HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-11-07-STM-MIN 428 r ,.s C TOWN MEETING NOVEMBER 7 , 1930 The meeting was called to order by the Moderator , 1 Robert H . Holt at 8 : 07 P . M . 1 On motion of. Mr . Theodore A . Custance article 2 was indefinitely postponed . Art . 10 . Under this article Mr . Howard S . 0 . Nichols offered the following motion which was passed unanimously : " Voted : That the Moderator be authorized to appoint a School Building Committee of Seven , of which three shall be the School Committee to secure architects ' plans and contractors ' bids for an addition to the Adams School Building , andto report to the Town in the annual meeting in March 1931 . " Committee . Aldinted : Jar' es St art SmiL:itbC Howard S .. 0 . Pic1ols ' Yiiam Ti . haardowarQ. i ,. xstance . Mrs . Claire re � anr Clyde ' . cteoves anrinnie A . Glp . Art . 'On motion or Mr . Theodore A . Custance , this article was laid on the table , to give the Appropriation Committee further time to consider the matter . Art . 3 . Under this article Mr . Robert P . Trask offered the following motion : " Voted : That the Town accept and establish a Building Line on Mass achu ; et is Avenue from the northerly terminus of the present street line on the former Town Hall property now owned by hies `? rs . Rubin and Seligman to the property of the Boston and Lowell Railroad. Corporation , all as laid out by the Selectmen and shown on plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office entitled, " Plan showing proposed building line on Massachusetts Avenue , Lexington, from its northerly terminus to pro 'erty of the Boston & Lowell Railroad Corporation , Sept . 4 , 1930 , Scale 1 inch - 20 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer , " p 'lovided that any structure existing at the time of the establishment of the saidbuilding line shall be permitted to remain and be maintained in its present location, and for the purpose of establishing this building line the sum of $ 10 , 000 be appropriated, and for the purpose of raising this money the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direction of and with the approval of the Selectmen bonds or notes of the Town , issued and payable in accordance with law , so that the whole loan shall be payable in not more than ten years or at such earlier dates as the Treasurer and the Selectmen may determine . " Mr . Trask then presented the building line order which he explained was adopted by the Board of Selectmen and the reading; of the order was waived . He then proceeded to presentthree stemo.) tican slides in llus trat ion . After considerable discussion a vote was taken on Mr . Trask ' s motioft forty- two voting in favor and seventy - five against . The motion requiring; a two - thirds vote of the meeting was declared lost by the Moderator . Art . 4 . motion of Mr . Edwin B . "orthen it was voted that articles 4 and 5 be taken up together . Mr. Robert P . Trask then offered the following; motion : under article 4 . " Voted : That the Town accept the relocation of Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly terminus of the present street line on the former Town Hall property now owned by Messrs . Rubin and Seligman to the property of Anstiss S . hunt , et al , as laid out by the Selectmen . 1 439 and shown on plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office entitled , " Plan showing proposed relocation of a portion of Mass . Avenue , Lexinrton , October 17 , 1030 , Scale 1 inch - 20 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Lnprineer , " and for theT Massa- . of relocating assa- chus et is Avenue the sum of : ').55 , 000 be appropriated , and for the purpose of raisi nm *this money the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction of and with the approval of the 'loam? of Selectmen , bonds or notes of the Town issued and payable in accordance with law , so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than ten years or at such earlier dates as the Treasurer and the Selectmen may determine . " A vote was takenon Mr . Trask ' s motion , sixty - one voting in the affirmative and fifty - seven in the negative . The vote req Tiring a two - thirds vote the Moderator declared the motion lost . Art . 9 . On motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance , this article was taken from the table . On motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance the following vote was passed unanimously : " Voted : That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install approximately 7350 feet of water pipe of not less than 6 " in diameter in Wood. Street , subject to the usual guaranty . tnd that the sum of $25 , 000 be appropriated for the Water Construction Account , and for the purpose of raising this money the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction of and with the approvalof Selectmen ,the Board of Selectmen bonds or notes of. the Town issued and payable in accordance with the law . " The Appropriation Committee stated that they approved of the above expenditure . Art . 7 . On motion of Mr . William P . Herbert this article was taken up . Mr . Frederick L . 1:mery , Chairman of the Planning Board , read the report of the Planning Board on this request to change the Zonin _3 Law . The report is as follows : REPOF.T OF THE PLANNING BOARD . Petition of Catherine F . Herbert for change in the Zoning By- law and Zoning Map from an R . 1 Res denti ' ii District to a C . 1 . Business Distr . ct of the corner plot of land in the apex at the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and arrett Road . A hearing was granted by the Planning Board on the 21st of July , 1930 , pursuant to a notice pu dished in the Lexington Ti -les -Minute-Man in its issue of aTuly 4Wh , 1930 , more than fourteen days prior to the date assigned to the hearing and some sixty notices sent by registered mail to residents within the area designatediky the Planning Board as affected by the proposed chnige . Five citizens appeared in response to the notices , two of whom were Mr . and Mr :; . Herbert . No need was expressed at the hearing for business at this location except the desire to install a filling station thereat , and that this was the purpose of the petiti .. n was admitted by the petitioner . The Planning Board feels that there is no need for another filling station in this locality- there already exist two filling stations at the Five Forks , eight tenths of a mile south of the point whe : e the change in zoning is requested , and another filling stats . n eight tenths of a mile to the north . The junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Marrett Road is a partscularly dangerous one , with heavy and fast traffic already moving upon Marrett Road , and with the prospects of an increasingly heavy traffic on the new 440 Massachusetts Avenue road recently completed at that point . It is thought that t c alleged need of a filling static,n at this point does not justify the danger that would arise from its location at this particular point . The Planning Board reports adversely upon this petition . hespectfully subrnitt, ed , F . L . Emery Chairman . On motion of Mr . Sydney R . Wrightington , it was vetea to indefinitely postpone this articl_ e . Art . 4 . Mr . Robert P . Trask moved that Article ^• be reconsidered . A rising vote was taken, sixty - three voting in the affirmative and forty- six in the negative , the Moderator declared the motion before the meeting for reconsideration . Cdr . 'Trask then offered the following motion : "Voted: That the Town accept the relocation of Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly terminus of the • present street line on the former Town Hall property now owned by Messrs . Rubin and Seligman to the property of Anstiss S . Hunt , et al , as laid out by the Selectmen and shown on plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office entitled , " Plan showing proposed relocation of a portion of 4ass . Avenue , Lexington, October 17 , 1930 , Scale 1 . inch - 20 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer , " and for the purpose of relocating Massachusetts Avenue the sum of * 25 , 000 be appropriated , and for the purpose of raising ;his money • the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction ofand with the ap2roval of the Board of Selectmen bonds or notes of. the Town issued and payable in accordance with law , so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than ten years or at such earlier dates as the Treasurer and the Selectmen may determine . " Mr . Arthur E . Hutchinson voted an indefinite postponemetxtof the article . His motion was declared lo:> t . Mr . Robert P . Trask then withdrew his lotion. On motion of Mr . Frederick L . Eaery , the following vote was passed ; ninety- seven voted in the affirmative and seven in the negative . • "Voted : That it is the sense of this meeting that a Building Line be established fro_:: the terminus of the present street line of the Rubin and Seltman property through to leriam Street , and that the Selectmen be instructed to take necessary steps to that end . " Art . 8 . On motion of Mr . Frederick L . Emery this article was taken up . :sir . Emery then read the report of the Planting Board which is as follows : REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD . Sid Petition of Ethel W . Bean for change in the zoning By -law aid Zoning lap from an R . 1 Residential District to a C . 1 Business District of a plot of land at the north of other land owned Oby her at No . 241 Bedford Street , as defined in said article . Pursuant to this petition a public hearing was granted by the Planning Board under date of July 21 , 1930 , following 4 !41 notice thereof published more than fourteen days earlier in the Lexington Times -Minute -Man of July 4th , 197)0 , and registered notices sent to some sixty residents living within the area designated by the Planning Board as affected by the proposed change . Fifteen citizens appeared at this hearing , of which six recorded themselves as in favor of the change and nine opposed . The property is at present used for driving practice for golf . The Planning Board is opposed to what may be called " spotty " business developments and business zones . Where there is a demand for business to such an extent as to justify a well-develo ; ) ed business zone , a change is perfectly proper and under norral conditions should be made , but vterre , as in this case , no demand was expressed for use of the property for real business purposes and no deed of business at that part ' cu1ar point was expressed , the Planning Board voted to recommel '.d that, the petition be not granted . To establish business upon this one lot would deprcc _ ate res i_ dential property values on either side . Thus adjoining properties , which would. thereafter be worth less for residential purposes , would have no offsetting increased values for business purposes because there is not yet a deA end for business in that locality . The Plan: .ing Borird reports adversely upon this petition . Respectfully submitted , F . L . Emery Chairman . motion : Under this Article Mr . Georae t . Bean offered the following " Voted : That the town amend the Lexington Zoning By- law and map by changing frim an R-1 district to a C-1 distr et the plot of land owned by Ethel W . Bean and located on the easterly side of Bedford Street , northwest of property of said name at 241 Bedford Street , said plot extending easterly two hundred ( 200 ) feet ; thence turning and running in a northerly direction three hundred ( 300 ) feet ; thence turning and running southwesterly two hundred fifty ( 250) feet to Bedford Street ; thence turning and running southeasterly along Bedford Street two hundred forty - seven (247 ) feet to the point of beginning and comprising one and three eights ( 1 )/8) acres of land 11( re or 4:ess . " A rising vote was taken on Mr . Bean ' s motion , fifty-five voting in the affirmative and twenty- seven in the negative , the Moderator declared the motion carried by a two - thirds vote . The question of a quorum was present , and the Tellers counted one hundred and . seven town meeting members present . D Art . 6 . On motion of Mr . Frederick L . Emery , article o was taken up . Under this article Mr . Emery offered the following report of the Planning Board : REPORT OF THE PLANNIr1G BOARD . Article o provides for consideration of change in the Zoning By - law and zoning map from an R . 1 Residential District to a C . 1 Business District of all or any of the remaining corner propertLes at the junction of Bedford Street , Nrertr! Hancock Street and Valley Road that still remain as Residentin& 1 District . This article developed initially from the petition of Harriette W . Smith , owner of the north -west corner property 442 1 a cD ce) at the junction of Bedford Street and Valley Road , approximately opposite North Hancock Street , and opposite the business block known as Crescent Manor . Pursuant to the Smith petition and following fourteen days published notice given in the Lexington Tines - Minute -'Man, issue of July 4th , 1930 , and to some sixty notices forwarded by mil to resident citizens within an area designated by the Planning Board as affected by the pro osition to make the change petitic' ned for , the Planning Board held a hearing under date of July 21 , 1930 . Five citizens recorded themselves as apuearing at and for th s hearing . No i1:a fedi ate demand for further general business in th L s locality was expressed at the hearing . The Crescent Manor buiding nearly opposite has contained two vacant stores for some time past , both of which wou �_.d probably have been availed of had there been any real demand for business at that point . It was said that the stores were small , but they could undoubtedly be enlarged more cheaply and satisfactorily than new stores could be built . It was stated by Ir . Smith that he had had an offer for business but did not know what kind of business it was to be used for ; fro'n another source it was learned that the probable intention was to establish thereon another filling station . There having been evidenced rio demand for business thereat of a general nature , is there any demand for a filling station at that point? There are two filling stations a little less than a mile to the sou-Eh , on Bedford Street , to be exact , nine tenths of a mile, and there is another filling stati : n seven tenths of a mile to the north . It is felt that there is no real need for another filling station at the point under consideration . The estab + ishent of any filling station tends to slow UP traffic and increase the danger , due to automobiles swinging111 out from the traffic lines to the filling stati .. in and again swinging to join the traffic lines . Of the four corner properties at the junction of Bedford Street , North Hancock Street and Valley Road , one corner is already occupied for business - the Crescent ;Aanor , which existed at the time of the adoption of our first Zoning By-law . Accordingly , in the original Zoning By - Taw a business zone was created at that point , extending two hundred feet northerly along Bedford Street from its junction with North Hancock Street , and two hundred fifty feet easterly along the northerly side of. North Hancock Street . Mr . E . W . Ormond ' s grocery store is located within this area , on the northerly side of North Hancock Street . It was then felt that this aggregate frontage of four hundred fifty feet furnished opportunity for all the business that would be required in that locality for many years to come . If this status is to be changed and if thet' e is need for bringinu in any of the additional corner properties , the Planning Board , in considering the subject , felt tint all of the remaining corners should be brought in . It would be unjust to change the status of any of the additional corners w thout changing all of them . The reason for this is obvious - the creation of any addition to the business zone at the opposite side of Bedford Street at this point will naturally depreciate values of residential property adjoining , consequently all should be treated alike and all have the opportunity to enter the business zone if any have that opportunity , provided always that there Ls demand for the change . To throw properties into a business zone without a demand therefor means that the " e would be no use of such pro2erties for business , consequently no increase in values arising from business uses to offset the depreciated values of those properties for residential 443 purposes . Accordingly , another hearing was granted under dat €: of October 20th , pursuant to notice published in the Lexington Times -Minute -Man of October 3rd , and to some sixty additional notices sent by registered mail to property owners within the area designated by the Plan ing Board as prospectively affected by the further change , this last notice being upon the proposition to bring all the corner propert es into a business zone . jill Three citizens _il peared at this hearing and one property owner who lived in Lowell . Two of these opposed the proposed chanr; e and two , including the non- resident property owner , favc�.red it . No need of an additional business zone in this locality to accommodate general business was expressed by those appearing . Mr . Tholaas Kelly stated that he had had an opportunity to sell a plot of land on the easterly side of Bedford Street between his house and the railroad crossing for business and , when pressed for a statement as to the nature of the business said it was for a tea room . There are on the westerly side of Bedford. Street between the coal yard property and Valley Road several excellent residences ; on the easterly side there are two . The values of these as residential ) roper -Les would surely be depreciated if they we _ . e thrown into an addition to the business zone because of the likelihood of change of any one of thea froa a residential use to a business one . The e being no real demandfor business at that locality , we sound exect no change to a bus ' ness status that wouLd bring added values to the Town to offset the depreciated residential values . The Planning Board is opLlosed to any additions to 111 the business zones in the town until there Is a real demand therefor . If any considerable areas are thrown into business before such a need develops , nothing but a segre- g .atJad and sporadic development ( thin such business zones may be expected , and that kind of a development br : ngs no real values into The town from business and it kills the neighborhood for residenti : l purposes . In nearly every instance , however , where these £Jetitions for changes develop , it is found that in the background is the desire of some one . of the oil companies to acquire a site for a filling station, not so much for its im ;ediate value and profit as for what is conce ; ved to be of future value as the town develops . The Planning Board is not in sympathy with this sort of business . If t lei' e are already filling stations enough in our town - and we believe that this is substantially the fact , the Planning Board does not favor opening up additio al locations for filling stations alone in advance of the time when, if ever , they will be needed . If the zoning is once changed to admit any of these propertLes to business , they can at any time be changed from filling station uses to general uses . But these is already sufficient business area at the junction of Bedford Street and North hancock Street to accommodate all necessary business for many years to coact' , r and to permit additional areas on the opposite side of the street or in that locality to be opened to present or prospective business would be to injure the Town and its property va '. ues more than it could possibly benefit . It is ,stated that the presen3e of the coal yard destroys the value of any property fur resider_ti 'tl uses in that general locadty . The coal yard has been there for many years and many of the houses in that locality have been built since the coal yard was there established , wh ' ch would seem to disprove this point . 1 I I 44141 fl • C C) The boundary of the coal yard is located approximately .4 six hundred feet away from Valley Road and two hundred feet from the garage of the nearest residential property . It does not seem to the Plan ' ing Board that the presence of the coal yard justifies the change petitioned for . If and when the need develops to enlarge the butiness zone at the point under consideration, the Planning Board feels that all the remaining corner properties should be included in such a change , thereby to create a real and substant i_ a L business zone ; but until that time arrives and until the pres ?nt business zone now existing at that point has been more fully availed of , the Planning Board feels that it would be to the detriment of the Town to rake the change petitioned for . The Planning Board reports unanimously against the change petitioned for . Respectfully submitted , F . L . Emery Chainan. On motion of Mr . Sydney R . Wrighti. ngton, it was voted to indefinitely post o 'ie th :_ s article . On motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance the meeting adjourned at 10 : 45 P . 1 . A true record , Attest : 6%.-Lr/ Town Clerk . • • • 3 4 . . I •