HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-10-15-STM-MIN 426 in F�y ES TOWN MEETING , OCTOBER 15 , 1930 . The meeting was called to order by Moderator Robert H . Holt at 8 : 15 o ' clock P . M . The To•m Clerk proceeded to read the Vtarrant , but upon vote of the meeting the reading of the Warrant was waived . Return of the Constable thereon was then read . Art . 1 . Under this articLe on motion of Mr . Albert H . Burnham , Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, the following vote was passed : Voted: That a Committee of nine be appointed by the Moderator to consider and recommend to the Town plans of development and locaticin of an arboretum in the Town of Lexington . Art . 1 . On motion of Sydney R . Vvrightington the following vote was passed unanimously : Voted : That a comaittee of five be appointed by the Moderator to consider and report to the town meeting whether or ncit it is desirable that the representative town meeting or its members make recommendations to the voters of the town as to candidates for town offices or for members of this representative town meeting , and if desirable what nethods may be adopted for that purpose . Art . 2 . On motion of Robert P . Trask the following vote was passed unanimously : Voted : That the following sums be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to the following accounts : Street Signs $400 . 00 Public Works Dept . 4800 . 00 Sidewalks 1200 . 00 $6400 . 00 The appropriation Committee approved of the appropriations . Art . 7 . Under this article on motion of Albert H . Burnham the following vote was passed : Voted : That the Selectmen be authorized to install street lights on Fuller Road . ' Art . 8 . Under this article on motion of Theodore A . Custance the following vote was passed unanimously : Voted : That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install water mains in the town and that the sum of $50 , 000 be appropriated for the Water Construction Account , $22 , 000 of said appropriation to be used to construct a water main in Lowell Street , and for the purpose of raising said sum of $50 , 000 the Town Treasurer be and hercby• is authorized to sell under the direction of and with the approval of the Board of Selectmen bonds or notes of the Town bearing intrrest at a rate not to exceed 5% per annum issued ani payable in accordance with the law . Art . 9 . Under this article the following votes were passed unanimously on the motion of Theodore A . Custance : Voted : That the Selectmen be authorized to construct a sewer in Massachusetts Avenue from Fottler Avenue to Bowker Street a distance of approximately 520 feet . Voted : That the Selectmen be authorized to construct a sew r in Bowker Street from Massachusetts Avenue easterly , a distance of approximately 230 feet . 427 Voted : That the Seleetpen be authorized to construct a sewer in Hillcrest Avenue from Fottler Avenue to The ,• esa Avenue , a distance of approximately 125 feet . Voted : That the Select :fieri be author zed to construct a sewer in Theresa Avenue from Cliffe Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue , a distance of approximately 310 feet . Art . 10 . On motion of Dr . Clarence Shannon the following vote was passed : • Voted : Shat the Selectmen be authorized to demolish the bui '-dings on the Town Farm property located on Cedar Street . Art . 11 . Under this article on motion of Dr . Clarence Shannon the following motion was pas :: ed : Voted : That the Selectmen be authorized to demolish the brick building known as the Pumping Station located on Lincoln Street . Art . 6 . On motion of Robert P . Trask t: -_e following vote was passed unanimously : Voted : That the sum of $2532 . 42 be transferred from the Overlay Reserve Fund to the Public Yorks Department Account . Arts . 3 , 4 , & 5 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it w-as voted thA. t-. articles 3 , 4 , and 5 be taken up together . Under this article - fir . Theodore A. Custance offered the following motion : Voted : That the Town Meeting recommend to the Select aen that they :Make a new r -'location of lassa - chusetts Avenue from th =_ northerly terminus of the present street line on the for :ier Town Hall property , now or lately owned by Messrs . Rubin & Seligman across the property of Daniel J . O ' Connell but not across the property of the Hunt heirs , and that they award $55 , nfo as damages if he will accept the sum in full settle -lent of all claims arising out of the relocation . • After many questions and considerable discussion, a rising vote was taken with the following results : Affirmative 49 Negative 50 After further discussiJnon these antic : es , i',4r . Robe ,t P . Trask moved that action under these articles be reconsidered . Ir . John H . Devine offered the following amend 'lent to Jr . Trask ' s motion : That the Town vote to establish a building line on Massachuset ' s Avenue from the northerly terminus of the present street line on the former Town Hall property now owned by Aessr : . Rubin and Seligman to the property of the Boston & Lowell Railroad Corporation, all as laid out by the Selectmen and shown on plan on fi ' e in the Town Clerk ' s Office entitled , " Plan showing pro )osed building line on Massachusetts Avenue , Lexington, from its northerly terminus to property of Boston & Lowell Railroad Corporation, Septe :fiber 4 , 1930 , Scale 1 inch - 20 feet , John T . Cosgrove , Town Engineer , " and appropriate therefore the sum of five thousand dollars ( $5 , 000 ) by the issue of bonds or notes to bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per centum per annum . " 4 2 8 C cn After considerab 1_e discussion on this amendment , qnd no action taken , a motion for adjournment was passed . The meeting adjourned at 10 : 57 P . A . A true record , Attest : <414L4, 6,jA±Pda-4-Artvti 6.14Z Town Clerk .