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MARCH 23, 1931 .
She meeting was called to order at 8 : 07 1 .M. Moderator
Robert H molt , presiding .
Abput 175 Iowa Meeting Members were present .
Art .6. Selectam Mr . Trask moves to take up Article 6 .
Under this article Selectman Mr , Elaxe offered the follow-
ing motion .
VOTED : That there be appropriated and assessd for the
suppression of gypsy and brown tail moths in accordance with Chapter
132 of the General Laws tile sum of4 4 , 5uu . Uu .
It was an unanimous vote . 81082 .M .
Art 8 . Selectman Mr . Trask Moves to take up article 8 .
Under this article Selectman Mr . Blake offered the follow-
ing motion .
VOTED : That there be apprOpriated and assessd for pensions
for retired members of the Police slid Fire Departments under Chapter
32 of the General Laws the following amounts .
Police pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 030 . 0u
Fire " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , I08 . u0
Carried unanimously 8 ; 09I} . M.
Art . 12 . Selectman Mr . Trask moves to take up article 12 .
Under this article Selectman Mr . Blake offered the follow-
ing motion .
VOTED : That the Lie lectman be authorized to petition the
Director of Accounts of the State for an audit of the year 1931 .
Carried unanimously 8 : 1I P .M .
Art . 7 . selectman Mr . 'Trask moves to take up article 7 .
Under this article belectman Mr . Gilcreaat otferea the
followins motion .
VOTE : That tnere be apptopriated and assessd as a reserve
fund for the current year under Chapter 40 , section b , of the
General Laws , the sum of 2 , 500 . 00 .
A unaninmous vote . 8 : 12 P .M.
• Art ; I7 .6electman Mr . Trask moves to take up article 17 .
Under this: article Selectman Mr . Gilcreast offered the
following motion .
VOT : That the sum of 41 , 719 . 94 be transferred to the
Can Memorial Library account from the receipts of the current year .
A unanimous vote . 8 : 14 P .M .
Art . 1. Seloctma. . Mr . Trask moves to take up article 3,
offering the following motion .
• NOTED : To elect etch Town ortioers as are required by
lay and are usually cho s n by nomination .
Undo-Jr trijw motion , tne names of ii:d::ard U Maguire and
John u Russell wore nominatea by Sclectma at . Trask for field 00
drivers , and as there were no other nominations , same were consider-
ed closed , and Edward U Maguire aweld Rohn O Russell were duly
elected , unanimously . ' 8 :15 P .M .
Art . 10 . Selectman sir . Trask.moves to tako up article 1U .
VOTED : That there be ayipropriated and assessd for the Water
Maintenance Account the sum of 472 , 000 . 00 and that the amount of
receipts in excess of this appropriation be reserved to be
appropriated for W ater Department purposes .
Unanimously voted . 8 : 16 P .M .
After the motion had carried 4r . E B Worthen took the floor ,
reading tne following from 1927 report :
" m' ' e Swift River project calls - ex►? enditures
and owl: proportionate share must be met . With�estion tnere-
fore , it will be necessary to raise the water rates begining with
the next quarter . We will endeavor to figure the increase to cover
only the actual cost of operating and so hold to the policy of
keeping the department on a self sustaining basis . "
Continuing the following notice was read , which was a
copy of same , efhot ificat ion being sent to all , of water rates being
increased as of April 1 . 1928 , as follows :
To The 'Yat er Consumer :
You will notice from the enclosea bill that the minimum
water rate for the year 1928 if 43. 75 per cuarter , an increase of
76 cents per quarter .
This is the first increase in rates which the Board of
\Vater and Sewer Commissioners have established since 1914 .
This increase is necessary for several reasons , Namely :
I . Increase of assessments for Water by the Metropolitan Water
Division .
t . Cost, . of maintenance have constantly increased during the past
ten yoars ( due to the growth of the system and increased costs of
material and labor ) but the cost of water to the consumer has re-
mained the same :
9. The necessity of replacing a large quantity of small mains with
new and larger mains
From this summary , it can be readily understood that an
advance in rates has become imperative .
Town of Lexington Wat e r Department .
Mr . Worthen stated he protested strongxy about money
being transferred from the water department accounts toward tne
Town debts , which made it necessary for large appropri : ations for
the department , also tatina if same occurred next year , he would
be ready to oppose it strongly . 8 : 21 P .M .
Under this same article , Selectman Mr . Trask, voted ,
That the Board of Selectmenbe authorized to install water mains ,
not less than six inches in diameter in unaccepted and accepted
streets subject to the usual guaranty , and
Further voted , that for the purpose of installing water
mains the sum of 450 , 0u u. 00 , be appropriated for water construe-
tion account , and that for the purpose of raising money , the
Town `Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direct-
ion of and with the approval of the Selectmea , bonds or notes of the
Town , issued and payable as provided by law .
electman , Mr Trask stated the Selectmen had to
definite request for any new installation of water mains . They
proposed to use this money for the tieing in of ends .
Moderator Mr . Holt , inquired if this was the general
way of proposing this appropriation as he felt they should
specify the streets .
Selectmen xar . Trask , stated , that although they frequent-
ly named the streets , they did not always do it , stating , although
there sere several streets ho could name that might want the water ,
the Selectmen did not want to do anything about it until they had
provided the usual guaranty .
After discussion , Mr . Hilliard moved , "That both motions be
laid upon the table • "
Unanimous vote . 813I P .M .
Art . 9 . Selectman Mr . Trask moves to take up article 9 , offering
the following motion .
VOTED : That tne sum of $50 . 00 , be appropriated and asseLsd
for aid to Eiddlesex Oounty Bureau of Agriculture and Home Economics ,
under section 40 to 45 , Chapter 128 of the General Laws .
Carried un animously . 8 : 32 P .M .
Under sauce article , Selectman mr . Trask , offered tne follow-
ing motions VOTED : That William I Burnham , be elected , director ,
term of of'f'ice , one year .
Carried unanimously . 8 : 33 P .M .
Article 13. Selectman Mr . Trask, moved to take up article 13 ,
offering the following motion , .
VOTED : That the sum of tI , uuu . OU , be appropriated for the
the support of a Posture Clinic to be expended under the direction
of the Board : . of health , or by a committee appointed by said board .
Remarks by Selectman Er . Trask, were as follows : For a number
of years the Town had been trying to provide some fund to support
the Lexington Health Association , but by the State Law , it was
impossible to appropriate money for private orgahizations .But , he
said , it is possible to alj iropriate money for specific purposes ,
and that under this work , if the article goes through , the Board
of Health will appoint the Committee in charge of this work in the
Lexington Health Association to carry on with the appropriation ,
stating , this was tot another clinic in the sense of the dental
clinic , now in this Town. ,
carried unanimously , . 8 : 38 P .M.
Art . 15 . Select;am , Mr . 'cask, moves to take up article 15 .
He than moved this article be indefinitely postponed .
Unanimous vote . 8 : 39P . M.
Art . 20 . Selectman Er . Trask , moves to take up article 2U .
He than moved this article be indefinitely postponed .
Unanimous vote . 8 :40 k .M .
Art . 2 .Ur . E L Worthen moved this article be taken up , offering
the follow - ng motion .
VOTED : That traffic conditions on iassachusetts Avenue , East
Lexington , are such as to require attention aid the Selectman are
hereby requested to study same and to bring in their recommendations
at a later meeting .
voted unanimously . 8 : 42 P .M.
Art . 19 . Under this article Mr . coward 2 u fichols , stated
that he ould like to inform the meeting that the vote that waL
passed at the last meeting , March 16 , 1931 , under this article had
not met with the approval of the Director of Accounts as bond isEues
cannot be made for alterations . He stated , he merely wished to
inform the meeting of this as it would be necessary to insert another
article in the next 'sown Warrant in regard to this matter . He stated
it would be the same as What had been previously voted except that
4I , 000. OU would be added to direct appropriat ion , and 4I , Uu0. OU
deducted from the bond issue , as covered by law . 8 : 45 P .M .
Art . 2 . Mr . Willard U Sill , offers the following motion
under article 2 .
476 Jo
VOTED : That the selectmen bo roquested to investigate the ,CD
method of collecting license fees for dogs , and arrange to have
some effective plan adopted .
Carried unanimously . 8 : 46P .M.
Art . II . Selectman i11r . Trask moves to take up article II , and
under same article moves . indefinite postponement .
Unanimously voted . 8 : 47E .M .
Art 14 . belectmar Mr.. Custance moves to take up article 14 ,
orfering the following motion , .
VOTED : '1 hat the Town sell and convey to William L nurrill
in consideration of the payment by him of •332 . Ou , the following
described parcel of land :
Beginning at a mint in the easterly line of Bedford Street ,
said point being southerly and distant about 422 feet from a
Massachusetts tiighv. ay Bound marking the- southerly terminus of a
curve of 1372 . 61 feet radius in said easterly line of Bedford ;
thence easterly about 1b9 feet to a point in the southerly line of
Parcel Ao . 4 . about 44 feet to a point ; thence westerly along a line
parallel with and distant 4U feet from the first line Above
described about 174 feet to a point in the eaLterly line of said
Bed ford Street ; thence northerly by said Bedford Street about 41
feet to the point of begining ; containing according to Ilan about
bb40 square feet and being Parcel No . 5 as shown on said plan
recorded with Middlesex South District Plan Book 5466 , Page 247 .
And that tile Board of Selectmen , or a majority of them , be and they
hereby are authorized and directed in the name of and on behalf of
the Town , to execute and deliver an agreement for the sale of
said land as aforesaid , and that they be authorized and directed to
execute apd deliver a deed thereof to the said William L Burrill ,
upon :ayment of the said sum of 4332 . 00 .
question by Icr . Hilliard , what the assessed valuation
of the property was , and if the price asked was a fair one .
Selectman Mr . Custance , replies , did not know assessd
. value but price \ . as a :.air one .
Mr . Rens informed from Assessor ' s list , the land wa
• assessed for nine cents a foot and the selling price asked was
about five cents a foot .
Carried unanimou sly 8 ; 58 P .M .
Under same article Selectman Ear . eustance continued with
the following motion ,
VOTED : That the ! own convey to Robert H White , in
consideration of the payment by him of 440 . 00 the following
described parcel of land :
A trtangular parcel of land bounded as follows ;northerly by grantor ;
westerly by Bedford Street ; southeasterly by land of grautee ; the
above described parcel is designated o : plan as , - Purchased from Robert
White Area -I2 ? 6r sq . ft . - said plan being recorded with Middlesex
South ". District Plan Book 5466 , page 247 .
And that the Board of Selectmen , or a majority of them , be and they
hereby are authorized and directed in the name of and on behalf of
the Town , to execute and deliver an agreement for the sale of said
landas aforesaid , and that they be authorizeL and directed to
execute and deliver a deed thereof to the said Robert H White
upon payment of the said sum of 440 . 00 .
VOTED : That the Tot sell and convey to Ervin R Dix, et al ,
Trustees of the Home Finance Company , in consideration of the pays
mint by them of 41 , 000. 00 the following described parcel of land :
A parcel of lane the northerly line of which begins at a
point in the easterly line of Beford Street , said point being
southerly and distant 119 . 61 feet from a Massachusetts Highway
Bound harking the southerly terminus of a curve of I372 . 6i feet
radius in said easterly line of Bedford Street , thence souther-
478 . 07 feet to a point of curvature ; thence bearing in an easter-
direction with a curve of 304 feet radius 88 foet to a point of
tangency ; thence southerly 94 foet to a point of curvature ; thence
bearing in a southerly direction with a curve of 336 feet radius
about 410 feet to a point in the northerly line of the location
of Boston and Maine ailroad ; the southerly line of said parcel
begins at a point in the easterly line of Bedford , said point
being southerly and distant about 247 feet from a his sachusetts
Highway Bound , mar#ing the southerly terminus of a curve of 1372 , 61
feet radius insaid easterly line of Bedford Street ; 'T' hence , south-
easterly I64 . 63 feet to a point of curvature ; tnence Dearing in
a southerly direction with a curve of 286 feet radius about 34b
feet to a point is the northerly line of the location of said
railroad ; the above described lines are paralled with and distant
60 feet from each other exceft at and near their intersection
with said Bedford �:treet . Said parcel containo , according to plan ,
about U . 7 acres and is Parcel No 4 . as shown on Said plan , record-
ed with Middlesex South District Plan Book 5466 , Page 247 .
And that the Board of Selectmen , or a majority of them , be atd they
hereby are authorized and directed in the name of and on behalf
of the Town, to execute and deliver an a eement for the sale of
said land as aforesaid , and that they b uthdrized and directed -
t o execute and deliver a deed thereof to the said Ervin R yix , et al ,
Trustees of the Home Finance Company upon payment of the said sum
of 4' 0)00 . 00 .
' iuestions By Mr . Hadley and Mr . Monitor* regarding assessed
valuation of adjacent property , and if the Board was unanimous on
the price .
Informed that Board was unanimous in price answered by
Selectman Mr . Trask .
The vote was put before the meeting , the Moderator being
excused from- reading the entire article , which was unanimously
carried . 9 ; 04 P .M.
Art • IU . Selectman Mr . Trask moved that article IO be taken from
the table , offerinL the following motion, ; 9 ; 05P .M .
VOT ED ; That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install
water mains , not less than six inches in diameter in unaccepted
and accepted streets , subject to the usual guaranty , and that the
Selectmen be instructed to tie in the ends of the following streets ,
Woodland Road 60U feet , Abbott Road 400 Feet , School Street 1200 Ft . ,
Bertwell Road 35U ft . , Bow Street 350 ft . , Lake St ; & Columbus • St . , 900 ft .,
Bowker Street 35U ft . , Lowell Street IODU ft . , and from the end of
Oakland Street to Merriam Street , .
titbit Med; What for . the purpose . of: . inhtalldng titer
mine tie sum of b50 , 080 bg be applipriated fad water aaastr t4-
Lonband that for the purpose of raising the money , the Town
Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direction of
and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the Town,
issued and payable as provided by law .
Mr . Ross stated he thought it foolish and unnecessary to
name all the streets , by doing so , it would tie the hands of the
department .
Ohas . Blake inquires why not include York ant Grant
Streets , as water very low between the time of seven and nine o ' clock
evenings . Question not ans\•:Bred .
Mr . Hadley brought &P the question of costs , which was
followed by :_:r .Moulton , who asked if any estimate for this work
bad been furnished .
Selectman - Mr . Trask stated the figure for the work was
421 , 450 .
Mr . Moulton , asked what the remaining #29 , 000 . 00 was for .
Answered by beleotman Mr . Trask , same was for request for
water that may arise , stating two propositions before the board
at the present time , t7inter Street being one of them. O
I:lr . Ross . states , the finance board was opposed to. doing
anything with Winter Street project .
Mr . Fred Moulton made a motion that the sum of * 40 , 000 . 00
be substituted for the approved P5O , 000 . 00 .
Moderator Mt . Holt considered that selectman , iv;r . Trask' e
motion should be taken up separately , therefore offering the
following :
VOTED : That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install
water mains , not less than six inches in diameter in unaccepted
and accepted streets , subject to the usual guaranty , and that
the selectmen be instructed to tie in the ends of the following
streets , Wootland Road 60u tt . , Abbott Road 400 ft . , School St . ,
1200 ft . , Bertwell Rd . , 350 ft . , Bow bt . , 350 ft . , Lake St . A C.olumbipos 5t .
900 i't . Bowker St . , 350 ft . , Lowell St . , I U00 ft . , and from the end of
Oakland St . , to Merriam St .
Motion carried unanimously . 920 ± .M .
Mr . Moulton' s subsitute motion was then voted upon and
it was voted to accept the sub sit•_ut i on . . 921 P .M.
The amended vote was then placed before the meeting as
follows :
VOTE : That for the purpose of installing water mains
the sum of j40 , 000 . 00, be appropriated dor water construction
account , and that for the purpose of raising the money , the Town
Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direction
of and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the
Town , issued and payable as provided by law .
Carried unanimously . 9 : 23 F .M.
Art . I6 . Selectman , Lir , Trask moves to take up article 16 .
. Under this article , *selectman Dr . Shannon offered the
following motion .
VOTED : That the sum of X37 , 500 . 00 , be appropriated and
assessed for the alteration and repair of the Public Works Depart-
gent building on Bedford Street .
Continuing Se lect;an Dr . Shannon , thougiLt it best to
give a little review of the history of the building , stating in
1929 the building was purchased for 43b , 0 .0 . 00 , the following year ,
the old power house which was on the property , and had to be bought
with the other buildings was sold for 48 , 00o . 00 , during the
present `Sown Mee ting , land not needed by the departments was sold
for 4I , 400 . 00, making the net cost of the building to the ‘ `Porn
*25 , 600. 00.
In 1930 , the sum of 417 , 000 . 00 was voted for repairs , Ledge
was struck when the heater was put 4J the cost of bl dating took
42 , 600 . 00 of that money , which wasp].) anned on , because of a
lead roof , 42 , 140 . 00 had to be spent , which had not been planned
on for another year . Other unexpected expenditures were needed
for the sprinkler system and other minor items , which were needed
so that the building could be ready by Jan . I , X93I , when the leases
held by the Town on garages and storage places expired .
Selectman Dr . Shannon stated 8 , 250 . 00 , had been spent
without being appropriated , and 48 , 500. 00 was being asked to cover
such items as may arise .
% . electman 4r . Trask stated , that he and the Board of
select 1/ for censure because through their neglect that the
amount waV spent over the appropriation , stating the total amount
was in excess of $15 , 000 . 00 , instead of 48 , 250 . 00 .
Selectman Mr . Trask stated , the board was under the in-
pression the overdraft was about 47 , 000 . 00, at the . time preparing
the items with the appropriation committee , the reason being , at
that time there were a number of bills that had not been turned
over to the Selectmen for approval .
L r . 2red ','oulton askoci of Ltelectman Dr . Shannon if he
knew of this full amount of overdraft of QI5 , 0u0 . 00 at the time
he made his motion , as it could be taken misleadingly .
Selectman Dr . Shannon explained he intended to explain
during the discussion .
General discussion followed , with the following speakers
taking part , Messers . lenney , Hadley , Ryder , Worthen , O ' Connell ,
Meady,Moultoh and Senator Cotton .
Mr 1red . Moulton stated he did not approve of such methods
of the boaard , but at the same time the bills had been contracted
and they had to be paid , and for that reason he moved the original
motion be subsituted so that the amou:': t to be appropriated would
be 415 , 710 . 00 , the full amount of the unpaid bills .
The motion as outlined above was put and carried unanimously .
10 : 40 P .M .
VOTED : That the sum of “ 5 , 71U . 00 be appropriated and
assessed for the alteration and repair of the public Works
DEpartment building; on Bedford Street .
A unanimous vote at 10 : 41 P .M .
Selectman Mr . Trask moves meeting adjourn .
Unanimous IU : 42 P .M .
A True record ; Attest :
Town ' lark .