300.00
UnanimouslyCarried 9 :36 P.M.
For the expense of the Public Welfare Department 32172.98
Questions by Mr. 'Saran° and Mr. Preston.
Amendment offered by Mr. Preston as follows :
"For the expense of the Public Welfare Department,
Amendment as prescribed declared lost
Question of doubt, whereby a rising vote was taken, as
follows :
In Favor Tellers Negative
13 Nary 22
51 Locke 45
9 - Sarano 31
73 , 98
Lost 9 :46 P .M.
Main question as prescribed carried 9 :47
For Old Age Assistance in accordance with General
Laws, Chapter -118A inserted by Acts of 1930, Chapter 402,
and amendments . Carried 9 :47 P.M. 10500.00
For State Aid Carried 9 :47 P.M. 300.00
For Military Aid Carried 9 :48 P.M. 250.00
- Unanimous
For Soldiers ' Burials Carried 9 :48 P.M. 100.00
For Soldiers ? Relief Carried 9 :48 P.M. - 2500.77
For the support of the Libraries Carried 9 :49 P.M.13238.25
For the maintenance of Public Parks and Playgrounds 15105.00
Unanimously Carried 9 :50 P.M.
For the proper observance of Memorial Day, to be
expended under the direction of Post 119 of. the
Grand Army of the Republic 250.00
Unanimously Carried 9 :51 P.M.
For the expenses of the April 19th Celebration, to
be expended by a Committee appointed by the Selectmen,
such Committee to consist of representatives of the
Lexington Allied Veterans Council 750.00
selectman. Mr. Lyons speaks in favor of appropriation, ><
also the following: Burke, Dr. Walsh, Clifford, Parker,
Childs, Garmon.
Question by Mr. Reed Concerning other local organizations .
Reply from Mr. Parker.
Main question as presented carried 10:06 P.M., .-Unanimous
Under Article 7' Mr. Houghton, Chairman School Committee offers
the following:
Voted that the sum of $212,000. be appropriated and assessed
for the support of the Public Schools and for the
payment of tuition at vocational schools for the
current year.
. .
Explanations by Mr. Houghton of reason for $212,000.00 instead
of 1211,500.00
qu&stions by Mr. Farnham.
Mr. Dunham speaks 'in favor of amOunt as prescribed.
Main question as Presented carried 10:20 P.M., 'Unanimous
For Insurance Carried 10:14 B.M. , $12,000.00
For the administration of Trust Funds 70.00
Carried 10 :14 P.M.
For Unclassified Expenses 500.00
Carried 10:14 P.M.
For the expense of printing and publishing the ToWn
Report . Carried Unanimously 10:14 P.M. 1377.00
For the Water Maintenande Account, 68454.60
and that the amount of receipts in excess of this
appropriation be reserved to be appropriated for
Water Department purposes.
Unanimously Carried 10:15 P.M. --
For the maintenance of Munroe Cemetery 1300.00
Unanimously Carried 10:15 P.M.
For the maintenance of Westview Cemetery 1000.00
Unanimously Carried 10:15 P.M.
For the payment ofInterest on the Public Debt, 29675.50
the snm of 88617.50 tO be transferred from
Water Maintenance Ac-count ( 21,000.00 to be
appropriated and assessed).
Unanimously Carried 10 :18 P. I.
For the payment of Bonded Indebtedness maturing
in 1935 the sum of 131501.37
Unanimously Carried 10:18 P.M.-/
For Water Maintenance, Replzcements, Meters, Hydrants, '
. and Pipe Fittings , 1550.00
Unanimously Carried 10:19
ART„ E Selectman Mr. Trask moves totake up Article 8, offering the folloing:
Voted t4 -;t the sum- of 81923.00 be appropriated and
aSeesSed ,for the Suppression of GyOSY* and Brown Tail
Moths ,- and other pests, in accordance with Chapter 132,
General Laws, and amendments .
Carried Unanimously 10: 20 P.M.
ART. 9. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 9,
offering the following :
Voted that the sum of $3000. be appropriated for
the Reserve Fund as provided by Chapter 40,
Section 6, General Laws, and that said sum be
transferred from the Overlay Reserve Fund.
Unanimously Carried 10:21 P.M. -
ART. 10. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 10,
offering the following :
Voted that the following sums be appropriated and
assessed for pensions for retired members of the
Police and Fire Departments, under. Chapter 32 of
the General Laws and amendments :
Police Pensions, $1095.00
Fire Pensions, 1107.81
Unanimously Carried 10:22 P.M.
ART . 11. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 11,
offering the following:
Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to
-petition the Director of Accounts of the State for
an audit for the year 1935.
Unanimously Carried 10 :22 P.M. .,
ART. 12. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 12,
offering the following :
Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for
the support of the Posture Clinic, to be expended
under the direction of the Board of Healthor by
a Committee appointed by said Board, 700 .00
Unanimously Carried 10 :23 P.M.
ART.. 13. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 13,
offering the following:
Voted that the sun of $2566.57 this being the
town's share of the net cost of care, maintenance,
and repair of the Middlesex County Tuberculosis
Hospital, including interest on temporary notes
issued therefor, be and the said sum is hereby
Unanimously Carried 10:23 P.M.
ART. 14. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 14,
offering the following :
Voted that the sum of $1720.16, being the sum
received from the Middlesex County for dog fees,
be transferred to the Cary Memorial Library Account.
Unanimouslgarried 10:23 P.M.
ART. 15. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 15,
offering the following:
Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to
install street lights in Pine Knoll Road.
Carried 10:23 P.M.
ART. 16. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 16,
offering the following:
Voted that the following recommendations of the
Selectmen for the changes in names of certain
streets be accepted; -
Wallis Place, from Massachusetts Avenue southerly,
change to Wallis Court;
Francis Street, from Woodland Road to Grant Street,
change to Colony Road;
Piedmont Street, from Stratham Road to Robinson Street,
change to Stratharn Road.
Carried 10:24 P.I .
ART. 17. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 17,
offering the following :
Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to
establish a clinic for the free immunization of dogs
against rabies, and that the sum of $600 be appropriated
and assessed for said clinic.
General discussion.
The decision of the voice vote doubted, whereby a
rising vote was taken as follows :
In Favor Tellers Negative
24 Nary 5
64 Locke 20
24 Sarano 8
112 33
Carried 10:32 P.M.
ART. 19. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 19,
offering the following :
Voted that the following sums be transferred to the
Excess and Deficiency Account :
Highway Construction; Blake Road, $ .06
Highway Construction, Eaton Road, .15
Highway Construction; Fletcher Avenue, 1.64
Highway Construction, Valley Road, . _ .04
Bridge Construction., Sherman Street, .05
Sewer Construction; Sundry Streets, 260.18
Sewer Construction, Robbins and Plymouth
Roads, 781.23
Unanimously Carried 10:33 P.M.
ART. 20. Selectman Mr. Trask mores to take up Article 20,
offering the following :
Voted that the sum of $84 be appropriated and assessed
for the unpaid bill of the Health Department for the
year 1933.
Unanimously Carried 10:34 P.M. -
ART. 21. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 21,
offering the following:
Voted that the following amounts be appropriated and
assessed for the unpaid bills for the year 1934 of
the following accounts :
Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building, 38.82
Snow Removal, 29.01
Highway Maintenance, 66:70
Parks and Playgron,rids, 27.55
Unanimously Carried 10:35 P.M. v
ART. 22. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 22,
offering the following :
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to complete
the construction. of Pleasant and Watertown Streets
to the New Concord Turnpike , a distance of approximately
2600 feet, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws,
and amendments, providing the State and County
contribute a like amount, and for the purpose of
said construction the sum of 9,,000 be appropriated
and assessed.
Questions by Mr. Hooper and. Borden.
Mr. Borden states the sense of the meeting should
be forwarded to the County and State Officials,
offering the following for such purpose :
That the appropriate County and State Officials be
notified by the Board of Selectmen that this
meeting recommends the straightening of Watertown
Street in accordance with the plans recommended by
the Town Engineer and approved by the Planning
Board and Selectmen.
In motion of a vote regarding above, same was
carried 10:45 P.M. , .Unanimous
Main question carried unanimous 10:46 P.M., JUnanimous
ART. 25. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 25,
offering the following:
Voted that the sum of 925.00 be appropriated and
assessed to pay for a compressor purchased for the
Highway Department.
Unanimously Carried 10:47 P.M. .i
ART. 26. Selectmen Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 26,'
offering the following :
Voted that a new account to be called, Water Department
Stock_Account be established and that the sum of
$4000.00 be appropriated for said account by transfer
from the Water Department Available Surplus Account.
Unanimously Carried 10:48 P.M.
ART. 27. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 27,
offering the following :
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
water mains, not less than six inches in diameter
andsubject to the assessment of betterments, and
to take by eminent domain the necessary easement
therefor in the following streets;
Pinewood Road, from the present end, to Follen Road,
a distance of approximately 360 feet;
Summit Road, from the present end a distance of
approximately 250 feet;
and for the purpose of said construction and
installation of water mains the sum of $2350
be appropriated and transferred from the Water
Department Available Surplus Account.
Unanimously Carried 10:49 P.M.
ART. 28. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 28,
offering the following :
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
water mains, not less than six inches in diameter
in. Massachusetts Avenue, from Child's Garage to
Pleasant Street, a distance of approximately
1700 feet; and in Bedford Street, from Elm Avenue
to Tewksbury Street, a distance of approximately
2075 feet, and for the purPose of said installation
and construction of water mains the sum of $20,000
be appropriated, and the Town Treasurer with the
approval of the Selectmen, be authorized to borrow
the sum of $20,000 and to issue bonds or notes
therefor payable in accordance with the law.
Carried Unanimously 10:55P.U.
ART. 29. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 29,
offering the following:
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
water mains in such accepted or unacceoted streets
as may be applied for during the year 1935, in
accordance with authority contained in the By-Laws
of the Town, subject to the assessment of betterments,
and to take by eminent domain the necessary easement
therefor, and for the purpose of said installation
and construction of water mains the following sums
be appropriated and transferred from the following-
accounts :
Water Construction, Pleasant-Blossom Streets
and Others, $2482.83
Water Construction, Robbins-Pineknoll Roads,
and Chase Avenue, 578.97
Water Department Available Surplus 3938.20
Unanimously Carried 10:59 P.M.,
Mr. Rbbert L. Ryder moves meeting adjourn for two
weeks. Selectman Mr. Trask states meeting will be
completed in about twenty minutes.
Mr. Ryder withdraws his motion for adjournment.
Unanimously Carried 11 :00 P.M. ,
ART. 30. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 30,
offering the following:
Voted` that a new account to be called, Sewer Department,
Stock Account, be established and that the sum of
$900 be appropriated and assessed for said account.
Unanimously Carried 11:00 P.M."
ART. 31. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 31,
offering the following:
Voted that the sum of $2000 be appropriated and assessed
for the Trunk Line Sewer Account.
Unanimously Carried 11 :01 P.M.
ART. 32. Selectman Mr. Trask moves Article 32 be
indefinitely postponed.
Unanimously Carried 11:02 P.M. ---
ART. 33. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 33,
offering the following:
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
a sewer in Blake Avenue, from Edgewood Road to
Wadman Circle, a distance of approximately 185 feet;
subject to the assessment of betterments ; and to take
the necessary easements therefor;
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
a sewer in Wadman Circle, from Blake Avenue to the
end, a distance of approximately 200 feet, subject
to the assessment of betterments, and to take the necessary
easements therefor;
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
a sewer in Pinewood Road, from the present end
a distance of approximately 125 feet, subject to
the assessment of betterments, and to take the
necessary easements therefor;
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install
a sewer in Belfry Terrace, from the present end a
distance of approximately 65 feet, subject to the
assessment of betterments, and to take the necessary
easements therefor;
and for the purpose of said construction and installation
of sewer mains the sum of $3150 be transferred from
the Sewer Assessment Fund to the Sewer Construction
To be voted upon in three parts.
Motion by Mr. Hallie C. Blake for indefinite post-
ponement of the first part concerning Wadman Circle.
Carried 11:03 P.M.
Second part, installation Sewer in Pinewood Road.
Carried 11:03 P.M.
Third part, installation Sewer in Belfry Terrace.
Carried 11:03 P.M.
Fourth part carried 11:03 P.M.
ART. 34. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 34,
offering the following :
Voted that the sum of 85000 be apPropriated and
assessed to complete the disposal surface drainage
in East Lexington as authorized by the vote of the
Town, March 19, 1934. Carried Unanimous 11:04 P.M.
Mr. Rowse, Chairman of Appropriation Committee
asks for reconsideration of Article 31.
Moderator inquires from Town Clerk at what time
Article 31 was voted,
Town Clerk replies Agticle 31 carried at 11:01 P.M.
Moderator states within the period for re-consideration.
Mr. Rowse offers the following amendment to Article 31:
to read the sum of $2000 be transferred from Sewer
Assessment Fund.
Motion for re-consideration carried 1109 P.M. , ,Unanimous
Amendment as presented carried 11:10 P.M., Unanimous
ART. 35. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 354
offering the following:
158 C,71
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized and
instructed to provide for the disposal of surface
drainage in Haskell Street, Lowell Street and
across private lands of the Town of Arlington
and the Busa Brothers, a distance of approximately
1550 feet, by constructing drainage channels or
conduits and diverting and relocating brooks
through said private lands, and to take the
necessary easements therefor by eminent domain,
and for the purpose of said drainage construction
the sum of $4000 be appropriated and assessed.
Unanimously Carried 11:12 P.M.
ART. 36. Selectmnn Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 36,
offering the following:
Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to purchase,
subject to appro-Tal of title, from Peter J. and
Margaret E. Kinneen, a parcel of land comprising
approximntely five and one half acres and located
on Burlington Street and described as follows :
"Beginning at a point in the easterly side of
Burlington Street about 280 feet southerly of the
southerly side of Simonds Road, thence running
northerly by said easterly side of Burlington
Street distant about 640 feet to a point, thence
running easterly by land of grantor about 430 feet
to a point, thence southerly by land of said
grantor distant about 300 feet to a point, thence
running westerly by land of said grantor distant
about 500 feet to the point of beginning ."
-the same to be used for a skating rink or for other
park purposes, and that the same be placed in the
control of the Board of Selectmen, acting as Park
Commissioners, and for the purpose of purchasing said
property the sum of $1250 be appropriated and assessed.
Unanimously Carried 11:15 P.M. ,
ART. 37. Selectman Mr. Trask states Article concerns Planning
ART. 38. Selectman Mr: Trask moves for indefinite postponement
this Article.
Unanimously Carried 11:16 P.M.'
ART. 39. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 39, offering
the following :
Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sell
and convey any of the real estate acquired by the
Town by foreclosure of tax titles.
Unanimously Carried 11:17 P.M.
ART. 40. Under this Article, Mr. Houghton, Chairman of the
School Committee offers the following:
Voted that the sum of $90. be appropriated to pay
the necessary expenses of the Superintendent of Schools
incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing
information -upon matters in which the Town is
interested or which may tend to improve the service
in the School Department .
Unanimously Carried 11:18 P.M.
ART. 37 . Under this Article Mr. Duffy, Chairman Planning
Board asks for indefinite postponement.
Unanimously Carried ll :l9, P.M.
Selectman Mr. Trask moves meeting be dissolved.
Unanimous 11:20 P.M
A True Copy
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