HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-03-26-ATM-MIN 167 ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING MARCH 26 , 1928 . The meeting was called to order by Moderator Robert H . Holt at 7 : 35 P . M . Art . 3 . 0n motion of Albert H . Burnham , Chairman of the Board • of Selectmen it was , " Voted that Edward C . Maguire and John C . xussell be elected as Field Drivers for the ensuing year . " Art . 4 . Under this article on motion of Theodore A . Uustance , it was unanimously , " Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to com- promise for $3910 . 00 , the petition for damages arising out of the widening of Waltham Street brought by Harry M . Aldrich , V and that $3910 . 00 be appropriated and assessed for that purpose ' Art . 4 . Under this article on motion of Iheodore A . Custance , it was unanimously , " Voted that the following amount be appropriated and assessed for the current year for Medford street Damages , $435 . 00" Art . 16 . Under this article on motion of Albert H . Burnham , it was unanimously , " Voted that the report of progress of the board of Selectmen relative to purchase of land to be used for a Public Works Depart - ment and as a site for the new building to house the Fire Depart - ment be accepted and placed on file , and that the Selectmen , be given further time to report their recommendations . " The above report was made verbally by the Chairman. Art . 17 . Under this article on motion of Theodore A . Custance it was : " Voted that the board of Selectmen be authorized to petition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit of the 1928 accounts . " Art . 20 . Under this article the motion of Theodore A Custance *kirdiscussed : The motion read as follows ; L " Voted that the Board of Selectmen be instructed to petition the County Uommissioners to lay out to a width of sixty 't60 ) feet and to relocate and order specific repairs on Waltham Street from its junction with Massachusetts Avenue to Middle Street . " On motion of Walter S . Beatty it was voted to indefinitely postponed the article . Art . 21 . On motion of Albert H . Burnham it was voted that this article be indefinitely postponed . Art . 25 . On motion of Albert H . Burnham it was voted that this article be indefinitely postponed . Art . 27 . Under this article Clyde E . Steeves offered the following motion , " That the Town vote to change the name of the Section of Middle , Marrett and School Streetsknd Massachusetts Avenue dommonl known as the State Roach - to be hereafter named " Mo*hawk Trail " . y 168 0 cD cals tC Mr . Albert H . Burnham moved an amendment that Massachusetts Avenue be eliminated from the motion before the house . Mr . thurnham ' s motion was passed . Mr . James A . Peirce then presented a substitute motion as follows : "Voted that names of the sections of the following streets : Middle Street from Massachusetts Avenue to School Street , School Street from Middle Street to Marrett Street , Marrett Street from School Street to Massachusetts Avenue , Marrett Street to Lincoln line , be changed to Marrett Road . " Mr . Peirce ' s motion was then passed by the meeting . Art . 29 . Under this article Albert H . Burnham offered the following motion : Voted that a Uommittee of three be appointed by the Moderator to investigate the advisability of constructing a swimming pool on the Lexington Playground or to develop the Lexington Reservoir property on Middle Street for swimming pur - poses , and that the sum of $500 be appropriated and assessed for this investigation and expenses of the Committee . Dr . Clarence Shannon offered the following amendment . " That the committee be five in number and that one of these be a member of the board of Selectmen . " Dr . Shannon ' s amendment was passed by vote of the meeting . Frederick L . Emery then moved an amendment " Thai this committee confer with the Planning board and that the $ 500 be expended in conjunction with the engineers employed by the town . " Mr . Emery ' s amendment was declared lost but several doubted the vote and a rising vote was taken . 63 voted in the affirmative and 45 in the negative , and Mr . Emery ' s motion was declared carried . The original motion as amended was then put before the house and passed by a rising vote of 90 in the affirmative and 13 in the negative . The original motion as amended reads as follows ; " Voted that a Committee of five , one to be ' a member of the Board of Selectmen , be appointed by the Moderator to investigate the advisability of constructing a swimming pool on the Lexington Playground or to develop, the Lexington xeserveir property on Middle Street for swimming purposes , and that the sum of 500 . 00 be appropriated and assessed for this investigation and expenses of the committee , and that this committee confer with the Planning Board and that the $ 500 . 00 be expended in conjunction with the engineers employed by the Town . " Committee appointed : Dr . Clarence Shannon , Robert P . Trask , William H . Ballard , William E . Mulliken and Donald Wilson . Art . 31 . Under this article on motion of Ezra F . breed it was "Voted : That a committee of five be appointed by the Moderator to confer with the memorial committee of the Lexington Minute -Man , Incorporated , with reference to their offer to erect on Hastings Park a memorial dedicated to the Lexington Minute -Men of 1775 , whose courage and sacrifices for Justice and Freedom brought forth a new nation , and that said committee report at a sub- sequent town meeting . " Committee . appointed : Edward C . Stone , Arthur N . Maddison , Waldo F , Glidden , Willard C . Hill and W . Roger Greeley . Art . 2 . Under this article the report of the Committee on Rousing the Fire Alarm system was read as follows ' March 26 , 1928 . Under Article #2 the Committee appointed by the moderator on Removing and Housing of the Fire Whistle Apparatus begs to offer the following report : We recommend that the apparatus now housed in the Town 169 Hall for the purpose of sounding fire alarms on the whistle be removed at an early date and placed temporarily in a portion of the sheds now located at the rear of the Town Hall . We recommend that the Board of Selectmen enter into agreement with Rubin & bbligman , owners of the Town Hall Property , to the effect that this whistle apparatus may be located in a portion of these sheds for a term of two years . Edward W . Taylor , U . F . Parsons . Tr . Theodore A . Uustance then submitted the following motion : Art . 2 . Voted that the final report of the committee on housing the fire alarm system be accepted , and that the Fire Engineers be instructed to remove the fire alarm system from the present Town Hall Building and relocate it subject to the approval of the Selectmen . Mr . George E . Briggs offered a substitute motion that the report of the committee on removing and housing the Fire Whistle apparatus be accepted and that the matter be referred to the investigating committee to be appointed under vote passed under Article 4 of the Town Meeting , . March 12 , 1928 . After explanation of the necessity for immediate action on this matter , Mr . Briggs agreed to withdraw his motion . The motion as offered by Mr . Custance was then passed by vote of the meeting . Art . 2 . Under this article on motion of Roland E . Uarmon , it was Voted , "Whereas at the present time there is valuable and interesting material pertaining to the patriotic services of our citizens scattered at large throughout the town in the hands of citizens and organizations . And whereas it would be more in keeping to have it collected in a central headquarters in the custody of proper officials , indexed , labelled , and catalogued , be it voted : That a committee of five be appointed by the moderator for the purpose of investigating , discovering , securing and if possible collecting any and all interesting relics or documents pertaining to the services or activities of any of the citizens of Lexington or of the organizations of the town rendered during any or all periods that theaauntr',vas at war and to report back to the town the result of its survey with recommendations as to the future safe keeping of such historical data to the end that it may be safely kept for and accessible to posterity . " Committee appointed : Edwin B . Worthen , Luna U . Nichols , Bertha I . Hutchinson , Dr . Fred S . Piper , Roland E . Garmon . The meeting dissolved at 9 : 40 P . M . A true record , Attest : frg-1---v g 10291ila-n-Ce Town "lerk .