HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-10-16-STM-min 49 SP'_ C IAL TOWN y,_72717J J Held October 16 , 1933, Robert _I Holt Moderator, presiding O ?,'TsetiP.M.__ was called to order at 8; 10 lhere were 143 Town Leet- in;-g :.embers presemt. Jarnes J Carroll, Town Clerk, read the Warrant for the meeting until further reading. owe waived, unanimous vote. The Town Clerk read the Constable ' s Return ofthe Warrant. �.ra r_U Selectman hr . -rask moved to take up article One . Under article One ='Y . dowse , . Chairman of the Aopropriation Committee offered the following as being approved by the Committee; Art.2 ,The surn of ti72.00 be transferred from the Encess Deficiency Account to provide funds for the publishing of Town Plumbing By-Laws . Art.3. 41,000. be transferred from the Excess P, Deficiency Account to provide for part of drainage area survey. Art. d. Approved no amount of money mentioned. Art.7 . °4.2,000. be transferred from the Excess abd Deficiency Account to the Nelfare Department, Selectman ''r. Trask moved to take up article 3, offering ,he following ; Voted ; -hat the ,:_Gard of Selectmen be authorized to :rrance for a complete survey of the drainage areas of the ` 'own at a coot of �,OCC. , and that 0 , 000. be now transferred from the Lx- cess andDeficiency Account to provide for a part of said survey. Carried unanimous _.;24 P.M. Selectman _'r. -rack moved to take up article 4. Selectman r. D J O 'Connell read_ and offered the Joiloow g motion ; Voted: That the Town amend the Lexington Zon=n g Br-Law and map by changing from an �f to a C- - 1 District the following described parcel of land; u triangular Parcel of land bounded on the northwest by Fletcher Avenue distant 183.90 feet,on the southwest by Woburn Street distant 320.22 feet, and on the northeast by the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation right of 7:ray di believes that no Public need, exists to require the new business area petitioned for. The particular parcel of land named in this petition is located in proximity to the main street and between two other streets and a railroad right of way in an area where radical changes are ultimately inevitable, which will involve considerable damages if the land is occupied by business buildings or uses .It is located between one area in which the town has a heavy investment in public buildings of excep- tional dignity and another in which it has a heavy investment in school plant. To permit the development in this wedge, of a business use is not only to add to the traffic hazards to which the school children and others - - are exposed, but is to prejudice the lown' s opportunity for an attract- - ive and harmonious development along its principal thoroughfare without burdensome costs . If not used for residence Purposes it should remain an opPn space until such time as the development is, fixed or a civic use for it is found. To the plea that the owner cannot profitably use the ground under its present zoning,the Planning Hoard and the Town mpy rightfully ans- wer that the owner acquired the Property in its present zoning. status, without any commitment implied orotherwise , that the lOwn was prepared to change its status on his request. Surely, the Town, if it values its opportunities to protect itself under the Zoning Ey-Law cannot afford to grant to any ownerof peculiarly located or otherwise unusable tracts the privilege of business or other special uses, unless such uses are justified in toe public goad. Signed; J Henry Duffy. Sheldon A Robinson. Wm.Dilne, C Edward Glynn. Edward W Kimball. 0ct.16,1933. E F Scheibe . Selectman Tr.O ' Conhell stated he was ready to make certain changes,referring to the building of a re-7 street, and Would' sigh an agreement, drawn up by the Town Counsel, in referrence to changes to be made at this point. Selectman Mr. Trask spoke in favor of the change, and read the agreement,as drawn up by the Town Counsel. Mr.Francis Chamberlain spoke in opposition to the change -:oove- ing that the article be indefinitely Postponed. indefinite postponement: carried unanimously 8;48 Selectman Mr. Trask moves to take up article two, offering the following; Voted; That the Plumbing By-Laws , substantially as printed in the Lexington mute- an of August 4, 1933, be and the same hereby are adopted as Plumbing _By-Laws of the Town, And further voted, that the sum of 472 .00 be transferred from the -oxcess and Deficiency Account to provide funds for the print- ing 7,nd publishing of said By-Laws . Questions by Mr . Walter Spellman, Selectman Sr. Trask mentioned the fact this was the third time said Plambing 2y-Laws had been presented to the Town ;Ieeting Members and hoped same would be accepted. On a two-thirds vote , the following result was obtained; Yes Tellers No 26 Nichols 4 52 Redman 7 30 Miller 0 _ 108 11 Carried 9 P.M. Selectman Yr . Trask moved to take up article 5. Under article 5 Mr. Francis Burke , read and offered the following motion; Voted;That the Lexington Zoning 1P7-Law and map be amended by changing from an R;=1 District to a C-1 District the following described parcel of and,namely,' A certain parcel of land numbered 259 in,the street numbering of Redford Street,being lots 30and 31 on Plan of aunnyfield,Lexington _ Massachusetts,as, shown on subdivision plan 9475 B recorded in -t:ie Land Court, Department of Middlesex Registry of Deeds,a copy of is filed with Middlesex 10 ch District ReTistry of Deeds, said plan being a sub-division of 17nd shown on plan 9475 A filed with Certificate of Title No .27001 in said Registry. • Remarks by ?'.Ir. F E Burke, exPressinz himself as to why change should be granted. B henry Dufy , Chairman of the Planning Board reads the following report; Renort of Planning Board on Petition for a change in the Zoning 37-Law a d" Mair bar ' s S Mary A `{iii real els and Neil McIntosh 259 Bedford Stree t;,1 Lexington. Acting or the petition of Miss nary A Whalen Heil McIntosh, and others , to amend thee Lexington Zoning By-Law and Mar by Cha piing from an R-1 to a C-1 District h e plot of land at 259 Bedford Street, described as follows; Lots numbered 30, 31, 32,33, and 34 on plan of Su"nyfield, Lexington, Massachusetts , as shown on subdivision plan 9475E recorded in Land Court Registration Court, a cop;; of which is filed with Middlesex South Registry _of Deeds, Land - e;vistration Division, said pan being subdivision plan of land shown on elan 9475A, filed with certificate of title No ®27001, in said Re� istry. e . a the Planning Board has , in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning =y-Law,held a duly: sdver tis ed hearing and after careful consideration now reports to the Town. The purpose upon which this petition is based is that of the operation of an establishment, for the serving of meals to tran- sients and for t " eir accomod.ation as ovsrnight guests ; which, being without question a business enterprise, is not allowable, under the provisions of the Zoning By-Law, in an R-1 or .resident District. The petition is signed by a large number of residents and property owners within. an area which was designated by the ~oard, and at the public hear i ng no persons appeared in opposition. In the opinion of the Board, this petition, so far as this intended use is concerned,has no serious objection; the Boad has also taken into consideration the fact that the property referred to is con- tiguous to an existing business area,which,however, was established by the Town contrary to the recommedation of the Planning Loar§',, and is at present used as a :golf driving range. The Plan rdng Board, however, feels that the operation of a business of this particular character does not necessarily warrant the establishment of a business zone which, when once established, allows its use for general commercial purposes . Similar businesses are known to be in operation elsewhere in the Town in non-conformity with the Zoning Law which, with this as a precedent could reasonably be urged as sufficient excuse for the establishment of still other C-i Districts Such action would be directly s�a.bvensive of the intent of the L' nip. By-law. It is conceivable in this particular section or e.'_ ewhere on IHedford Street that at some future time a C-1 Zone May be required. Previous to such necessity the Manning Board does noir re- commend the change petitioned for.Pr o viti - on for the operation of tea- rooms should be accomplished by other means; and it is the purpose of the Board to present, at the earliest opportunity,an amendment to the Zoning ,4,y-law which will permit this and other specific � nor-conforming uses, subject to proper safeguards,in otherwise restricted areas of the Town. The Planning Board therefore does not approve the ar1endil;ent to the Zoning By-Law covered bV this petition Lexington Planning Board henry puffy ; Sheldon A Robinson Wm - Milne C Edward Lexington , Mass . Edward T wimball October 1 , 19 3. _. Scheibe Remarks by 'r.? A Northrup, speaking in favor of the change be made. The vote s presented BT; i i-rt e. BurTke, had the following result, Yes iel2ers No 9 `-i-i-ohols 19 38 Redman 19 51 69 "eclared lost .9;20 P .M. ie ectraal r e Trask, moves to take up article six, offering e following, motion;Ooted; tilat the hoard of Selectmen be authorized to ins -all water mains , not less than six inches in diameter, in t1-.,e following, unaccepted streets , subject to the assessment of betterments and to take by eminent domain the necessary easement therefore; a__r Oaks Drive from the Present end northerly a distance of anoron mately 175 feet; Fair Oaks ^'errace rorn _'a _r Oaks Drive northwesterly a distance of approximately 475 feet After explanations by Selectman 'ir. Lrask, the above vote was carried unanimously 9;22 Pm__ eIectman Tir - "ask, moves to take no article 7, offering the followir a Voted that the sum of ,512,000.00 be transferred from the Dees.: and Deficiency Account to the ...'elTare Depa.r'tment. After ex-olanations by Selectman Trask, the move vote was carried unanimously 9 :28 P .Y. oder article 8, Selectman Trask asked for indefinite post- tonement, same oeinv carried unanimously 9 ;29 Pyr"I. Selectman hr ® Trask moves meeting adjourn. - oderator ?:Tr. Holt declares meeting' disTo__ ?e , Unanincrs 9; 309 ."`I. - G.e lec vna i'i r A Trask ro?res to take ur the second part of the vote, which -was rot included, in the original vote , at the time the eri inal vote was 7zoted .aoon, as - follows urther voted, that the sum of 'J:722eoO oe.- �._ �nsf r Edfrom the Excess and Jefici encu eco--,nt to -orovide funds 'for the orintinM and publishing of said , -Laws. carried i 2 , �.�'�"'1vd and.n� ouS 9; 4 P_ _.® A true record Attest ; �' own /-lerk