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MARCH , gO , 1933.
The Meeting was called to order by i!oderator,Robert H Holt.
at 8;04 P.M.
180 Town Meeting Members being present.
Town_ _ Clerk JP.mes J Carroll, read the warrant ,until further
reading was voted waived,after which the Constable ' s return was read.
Selectman Mr . Trask, moved to take up Article two.
Mr. Rowse Chairman of Appropriation Committee moves that the
Committee ' s report be accepted. Unanimous 8;06 P.M.
Mr. H C Blake reads report of Committee Re; site for Center
Firedischarged,Station, advising same be accepted and Committee be
reading the following;
The Cormittee visited several sites and finally decided that
the property owned by Dr. Barnes on Massachusetts Avenue,adjacent to
the land of the Cary _remorial Building, now owned by the Town, was
the most desirable location, as it would add another building to our
civic center.
Negotiations were entered into with Dr. Barnes,who stated that
the land known as the Putney lot, 145 feet, on Massachusetts Avenue
extending back to the railroad, comprising 41090 square feet,more or
less,could be purchased for 35,000.00. A verbial option was given
to the Committee at this price;also see letter attached) on the land
only,to April 1, 1933. After that date,adjusted taxes on the lana
are to be added to the stated price, $35,000. If the Town should
decide to purchse ,the building to be removed from the property by
Dr. Barnes, six months to be given for that purpose,-- Dr. Barnes t®-
reserve the right to request t--_e Town to exercise the option at any-
time within sixty days notice. If the 'own did not avail itself of
said option,Dr. Barnes was at liberty to dispose of said land to any
prospective buyer he might have.
In the opinion of the Committee, the necessity for a new
Central Fire Station at this time is apparent, but the money for a
proper building seems , -._under present conditions, most remote.
$2,000. was appropriated for the expense of this Co mi tee
to be expended on plans,ets ,but no money ,up to date, has been spent.
In fact, last year $1,500.was transferred and the balance of
500. still remains unspent.Let me state that the Committee does
not recommend the expenditure of any money now or in the immediate
future. Under these circumstances ,the Committee asks that this report
be accepted and the Committee discharged.
Robert P Trask .
Edward W Taylor.
Hallie C Blake.
Moved and seconred that above report be accepted and the
Committee be discharged. Unanimous 8;10 P.M.
Under Article two, Mr. Rowse , Chairman of Appropriation
Committee offers the following motion; Voted; The sense of this meet-
ing on the matter of salary reduction and readjustment as it applies
to appropriation for 1933 be ascertained by ballot.
Mr. Rowse, refers to motion of James S Smith of Octber 31.
1932, giving figures etc.
Mr. Hallie C Blake refers to motion of meeting held October
31.1932, offering the following motion; Voted; That it is the sense
of this meeting that in lieu of a ---eduction in salaries, all salaried
officers and all Town Employees continue to contribute ten per cent of
their pay for the balance of the calender year to a fund to be expend-
ed by the Board of Selectmen,for labor on public works or relief of
unemployed citizens of the Town,except that all laborers and employees
receiving twenty dollars per week or less shall be exempted from this
Mr. Jones offers a.nendment, same be laid on the table .
Lost unanimous 8;29 P.M.M
Mr. Blake' s substitute motion was put to avote, and declared
lost, unanimous 8;30 P.M.
Francis E Burke offers the following motion;Voted; That it
is the sense of this meeting that in lieu of a reduction in salaries,
all salaried officers and all Town Employees contribute twelve and one
half per cent of their pay for the balance of the calender year to a
fund to be expendedyby the Board of Selectmen, for labor, on public works
or relief of unemployed citizens of the Town, except that all laborers
and employees receiving twenty dollars per week or less shall be ex-
empted from this contrib-_ztion.
' General discussion from the following speakers, for and against,
Messers;Robertson, Fuller, Redman, Rowse, Nichols, Hooper, Cutter,
Worthen , McCabe, Buckley , Stevens and Rucker.
Burke's substitute motion was put to a vote ,and declared lost,
unanimous 9 P.M.
Mr. Rowse 's oriminal motion to vote by ballot, presented,result
undecided, therefore a rising vote taken, following tellers being
appointed and results ;
Yes Teller No
26 Long 5
70 Redman 27
23 Norris 12
Total 119 44 Carried 9;05 P.M.
The following were appointed as tellers,Nary, Chamberlain
and Dr. Walsh, to assist the original tellers appointed , to distribute
and count, the prepared ballot,with the following questions thereon.;
20 % Reduction
15 o Reduction
10 Reduction
10 % Contribution
Votes cast were recorded in the ballot box.
The six tellers retired to another part of the building
to count the result of the votes cast.
While votes were being counted , it was voted to continue
with the articles of the warrant, until the results of the count were
made known.
Selectman , Mr. Trask. offers to take up article three,
Voted; That John C Russell and Edward C Maguire be appointed
as Field Drivers for the ensuing year , Carried unanimously 9;15 P.M.
Selectman . Mr. Trask, under article six, offers the following;
Voted; that there be appropriated and assessed for the suppres-
sion of gypsy and brown tail moths in accordance with Chapter 132 of
the General Laws , 2,025.00.
Question by Br. Wood , if any refunds, reply no.Unanimous 9;16
Selectman Mr. Trask, Tindery=even o -fors the following; Voted
that there be appropriated and assessed as a Reserve Fund for the
Current year under Chapter 40, Sec6, of the General Laws, 2,500.00.
Carried unanimously 9;19 P.M.
Selectman Mr. Trask, under article eight offers the following;
Voted that there be appropriated and assessed fob+ pensions for
retired members of the Police and Fire Departments under Chapter 32
of the General Laws, the following;
Police pensions 1,095.00
Fire pensions 2,107.81 Carried unanimous 9;20P.M.
Selectman Mr. Trask,under artiCL.e nine ,offers the following;
Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to petition the
Director of Accounts of the /State for an audit for the year 1933.
Unanimous 9;22 P.M.
Selectman Mr. 'Task, under article ten, offers the following;
Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the support
A 0 og
of the Posture Clinic, to be expended under the direction of the t=
Board of Health or by a Committee appointed by said Board,$500.00.
Carried unanimous 9;23 P.M.
Selectman Mr. frask, under article eleven offers the following;
Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for Old Age A
Assistance in accordance with General Laws, Chapter 118A inserted by Acts
of 1930, Chapter 402 $10,000.00 unanimous 9;24 P.M.
-zPc,ctman Mr. Trask, under article twelve and thirteen offers
the follOiiing;
‘Nt Article 12, Voted that the town rescind its vote of June
20, 1932 amending Article V111 of the Code of By-Laws of 1922.
aescinded)unanimous 9;25 P.M.
Article 13, Voted that the town amend Article. V111 of the Code
----- i
, of By-Laws of 1922 by adding at the end thereof the following;
N Section 2, The provisions of Section 1 shall not apply to any ex-
' tension of water mains made in accordance with General Laws, Chapter
80 with respect to the assessment of betterments, ",
Carried unanimously 9 ;271p/M .
The result of the count of the ballot cast for reductions, etc. ,
brought in by the tellers,and made known as follows;
Total number of votes cast 178
l''or 200 Reduction 57
For 15iReduction 32
For 10) Reduction 17
- r 109 Contribution 71
Not counted ( two choices ) 1
Total 178 9 ;32 P.M .
Motion offered by Mr. Rowse, not read by the noderator,same
immediately withd2awn by Mr. Rowse. 9 ;34 2.M .
Mr. Long offers the following notion; Voted; That it is the
sense of this meeting that the salaries of Town Employees receiving
in excess of w20. per week be reduced lb yes or no.
Speakers for end against Mr. Duffy, Lamont , ,Houghton, Worthen, --
Smith and Preston.
The motion was put to 's. vote and the result doubted, whereby
the Moderator requested a rising vote , appointing the following
tellers with the following results ;
Yes-- 23 Nary No-- 10
50 Redman 48
15 Norris 17
Total 88 75 Carried. 9 ;57 1 .M.
Z,uestion by Mr. Webster, reply, Moderator ,not in order.
Selectman Mr. Trask, under article four, offers the follow-
ing; Voted that the Town .Lreasurer with the approval of the Select-
men be and hereby is authorised to borrow -money from time to time
in anticipation of revenue of the present financial year, and to
issue therefore, a note or notes to be iaid from the revenue of the
present financial year. Carried unanimously 9 ;59 Z.L.
Selectman Mr. Trask, under article fifteen offers the follow-
ing; Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install street lights
in Bowker, Brandon and Utica Streets.
uesLion i,a.. iraetzer. Cost. !mswered, by Mr, -Lrask.
L'arried unanimous 10;00 F.M.
Selectman Mr. Trask, under article sixteen offers the follow-
ing; Voted that the following sums be transferred from the follow-
Clarke Street (Drain 41.62
Crescent Hill ve. , Highway Construction, , 3.04
Independence Ave. , Highway Construction .36
Smith . venue,Highway Construction 46.31
_ Allen Street,Highway Construction 5.49
Public Works Bldg. , (Equipment & Hat. ) 20.98
Public Works Dldg. , (Ecuipment & Rep ) .26
All voted on together as one group, carried unanimous 10;02 P.M.
Selectman Mr. Trask, under article seventeen offered the follow-
ing; Voted that the sum of 4,3,170.90, this being the town' s Share of
the net cost of care, maintenance, and repair of the Ldiddlesex County
Tuberculosis Hospital, including interest on temporary notes issued
therefore, and for the town' s share of the cost of care and treatment
of tubercular patients up to June 30,1932, under Acts of 1928, Chapter
385, as amended, including interest and exeenses, be and the stMe.here-
by is apprppriated. carried unanimous 10 ; 3 P.M.
Selectman Mir. Trask, under article eighteen, offers indefinite
postponement, carried unanimous 10;04 P.M. ]
Selectman Yr, Trask, under article nineteen, ,offers the follow-
ing ; Voted that the State Holding Corporation of '-ambridgeelliass. be
reimbursed the sum of , 1218.35 for water pipe laid in Summit Hoad in
the years ll6 , 1922 and 1926, and that the sum of v1218.35 be trans-
ferred from the Water jDepartment Construction Account for said reim-
bursement .
Result of vote doubted , therefore a. rising vote taken, with
the following tellers and results;
Yes Teller No
23 Nary 8
26 Redman 54
27 Norris 5
Total 76 Total 67 carried 10 ;06 P.M.
Selectman Yr. Trash, under article tv:enty offers indifinite
postponement , carrieo unanimous 10;07 P.M.
Selectman Mr. Trask, under article twenty-one offers the follow-
ing; Voted,that: the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install water
mains, not less than six inches in diameter end subject to the usual
guarantee , in the following streets;
Allen Street from the present end in Blossom Street a distance
of approximately 1400 feet;
Outlook Drive from Wachusett Drive easterly a distance of
approximately 100 feet ;
Harbell Street from the present end southerly a distance of
approximately 190 feet ;
Colony Road from the present end northeasterly a distance of
approximately 106 feet ;
Tewksbury Street from Bedford Street to Sargent St. and in
Sargent St. from Tewksbury St . to Shirley Street a distance of approx-
imately 550 feet ;
and for the purpose of said construction and installation of
water mains the sum of 410, 500.00 be transferred from the Water De-
artment Available Surelus Account to the Water Department Construct-
ion Account, and further voted that the Selectmen be authorized to
use any unexpended balance for other Water Construction.
ives explanation.
-. „
1.r. Worthen ask withdrawal until next meeting.
Mr. Trash offers indifinite postponement. Unanimous 10 ;10 P.M.
Selectman Mr. Trash, under article tenty-two offers the follow-
171g; 'Voted that the sum of v54.000.00 be appropriated and assessed
to complete the construction of Wood Street, the same to be done under
Chapter 90 of the General Laws. Carried unanimous, 10;11 P.M.
Selectman Br, Trak, under article twenty-five offered the
following; Voted that the Town accept the relocation or alteration
ae a Town way of vinter ;: treet, from Bedford street for a distance
of approximately 360 feet as shown on plan dated February 13, 1933,
and filed in the office of the To7en Clerk and authorize the Selectmen
to acquire by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise for that purpose
20 C71
lands or easements or rights, therein including the right to have
the 1-na of the location protected by having the surface of adjoin-
ing lend slope from the boundary of the location, and for specific
repairs on said way, or for construction of the said way, as so re-
located or altered, the sum of Two Dollars be appropriated and
Mr._ 2reLk , moved the reading be waived. unanimous.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Middlesex, ss . Lexington, Mass .Feby,28,33.
Town of Lexington, Selectmen' s Room.
At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington,
after having given due written notice of the intention of said Beard,
as required by law, to relocate and lay out as a town way the way
known as Winter Street from Bedford Street a distance of approx-
imately 360 feet, all as hereinafter more fully apnearsIand after
public hearing thereon helS,, this day,and no objections having been
made; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is
ORDERFD; That this board of Selectmen is of the opinion that
public necessity and convenience require that said Winter Street ,
from Bedford Street a distance of approximately 360 feet, be laid
out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby
is laid out and established as a public town way respectively as
The northwesterly line of Winter Street begins at a point in
the northeasterly line of Bedford Street, said point being south-
easterly of and distant 67.95 feet from an iron rod marking the
northwesterly terminus of a tangent 1335.44 feet long, thence bear-
ing to the left with a curve of 15.00 feet radius distant 28.86
feet to a point of tangency, thence N 35*55' 56 " E distant 296.67
feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve
of 282,55 feet radius distant 39.45 feet to a point.
They southeasterly line of Winter Street begins at a point in
thenorthesterly line of Bedford Street, said point being southeast-
erly of and distant 166.96 feet from an iron rod marking the north-
westerly terminus of a tangent 1335,44 feet long, thence bearing
to the right with a curve of 50.00 feet radius distant 60.89 feet to
a point of tangency, thence N 3555' 56" E distant 298.06 feet to a
point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of
322.55 feet radius distant 45.04 feet to a oint.
The above described lines are parallel with and distant 40.00
feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections
with Bedford Street,
Said Winter Street is hereby relocated and established as
shown on a plan entitled, " Plan of Winter Street as laid out by the
Board of Selectmen, Lexington, Mass .- Scale 1 inch - 40 feet ,
February 13,193a, John T.Cosgrove , Town Engineer, " which plan
is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a
copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds
with a copy of this order.
And said Board having Considered the question of damages sus-
tained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways
have been laid out andkstablished as aforesaid, hereby determines
that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said
Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the pro-
visions of law authorizing the assessments of betterments .
Robert P Trask
Theodore A Custance Board
John E Gilcreast 1
Charles E Ferguson of
Daniel JO'Connell Selectmen
The acceptance of the relocation of Winter Street was carried
4® unanimously at 10;21 P.M.
Selectman Er. 1rask , moved to take up article 23.
Moderator Mr. Holt, stated because of his interests in article
23, he would vacate his chair, appointing Francis E Burke , as
Moderator Pro-Tem.
Robert H Holt, offered the following motion under article 23;
Voted; That the Town of Lexington in Town Meeting assembled
does hereby assent to the proceedings set forth in Chapter 12 of the
Acts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of the year l33, being en-
titled - An Act Axzthorizing the Dissolution of the Trustees of the
Lexington Ministerial Fund and the Distribution of Its Property `l-
and the Town Clerk is hereby directed to file a certificate of this
vote with the State Secretary.
Full explanation was made by Mr . Holt. Carried unanimously 10;30
Robert H Holt returns to his chair as Moderator.
Selectman Mr . 'J-rask under article 26, offered the following ;
Voted; that the Town set aside a parcel of land, containing approx-
imately ten acres, now used for Park purposes for a Town Forest,said
parcel being described as follows;
A parcel of Park property known as To,sn Meadows bounded horthwest-
erly by the north branch of Vine Brook, and bounded southwesterly,
southeasterly and northeasterly -by lands of Charles W. and Robert L
Ryder,' Trustees of the Lexington Lstates Trust.
Explanations by-r. Trask . Carried unanimously 10;35 P.M.
Selectmen Er. Trask moved meeting adjourn to April 3, 1933, at
eight orclock P.M. unanimous 10;36 P.M.
A true record ; Attest ;
/ wn /Clerk.
ADJO 1 D .—_TOWH-_--_mEET NG .
April . 3.-..._ ', 1� 3®
Lexington, Mass.August 8, 1933.
Amendment to By-Laws Adopted at Town Meeting
June 19, 1933.
Article 16 . To see if the Town will vote to amend the Code of
By-Laws of 1922 by adding at the end of Article V1 the
following; "Section 8. Any board or officer in charge of a
department may, with the approval of the Selectmen, sell any
personal property or material purchased for that department '
but no longer required by it and not exceeding three hundred
dollars in. value."
Article 16. Voted: "Section 8. Any board or officer in charge of
a department may, with the approval of the Selectmen, sell
any personal property or material for tbatdepartment but no
longer required by it and not exceeding three hundred dollars
in value."
Carried unanimous 9 :07 P. M.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true- copy of
Article 16 of the Warrant for a Town Meeting held June 19, 1933,
and the vote passed under said article as the same appears of
record. _
Attest :
James J. Carroll.
Tot n Clerk.
Boston, Mass. , August 11, 1933
The within amendment to by-laws is hereby approved.
Joseph E. warner,
Attorney General.
Lexington, Mass. :larch 21, 1933
Votes as passed under articles 12 and 13 of Town .-leeting, held
March 20, 1933, Lexington, Mass .
Art . 12 . Voted: ' That the town rescind its vote of June 20, 1932
amending Article V111 of the Code of By-Laws of 1922
Carried unanimously 9 :25 P .11.
N Art . 15. Voted: That the town amend Article V111 of tn e Code of
, , By-Laws of 1922 by adding17. at the end thereof the following :
"Section 2 . The Provisions of Sect;on 1 shall not apply to
any extension of water ma _ns made in adcordaneewith General
Laws , Chapter 80 with respect to the assessment
Carried unanimously 9 :27 P .N.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Articles
12 and. 13 of the ;arrant for a Tow:^:n Meetin< held T rch 20, 1933,
and of the votes Passed alder said articles as the same appears
of record.
James J. Carroll
- own Clerk
Boston, lass. , March 28, 1933
The f ore7oine by-Taw is hereby approved
Joseph E. Warner
Attorney General