HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-03-07-ATE-RESULTS 526 r0 ANNUAL y0 . . sT ELECTION . March 7 , 1932 . In pursuance of the foregoing warrant th0 legal voters of Town of Lexington mot in their respective voting 1lvges in said Town nn londay , L - : ch the seventh in the year of our lord nineteen hundred thirty-two at six o ' clock in the forenoon The following places were dosigncted as the voting laces for the various precincts ;Frocinct One , Emerson :all ; i recinct .. \.o , Three and Four , Cary Eorlorial The following eic ct ion officers having been duly ap- rointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of L . _e various precincts tore aLsigned for duty as follows ; Precinct one . Charles J Dailey ;garden Roland Garmon Deputy -- don Ann H I.: cDonne . l inspector Katherine A Hu : Eell Inspector Ruth T Harrington Deputy inspector Clifton B Daniels Deputy Inspector Mrs . ::cry A 3owlrnd Clerk Marc . l} eth Deputy Clerk k zap © ay feller , r illiam Uelsh Teller anion A Cook ' eller Joseph J Pritchrtrd Teller rocinct Two . _ rvin L Pierce Warden David P Eurphy Deputy raen James f ►ullivan Inspector John H Dacey Inspector : Trdoline J Corbo t Deputy Inspector Loring C Child Deputy Inspector Ezra F Breed Clerk Victor A Harmon Deputy Clerk :;`i1 liam Dov no Teller EJWa -• d licLood Teller Elizabeth flourse Teller dti:ard LicGrory Teller 527 -. :? ec .nct Three . Ralph '7 liar shall „crdon _Leonard Dunh nn Jr Deputy harden essio .3 Dr vis inspector James M .Ahern Inspector Emma Hovey Deputy inspector David rcPeake Deputy Inspoctoi Frederick Tullar Clerk Charles E koloy Jr Deputy Clerk John Kavanaugh Teller Roy A Ferguson Teller . Charles Gorman yeller Samuel Wellington Teller **Daniel A Buckley Teller * Called out , but held until clot ing time , not allowed to leave . **Taken on nt U , 50 E .l. . Precinct Sour . Morton G Hopkins Warden Jrrno s J Wrldron Depu, y lard en William E Mulliken Inspector Frank H Mnguire Inspector E Irene Robinson - Deputy Inspector :athe-rine 3 ;Iierncn Deputy Inspector Howard 3 3ustance Clerk Lester E Andrews Teller iargaret T Zennedy Teller Melville Webb Teller Fremont HG nnam Teller The polls were de clrred open in etch precinct at six o ' clock F A . M . and remained open until eight o ' clock P , L: . , after v .hich time after due notice , they were closed . Tho election officers v:ere :worn to the faithful performance of theL_ _' duties . The ballots were counted by the election officers in ee ch precinct , the telly sheets and total vote sheets pre_ nred by the Tonin Clerk being used . . The total registr^ t io 1 of voters in ench precinct was as follows , lrecinct• One 1182 One thousand one hundred eighty tv: o Precinct Two 1123 One thousand one hu . dred t -. entythre • Precinct .. Throe 1143 One thousand ore hunOred f'ortythree precinct Pour 1137 One tho . isand one hundred eighty- seven The ballots cr st were count ed , unclosed in envelopes , sealed , signed by the election officers , together with the unused ballots , and delivered to the Town Clerk at hii office The Recistrcrs of 1Ioters canvanced the result n. s follows ; Precinct One ilots Cast 958 (Nine hundred fifty- ei _ht , Precinct Tv:o vllots Cast 935 Caine hundred thirty- five j Precinct Three allots Cyst 975 (Nine hundred seventy-live j Precinct sour allots Cast 946 (rine hundred forty- six ) TOWN GL _ : .. . . - hr © c . l . • or . f .Prec . 3 Prec . 4 • Total . James J Carroll 706 736 787 728 2991 Blanks 250 16 7 188 218 823 James J Carroll was elected re.: o\ n 3lork for one year . .a. fW 598 7) . CD ; ii:LECTLEN . Cal -, roc . l . lrec . 2 . Proc . 3 . rrec . 4 . Total . = .rank p Cutter 117 117 216 251 701 •` Chrrles E Ferguson 350 509 406 390 1663 _ John A Lyons a9 9 x!45 407 324 1475 +Daniel 30 ' 0o nell 463 292 371 309 1515 Louis J aeynolds 174 86 77 90 427 flarence Shannon 160 200 209 206 703 Planks 337 ` 21 2C3 242 1063 Inrold Bullock 1 1 - Charles ,_ guson 71.nd Dr.niol J OtCo. nell elected for three years . TOM ZREn SURER . James J Carroll 748 793 813 754 510C Blanks210 142 162 192 706 • James J Carroll elected as Tot n l' reasuror for one year . COLLECTOR OF TAXES . Lyron C Errle 663 746 769 700 • 2878 Blanks 295 189 206 246 936 . . Lyron C Earle elected r.z. Gollector of Tc:: es for one year . CE► :'RY 001:EIEEIOITER . Edr:ard 'Wood 613 703 724 652 2692 Blanks 345 232 251 294 1122 Edward Wood elected as Cemetery Connia : ioner forll*e years . Sana CO .EITTEE • • rand^ ll L Hou •ht on 382 565 623 464 203t4 Raymond L White 264 189 139 263 • 855 . Blanks 312 181 213 219 925 • * Randall B Houghton clotted for School v017mitte for three years . CONSTABLES . . . t 'Patrick J Maguire 590 699 729 677 2695 John C Russell 666 671 663 611 2611 Blanks 660 • 500 557 604 2321 Joseph Brov4'n 1 1 * Patrick J Maguire and John 0 Russell elected Constables for one year . M0DERAT O3 Robert -Jolt . 617 731 721 645 2714 E rnT :L' 341 204 254 301 1100 -lobert ii Holt elected moderator for one year . TRUSTEE OF PUBLIC !.2:1114,m '; aldo P Glidden 571 602 686 600 2539 flanks 387 2 5 3 209 346 1275 Waldo ' Glidden elected Trustee of Public • rusts for six year . PL.AYTIIIG 20nRD . 'redcrick 1 : _gory 536 657 640 504 2425 Edgar i . rcheibe 487 G23 610 553 .`4273 Blanku 893 590 6 2 7 ' 5 2930 *i' rederick L 14nory and 2dh;ar 1' :,cheibe elected to ilanning Loard for 4-ree., years . . 529 T =Tin S alna r . 1 Lecinct One for J. hroe Years . /illiam ii Aquaro 274 * - Thaddeus E ^ - :cr 351 Frank _ art o l ono 118 Edward I _: o rman 282 F Carlson 292 John D Collins 336• Prank A C _ Jr 289 • * HS.. rry _. Ooeflicl`o 278 Ernest Cutter 414 Joceph L Dahlstrom 259 Stephen J Dol- n 204 * J T' enry Duffy �:4l ' • A Vintc''. : '2 428 Fred1J Arthulr A G : loiger 261 Geore 3 Foster 380 George C Hatch Jr 369 Edward D Hoitt 237 James Irr:in Jr 306 - Walter L ongb of t om 404 James E McCarthy 286 John .i : 7c:tonna 216 Samuel Mo : otti 151 Eugene L Lorgen • 132 `G eoro W livery 367 Anthony J Rncitti 181 Albert G Ross 330 , Robert L Ryder 326 Charles H Schofield_ 379 Benjamin S Stoney 361 Rich' rd 2alco1: t 258 Francis D Tracey 204 Gorrld C Turner 206 ` Edwr rc=. L Tyler 304 Vito Vidette 139 Jo : eph Vitale 118 :Larry W Yatec Jr . 1 Llonks 6374 Torn Moetin Uonbcrs elected for three years . Precinct Two . Susan l Ia11 ACO "` DeWitt C _ . retster T27 reorge W Butters X577 * IIarold C Denham 476 w Robert \1 Fernald 515 '- Arthur L Graves 544" William Greer 377 * Stephen T Hamblin 518 * Arthur W Hatch 507 * Arthur V IIutchinson 476 * Edward art Hutchinson 450 Richard r Jackson 372 4 Edward W _'imbell 510 * Marian A _=imba 11 432 • * Lawrence G Mitchell 490 Robert H Moore 413 George V Morse 522 4 Dans. T TTorric 512 �• '` Edward Sibley 442 Gladys ' Watson 346 4 Lla Tian J ►irightinckon 497 Blrnks 5902 * Town Sie of in3 Flombers elected for three years krecinct o . ( One :Corr Term ) Rio fill a vrcancy ) 4" Alfred L who2t 652 _21therine : imba ll 1 Joting A .?rens � _ . :;heyt o1 ,, cted a Tovit Merliber for one year . 530 as rrocinct :hr 0 , 8 * BM °A Ea? in Harold G Lo- en 166 Hubert D Broderic 346 Eugene '2 Buckley 330 John Buckley 179 ::r lker L Chamberlain 300 hilip U Clark 403 corse Emery 410-- - ' Leland H Emery 366 Albert V Emmons 177 Marge R Fuller 353 2obort J Gaffney 258 John A1' L:n.vanaugh 141 .<. Eugene G 1:raet zer Jr 360 illialn J Leary 228 Gustaf Lidberg 144 Frank T McAllister 192 Richard S 1cCabe 285 Patrick Jr McDonnell 195 Paul F McDonnell 145--- Robert D McDonnell 118 Neil McIntosh 294 .t. Henry P verde 188 Lorna M Milne 328 i ll iam D Milne 311 Alfred C Mort i er Jr 122 Clayton T:1 Morse 246 Howard M Munr o e 307 James 2 O t C omio r 201 John F 0 ' Comjnor 187 Joseph A Parks 258 Andrew J Pettherer 174 Gordon W ob in ion 292 William 13 aosenberger 258 L. ichard 3 Rowse 359 George 3udd 254 Thomas F Ryan Jr 170 * George E Smith 384 Frederick J 6l' encer 332 Rupert H Stevens 332 Matthew Stevenson 261 * Margaret G Taft 368 * Harvey P Winlock 357 'flanks 11 , 824 * Torn Meeting Vombers elected for three years . Precinct Four . * M Lawrence Allen 306 )(vi.L. - Earl S Archiba�d_ 276 '� Chester L Blakely 433 Thomas F Por: les 145 Robert L Bradley 197 Charles E re clin 249 Sabriele Lruc chi 77 Napoleon J Corrow 251 Janes 0 Cradle 90 Francis B CullJortson ::: 28 * George W Day 264 . Frank A Faulkner 143 Helen Ir Fitzgerald 233 Archibald R Giroux 148 William A Granfiold 215 Warren E Hartwell 226 Norton T Hood 260 * i+'rederic L _ John,_ on 358 Joseph :1 Johnuon 197 Joseph A Lell©y 187 Turner C Lolly 197 * Catherine A ::imir l l 287 * John Lamont 310 * Jasper A Lane 260 Eugene 3 Bourret ' 77 Charles McDevitt 174 * W Len Jamin 0 Leady 259 531 :: ocinct :our ( Continued ) * Stanley P Newhall 265 Hugo L Nyla nder 132 Bernard O ' Donnell 185 Harry 1 iattorson 238 Arthur D Ritchie 156 John Roca Jr 234 Waiter J Those 210 4. Charles HRudd 309 Teorge Ci Sarano 267 * Ed ^ r F Scheibe 271 Harold W Smith 269 ., A 1^ ndall Soderberg 172 Joseph Swan 324 Axel �-�- tionson 211 E Elvid& e Taylor 258 Stanley C Thr:ing 122 4. Helen 3 ;:hi ttemore 263 May Ritchie 1 'i Hoyt 1 ' ' la.nks 6040 * 20 n. L: eting T.Lembers elected for three years Precinct Four , o- .n . oinG Lomb er for one year . To Fill a va c an7cy ) inthrop H Lowker 578 Blanks 368 Winthrop H Bor;ker elected Total. Meeting :.:omb or for one year . A True Record , Attest ; • „_----._ \ AO( V // o , Clerk . RECOUNT OF VOTES :On.. &JELSCTILM OF ELECTION OF MARCH 7 . 1932 . Recount held Saturday March 12 . 1932 . On petitions of the required number of regiEtered voters , from Precincts , Ono , Two , Three and Four , for a, recount of the voteo cast for Selectmen , nt the Annual Toni Election , Larch 7 , 1932 , the Registrars of Voters of the Torn of Lexington find on :,_a _' ch 12 , 1932 , that correct vote cast for Selectmen was as follov:s ; Proc . 1 . Prec . 2 .Prec . 3 . krec . 4 . Total . 'rani: P Cutter 117 117 214 250 605 Charles E 11' cruuson 359 510 408 388 1665 John A Lyons 300 445 406 327 1478 Daniel J O ' Connell 468 296 371 388 1523 ouis J Reynoldo 174 C5 78 90 427 i la r enc e Shannon 168 200 209 203 760 :. Lnnks :: 30 217 263 246 1056 'T roll .: . ullock 1 1 .. . . - -- - -- . . . - - - - 1916 1870 1950 1892 7628 whe :' ecOUJlt :. horned i'rrnk _ Cutter loEt threw , Ohrrlos E JerGuson jained trio , John A _Jyons , gained three , Daniel J O ' Connell rained, ei$ht , .. " ouis J Reynolds remained the same , Jlrrence Shannon lost three . LoonI Truesdell , Clan . ? egi traro George E Drvis , of George H Lorre , Votors . James J Carroll Olurk , A tri © record , Attest ; I• • moi Tov Clerk . 532 C CD Precinct Four . Gy) 740 Election of a Torn IJceting L'embor to fill vacancy account William B S Eaton , removing from the Tort . Meeting vir s held t onday Evening , March 21 , 1932 , in Esta- brook Hall . Meeting called to order by Town Clerk, James J Carroll at 7 ; 48 P .t: . with twenty- eight members present . James J Carroll , explained the purpose of the meeting, stat- ing nominations were in order for Chairman and Clerk , for the meeting . Francis E Burke was unanimously elected as Chairman and Clerk for the meeting . Nominations were asked for a Town Meeting . umber , to fill a vacancy , term of one year The name of E Elvidge Taylor of 142 Bedford Et . , was pro- posed . There were no further nominations , therefore E Elvidge Taylor was unanimously elected as a Torn Meeting ?"ember , for one year . On motion of Walter 2 Beatty , the meeting adjourned . Unanimous at 8 ; 00 P .M . A true record . AtteEt ; d): ;;4:700. t115 Tot Ulerk. To The Torn Clerk ; As per the mooting of Kn-rch 21 , 1932 , for a Town Mooting Member to fill a vacancy , for the torm of one year , I , hereby accept said election . f signed , March 23 . 1932 . E Elvid e Taylor .