HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-04-15-ATM-MIN 290 Arvid CD ADJOURNED TOWN IiELTIN G APRIL 15, 1929 . The adjourned town meeting was called to order at 7 : 37 P . M . by Mod _gator Robert H . Holt . Art . 23 . On motion of Mr . Theodore ke Custance Article 23 was taken up . Under this article ter . Edward Wood of the Cemetery Commissioners offered a motion "that $1 , 000 . be appropriated and assessed to construct a fence around Colonial Cemetery . " Upon investigation the Moderator found that the Appropriation Committee had not passed upon this appro- priation . He therefor ruled that no vote involving this expenditure of money could be acted upon until the Appropriation Committee have passed upon it . Mr . Edward Wood then withdrew his motion . Art . 12 . Under this article on motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance the following was passed unanimously at 7 : 50 P . M . "Voted That the sum of $13 , 000 . be appropriated and assessed to construct Walth? m Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Marrett Road , the work to be done in conjunction with the State and County, and further voted that any unexpended balance after completion of this construction be used for other Highway construction . " Art . 11 . Under this article on motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance the following vote was passed unanimously at 7 : 53 P . M . "Voted That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to install water mains , not less than 6 " in size , in the following streets , subject to the usual guarantee : Watson Road , Robbins Road , Shade Street , Cary Avenue , Ivan Street , and Eldred Street ; and for the pur- pose of constructing these mains , the sum of $30 , 000 . • be appropriated for Water Construction Account , and that for this purpose , the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction of and with the approval of the Board of Selectmen , bonds or notes of the Town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 5% per annum, issued and payable in accordance with the law . " Art . 11 . Under this article Mr . Theodore A . Custance offered the following motion which was passed by a rising vote of the meeting , 150 in the affirmative and 1 in the negative, the vote being passed at 8 P . M . " Voted That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to carry out a part of the program recommended by Metcalf & Eddy , Engineers , insofar as it relates to the extension of water mains in the Town and that for this Curpose the sum of $50 , 000 . be appropriated for Water onstruction Account and that the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authori&ed to sell , under the direction of and with the aoproval of the Board of Selectmen , bonds or notes of the Town bearing interest at a rate not tb * 'exceed 5% 'per annum issued and payable in accordance with the law . " 291 Art . 13 . On motion of Mr . Theo:4ore A . Custance it was unanimously " Voted That the sum of 07 , 000 . be appropriated and assessed to complete the construction of Massachusetts Avenue from Waltham Street to Bedford Street , and Bedford Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Elm Avenue , the work to be done in conjunction with the State and County , and further voted that any unexpended balance after completion of this construction be used for other Highway construction . " Art . 14 . On motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously A "Voted That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to enter into a contract with the Massachusetts Department of Public Works , Division of Highways , for the construction of any state highway which may be laid out or constructed in the town during the present year . " Art . 15 . On motion of Mr . Theodore A . Custrnce it was • unanimously "Voted That the Town will indemnify the Commonwealth of Massachusetts against any and all claims for land , grade and drainage damages which may be caused by or result from the laying out , alteration , construction , or reconstruction of State highway or section of State highway in Lexington , and that the Selectmen , be authorized to sign an indemnity agree- ment therefor in behalf of the Torn indemnifying the Commonwealth as aforesaid . " Art . 3 . On motion of Mr . Albert H . Burnham , Chairman of the Selectmen, it was voted to elect Edwrd C . Maguire and John C . Russell as Field Drivers . { Art . 4 . On motion of Mr . Albert H . Burnham it was voted to take Article 4 from the table . On motion of Mr . Burnham it was "Voted That the sum of $7 , 000 . be appropriated and assessed for the removal of snow . " Art . 4 . On motion of Mr . Albert H . Burnham it was "Voted That the sum of $559 . be ap ropria.ttd and assessed to cover the cost of advertising the zoning by- lams in the Lexington Times -Minute Man , and printing the same in pamphlet form . " Art . Under this article Dr . Clarence Shannon , Chairman of the Committee on Swimming Pool , offered the following report which was accepted by vote of the meeting . At the annual Town Meeting held in March 1928 the following motion was passed : Voted that a committee of five be appointed by the moderator to investigate the advisability of constructing a swimming pool on the Lexington Playground or to develop the Lexington Reservoir property on Middle Street . , for swimming purposes and that the sum of 000 be appropriated and assessed for this investigation and expenses of the Committee , and that this committee confer with the Planning Board and work in con- junction with the engineers of the Town . 2 9 2 p Cad During the summer the Committee as a whole and as individuals spent considerable time looking over the possibilities available and had the Reservoir on Middle Street drained so as to determine the topography and the amount of water available . The Reservoir was left dry all summer so that the Committee had the opportunity to note the flow of water under varying conditions . It was found that during the dry season the water supply diminished to E mere trickle and that there was no flow from the wells in the bottom of the Reservoir at any time . In view of this fact it would take several weeks to change the water in the Pond and so the Committee was obliged to give up the idea of developing the Reservoir in any way to encourage the increased use for bathing purposes . The Committee then took up the proposition of build- ing a pool on the Lexington Playground . There is available here a large amount of water from the old wells which formerly constituted the Town water supply and the Com- mittee made its study with a view of using this supply to cut the cost of water for the pool . Messrs . Metcalf & Eddy reported that we could have available 50, 000 gals . per day and that the flog,: would probably have to be throttled down somewhat . An analysis of the quality of the water was made by the State Board of Health , and their report was that the water was of " suitable wluality for public bathing . " The reports of the State Department of Public Health and of Messrs Metcalf & Eddy are appended and constitute a part of this report . In view of the above information the Committee would report as follows : That any idea of developing the old Reservoir for swimming purposes be abandoned as unsafe from a health point of view and that the Town proceed at once to build a swimming pool on the Lexington Playground so the t such pool may be available for use during the coming season . Clarence ►Shannon Robert P . Trask W . E . Mulliken Donald Wilson . THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Dept . of Public Health State House , Boston . March 1Z , 1929 . To the Board of Selectmen Lexington , Massachusetts . Gentlemen : - The Department of Public Health received from you on February 21 , 1929 , the following application for advice relative to the quality of water to be used in a proposed swimming pool . " Confirming telephone converaation with you this date I hereby make application for advice relative to the quality of the water in v. ells near the pumping station off Lincoln Street to be used for a swimming pool for bathing purposes . The Town is considering building a swimming pool and before this is done , they would like to know Thether the rrter : s f t i to be usel . " 293 It is understood that the water to be used for the supply of the proposed swimming pool is to be obtained from the old water works of the town of Lexington , particularly from the receiving basin , so called , located a short distance south of the pumping station and from Tell #1 located near the pumping station . In response to your request , the Department has caused the locality to be examined by one of its engineers and has considered the information presented . The results of analysis of samples of water from the old receiving basin and from well # 1 near the pumping station show that the water of each of these sources is under present , conditions of suitable quality for public bathing . the water is a ground water , however , in which microscopic organisms are likely to grow when the water is exposed to the light for any considerable period . In order to main- tain the pool in a proper sanitary condition it is important that considerable quantities of water be dis - charged through the pool at all times when it is in use and that it be emptied and thoroughly cleaned from time to time . The temperature of the water from the well and the receiving basin is likely to be much lower in summer than the water of ponds and reservoirs and may on that account be objectionable for bathing . If the water should be found objectionable for that purpose it is possible that water can be taken from the old reservoir located near Marrett Road which would be likely to be more satisfactory . Respectfully, George H . Bigelow, M . D . Commissioner of Public Health . Report to Dr . Clarence Shannon Chairman , Swimming Pool Committee Lexington , 4a. ssachusetts . upon tater Supply for Swimming Pool in Town Playground . Metcalf & Eddy engineers Boston, Massachusetts . February 28, 1929 . Dr . Clarence Shannon Chairman , Swimming Pool Committee Lexington , Mass . Dear Dr . Shannon : In accordance with your request , we have investigated the sufficiency of the water supply from the old wells and pipes of the Lexington Water Works ( used before the Met - ropolitan supply was obtained) for feeding a swimming pool to be located in the town playground . Quantity of Water Required . We are informed by Mr . Garrity, foreman of the playground , that it is planned to provide two pools , one for swimming , the other for wading ; and that he thinks it probable that during the week of maximum use there may be as many as 120 bathers and 80 waders per day . • The �_ cce)ted st :nd -, rd for cjuantity of clean water to be )r• ovidea in . swimming pool i minimum of i , 300 gc ilons for each 20 perEons u:ling the wool . thus , if 110 bathers used 294 Ct cD the pool in a day , there should be 6 , 000 gal . of clean water supplied during this time and in order that the provision of clean water should be made when needed , it should be turned into the pool during the hours of use , presumably not over a 10-hr . period in the day . In other words , the rate of supply during 10 hr . might be about 14 , 400 gal . per Thg61 hr . With regard to the (_ivantity required for a wading pool there does riot appear to be any accepted standard . We assume that 1 , 000 gal . of clean water for each 40 users would be adequate , which would mean a minimum demand of 2 , 000 g . p . d . ( Gallons per day) during the hours of use , or a possible rate of 4 , 800 g . p . d . The total demand rate for both pools might , therefore , be about 19, 200 gal . or say 20 , 000 g . p . d . Avaiiable Water Supply . The obvious source for water supply is the so-called collecting well near the old pumping station off Lincoln Street which is fed by a pipe from a spring some distance away . Ihie collecting well is said to be tight and is approximately 48 ft . in diameter and probably 8 ft . or more in depth . Water overflows from it into the upturned end of a 4-in . cast iron pipe . The approximate rate of overflow as observed today is equivalent to about 51000 gal . in 24 hr . arid Mr . Garrity states that judging by appearances , the rate remains nearly constant at all seasons of the year . It appears , therefore , that a sufficient supply of water is available at the collecting well for the needs of the swimming and wading pools , even if the water were allowed to flow through the pools continuously at the normal rate of overflow from the collecting basin . A considerably larger available supply could probably be obtained by regulating a valve so as to shut off much of the flow during the night hours . It would be possible by drawing down the water in the collecting basin to utilize the entire ? 5 , 030 gal . in a period of 10 or 12 hr . , or at a rate approximating 50 , 000 g . p . d . Supply Pipe . There is now in the ground an old 8-in . cast iron pipe extending from x ell No . 1 in the rear of the pumping station to a point in the playground near the site of the proposed swimming pool , a distance of about 1300 ft . There is also a 4-in . pipe extending from the collecting basin to well No . 1 . It would be a simple matter to lay a short piece of pipe connecting these two pipes near well No . 1 , so that water could be drawn through them from the collecting basin without entering well No . 1 . The elevation of the overflow in the collecting basin is 216 . 8 . The elevation of the ground surface in the play- ground is about 214 and the elevation of the cater in the swimming pool would naturally be about 213 . There is , therefore , a difference in elevation of about 3 . 8 ft . to cause flow from the collecting basin to the swimming pool . For a rate of flow of 20 , 000 g . p . d . , the velocity in the 8- in . pipe would be about 0 . 1 ft . per second and the loss of head due to friction would be hardly measurable . It would , therefor , be necessary to throttle a valve on the pipe to maintain water in the collecting basin at its normal elevation , otherwise it would be drawn down to substantially the elevation of the water in the swimming pool and the overflow running to waste would be from the swimming pool rather than the collecting basin . 295 5 `he approximate elevation of water in the brook near the proposed swimming pool is about 209 or about 4 ft . below the probable water surface in the swimming pool . Obviously , this is not enough to allow emptying the pool into the brook but is ample to take the ordinLry overfloy or even to draw off 2 or 3 ft . of water from the surface of the pool . Respectfully submitted , METCALF & EDDY by Charles Sherman , Art . <.6 . Dr . Clarence Shannon offered the following motion under this article : " Voted Th:: t the sum of $13 , 503 . be appropriated and assessed for the construction of a swimming pool on the Lexington Playground , The pool to be constructed under the direction of the Selectmen . " This report and motion led to numerous questions which were answered satisfactorily by Dr . Shannon . Mr . Charles H . Spaulding moved indefinite post- ponement of th , motion explaining that the swimming pool was desirable but a luxury that the town could not afford . Mr . Spaulding ' s motionfbr indefinite postponement yes lost , and Lr . Lh nnon1 s motion Was carried at 8 : 45 P . M . Art . 28 . On motion of Mr . William H . Ballard Article P8 was taken from the table . ter . Ballard offered the following motion which was passed by vote of the meeting at 9 : 15 P . M . : "Voted That the Board of Selectmen be and they hereby are ruthorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Stuart -Marshall Realty Company a six months option to purchase the Center engine house property belonging to th ._ Town and located on Mariam Street , for *10 , 000 , subject to the right of the Town to hire the same by written lease satisfactory in form to the Selectmen at a rental of x800 a year for a term of two years subject to right of the Town to cancel the said lease on six months ' notice in writing . " t,rt . ;29 . Under this article Mr . Theodore A. Cust znce offered the following motion : " Voted That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to secure proposals for the sale to the Town of a site or sites that may be required , and to secure architects ' plans and contractors, bids for two new fire stations in accordance with the recommendations of the committee to Investigate the Fire and Water Departments , and that the sum of ip`.- , 030 . be appropriated and assessed for this purpose . " Dr . James J . Walsh moved an amendment that " to this committee be added the Chief of the k'ire Department and one member of the Appropriation Committee to be chosen . by the Selectmen . " The amendment offered by Dr . ralsh was carried . 296 CD Mr . Cus tance ' : motion amended by Dr . Wc1sh ' s amendment was carried by vote of the meeting at 9 : 05 P . M . , and reP.ds as follows : " Voted 'Th , t the Board of ` electuien , Chief of the Fire Department , and one member of the 1npropri : tion Committee to be cho:yen by the Selectmen be authorized to secure proposal::: for the rale to the Town of P site or site: that may be r _: ( uired , and to secure architectS1 plans and contractors ' bids for t w o new fire statiors in accordance r: ith recommendations of the Committee to investigate the Fire ; incl Matter Department : , Lnd that the sum of QP , 000 . be appropriated and assessed for this purpose . " On motion of iir . Theodore A . Cust ace the me :Dting dissolved at 9 : 07 P . 11 . h true record , Attest : 941fri Iowa Clerk . iv