HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-09-20-SP-RESULTS 554 Robert P . Trask SELECTM a John E . Gilcreast e., Charles E . i1eruson OF Q Daniel J . O ' Connell Theodore A . Custance LEXINGTON Sept . 13 , 1932 . To the T o titin Clerk : I have notified the inhabitants of Lexin '-ton 1- 37- -posting yoosting printed co oJ es of the foregoing Warrant in i,he Post Office , in tile o ' the Town Office J3uil(' ink; and si. x. other pubic places in - he Town, ant ' by mailinn a printed copy of t ; e same to every registered voter in the Town 7 days before the time of said meeting . Attest : Patrick J . Ma rru _i re _ Constable of Lexington . PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 20 . 1932 . The following election o ' ficers hadbeen appointed by the Selectmen and were a - signed to duty at the four precincts as follows ; Precnct One . Warden Charles J Dailey Deputy Warden Roland Garmon Inspector George Foster enuty Inspector Alfred w Hayward Deputy Inspector Miles L I, Jones Clerk Mary Howland Depu y Clerk Arthur Hughes Precinct Two . J'Jarden Irving Ed Pierce Deput ;, Warden John H Dacey Inspector " :i ctor Harmon nsnector Rancia ' l Richards Deputy Inspector fleorge V Morse Deputy Inspector Madeline J Corbett Clerk Ezra F Breed Deputy Clerk Frederick Connor Precinct Three . Warden Frederick 11 Tullar Deput1 Harden James M Ahearn Inspector Bessie G Davis inspector Charles E `,' oloy J r Deputy Inspector Emma Hovey Deputy Inspector John Sweeney Clerk Jam; s L Mckenzie T)eputy Clerk : amuel W e l lington Precinct 4 . ;Marden :, Orton - opkins Eeput -j Darden Frank ' aruire Inspector William E Yu11 iken T nspector Katherine Kiernan eputy Inspector Irene qobinson Deputy Inspector Geor ' e Iiinchey C rrk Howand Custance eputy Clerk 1[argare t T Kennedy The polls were declared open in each precinct at twelve o ' clock noon , and remained open each precinct until nine o ' clock ?' , IC . at which time after due notice they were closed . "he election o Ticers were sworn to the faithful perform- ance of t eir dutie= s . the ballots were counted by the election orficers it each Precinct , the tally sheets anc total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used . 'the l?al_ lots east were counted , enclosed in envelopes , sealed , si -ned by t1le election officers , together with the unused ballots , celivered to the Town Clerk . The Town Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the re - sult as follows ; ? recinct I . :,3all. ots cast 380 ( Three hundred eighty ) Recublican 315 ( three hundred fifteen ) emocrat 65 ( sixty- five ) rove nor . Fepublican Temocrat .alter E Brownell 4 Joseph 9 Ely 54 Frank A Ge,odwin 157 blanks 11 E . :ark Sullivan 1 William Sterling; Youngman 143 _Tanks 10 315 65 Lieutenant Governor . Ca spar G ' aeon 159 Edward Barry 15 Chester Z Campbell 138 David J frickley 2 Blanks 18 Raym: 'nd A Fitzgerald 7 William I hes se.Y 1 Francis E Kelly 3 John P i'.: a 1_ le y 3 I,� i. cT ael C Or : ell 6 John E Swift 24 Blanks 4 315 65 secretary . J rederic W Cook 274 John : Mickley 10 �; 1. anks 41 J . :' dward Callanan . 5 John W Cussen 2 Arthur G Flynn 1 George F Gilbody 1 " eorge F Grogan 4 Edward J Gurry 3 John n O ' Brien 6 Joseph Santosuosso 10 Tray :1 Shal tuck 0 Charles 3 "u1livan 4 . : enry J Sullivan 6 Blanks 13 315 65 Trea surer . Francis Prescott 206 Charles 1 hurley 52 :dax Ulin 56 Blanks 13 3lanks 53 - - - 65 315 556 1)0 Auditor . Os CD iiepubli_ can Democrate C, Emerson Jnhnson Coldwell 1L0 John E uckley 3 CC Alonzo Cook 179 Jo.. n J iiarrington 1 Blanks 36 I ranc i s X riblr ? ey 47 Alfred J toore 3 Leo A Spillane lanks 8 . . . - - 315 65 Attorney ,General . Joseph Y Warner 268 John P uckley 23 Blanks 47 nar r7 E Casey 2 Daniel J renpseyJr 14 William i< Scharton 3 Harold 'Pd Sullivan 6 Raymond E Sullivan 3 Planks 14 - - - 315 65 Congressman . John M King 40 'l ame s J '?ruin 6 Edith Nourse Rorers 256 Joseph it Halloran 4 i_Hlanks 19 r' eorge S Mc :agu-hlin15 henry C Howland 22 Blanks 18 - - - `"u - 315 65 Councillor . George II ~a :i ley 57 Join " rennan 20 Ceor; e A Bonney 11 John ii Connor 4 Eugene A F Eurtnett 51 i':dwara J Cou: hhlin 2 tliame s I. Cavanaugh 6 ] ranc i s 'H a 1 ' fney 3 4aldo Parker Elliott 37 john W Gahan 0 James G Harris 37 Daniel V ac I s aac 7 Lewis H Peters 28 henry G EcIver 1 ::flanks 88 Philip P A O ' Connell? Thomas L Twomey 2 Tanks 19 . . - - 315 65 Senator . Joseph P Cotton 265 Rena E Colson 14 John H Pearson 33 Charles P 1 lox 3 Blanks 17 Jobn Patrick O ' Connell 35 Blanks 13 . . . - 315 65 .teuresentatives in fleneral Court . Albert H F urnh m 253 Jo eph J Barry :'3 Nelson _ Crosby 173 Francis E Burke 40 William C Trouet 29 Russell A Crozier 3 Hollis :: fott 85 Roger VI Homer 15 Blanks 90 Edmund L Mahoney 4 Edward T Ryan 11 Blanks 24 . . . . - - 315 65 557 Coanty Commissioner . epublican . nemocrate . Nathaniel l Howditch 157 Phomas J Boynton 21 Frederick H Bowser Jr 65 Tho:•;as J Brennan 11 Francis 2 Byrne 20 Anthony 13 Cas seely 7 James ay 11 Francis D Drone.: ue 10 ' eorge A C Stone 62 Robert F Donavan 10 . alter C varc'well 165 lames L Egan 1 :-' tanks 150 Herbert S Dill 1 Tinoty J Horan 6 Edward A Hughes 1 George C I1,icMeni.men 9 ►�eginal J urphy 4 Cyril J Shaw 2 +� i11i am J Sullivan 3 John A , vi1liams 2 'Tanks 42 315 65 Sheriff Thomas H Braden 30 James J . Barrett 11 Edmund J Cheney 4 Edward J . Connelly 3 John _ Fairbairn 210 Timothy J . Cronin 3 John II Gartland 26 Philip J . Gallagher 22 Blanks 45 Stephen C . Garrity 3 Daniel L . Herlihy 2 Vrilli 'tm R . Murphy 2 Betnard J . Sheridan 0) H . Walsh 14 Blanks 315 65 State Committee Mary F . Daniel 209 Bartlett J . Harrington 1 Blanks 106 Bl inks 64 315 65 Delegates to State Convention F Flrtha C . Spaulding 267 James 3 . Robertson 269 Arthur W . Hughes 253 Charles E . Hadley 232 Guyetta 3 . broderic 249 C1a a M . Barbour 255 Robert P . Tra3k 20 J Blantts 385 2205 Town Committee Albert H . Burnham 252 Martha C . Spaulding 255 Joseph R . Cotton 255 John P . Collins 240 James G . Robertson 253 Arthur W . Hughes 239 Chines E . Hadley 255 Guyetta G . Broderic 230 Albert 3 . Tenney 241 Alfred L . Short 228 Mabel P . Cook 237 Edward L . Taylor 238 William a . nosenberger 236 Clarence . Talker 232 Clara 1 . Barbour 240 James W . Smith 237 William H . Ballard 241 Evelyn S . Trask 245 Jeanie N . Partridt e 247 Clayton A . 241 Blanks 1458 6300 r `, Precinct Two . CO w� Precinct II . Ballots cast 423 ( Four hundred twenty- three) 7C Republican 379 ( Three hundred seventy nine ) Democrat %. ( cirtyN- Four Governor Republican Democratic Walter E . Brownell 7 Joseph B . Ely 36 Frank A . Goodwin 128 Blanks 8 E . lark uulliv 'in 4 William Sterling Youngman 217 Frank G . Allen 1 Blanks 22 379 44 Lieutenant Governor Gaspar G . Bacon 260 Edward P . Barry 8 Chester I . Campbell 104 David J . Brickley 3 Blanks 15 Raymond A . Fitzgerald 6 William I . Hennessey 0 Irancis E . Kelly 1 John E .. Malley 2 Michael C . 0 / Neil 3 John F . Swift 16 Blanks 5 44 379 Secretary Frederic W . Cook 340 John F . Buckley , 10 Blanks 39 J . Edward Callahan 1 John W . Uussen 0 Arthur G . Flynn 0 George E . Gilbody 1 George E . Grogan 8 Edward J . Curry 3 John L . 0 / Brien 0 Joseph Santosuosso 9 Ray H . Shattuck 0 Charles P . Sullivrin 2 Henry J . Sullivan 4 Blanks 6 379 44 Treasurer Francis Prescott 268 Charles k . Hurley 35 lax Ulin 6A Blanks 9 Blars 48 379 44 Auditor Emerson Johnson Coldwel 154 John E . 3uc ,cley 4 AlonLo B . Cook 196 John J . Harrington 2 bl nks 29 Francis X . Hurley 26 Alfred J . Moore 4 Leo A . Spillane 2 Blanks 6 379 44 Attorney General Joseph E . Warner 343 John P . Buckley 18 Blanks 36 Harry E . Casey 0 Daniel J . Dempsey , Jr . 11 William R . Scharton 2 Harold W . Sullivan 1 Rayiucnd E . oullivin Blinks 9 379 44 • 559 Congressman Republican Democratic John M . King 30 James J . Bruin 7 Edith Nourse Rogers 330 Joseph I . Halloran 1 B lt.nr: s 19 George S . McLaughlin 11 • Henry C . Rowland 15 Blanks 10 79 44 Councillor George h . Bailey 57 John J . Brennan 10 George A . Bonney 13 John H . Connor 5 Eug r ne A . I .. bur tale t t 44 Edward J . Cou. Klin 2 James F . Cavanagh 14 Irancis R . Gaffney 0 Waldo Parker Elliott . 49 John yr . Gahan 1 James 3 . Harris 75 Daniel V . MacIoa.ic 1 Lewis H . Peters 30 Henry G . McIver 1 Blan4 _ s 97 ?hill. , P . A . O ' Connell 5 Thomas L . Twomey 4 Blanks 15 379 44 Senator Joseph R . Cotton 319 Rena I . Colson 9 John H . Pearson 39 Charles P . I . hox I Blinks 21 John Patrick 0 ' Gonne1117 Blanks 17 370 44 Representatives in Gefleral Court Albert H . Burnham 329 Joseph J . Barry 13 Nelson B . Crosby 209 Francis E . hurke 30 Willi .m C . Drcuet 57 Russell A . Crozier 3 Hollis M . Gott 54 Roger W . Homer 2 B lanks 116 Edmund M . Mahoney 6 Eder ird T . Ryan 4 Blanks 3D 158 88 County Commissioners Nathaniel I . Bowditch 244 Thomas J . Boynton 14 Frederick H . Eowser , Jr . 47 Thomas J . Brennan 4 Francis P . Byrne 17 Anthony B . Cassedy 11 James Ray 11 Francis D . Donahue 1 George A . C . Stone 55 Robert F . Donovan 2 Walter C . Wardwell 229 Janes L . Eagan 0 B lanks 155 Herbert Li . Hill 1 Timothy J . Horan 0 Edward A . Hughes 2 George C . McMen men 13 Reginald J . Murphy 3 Cyril J . Shaw 1 William J . 6ullivdn 7 John A . V illiams 1 BI _±nALs 28 7o8 88 Sneriff Thomas H . Braden 35 Janes J . Barrett 13 Edmund J . Cheney $ Edward J . Conne ' y 1 • John R . Fairbairn 230 Timothy J . Cronin 2 John H . Gartland 58 Phi ] i J . Gallagher 8 Blanks 48 Stephen C . Garrity 7 Daniel L . Herlihy 1 William h . Murphy 0 Bernard J . Sheridan 2 William H . Walsh 7 ______ Blanks 3 379 44 560 in State Committee p Republican Democratic Mary F . Daniel 254 Eugene T . Buckley 1 _ CC Blanks 125 Blanks 43 379 44 Delegates to State Convention Martha C . Spaulding 317 Eugene T . Buckley 1 James G . Robertson 316 Francis E . Burke 1 Arthur W . Hughes 305 Bernard O ' Donnell 1 Charles E . Hadley 317 James Ahern 1 Guyetti G . Broderic 307 Patrick Shanahan 1 Clara M . Barbour 309 J _ones :McKenzie 1 Robert P . Trask 315 John 3 . Sexton 1 Blan s 467 Bl anr: s 433 2653 440 Town Committee Albert H . Burnham 328 Eugene T . Buckley 2 Martha C . Spaulding 312 Bartlett J . Harrington 1 Joseph R . Cotton 326 John J . Donovan 2 John D . Collins 293 Francis E . Burke 2 James G . Robertson 311 Bernard O ' Donnell 2 Arthar W . Hughes 294 James Ahern 2 Charles E . Hadley 314 Arthur A . G . Folger 2 Guyetta G . Broderic 295 Patrick bhanahan 2 Albert B . Tenney 314 John A . Murray 2 Alfred L . Short 299 James A . McKenzie 2 Mabel P . Cook 306 Bian,.s 421 Edw Mrd 1A . Taylor 301 William R . Rosenberger 294 Clarence S . Walker 313 Clara I . Barbour 302 James W . ►pith 305 1 il' iam H . Ballard 311 Evelyn S . Trask 301 Jennie :d . Partridge 303 Clayton A . B i, ili ird : 01. Blanks Blanks .1454 7580 440 Precinct III . Precinct III . Ballots cast 441 (Four hundred forty-one) Republican 372 ( Three hundred seventy- two) Democratic 69 ( Sixty- nine ) Governor Republican Democratic Walter E . Brownell 7 Joseph B . Ely 53 Frank A . Goodwin 109 Blanks 16 E . Mark Sullivan 15 William Sterling Young man 230 Blanks 11 372 69 Lieutenant Governor Gaspar G . Bacon 241 Edward P . Barry 9 Chester I . Campbell 117 David J . Brickley 6 Blanks 14 Raymond A . Fitzgerald 6 William I . Hennessey 1 Francis E . Kelly 2 John F . Malley 3 . Michael C . O ' Neill 10 John E . Swift 20 Blan:: s 12 372 69 a 561 Secretary Republican Democratic Frederic V . Cook A39 John F . Buckley 19 Blanks J . Edward Callanan 3 J ohn Vv . Cussen 1 Arthur G . Flynn 3 George F . Gilbody 2 George F . Grogan 6 Edward J . Gurry 1 John D . O ' Bric- n 3 J oseph S 'j.ntosuosso 8 Ray H . Shattuck 0 Charles h . Sullivan 4 H enry J . 3u J. livan 0 Blanks 21 372 69 Treasurer Francis Prescott 285 Charles F . Hurley bd relax Ulin 39 Blanks 13 Blan_ . s 48 372 69 Auditor Emerson Johnson Coldwell 150 John E . Buckley 10 Alonzo B . Cook 188 John J . Barrington 0 Blanks 34 Francis X . Hurley 38 Alfred J . Moore 1 Leo A . opillane 2 Blanks 18 .372 69 Attorney General Joseph E . Warner 333 John P . Buckley 24 Blanks 39 Harry E . Casey 2 Daniel J . Denip s ey , J r . 17 Vuil1_iam R . Scharton 1 Harold W . Sullivan 4 :laymond E . Sullivan 1 Blanks 20 372 69 Congressman John M . King 35 James J . Bruin 1 Edith Nourse Rogers 318 Joseph 1 . Halloran 9 B lanks 19 George 0 . McLaughlin 20 Henry C . Rowland 17 Blanes 22 372 69 Counci __lor George H . Bailey 63 John J . Brennan 15 George A . Bonney 12 John H . Connor 4 Eugene A . F . Burtnett 41 Edward J . Coughlin 2 J ames F . Cavanagh 14 Francis H . Gaffney 6 Waldo Parker Elliott 40 John W . Gahan 4 James G . Harris 83 Daniel V . Maclsaac 4 Lewis H . Peters 40 Henry G . Mclver 0 B lanks 79 Philip P . A . O ' Connell 7 Thomas L . Twomey 2 Blanks 25 372 69 Senator Joseph rt . Cotton 308 Rena I . Colscn 7 J ohn H . Pearson 42 Charles P . I . Fox 7 Blanks 27 John Patrick O ' Connell 32 Blanks _ 23 372 69 . . • 562 , -ft, Representatives in General Court Republican Democratic _ Albert H . Burnham 337 Joseph J . Barry 19 Nelson B . Crosby 224 Francis E . Burke 61 William C . Drouet 30 Russell it . Cozier 3 Hillis M . Gott 42 Roger W . homer 0 Blanks 111 Edmund M . Mahoney 1 Edward T . Ryan 12 Blanks 42 744 168 County Commissioners Nathaniel I . Bowditch' 227 Thomas J . Boynton 17 Frederick H . Bowser , Jr . 60 Thomas 0 . Brennan 12 Francis P . Byrne 20 Anthony b . Cassedy 12 James Ray 13 Francis D . Donahue 7 George A . C . ° tone 61 Robert i . Dono.n 3 Walter C . Wardwell 230 James L . Eagan c• 2 Blanks 133 Herbert 6 . Hill 0 Timothy J . Horan 1 Edward A . Hughes 1 George C . Mciienimen 6 Regin.q _ d J . Murphy 2 Cyril J . Shaw 4 2 VuiLliitm J . Sullivan 5 John A . Thi liams 1 Blanks 67 _ 744 138 Sheriff Thomas H . Braden 32 James J . Barrett 23 Edmund J . Cheney 7 Edward J . Conne -ly 2 John R . Fairbairn 205 Timothy J . Cronin 2 John H . Gartland 91 Phili 3 J . 'Gallagher 16 Blanks 37 Stephen C . Garrity 5 Daniel L . Herlihy. 1 William R . Murphy 0 Bernard J . Sheridan 1 William E . Walsh 2 Blanks 17 372 69 State Committee Mary F . Daniel 264 Daniel O ' Connell 1 Blanks 108 Blanks 68 372 69 Delegates to State Convention Martha C . Spaulding 327 Eugene Buckley 4 James G . Robertson 328 Philip Leaf 1 Arthur W . Hughes 320 Bartlett Harrington 4 Ch .3r. les E . Hadley 330 Blanks 681 Guyetta G . Broderic 323 Clara M . Barbour 330 Robert P . Tr lsk 327 Blanks 319 2604 690 Town Committee Albert H . Burnham 335 Eugene Buckley 5 Martha C . Spaulding 328 Bernard O ' Donnell 5 Joseph R . Cotton 331 James L . McKenzie 5 John D . Collins 306 James Ahern 5 James G . Robertson 324 Bartlett Harrington 4 Arthur W . Hughes 312 John J . Donovan 4 Charles E . Hadley 327 Francis E . Burke 4 Guyetta G . Broderic 319 Arthur Folger 4 Albert B . Tenney 338 Patrick Shanahan 4 Alfred L . Short 305 John C . Murry 4 Mabel P . Cook 317 Blanks 646 Edward W . Taylor 327 Williaam R . Rosenberger 320 karea etalker 32 Ames mit our 3 William H . Ballard 327 ', i i 563 Town Committee ( Cont . ) Republican Democratic Evelyn S . Trask 323 Jennie I . Partriuge 328 Clayton A . Hi L _l_ iard 317 Blanks 974 7440 690 Precinct IV . Ballots cast 378 ( Three hundred seventy- eight . ) Republican 298 (Two hundred ninety - eight) Democratic 80 ( Eighty) Governor Republican Democratic Walter F Brownell 6 Joseph B . Ely 53 Frank A . Goodwin 135 Jades ii . Curley 1 E . Mark Sullivan 2 Blanks 26 William Sterling Youngman 145 Blanks 10 298 ___ 80 Lieutenant Governor Gaspar G . Bacon 176 Edward P . Barry 14 Chester I . Campbell 113 David J . Brickley 6 Blanks 9 Raymond A . Fitzgerald 9 William I . Hennessey 3 Francis E . Kelly 3 John F . Malley 1 Michael C . O ' Neill 10 . . John E . Swift 19 Blanks 15 298 80 Secretary John F . Buckley 10 Frederic V . Cook 258 J . Edward Callanin 2 Blanks 40 John t, Cussen 2 Arthur G . Flynn 4 George F . Gilbody 0 George F . Grogan 8 Edward J . 6urry 3 John D . O ' Brien 0 Joseph Santosuosso 14 Ray H . cphattuck 0 Charles R . Sullivan 3 Henry J . Sullivan 4 Blanks 30 298 80 Treasurer Francis ?rescott 206 Charles F . Harley 55 Max Ulin 45 Blints 25 Blanks 47 298 80 Aurli t;or Emerson Johnson Coldwell 94 John E . Buckley 10 Alonzo B . Cook 170 John J . Harrington 0 Blanks 34 Francis X . Hurley 40 Alfred J . Moore 3 Leo A . Spillane 4 Blanks 23 _ __ 80 -- Attorney General Joseph E . Warner 254 John P . Buckley 25 Blinks 4 _ H -irry E . Casey 2 Daniel J . uempsey , Jr . 11 William it . Scharton 6 Harold ' . Sullivan 10 Raymond E . Sullivan 2 Blanks 24 298 80 Congressman John M . King 43 Josmes- ephM .JBHalloran 9 Edith Nourse Rogers 2 4 $1 �s X21 George S . i,dcLaugKlin 27 � .-_ _ Henry C . Rthwland 14 Blanks _____2 298 80 564 Councillore.. Republican Democratic C4 George H . Biiley 57 John J . brennan P4 CD George A . Bonney 17 John H . Connor, 4 Cr) Eugene A . F . Burtnett 38 Edward J . Coughlin 3 CC James F . Cavanagh 10 Francis R . Gaffney 4 Waldo Parker Elliott 33 John W . Gahan 3 Jelnes G . Harris 51 Daniel J . MacIsaac 4 Lewis H . Peters 23 Henry G . Iclver 1 BLanks 39 Philip P . A . O ' Connell 5 Thomas L . Twomey 3 Blanks 29 _ 298 80 Senator Joseph R . Cotton 246 Rena IL Colson 12 John H . Pearson 31 Charles P . I . lox 6 Bl -.inks 21 John Patrick O ' Connell34 Blanks 28 298 80 Representatives in General Court Albert H . Burnham 251 Joseph J . Barry 15 Nelson B . Crosby 153 Francis E . Burke 67 Willis.m C . Drouet 23 Russell A . Ccozier 1 Hollis H . Gott 61 Roger V . Homer 7 Blanks 108 Edmund I . Mahoney 7 Edward T . Ryan 12 B l a nJ s 51 596 160 County Co!amission2rs Nathaniel I . Bowditch 156 Thomas J . Boynton 22 Frederick H . Dowser , Jr . 55 Thomas J . Brennan 15 Francis P . byrne 31 Anthony B . Cassedy 14 James flay 8 Francis D . Donahue 5 George A . C . Stone 67 Robert I . Donovan 3 Walter C . Wardwell 155 James L . Liagan 6 Blanks 124 Herbert 5 . gill 0 Timothy J . Horan 3 Edward A . Hughes 4 George C . :Mie nime n 7 Reginald J . Murphy 6 Cyril J . Shaw 0 William J . Sullivan 7 John A . Williams 1 Blanks 67 596 160 Sheriff Thomas H . Braden 36 James J . Barrett 24 Edmund J . Cheney 11 Edward J . Connelly 1 John R . Fairbairn 156 Timothy J . Cronin 1 John H . Gartland 63 Philip J . Gallagher 21 Blanks 32 Stephen C . Garrity 9 Daniel L . Herlihy 0 William R . Mur ; .hy 1 • Bernard J . 6herici in 2 Vwilli im Li . Walsh 8 Blanks 13 298 80 State Committee Mary F . Daniel 192 Eugene liuckley 2 Blanks 106 Blanks 78 298 80 . 1 565 Delegates to State Convention Republican Democratic Martha C . Siaulding 251 Blanks 800 James G . Robertson 248 Arthur W . Hughes 243 Charles E . Hadley 248 Guyette, G . Broderic 250 Clara M . Barbour 247 Robert P . Trask 250 Blinks 349 2086 800 Town Committee Albert H . Burnham 261 Mary Spencer 1 Martha C . bpauld.ing 244 David Murphy 1 Jose .h R . Cotton 257 Eugene Buckley 1 John U . Collins 234 Thomas 1Ludd 1 James G . hobnrtson 248 James Ahern 1 Arthur W . Hughes 231 Mary J . Reay 1 Charles E . Hadley 24 ? Davia O ' Connell 1 Guyetta 3 . Broderic 244 Mary Gaynor 1 Albert B . Tenney 245 Francis Burke 1 Alfred L . Short 233 John uarrity 1 Mabel P . Cook 236 Blazes 790 Edward W . Taylor 250 Ti; i li ..m R . Rosenbe _•ger 235 Clarence S . litalker 246 Clara M . Barbour 236 James T . Smith 241 Wi '- 1_ i _irn H . Ballard 250 Evelyn S . Trask 240 Jennie 1 . Partridge 240 Clayton A . billiard 239 Blanks 1101 5960 l;0 (b/ twer r WARRAIuT FOR STATE ELECTION COMMONWEALTH OF MASJAC: USETTS MIDDLESEX , SS 0 To either of the Constables of the Town of LexingtLn , in said County Greeting : In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to -notify and warn the inhabitants of said town Wiio are ualified to vote in Elections to meet in EMERSON HALL , STONE 13UILDING , East Lexington, ( Precinct 1 ) CARP ME_'fORIAL BUILDING , Lexington Centre , ( Precinct 2 , Precinct : , and Precinct 4) • on TUESDAY , the EI3IITH day of NOVEMBER , 1932 at six o ' clock A . M . to cast their ballots for the following officers : Presidential Electors ; Governor ; Lieutenant Uovernor , becretiry ; Treasurer ; Auditor , Attorney General ; Congressman ; Councillor ; Senator , Two Representatives in ueneral Coart ; Two County Co'acnissioners ; Sheriff . And to , take action on the following questions : No . 1 . LAW PROPOSED BY IINI I IATIVE PETITION Shall the proposed law which uefincs and legalizes the _ prictice of chiropractics ; establishes a board of registration of chiropractors Ind defines the number mode of appoi tment tenur qualification and compensation of its members , appointment ,its powers shotq II