HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-03-04-STM-WARRANT 524 Qt, ti c TO WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex , ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington , In said County , Greeting : In the dame of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington , qutdlified to vote in elections and in town affairs , to meet in the Cary I.iemorial Building , In said Lexington , on Friday , the fourth day of March , 1932 at 8 : 00 o ' clock P . M . then and there to act on the following articles : Article 1 . To receive the report of. any Board of Town Officers or of any Col:, i ttee of the 'Town and to appoint other Corrin i i. tees . Article 2 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to pay its portion of the cost of acquiring land and of the construction and equipment and other expenses on account of a hospital situated in WalthaT , and partly in Lexington , known as the 7 iddlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital , required by Chapter 111 of the General Laws , as arended , and also being further author zed by Ohapter 369 of the Acts of 1928 , as amended by Chapter 175 of the Acts of 1930 and Chapter 73 of the Acts of 1931 and to provide said funds by issue of bonds or notes and by direct appropriation . And you are d. ir ' cted to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided In the? By- laws of the '1 own . Hereof , fail not , and make due return of this 'Tarrant , with your doings thereon , to the 'town Clerk , on or ' efore the time of said meet ► gig . Given under our hands , at Lexington , this twenty- third day of February , A . D . , 1932 . Robert P . Trask Slarence Shannon Selectmen Theodore A . Custance Hallie C . Blake of Lexington . February 26 , 1932 . • To the Town Clerk : I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing 'Tarrant in the Post Office , in the Vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public places in the Town , and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the town seven days before the time of said meeting . Attest : Patrick J . Maguire Constable of Lexington. - - - tired tir SPECIAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 4 , 19 32 . mooting was called to order by To-. .n Clcrl , James J Carroll , at 8 ; 08 1 .7 : . roderr for Robert H Holt , being absent . Senator Jos . H Cotton vms unanimously elected , to preside at this mooting as ._odo-rator Pro- tem . Tovm 31..; rk , James J Carroll , started the reading of the v;rrrant for the meeting , when upon motion of Selectman Mr . Trask , further reading of the t:arrrtnt v:r s waviod. , and the Toni Clerk continued by reading the Constable ' return of the vra.rrant . Selectman $r . Trask , rlovoa tlirt article tv:o be taken up . Mr . Hollis Webster asked the question , if 6. quorum present . The Moderator iro -tem alpointed the following tellers , Cu.Lta.nce , Dr . '..alsh and Spencer , to count the number of Toni Meeting members present , t'ith the following results ; Custance 24 Dr . Walsh 34 Spencer 18 76 A ruorum not being present , the : odarntor , advised suspension of the mLeting , ten ' hinutos , in order to call in more :Term ,.:seting i.: embers . While waiting for n quorum Mr . Mitchell , Chnirmr,n of the A,pproriation . Committee , read and explained his report , also Oxen plating how the net: tax rate , of y30 . 00 wc : arrived nt At nine o ' clock a recount of the Town I.: eating Eembers was a- gain taken by the Lame tellers , with the following reLults ; (instance 27 Dr . .: a.l sh 44 Spencer 27 Ioderator 1 Tort Clerk 1 100 9 ; 04 1 . - The . _The rodorntor rend nrticlo two . Selectman Er . Trask offered the following notion ; Voted ; That the sum of , 38 , 350 . 06 be appropriated by the Teva. to :pay its portion of the cost of acquiring land and of the con- st -ruction and equipment and other exenses on account of a ho t. ital situated in Waltham , and partly in Lecinj ton , known as the Middlesex • County ..- uberculosis Hospital , required i!:r Mnptcr 111 of the General ns amended , and also being further authorioc?_ by Chapter 369 of the Acts of 1928 , as amended by Chapter 175 of the Acts of 1:% 30 and Chapter 73 of the " cts of 1931 , and for this purpose , the sum of v38 , 250 . 06 be appropriated , of which ;n12 , 350 . 06 shf-. 11 be a, Esussee in the levy of the current year , and the Town _ roasurer , with the a iroval of the Jolectmon bo and_ hereby is authorized to sell under c he direction of and with the ajproval of t, ,:e ,. eloctmen , bonds or notes of the Toni in the amount of v26 , 000 . 00 issued and payable as provided by lay: . , elcetwIn , -2 . iirask , e:_-2lainod tho vote , stating that the cost of this hoEpita l had boon divided among the Cities and Tovrns in Middlesex Jounty , except Lovell ^nd Cambridje , who take' ca _' o of their own l:atients , also stating notes ould be raised to cover half the cost to the Tet-.n , to be dated A_ ril 1 , 1932 . Account of this item to be :-aid to the County Cor..flni : sioners , on or before : ch 25 , 1932 , this ►3Eecir_ l Lie© tin; was made nece :_ sary , in order to rvoid t . olve per cent penalty Jr2 . C lobcrtLon , asked how the County Conti . sionors arrived at the figures . alectmmn r . _: r ' ch, ©:.. ., Maines , according to the valuations 526 rio O of th other Cities and To\ ns in the County . OG Tho voto was I:resented as read , rith tie follo* . inc result , Yes ; 99 No ; 0 , Declared unanimous , 9 ; 0G P .i . L olectman , 1 ' , srrsk , movoA t .o meeting be nd journod . Unanimous rt 9 ; 08 J .: : . A True record , 0111 ;illi ;;/) lUJ. .h . ANNUAL TO'• ST ELECTION . March 7 , 19J2 . In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of Town of Lexington mot in their respective voting 2lvges in said Tov. n nn ; :onday , . : ch the seventh in the year of our lord nineteen hundred thirty-two at six o ' c lock in the forenoon . The following places were dosignc ted as the votinc -:, lacus for the various precincts ;Frocinct One , Emerson _all ; L reci ict _ wo , Three and Four , Cary L erlorial The following ole ct ion officers having been duly aP- rointed by the Selectmen , and Wardens of Y . _e various precincts tore aE signed for duty follows ; Precinct one . Charles J Dailey harden Roland Garmon Deputy WEi.rdon Ann II i : cDonnell Inspector Katherine A Ru : sell Inspector Ruth T Harrington Deputy inspector Clifton B Daniels Deputy Inspector TVs . : :cry A 1owlnnd Clerk ' © Lri za }�labeth :.' il��inson Deputy Clerk ay Teller . William r Welsh Teller a.rion A Cook Seller Joseph J Pritchrrd `_' eller rocinct Tto . Irving L Pierce ;laiden David F L urphy Deputy Warden James :f Sullivan Inspector John H Dacey Inspector : mdoline J Corbett Deputy Inspoctor Loring C Child Deputy Inspector Ezra F Brood Clerk Victor A Marmon Deputy Olork :;`i1 liam if Dov no Teller EdwaI• d 1. UcL Lod Teller Elizabeth flourse Te _, for dti:ard LicGrory Teller