HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-12-02-STM-MIN _ _ II
DECEMBER 2 , 1930 .
The Meeting was called to order by the Moderator Robert
H . Holt . The Town Clerk proceeded to read the Warrant , but
upon motion , the reading of the Warrant was waived . The
return of the Constable thereon was then read .
Art . 1 . On motion of Mr . Robert P . Trask , this article was
taken up . Mr . Trash reported verbally for the Committee on
Unemployment . He stated that a number of applications have
been filed at the Town Hall and that some of the people have
been placed to work by the Town in laying water mains on
Lowell and Wood Streets . He stated that the people who
register are people who want work and do not want to apply
to the Welfare Department for aid , He urged that people who
desire to employ persons register at the Town Hall ' so that
this may give employment to persons who are in need of work .
Art . 7 . Under this article , Mr . Theodore c, . Custance uffered
the following motion :
" Voted : That the Town rescind all action taken under
Article 28 of the Annual Town Warrant , March 4 , 1929 :fr. ich
action was taken at an adjournment of saidmeeting held on
April 8 , 1929 , also that the Town rescind the further action
taken under Articles 11 and 12 in the Town Warrant of December
16 , 1929 which action relates to the purchase of the Stuart-
Marshall Realty Company property. "
Mr . Theodore A . Custance explained that the Stuart-
Marshall Realty Co . project is not completedand this is the
re -' son that the Town was asked to rescindits action .
Mr. William H . Ballard further explained that -he was
instrumental in making negotiations with the Stun.rt-Marshall
Realty Company when he was a member of the Board of Selectmen,
and that when the arrangements were made it was thought that
the Stuart-Marshall Realty Company were financially able to
carry throughthe arrangements . It proved however , that the
Scott Tea Company foreclosed the mortgage and are now the
owners of the property , and _inasmuch as the Stuart -Marshall
Realty Compc ny now have no enuity in the property the project
cannot be completed .
The motion as offered by Mr . Theodore A . Custance was
carried unanimously .
Art . 8 . On motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance the following
vote was passed unanimously :
" Voted : That the sum of 1i;40500 . 00 be transferred from
the account of Furchase of Land , Stuart- Marsl al l Rialty
Company for the purpose of doing the preliminary construction
work on the relocation of a portion of Lincoln Street from
Lla. ssachusetts Avenue to Marrett Road . "
Mr . George M . Ross , Chairman of the Appronri . . ti on Committee
stated that the Committee approved of this appropri ?_.tion. He
stated that Le understood that 60° of the amount of money
to be spent on tI is construction work will be for band labor
which will help the unemployment situation . kir . Custance
c -rnl ained that the State and County were each to contribute the
sum of -4500 . The State has already sent in a notice o .
bile ' . contribution and. the County will probably do so ...ri t in
a few days .
Art . 9 . Under this article or potion of Mr. Sydney R .
;rigbting;ton the following vote was passed unanimously :
" Voted : That the Town <:ut, orize the Selectmen to rct i. ti on
the Legislature for ar nroprict to legislation to permit 'towns and
cities to include bI 1_ 1. boards among the othere a rue -tures ihich
may be regulated by zoning by- laws and ordinances . "
Mr . Vlrightington explained that in many instances bill-
boards were per'n it ted by the Li tat e Dept . of Public ';corks
while the Town objected to their being permitted and this was
450 .7)
the reason for requesting this Legislation . . 1
Art . 6 . On notion of ng. Sydney H . Wrip;htington the follow-
ing vote was passed unanimously :
" Voted : That the Town hereby aut r , orizes and ins tructs
its Board of Selectmen to execute , acknowledge and deliver in
the name and behalf of said Town a deed re leasing to the
heirs and assigns of JRcob 7/• Wilbur , late of Brookline , Nor-
folk County , Mass . cl usetts , in accordance with their respective
titles andinterests , all right , title andinterest it has ,
if any , acquired by said Town unc'er a deed from Byron C .
Earle , its Collector of Taxes for said. Town , dated. April
25 , 1911 and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds
Book 3604 , Page 23 , in and. to a certain parcel of
land wit* the buy_ lc=.ings thereon sl own on a plan of " Land
in Lexington , Mass . , be longi n? to Harvey S . Bacon , Sept . 20 ,
1910 , H . S . Adams , C . E . " recorded with said Deeds in
Plan Book 231 , Plan 20 . "
Art . 2 . Under this article Dr . Clarence Shannon offered. the
following motion :
" Voted : That ,1750 . 00 be transferred from the account of
Purchase of Land , Stu.r:. rt- Mars ; all Realty Co . , to the Law
Deportment . "
The Chairman of the Approprin -ion Lon littee stated that
the Committee approved this apropris, tion .
On motion of Dr . Clarence Shannon the followrini, vote was
passed. unani Nously :
" Voted : That ;1000 . 00 be transferredfrom the account
of Purchase of Land , S u <;r t-Marshall �Leal ty Co t any , to t��, e
Insurance Ac count .
The Chair rrn of the Appronrinti.. on Committee statedthat
the Commit tee approt3ed of tlf is appropriation.
On motion of Dr . Clarence ohannon ti ±e lollowini vote was
passed. unanimously :
" Voted : " That ,x1000 . be transferred from the a count of
Pur erase of Land , Stuart -iittrsl� nl l Realty Company , to the
Public Welfare Department Account . " '
The Chairman of the flppr-opriation Committee stated
that the Committee approved this appropriation.
On motion of Dr . Clarence bbannon the following vote was
passed unanimously :
" Voted: That tra25 . 00 be transferred from the account of
Purchase of Lana , Stuart -T: arshall Realty Company , to the
Elections and Registrations Account . "
On motion of Mr . Howard. S . 0 . Eicl o ls , the following
vote was passed :
" Voted : That ;;2500 . 00 be transferred from the account
of _ urchn se of Land , Stu ° x't -Marshall Realty Company , to the
School Building Committee Department . "
The chairman of tine Appropriation Committee stated that
the committee approved this appropriation .
Art . 5 . Under this article Mr . Robert I . Trask offered the
folloyfing motion :
Voted : That thy, Town accept andestablish a bu lding
line on Mass ' . chusetts 21.vonue from the northerly ten-2inus of
the present street line on the former Town Hall property now
owned by Messrs . Rubin LN: Seligman , to Meriam Street , all as
laid out by the Selectmen and shown on plan on file at the
Town Clerk ' s Office entitled , " Plan 'Mowing i ropo ed Building
Line on M.*. ss . Avenue , Lexington , from its Northerly Terminus
to Meriam Street , November 10 , 1930 , Scale 1 incl - 20 feet ,
John T . Cosgrove , Town iin.gineer , " provided that any structure
existing at the time of the establishment of said building
line shall be permittedto remain and be mai t ained in its
prof ent location , andfor the purpose of establisl ing this
building line the sum of X1500 . be appropriated , and that
said sum be transferred from the account of Purchase of Land,
Stuart-Marshall Realty Company . "
Mr . Ric}' ard S . IdcCf-be 'asked why the sum of c, 1500 . was
namedin the motion , inasmuch as he felt that if a building
line is established , rights of action will arise from the
property owners , andthat the sum it will cost the Town will
greatly exceed , ; l500 . Mr . Trr. sk explained that the Board did
not know what the sum would be but an appropriation was
required to be .nide and they decided on a nominal sum of
,; 500 . on each piece of property or •; 1500 . to take care of
the entire distance . '
Mr . George M . Ross , Chai °rman of ti- c Appropriation ,
�- om.-��ittee ,
stated that the Appropri !? tion Comn- nittee did not approve of this
appropriation .
Mr . '�`fil_ liam H . Ballard s ' rated that be felt, Lhnt the - >e
should be no fear of es tabli.s' ing a bui . ding line and he
felt that it s } orad_ be established throw ', to Meriam Street .
He stated that as a result of the establishing ' of a building
line fro-1 the Town Hall lot to . .oburn :-) trept we now have
one suit that hays not been pressed because of the fact that
the o .rnens have not dmcided as yet the amount of their damages
He felt also thr. t tv c owners of property 4::V onti -G1ecto
know whet L-,he `1'oin intends to do at a later date , and -that
eventually idle street will be widened and they can make their
^ rrangerents accordingly . He stated also that he communicated
with the Scott Tea Company and found t}1^. t they are interested
in coopers-ting; with the Town and he felt that the line should
be established so that they could go ahead and plan the
improvement of their property on a pmm nent basis . He had
not had any c om - -runic . t i o with the Hunt owners , but he felt
that the Town should adopt this motion .
Yr . James C . noher tson inquired of the Appropriation
Committee whether or not they approved the app2opth. tion of
,p55 , 000 . for the purchase of the O ' Connell property at a
previous town meeting . The Chairman explained that they did
approve this aper opr i ati on . ur . obeT; tso n stated that the
Town has for many years planned to widen Mass ; Avenue in the center
of the Town. He mentioned the wideninc-* at the Colonial Block
when the property chan2ec hands , also the wicening at t3uckman
Tavern and cal ] ed attention to the three parcels of land left
that are not uniform with the balance of Mass . Avenue . through
' he centre . He felt that eventually the Town would have tr widen
Massachurletts Avenue and that a buildincr line should be established
tl rouT to Meriam
'� T Street . Mrs . Robert '2 . Tras ' - inquired if the
appropriation Committee were unanimous in their decision , and if not
what tLe vote was . •
Yip . Ross replied tI' at the Committee wer'e not unanimous in
their decision tut he did not remember what the vote was for or
a(7ainst .
Mr . Francis Chamberlain asked to have the benefit of the
conclusions drawn by the Appronri_ ation Committee . Mr . Ross replied
that the Committee felt that a bui ; ding line should be established
over the O ' Connell property now inasmuch as there is an immediate
reason for doing so and the Committee approved the appropriation
of $500 . for this pirpose . Tney did not , however , approve an
appropriation for the building line over the Hunt property or to
Meriam Street , inasmuch as they felt that at some future date the
line may be established and it would then nct cost the Town any
more than it would at the present time , an (' that any establish -
ment of a line at the present time would immediately involve
litigation .
Mr . C . ridwarrGlynn , stated that he was in favor of the
Built inrr line but he did not believe that the line needed to be
estahli shed at the present time (only o •.'er the O ' Connell property
and he felt tha4 action should be taken thererore under Article 3 .
On motion oa ' Mr . Allen Chamberlain Article 5 was laid upon
the table .
Art . 3 . Mr . Robert P . Trask rnoued. that art/tele 3 be taken ip and
under this article offered the following motion
Voted : That the loam accept and stablish a building line
on Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly terminus of the present
street line on the former Town Hall property now owned by
Messrs . Rubin & Seligman to the property of Anstiss S . Hunt , et al ,
all as laid out by the , Selectmen and shown on plan on file in
the Town ' lerk ' s Office entitled , " Plan Showing Proposed Building
Line on a Portion of Mass . Avenue , Lexington , October 17 , 1930 ,
Scale 1 in . - 20 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer , "
provided that any structure existing at the time of the establish-
merit of the said building line shall ' be permitte : to remain and
be maintained in its present location , and for the purpose of
452 CY)
establishing this building line the sum of 3500 . 00 be
appropriated , and that this sum be transferred from the
account of Purchase of Lana , Stuart -lvlarshall Realty Company ,
Mr . Sydney R . Wrightington explained that he felt it
*was a very reasonable :hove for the Town to take up the
e stablishment of a huildi.nT line over the O ' Connell property
and definiteldetermine the line so that Mr . O ' Connell
could proceed with his buildi.n,s . Lie also felt that it
w as not necessary at this time to establish a building line
clear through to Meriam Street .
Mr . Albert H . Burnham explained that he was in favor
o f a buil. di. ng line being-. established throu:rh to Meriam
Street but he felt that at this time it would be a consider -
a. ble cost to the Town but he hoped that at least the Town
wo .tld establish a build in7 line across the O ' Connell
property .
Mr . Joseph H . Cotton state (+ that he WAS not in favor
of this proposition . He felt that the Selectmen should
have spent as much time in finding out what the damages
would be over the O ' Connell nroperty as the establishment
of a building line , inasmuch as they had spent time and
money in establishing the purchase price of the O ' Connell
property . He felt therefore that the Town should not vote
upon an unknown quantity and that, the s am of $500 could not
cover the expense of the building line . He did not believe
that it was proper to vote on something that mi /ht cost the
Town a great deal of money especially in these hard times ,
and he did not feel that the tax payers should be burdened ,
w ith the expense that might arise in passing this motion .
He felt that an approximation should be made of the costs
o f the buil± inq line before a motion was offered . He stated
that it was understoo:l that six or seven years a , to when
this oroperty was purchased and repaired that the cost of
establishing a building line woult7 probably be about
$20 , 000 . He felt that the Town has xtau this $20 , 000 with
interest r9urin .: that period and with increased taxes he did
not feel that the Town would lose any money and that in a
few years to come perhaps the Town could afford to pay
$75 , 000 more than they could $50 , 900 at the present time .
Mr . Sydney R . +tJri -ting ton explained that the rule
for establishing a building line was very simple and was
not a question of law but a question of value . he felt
that the representatives were just as much able to guess
at the value as anyone .
Mr . Richard S . McCabe stated that he atreed with
Mr . Cotton and he was opposed to establishing a building
line .
Mr . William J . Marshall was in favor of establishing
a ouil. d i ng line .
Mr . Frederic L . Fischer felt that it would e a
waste of money not to establish a building line now and
purchase an old building rather than to wait until a new
building is built .
Mr . Arthur F . Hutchinson was oppose to a building
line being established .
Mr . Llwyn G . Preston stated that he did not believe
that there were any of the Town Meeting Members present
that did not believe that Mass . Ave . would be widened
eventually . he was in favor of establishing the building
line through to : Priam Street , however , he felt that the
present building project in hand, should be allowed to
proceed in the proper manner . 'kite cited a case where
the City of Boston allowed a building to be built on
State Street and the city had to purchase a new builcaing
at a later date costing a great deal more money .
Mr . William H . Ballard called attention to the
foresight of the Town in purchasing the Buckman Tavern
property and also the purchase of the Boston & Maine
Depot Yard with the provision that the street be widened
in front of this property , and he hoped that the motion
would prevail .
A two -thirCs vote being necessary under this motion ,
a rising vote was taken , 116 voting in the affirmative and
29 against , the Moderator declared the vote passed .
Art . 4 . On motion of Mr . Robert P . Trask this article was
. indefinitely postponed .
On motion of Mr . Robert P . Trask article 5 was
taken from the table and on motion of Mr . Trask it was
voted to indefinitely postpone this article .
The meeting dissolved at 9 : 45 P . M . •
A true record , Attest :
t-J-14,6„6 . ari
G:a-� Town Clerk . (r-
Lexington, Mass .
February 3 , 1931
This is to certify that the Board of Selectmen
have this day appointed Helen C . Whittemore , Town Treasurer
of the Town of Lexington , and she has been duly sworn to
the faithful performance of her duties .
Notary Public .
Lexington , Mass .
February 6 , 1931 .
This is to certify that the Board of Selectmen
have this day appointed Helen C . Whittemore , Town Clerk
of the Town of Lexin i; ton , and she has been duly sworn to
the faithful performance of her duties .
4:Leda .a
Notary Public .
My commission expires May 27 , 1938
I .