HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-03-19 to 1934-03-26 ATM-min 72 ac ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 19, 1934 Meeting called to order at 8:05 P.M. , by the Moderator Robert H. Holt. Reading of the warrant by the Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, until further reading waived. Unanimous Town Clerk reads the return of the Constables warrant. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up article 2 . Chairman Mr. Rowse of the Appropriation Committee offers the Appropriation Committee ' s report, calling attention to the follow- ing changes from original report: Snow Removal be changed from $15,000.00 to 422,000.00 Town Clerk's Appropriation from 1,789.84 to 1,889.84 Town Treasurer 's Appropriation from 1,314.84 to 1,224.84 Under Article 16 for Sewer Construction be changed to ' 24,000.00 -- $6,000.00 to be appropriated and assessed - l8,000.00 becissuance of bonds or notes . =L' Total amount of Article 28 to be $3,969.70. Approved and accepted as read. Unanimous 8:08 P.M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 3. Voted: to choose such Town Officers as are required by law and are usually choosen by nomination. The following nominations were made for Field Drivers : John C. Russell Edward C. Maguire Both nominations and elections carried. Unanimous 8:10 P .M. Selectman Mr. Trask Moves to take up Article 6 offering the following: Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the suppression of gypsy and brown tail moths in accordance with Chapter 132 of the General Laws, x;2160.00 Carried 8 :11 P.M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 7 offering the following: Voted that there be appropriated and assessed as a Reserve Fund for the current year under Chapter 40, Sec . 6, of the General Laws, $2500..00. Carried 8: 12 P.M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 8 offering the following: Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for pensions for retired members of the Police and Fire Depts . under Chapter 32, Of the General Laws, Police Pensions $1095.00 Fire Pensions 1107 .81 Carried 8:13 P.M. Selectman Mr . Trask moves to take up Article 9 offering the following: Voted ted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to petition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit for the year 1934. Carried 8 :14 P.M. 73 Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 10 offering the following: Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the support of the Posture Clinic, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Health or by a Committee appointed by said Board, $700.00 Carried 8 :15 P .M. - Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 11 offering the following: Voted that the sum of $2,423.63, this being the town' s share of the net cost Of care; maintenance, and repair of the Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital, including interest on temporarVr notes issued- therefor, ' be and the said sum is here- by appropriated. That a further sum of $619.24, this being the • town' s share of the expense incurred under the provisions of Chapter 331 of the Acts of 1933, Which provided for the settlement of certain claims of the Commonwealth against the Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital District, be and the same is hereby appro- priated* Carried 8 :16 P.T.Q. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 12 offering the following: Voted that the sum of $1716.16 be transferred to the Cary Library Account the same being the sum received from the Middlesex County for dog fees . Carried 8:17 P .M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 13 offering the following: Voted that an agreement between the Town of Lexington and the United States of America dated January 13, 1934 for certain -Proposed improvements in the sewer system, Docket #2066, signed on behalf of the Town of Lexington by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen be and it hereby is ratified, approved and adopted. Carried 8 :19 P .M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 14 offering the following: Voted that an agreement between the Town of Lexington and the United States of America dated February 3rd 1934 for certain proposed improvements in -the waterworks system, Docket #2263, signed on behalf of the Town of Lexington by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen be and it hereby is ratified, approved and adopted. Carried 8:20 P.T . Selectman Mr . Trask moves to take up Article 18 offering the following: Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to con- struct Pleasant Street, from Massachusetts Avenue to Watertown Street, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, providing the State and County contribute a like amount, and for the purpose of said construction the sum of $7,500, be appropriated.and assessed. Carried 8:25 P .M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 5, T41Ir. Houghton offering the following: Voted that the sum of $198,819.98 be appropriated and assessed for the support of the public ^ schools and , for the payment of tuition at vocational schools for the current year. Discussion by the following: Messrs Houghton Mulliken, Grindle, howse, Burke, and Webster. Amendment offered by Mr. Mulliken, salaries of school department be increased five per cent. Moderator states , in order to first decide on the amendment, which was put to a vote and declared lost. Result of vote doubted with the following results from a rising vote : In favor Tellers Opposed 20 Nary 18 32 Kraetzer 61 15 Mer;am 19 67 98 Declared lost 8 :40 P.M. cn 74 Main motion as presented by Mr. Houghton put to a vote. Carried unanimously 8:42 P.M. Under Article 5 Selectman Mr. Trask offered the following: Voted that the following amounts be appropriated and assessed for the current year : For the salary and expenses of the Town Accountant ( of which $2550 is for salary) $3050 .00. For the administration of Trust Funds , $65 .00. For the exnenses of the Appropriation Committee, $125 .00. For the salary and expenses of the Board of Assessors, ( of which $1000 is for salary of the Assessors ) $5825 .00. For the expenses of the Board. of Appeals, $200.00. For the salary and expenses of the Building Inspector, ( of which $990 is for salary) $1140.00. For the salary of the Inspector of Animals, $500.00. For the maintenance of Munroe Cemetery, $1500.00. For the salary and expehses of the Collector, (of which $1785 is for salary) $4921.00. For the expenses of the dental clinic, $1570.00. For the salary of the Dog Officer, $50.00. For Elections and Registrations, $200.00. For the salaries and expenses of the Engineering Department $10297.56. For salaries and expenses of the Fire Deot . $36412.83. For the expenses of foreclosure and redemption of tax titles held by the Town 12000.00. For the expense of Forest Fires , $700.00. For the expense of collecting garbage, $3600.00. For the maintenance of public health and sanitation, $7500.00. For the maintenance and care of highways , $42000.00. For Hydrant Rentals, $7635 .00. For insurance, $10000.00. For the payment of interest on the public debt and the sum of $9258.75 to be transferred from Water Maintenance Account, ($43626 .88) $34368.13. For legal services, ( of which $850 .00 is for salary of the Town Counsel) 12500.00. For the support of the Libraries, $11179.50. For the payment of the bonded indebtedness maturing in 1934 the sum of $128855.85. For the proper observance of Memorial Day, to be expended under the direction of Post 119 of the Grand Army of the Republic, $250.00 . For Military Aid, $100.00. For Old Age Assistance in accordance with General Laws , Chapter 118A inserted by Acts of 1930, Chapter 402, $10500.00. For Other Finance Offices and Accounts, $150.00. For the maintenance of public parks and playgrounds, $12501.00. For the expenses of the April 19th Celebration, 1250.00. For the expenses of the Planning Board, $250.00. For the salary and expenses of the Plumbing Insoector, (of which $800.00 is for salary) $850.00. For the salaries and expenses of the Police Department, $30500.00. For the expense of the Public Welfare Department, *30000.00. For the salary and expenses of the Supt. of Public Works, (of which $3300 is for salary) $4250.00. For the expense and operation of the Public Works Bldg. , $4560.00. For removal of ashes' and care of dumps , $2000.00. For the salary and expenses of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, ( of which $400 is for salary) $475 .00. For salaries and expenses of the Selectmen' s Dept. ( of which $250.00 is for expenses of Selectmen for 1934) $3850.00 . For the expenses of the Sewer Maintenance Dept . , $6000.00. For the protection of public shade trees and for the planting of shade trees , $1400.00. 75 For the construction of sidewalks of granolithic where the abuttors will pay one-half the expense, $1200.00. For the salary of the Inspector f Slaughtering, $600.00. For the expense of removal of snow and ice, $22000.00. For Soldiers ' Burials , ':100.00. For Soldier' s Relief, $2500 .00, For State Aidk, $300.00. For the expense of Street Lights, $21400 .00. For the construction and repair of street signs, $250.00.. For the salary and expenses of the Town Clerk, ( of which $1530.00 is for salary) $1889.84. For the expenses of the Town Office Bldg. and Cary Memorial Building. ($8, 000.00) For the salary of the Town Physician, $750 .00. For the expense of printing and publishing the Town Report, $825.10. For the expenses of Traffic Regulation and Control, $1300.00. For the salary and expenses of the Town Treasurer, (of which `0630. is for salary) $1224.84. For Unclassified Expenses , $200.00. For Vital Statistics, $50.00. For Water Maintenance Account, 571037 .75 and that the amount of receipts in excess of this appropriation be reserved to be appvopriated for Water Department purposes . For the salary and expenses of the Wire Inspector, ( of which 500. is for salarj, `535 .00. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 4 offering the following: Voted that the Town Treasurer with the approval of .the Selectmen be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time4n anticipation of revenue of the present financial year, and to isse therefore , a note or notes to be paid from the revenue of the present financial year . Unanimous 9 :04 P .M. Selectman Mr . Trask moves to take up Article 36. Selectman Mr. Lyons offers the following: Voted that a committee of three, one of which shall be a member of the Stanley Hill Post No. 38, the American Legion, be appointed by the Moderator to select a permanent location for the German Field Piece which was given to the Town through the efforts of Hallie C. Blake, and which was duly accepted by the Town at a Town Meeting held April 27, 1931, and that said committee report their recommendations to the next town meeting. Carried 9 :05 P.M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 15 offering the following as first part: Voted that the Report of Progress of Metcalf and Eddy, Engineers, with respect to the surface drainage in East Lexington be accepted, and the recommendation designated, "Project for Early Construction" providing for a drainage channel from a point in Massachusetts Avenue thence under the Boston and Maine R. R. track and across Fottler Avenue to a point just beyond Bow Street, be adorted , Second part---and further voted that the swim" Of �; �n5 000 be appropriated and assessed to pay for the cost of completing the survey of the drainage areas of the Town as authorized by the Town at a Town Meeting held October 16, 1933. Mr. Ryder asks to have complete report read. Selectman Mr . Trask states that because of the length of the report the reading would take too long. Motion to accept report carried unanimously 9 :14 P .M. First part of vote as presented carried unanimously 9 :15 P.M. Second part of vote as presented carried unanimously 9:16 P.M. 76 Selectman Mr . Trask moves to take up Article 16 offering the following which was presented in two parts : . Voted that the Select- men be authorized and instructed to provide for the disposal of surfacedrainage in East Lexington, as recommended by MetQalf and Eddy, Engineers, by constructing a drainage channel from a point in Massachusetts Avenue thence under the Boston and Maine Railroad track and across Fottler Avenue to a'point just beyond Bow Street, and„ to take the necessary easements therefor by eminent domain, and for the purpose of said drainage construction the s ern of $24,000 be and hereby is appropriated, of which $6,000 is to be appropriated and assessed, ( first part) and the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be authorized to borrow the sum of .$18,000 and to issue bonds or notes therefore payable iri accordance with the law. ( second part) Explanations by Selectman Mr. Trask and showing of plans on screen. Questions by Messrs . Sarano, Nichols, Wrightington, Ryder and Worthen . Original motion as presented, first part was carried unanimously 9:49 P .M. Second part as presented: unanimous 9 :50P.M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 19 offering the following: Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains, not less than six inches in diameter and subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easement therefor in the following Streets : Winter Street, from Bedford Street a distance of approximately 1050 feet ; Hillcrest Avenue, from Pottier Avenue a distance of -approximately 1000 feet; and for the purpose of said construction and installation of water mains the sum of 77700 be transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Account to the Water Construction Account . Carried` unanimously 9 :58 P .M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up Article 25. Mr. Houghton Chairman of the School Committee offering the following: Voted: That the sum of $11,000 be appropriated and assessed for providing additional school accommodations for the Junior and Senior High Schools . Discussion by Messrs . Ryder, Houghton, and Dr . Walsh. Dr. Walsh moves for indefinite postponement. Dr . Walsh' s motion presented, declared lost 10:07 P.M. Mr. Lamont asks if it is to be a permanent building. Answered yes . Original motion as Presented carried unanimously 10: 14 P .M. Selectman Mr. Trask moves for adjournment until 8 :p.m. March 26 , 1934. Unanimous 10 :15 P.M. A True Record Attest: T. Clerk