November 14 , 1930 .
Pursuant to the Law , the Town Clerk of Arlington and
the Assistant Town Clerk of Lexington net at Arlington
this day at twelve o ' clock noon , for the purpose of
canvassing the votes on the 4th day of Nove.nber for two
represent •itives to the General Court of the Commonwealth
to represent the 28th Middlesex District . The canvassing
v, showed the result of the votes cast in Arlington and
Lexi :lg ton .
In Arlington Nelson B . Crosby had sixty-one hundred
forty (6140 ) votes .
In Lexington Nelson B . Crosby had one thousand five
hundred eighty-one ( 1581 ) votes .
In Arlington Albert H . Burnham had fifty -six hundred
thirty- seven ( 5637 ) votes .
In Lexington Albert H . Burnham had two thousand
eighty- seven (2087 ) votes .
The return showed tint Nelson B . Crosby and Albert H .
Burnham had a majority of the votes cast in both towns
and a ceL' tificate was accordingly filled out and signed by
the Clerks of both towns to be delivered to Nelson B . Crosby
of 10 Davis Avenue , Arlington, and Albert H . Burnham of
East Street , Lexington.
E . Caroline Pierce , Town Clerk of
Helen C . 1rhittecnore , Assistant
Town Clerk of Lexington .