HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-04-26-PP-RESULTS 540 PRE SIDET T I AL PRIMARY . '1. APRIL 26 , 1932 . The following u1 o cti n o . f ' cera: had ,been of ted by the eloctmon and were assigned to duty at the four prGcinretsa. L follows ; Precinct 1 . Charles J Bailey Warden Rolrnd E 'Tmrmon Deputy arden Bartlett J Harrington inspector Richard Truesdell Inspector Ruth T Harrington Deputy inspector Charles H :- chofield .ieputy Inspector ;nry A 1 rn land Clerk Elizabeth Wilkinson Deputy Clerk L liese ► chof'ield Teller • " illian ::: , elsh Teller :arion G Cook seller Jo eph ' i' rit chard Teller Precinct 11 . Irving B Pierce Warden 2atrick i' Dr cey Deputy a.rden Ezra F Brood Clork & thor Graham seputy Clerk Victor A l rrmon inspector John H Dacey Inspector :adeline J Corbett Deputy in l ct or 'shomas J Lohe ty Deputy ImEpector Edward H UcLeod Teller Elizabeth Noune Beller Edward _ . cGro -ry .l eller Willirm Dozens Teller Precinct 111 . Ralph H eflarden Leonard 1 Du ham Jr . i e :iu t y „ r r d en Fred Tu _ lar Clerk James L :.: c.:on:: ie Jr . Deputy Clc- rk Mr : Ee sio G Davis InkFector Jame .. Ahe r rn in :::p e ct o r Ears . ;mmr Hovey Leputy Inspector David WcFeake Leputy inspector Jam u s McGann Teller Alexander ',/ marks Beller Thy A Ferguson Teller ;.: r e c in ct lu ilert on G Hopkins 'Fares en Howard E Cust ance Clerk James nldron Leputy Clerk Frank K Maguire i nslJector . illirmE Mulliken inspector Irene -' obdn6on �. eputy in : peet or 1 .thorine Kiernan Deputy Inspector JeLtLr LiAndrews Teller i.:nrgarc:t T Lennedy Teller Melville Webb Teller The election officers \ ore sworn to the faithful per- formance of their duties . The polls were declared open -±h each precinct at four o ' clack � . ili. rnd comrined open until eight o ' clock 1 :. at thick time rftor due notice th©y were clot © d . 541 The ballots wore counted by the election of'f'icers in eacb. p ^ ecinct , the tr lly shoots and to nl vote sheets prepared by the y o- n fork bo - nG used . Tho t tr1 rogi ; trntion of voters in each 1; rocinct , n follows ; Precinct One 1. 182 ( Eleven hundred eighty- two ) : reci pct Iwo Ilgs3 ( Eleven hundred twenty- three ) rocinct lhreo 1143 ( Eleven hundred folyl- three ) f rec inct Four 1187 ( Eleven hundred eighty - seven ) The brllot ; c^ ::.t mere counted , onclo : ed i envelopes , sealed , signed by the e1E: ct io o : ficers , together with the unuL: od ballots , delivered to the '1 own Clerk at his office . The Regi. .ttrars of Tv oters canvr . . ed the feult , rs follows ; Precinct One Erllots Cpst 131 mono hundred fr irty one , Rep . 59 , Dem. 72 . Precinct Two brllot s c'- st 130 One hundred thi :ty tiep . 93 , Lem . 37 . Precinct Throe Iallots Oast 121 One hundred t -, ent: one , 3ep . 82 , Lem . 39 . Precinct Four rllats Crst 119 One hundred ninetean , Iep . 62 , :uem. 57 . RE-PUBLIC AN DELEGATES S AT LATGE . Pr . 1 hr , ll . Pr . 111 .Pr . 1Y. Total George f Booth 48 90 78 56 272 ✓ ill iam H Butler 49 88 79 58 274 Alvan '� Fuller Ll 90 81 U7 L79 lary Pratt Potter 48 90 76 58 272 flanks 40 14 14 19 87 236 372 328 248 1184 ALTERNATE .ELEG " i _E AT LARGE . Pr . l . Pr . 11, Pr . 11l . Pr . 1V . frank G Allen 50 91 ' 80 58 279 Gaspar G Bacon 48 90 78 57 273 L everett :alt onsta.1147 92 79 57 275 L ouise j Williams 44 90 77 56 267 Blanks 47 9 14 20 90 236 372 328 248 1184 DI : TTICT DELE ATEE . FIFTH Di ► TRICT . . Pr . l . Pr . 11 . Pr . 11l . is r . 1V . Amos L Taylor 53 92 80 59 284 Walter PJ erhrm 49 91 77 57 274 Blinks 16 3 7 8 34 118 186 164 124 592 ALTERNATE DI :..T7ICT DELEGATES . Pr . ' . Pr . 11 . _ r . li1 . Pr . 1V . Kennuth B Williams 52 92; 79 56 279 E stelle Irish Pillbury 91 77 54 207 45 Blanks 21 3 8 14 46 118 186 164 124 59 :i : DEMOCRATIC . DEL EG " T EL AT LARGE GROUP 1 . Prl . ] r . 11 .Pr . 111 . Er . 1V . Totals James Curley 21 4 8 19 52 James Roosevelt 18 5 8 18 49 James H Brennen 19 4 8 1; 44 T horny e F Cassidy 17 4 8 13 42 James T IThriarty 18 4 8 11 41 Edward A :icLauhlin Jr 18 4 8 12 42 Prime Robichaud 17 3 8 11 39 Jo :_ eph ant o suo : so 17 3 8 12 4U Nellie L :u1livan 19 5 pp 12 44 Joseph J Hurley 18 8 13 44 'aul H Hines 18 4 8 11 41 Jpseph H Hanken 17 2 7 11 37 217 47 95 156 Ll5 , , . .. i -- .: - 542 71, DEI'CC1ATIC ( O pnt inued , _ ELEG RTES AT L A^' r;E GROUP 2 . __ s otri :_ 33rtught forward . 217 47 95 156 _,15 r . 1 . . r . 11 . iir . 11l .j. r . 1V . 'i' otals 11avid I Walsh 50 33 30 40 153 Jo E eph L :ply 48 31 29 37 145 ,. arcus A Coolidge 46 29 29 35 139 William J Foley 49 31 28 37 145 illiam 1 Connery Jr 48 30 29 35 142 John J Douglass 46 29 28 36 139 John vJ IcCormack 50 31 29 37 147 Vwilliam ' Grnnf'ield 45 31 2L 35 137 Mary L Bacigalupo 46 29 27 36 138 Helen G Botch 43 30 27 35 135 Charles H Cole 44 31 27 37 139 John r Fitzgerald 49 31 29 37 146 Not Grouped Zolr.nd D sawyer 0 2 0 4 6 Blanks 83 29 35 87 234 864 444 468 684 2460 ALTERNATE D AEGATEII AT LARGE GROUP 1 . melon C Galvin 18 4 8 11 41 Dorothy hipy, le Fry 17 4 8 11 40 ..A rrd G Morris 17 3 8 10 38 Eabel -d i orthy 16 3 8 9 36 Agnes H Parker 17 4 8 12 41 Francis J `,1 Ford 15 4 8 10 37 L ugene a.mbaugh 15 3 8 9 35 Alice E Cram 16 3 8 11 38 Arthur 1 Heidke 15 2 8 9 34 Frances 3 Zaletskrs 15 2 8 9 34 _ atthew P M^ney 15 2 8 10 35 :.= Grace Barry 17 3 7 11 38 GROUP 2 . siiilliam G Thompson 42 24 27 36 129 Edt,nrd r Barry 45 24 28 36 133 John C Mahoney 44 24 27 36 131 Ch^ rles H blowey 40 23 28 34 125 flary H 'Ward 42 25 27 36 130 J . lemry Goguen 39 23 27 35 124 -lmuel £ales]r 40 23 27 35 125 Charles F Riorden 42 24 27 34 127 J . Leo Lullivan 42 24 28 35 129 John r Buckley 43 24 28 36 131 Leo Birmingham 40 24 27 34 1L5 Lnniel F O ' Connell 45 26 28 36 135 Llrnks 167 118 139 261 878 864 406 468 684 2422 GROUP 1 . DILT2ICT D : :.:G " i' ::S * *F1FTH DlTRICT Er . 1 . I:4r . 11 . Pr . 111 . 1 r . 1V . Totals Jame : J Bruin 15 3 6 12 36 Cornelius ye : mond 17 3 6 14 40 GROUP 2 . Cornelia F Cronin 45 26 27 33 131 EPtrick J Meehan 44 25 27 33 129 Not roux ed John r' Leavitt 0 1 0 1 2 Blrnks 23 16 12 21 72 144 74 78 114 410 GROUP 1 . ALTERNATE LIDiRICT :1 GATEb- - - 1+IFFTH D1LTRICT Pr . l . Pr . 11 . Pr . 111 . i r , 1Y . '4- otrls __uke n manning 16 4 7 13 40 ¶ homa s H Duffy 19 5 7 12 43 GROUP 2 . J . Frank Fr cey 41 25 26 35 127 Daniel O ' Dea 44 24 26 35 129 Blanks 24 15 1 ` 19 71 144 74 114 41 , .4 true record , Atte Si 1 - • / , / r' iwn or .